—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Jan. 1, 1977 8 mOLD A&MEJt IMANK JAN. 3-9, 1977 Spell of warming before storming. Fell timber now Richard Nixon born Jan 9, 1913 Full moon Jan 5 Cattle need salt now Average length of days for the week, 9 hours, 12 minutes Transatlantic phone (New York to London) opened Jan 7,1927 Photography first used Jan 9,1839 If the family lives in harmony, all affairs will prosper Ask the Old Farmer; A friend of mine told JPjT me that when he was a young boy, whenever he asked his mother what they (J 1 1 jl were having for dinner, she Often answered raßn LajUHn "bread and skip "He never found out what 9H hpKK. that meant Do you know 7 OA, Chicago No second course Tj Home Hints: Next time you braise shoulder lamb x VNk chops, add some strips of carrot and onion to the I * braising liquid You'll like the Favor OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECASTS New England: Clear, very cold, sunny with light snow and milder midweek, week's encbbnngs cold snap Greater New York-New Jersey: Cold to start, then light rain or snow, clearing - t Middle Atlantic Coastal: Week begins cold and raw, warming midweek, then cold, rainy and freezing for weekend Piedmont & Southeast Coastal: Cold and cloudy, then warm with heavy ram, cool and cloudy for the end of the week Florida: Showers to start, then a warm and sunny week Upstate N.Y.-Toronto & Montreal; Colckand snowy, then turning mild and rainy, week ends sunny and cold (All Rights Reserved Yjnkee lot Dublin N H 03444) Oklahoma December 29,1976 Wednesday Feeder Cattle Auction 'Estimated Receipts 1200 Same Day last week 1523 Moderatley active, feeder cattle and calves generally steady to strong in a clean up affair; majority receipts Day Old for a safe start Feeding of Pullets The new unproved Purina pullet feeding program indicates new time periods and poundage guides and poundage guides for pullets under both normal and stress conditions. What it is - A highly fortified complete ration for mulated with amino acids, vitamins and minerals balanced to energy for successful starting of chicks. 1. A highly efficient Chick Starter with proper amino acid balance (protein guarantee 18 percent) for optimum growth. 2. It may be used as a ration for stress conditions during the period from 6-12 weeks of age. 3. Developed to satisfy both the needs of cage reared and floor maintained chicks. *A Purina Bio-4 Program Chow Livability and Superior Egg Production depend to a large degree on the baby chicks first 145 days in this world. JOHN J. HESS H, INC. good and choice 300-630 lb. feeder Steers and Heifers; moderate attendance buyers. FEEDER STEERS: Few small lots Choice 300-500 lb. 37.00-40.50; 500-650 lb. 35.50- 36.00; Mixed Good and Choice 300-500 lb. 34.00-36.50; STARTED PULLETS AND THE FEED MAN PURINA 810-4 BIOSTARTENA ADVANTAGES “Serving The Needs of the Agricultural Community” CAUL —717 442 Compared to Monday: Demand and Commitments moderate for beef as reported by the USDA. Steer Beef in limited comparison 3.00 lower. Heifer beef .50- 1.75 lower. No comparison on cow beef; Boneless Beef steady to 1.00 higher. Fresh Pork cuts: Picnics steady to .50 higher; skinned hams steady to firm. Lamb steady to 3.00 higher than late last week; most advance on 65 lbs. down. STEER BEEF Choice 3 600-800 lbs. 6450 3.00 lower. Good 3 600-800 lbs. 5950-6000 no comparison. Good 2-3 Holstein 550-800 lbs. 6000-6050 no comparison Choice 3 500-700 lbs. 6125- 6250 .50-1.75 lower, Good 3 500-700 lbs. 5750-5800 no comparison COW BEEF Canner-Cutter 1-2 350 lbs. up 5100-5150 no comparison Steer Hinds 145-190 lbs. 7800 no comparison, Fores 130-210 lbs. 5575 no com parison Few 595-616 lb. 34.25-34.30; Good 300-500 lb. 32.00-33.75; Good 474-800 lb. Holstein Steers 26.50-27.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Choice 300-500 lb. 29.50-31.00; Few 500-550 .lb. 30.50-30.60; Mixed Good and Choice 460- 530 lb. 27.00-29.00; Few Good 300-535 lb. #.50-27.00 FOR THE WEEK: Compared to late last week, feeder cattle and calves SANITATION/VACCIN ATION/FEEDING PROGRAMS TO FIT THE CHICK What it is - A highly efficient complete growing ration formulated with vitamins, amino acids and minerals balanced to energy. To be fed to pullets from 5-10 weeks of age. 1. A highly efficient ration with proper amino acid balance to promote optimum growth (15.0 percent protein). 2. It may be used as a ration to be fed during penods of stress from 10-20 weeks of age. 3. If pullets are control fed during the summer months (not a normally recommended practice), Bio Growena 1 can be fed during the period from 12-20 weeks of age to insure adequate intake of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. 4. Developed to satisfy the requirements of both caged and floor reared pullets. *A Purina Bio-4 Program Chow. East Coast Carlot Meats December 28,1976 HEIFER BEEF CHOICE 3 PRIMAL BEEFCUTS 810 GROWENA 1 ADVANTAGES READ LANCASTER F/ lamb carcass FOR FULL MARKET Rl CHOICE AND PARIME rW rULL IVIMIArXC I 3-4 compared late ALAST WEEK 55 lbs. down 9900-10100, few 10200 2.00-3.00 higher, 55-65 - lbs. 9200-9300 1.00-2.00 higher, 65-75 lbs. 7900-6200 steady, 75-85 lbs. 6800-7300 no comparison FRESH PORK CUTS Picnics 4-8 lbs. 4925 steady to -50 higher, Spareribs 3-5 lbs. 5825 no comparison, skinned hams lbs. 7700 firm, 20-26 lbs. 7300-7325 no comparison, 26 lbs. up 6425 steady, Cheek Meat load 5825 | SMOKED PORK Skinned Hams, bone in 16-" 19 lbs. 7800 no comparison, skinned hams semi-boneless 17-20 lbs. 9600 no com parison, Picnics 5-7 lbs. 5800 no comparison, No. 1 sliced bacon vacuum pack 9850 no comparison, Franks - 70 beef-30 pork, 10 per 1 lb. pkg 5400 no comparison Boneless Beef 90 per cent chem lean, fresh 6850-6950 steady to 1.00 higher Boneless Beef 85 per cent chem lean, fresh ltd 6450 firm steady to strong; Cows in very good demand and 1.50- 2.25 higher; Bulls fully 1.00- 2.00 higher. Salable receipts for the holiday shortened week near 2,600 head compared to 3,051 last week and 1,565 the same week a year ago. Cows and Bulls near 38 per cent of the cattle receipts; feeders 54 per cent of the total. J. B. KELLER & BRO. DAIRY COWS MountJoy.PA! REGISTERED COWS Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation due 1-29- bred to Charmcross Heatherstone Lucky Typeblazer due 1-14- 1 bred to Pencor Vigo Charmcross due 1-19-77,2nd calf, bred Chief 2-2 334 15,428 590 3.8 Penn State Ivanhoe Star due 1-29-77, 2nd Hercules 2-0 317 12,946 523 4.0 M D - Gaywinds Merry King due 1-11-77, 2 a to Charmcross son 2-1 338 14,340 576 4 Rich-herd Marless due 2-4-77,4 th calf, fare Duke 3-5 327 17,129 608 3.5 Fleetridge Monitor due 2-10-77,15 t calf heii Citation Klever Ormsby Sentator Dollar GP-60 di Countdown 2-3 305 13,328 479 3.6 Ume-Hollow Ida Falls Style due 2-15-77 to 4-1 305 16,905 698 4.1 Also, High Quality Grade Cows & Heifers Transportation and financing aval STEVE KELLER 717-653-2284 Office. 717-653-4851 PURINA 810-4 PRODUCTS FOR PULI All highly efficient rations formulated on biol available nutrient values and fortified wit! acids, vitamins and minerals balanced to a energy level. 810 GROWENA 2 What it is - A complete highly efficient grown formulated with amino acids, vitamins and i balanced to energy. To be fed during the pen 10-20 weeks or 5 percent production. 1. Bio Growena 2 contains optimum amino a tification to' promote optimum growth i percent protein tag guarantee). 2. Bio Growena 2 was developed to satisfy 1 needs of cage reared and floor maintained 3. Growena 2 can be used in a control feeding pi 4. It is a low fiber ration that will give highly' growth rates in the feed utilization. *A Purina Bio-4 Program Chow, ADVANTAGES BOi 717
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers