W FARM SHOW OPEN HOUSE Sale Now Through Jan. 29, 1977 Buy Now and Save on all your Spring Needs S 3 NJ» rg si Traveler lithium Grease 1(1" illi 80501 Res. 12.59 Excellent all purpose grease 1-0501 • CMnto. 8-0500 Reg. 45c Now 39* Case of £0 - 21.99 HYDRAULIC JACKS Reg. Sale 5 ton 23.49 19.99 8 ton 28.49 24.99 12 ton 33.99 28.99 11/?I 1 /? ton Service Jack 139.99 Top Quality Rock Shares long lived shores ore 100% guar anteed against breakage. Perfect fitting shares are available for all plows listed below STK.NO. 10-1412 10-1416 10-1422 10-1432 10-1436 10-1442 10-1446 10-1451 10-1456 10-1460 Replacement i|76 Shins tow as *W STK.NO. MOIDSOARD SHINS PRICE 10-1640 Omn 14" thin HS3I4 4.76 10-1641 Door* 14" shin HS3I6 4.« S 10-1644 CHivor Wide OSH 7490 4.76 10-1647 Ford 14"-16" lot* modol 4.76 10-1650 IHCI4". 16" H 522 4.»5 Sentinel Security Vapor Light Reg. 39.99 “23“ Runs on household current Outlasts most others l 32-0671 JVir Plugs • Regular Plugs M 69V Wide selection for cars, tractors, trucks Resistor Plugs 84‘ N- i-7t54.i0n $512 RTS Com 14" 4 Rock Share Com 16" 4 Reck Share ford 14" 4 Reck Share Deere 14" 4 Reck Share Deere 16" 4 hek Share IHC 14" 4 Reck Share IHC 16" 4 Reck Share MM 4" 4 Rack Share OTiver 14" 4 Reck Share Oliver 16" 4 Rock Share SWTE POLICE HEAOQLMRTERS ISC V □—lwi Lj NOW ONLY 5.39; 5.93 5.12 5.12 5.39 5.12 5.38 5.12 5.12 5.48 TRACTOR SUPPLY CO. US 30 Dependable Rugged Hog Waterer 9" Reg. 12.99 Float less type, with pres sure valve, brass strainer 21-6971 H*«rvy Duty 3 H.P. Centrifugal Pump Cast iron pump with 25' Reg. 159.99 suction lift, built in check M QA valve, stainless steel shaft I 77 sleeve and seal O-nng m gaskets.2l-1149 21-0793- 1 Vi"x2o' Suction Hose 26.99 - 2 ?-0794 ]Wx2s' Discharge Hose 13.99 21-0792— 1 Vi" Strainer 5 99 Portable Air Tanks 8 \ Reg. 26.99 nSA| I Now 19.99 12 Gal. 29.99 AIR COMPRESSOR SALE 'h H.P. | AQ JJ Reg. 139.99 129. V* H.P. * $3 Reg. 169.99 144. 1 H.P. MAJ) Reg. 259.99 ZI9. Reg. 319.99 269. Save on All Air Compressor Units Save on Landslides Moldboards and Disc Blades Also on Sale 2217 LINCOLN HWY E LANCASTER, PA 17602 PHONE 717-393-3149 l|jU fnll Seamless 3Vi Gal. Utility Pan 991 1 19 28 gauge galvanized sheet steel with wired top 16"x4" 21-7134. Pump 8 Roller Reg. 54.99 Now. 6 Roller Reg. 34.99 Now 20 99 • WHh Cast Iron Com • Pressure Rony# to 400 lbs • Copocity 7GPM at 400 PSI • Hindi Shaft • Coupler FbrIH"PTO 21-11$3. Baler Twine 9000’ 10* 100 or more at 10.49 Terramycin Crumbles now O 49 Om 50 Ib. Bag 339.59 per ton Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Jan. 22.1977—: ■ 3 Pt. Mounted Post Hole Digger 9" Reg. 239.99 Now 210 99 12” Reg. 259.99 Now 2 29 99 Complete with 9" auger, shielded PTO shaft 21-1892. TSC Low Price 8 Ton Wagon Gear 6 ton Reg. 259.99 8 31 ??1 99 239." 249.” Steel Wheel Available Features • 15 x 6 wheels • heavy duty axles • adjustable bolster stakes •72 wheel center tread 21-2305 • 10-len waged gear-21-2411 Only 364.99 PRE-SEASON PRICES ON OUR FIELD SPRAYERS 429.% 200 Gal. Roar Mtunl Field Sprayer 110 Gal. 3 pt. Rear Mount 379“ with Roller kit Less pump and bres 8:30A - M >05 : £?* "ours: T "*™JB thrUThw^ Double Action Hydraulic Cylinder 18-3100 3”x8" Reg. 41.99 Now 34 99 18-3460 4"x8” Reg. 69 99 Now Ijo 99 Tic rod construction chrome plated shaft TRAILER TYPE - 8 ROW 200 Gal. with Roller kit 300 Gal. with Roller Kit 599.” 400 Gal. with Roller kit 699.” 500 Gal. with Roller kit 899.” Add $20.00 for Centrifugal Kit Combkrtk: Now 2 99 69.99 per Case of 24 1 549“
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