—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Dec. 1---, 1976 76 What's new 1 - 1 < UNI-SYSTEM POWER UNITS COLDWATER, Ohio - Two hydrostatic Uni-System Power Units, newly designed from the ground up, are being introduced for 1977 by Avco New Idea Farm Equipment Division, headquartered here. The Model 708 Power Unit is powered by a 354 cubic inch turbocharged Diesel Junior Cooking [Continued from Page 69) Mix together: 8 ounce pack of cream cheese, softened l-% cups 10X sugar Make one pack whipped topping and blend in cream cheese mixture. Put in cooled crust and top with cooled one quart cherries in one pack danish dessert. Barbara King Lititz, Pa. Age 10 XXX WALNUT CUT-OUT CHRISTMAS COOKIES 1 cup butter 1 egg V* teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup (finely chopped) nuts % cup sugar 2-Vz cups flour Cream butter with sugar until fluffy. BeaWn egg. Sift flour, salt, and baking powder together. Work into butter mixture. Add vanilla. Stir in walnuts. Chill about one hour. Roll out Vs inch thick on floured board. Cut desired shape with cookie cutters. Brush with beaten whites. Then decorate with candy sprinkles. Bake at 400 degrees F. for about eight minutes, just until edges start to brown. Makes 6 to 7 dozen. Mervin Z. Fox Martinsburg, Pa. Age 9 XXX GOOEY SHOO FLY CAKE 4 cups flour 2 cups brown sugar 1 stick butter % cup shortening ¥> teaspoon salt Crumb together and set aside. 2 cups boiling water 1 tablespoon soda \-V* cups molasses Mix hot syrup with two cups crumbs. Pour into cake pan and sprinkle rest of crumbs on top. Bake at 350 degrees F. for 35-40 minutes. Lizzie Martihf ‘ Narvon, Pa. 1 ' engine with 138 brake hor sepower, while the Model 709 has a 426 cubic-inch tur bocharged Diesel engine, developing brake hor sepower. The new hydrostatic drive provides infinite forward and reverse speeds without clutching. “Comfortable and quiet” describe the features of the new, roomier all-weather cab which is' standard equipment on both Power Units. The windshield area has been increased in size by 22 percent for improved visibility. Isolator mounts on the scientifically-designed dia mond shape cab absorb vibrations and acoustic material inside the cab shield the operator from excess noise. Operator conveniences provide easy finger-tip control of all machine func tions, including the husking bed ear deflector, combine reel speed, combine unloading auger position, forage harvester spout deflector, and the bean-grain platform and corn head instant start and stop. All gauges, such as oil pressure and water tem perature, are located to permit quick and easy in spection of the major machine functions. A standard heater pressurizer plus an optional factory-installed air con ditioner provide maximum operator comfort for all COMPLETE FARM PAINTING We Use Quality PAINT AND IT DOES STAY ON" AERIAL LADDER EQUIPMENT. * Modern and Efficient Method * Reasonable Prices * Spray On and Brush In Method * Sandblasting if Necessary FOR FREE ESTIMATES WRITE ESH SPRAY PAINTING (DamelS Esh) (C Ralph Miller) SPRAY ON AND BRUSH IN PAINTER , BOX 35GA - "'ROMS PA 17572 ‘ seasons. Powered rear wheel drive, providing traction assist in adverse field conditions, is available as a factory-installed option. The new Power Unit cooling system, with a front mounted radiator and large air stack, provides cool, clean air to the radiator and engine compartment. The operator has easy, ground level access to the big 70- gallon fuel tank, engine oil filter and fuel filters. The two new Power Units Patz 988 silo unloadsr 150 cattla tacdar 400 cattla faadar 162 A circular faadar 101 Tapar-Pan Faadar Silo unloading - Feed handling - Manure handling Patz has the Equipment Patz has the Personnel Patz means confidence - depend on It Alexandria lAXISENBERG 669-4027 bally LONGACRE ELECTRIC 845 2261 BELLEFONTE LUCAS BARN EQUIPMENT 814-383 2806 BELLEVILLE MACLAY & SON 717 935 2101 CAMP HILL LLOYD SULTZBAUGH 737 4554 LAST EARL ZIMMERMAN EQUIPMENT 445 6409 Simmental imports allowed BOZEMAN, Mont. - The United States Department of Agriculture has officially recognized purebred Sim mental cattle registered in Canada as qualifying for duty-free import into the United States. Officials of USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) have notified American Simmental Association’s executive secretary, Don Vaniman, that the are among 11 new pieces of Uni-System equipment being introduced for 1977 by Avco New Idea. ... jj.j ■--**** 8 /■/"/ 162 A conveyor 155 A conveyor 166 overheed feeder 101 conveyor recognition became effective November 16, 1976. The recognition permits pedigreed Simmentals to be granted free entry from Canada if accompanied by a Canadian registration certificate which shows a •transfer to the American buyer. The action was taken after USDA officials had examined the books of record and rules of registration of Simmental cattle registered with the Canadian SimmentaL-Cattle Association in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Vaniman explained the importance of gaining this 166 conveyor 400 gutter cleener "‘ ,r * P 1 ump „ . 400 manure stacker 400 Swinging elide Model 100 mechanics manure stacker manure pump 266 llquldvator 161 manure spreader HAMBURG H DANIEL WENGER 488 6574 HONEY BROOK ZOOK’S FARM STORE 273 9730 KIRKWOOD LANDIS & ESBENSHADE 786 4158 LEBANON MARVIN HORST 272 0871 McALISTERVILLE SANER FARM SYSTEMS 463-2606 MILLERSBURG LANDIS LABOR SAVERS 692-4647 MILTON LANDIS FARMSTEAD AUTOMATION 437-2375 NEWVILLE PIPERSVILLE MOYER FARM SERVICE 7768675 STREET. MD ' THOMASVILLE KENNEWL. SPAHR 229-1064 recognition from USDA, “Until USDA took this ac tion, all purebred Simmental breeding stock was subject to the restrictions governing commercial cattle. Sim mental breeders were required to pay duty on the animals they imported, and worse, when the border was closed to import of slaughter , cattle, Simmentals from' Canada could not enter the U. S. at all.” TRY A CLASSIFIED Model 200 FREDB McGILLRAY 776-7312 WALTER WEBSTER 452 8521
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