New Holland Retail 41.50-42.50 | Heavyweight 39.00-40.50 lightweight 37.50-40.50 Wholesale 40.5041.50 Sows 21.00-80.00 Boars 18.00-26.00 Shoats: 1119 No. 1 and 2 47-56 lbs. 53.50- 59.00, 64-86 lbs. 43.50-53.50; No. 2 35-51 lbs. 56.00-68.00 52- 88 lbs. 46.00-54.50; No. 2 and 3 Vm, STRAW AND EAR CORN SALE Every Wednesday Thru December at 12 Noon. HARVEY Z. MARTIN North Maple Ave., Leola, PA Home Phone 215-445-5303 We Buy On Orders. Bus. Phone Wed. Only ~ 717-656-7270 At David Good’s Farm Equipment Sale Leola, PA We also buy hay and straw privately. ATTENTION CATTLE FEEDERS Do you want to make buying your stockers and feeders easy. It can be very simple. Just call and give us your order. All orders filled to your exact specifications. Call us anytime. We can be very helpful. WALTER M. DUNLAP & SONS - ■ - ■_ Consignors can get state tags at our office, thereby saving 25c marketing expense 2845 lbs. 52.00-72.00, 46-93 lbs. 42.00-52.50; No. 3 19-36 lbs. 62.00-80.00, 41-67 lbs. 42.50-58.00, 88-102 lbs. 41.50- 42.50; Utility 28-35.1b5. 54.00- 67.00, 46-100 lbs. 44.00-52.00. NEXT FEEDER PIG SALE Tuesday, dec. 21 ■ 1 p.m. Consign ail your feeder pigsjto Walter M. Dunlap & Sons where they will be handled by a capable and experienced staff. Feeder pigs received from 6 A.M. to 11 A.M, UNCASTER STOCK YARDS For Further Information, Call 717-397-5136 Hog Markets Lancaster Market HOGS: Barrows and gilts steady to 50 lower, instances 1.00 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1 200-240 lb. 42.25-42.75; US 1-2 200-240 lb. 40.75-41.85; US 2-3 200-255 lb. 39.50-40.75. Vintage December 11,1976 HOGS: 853 No. 1 42.50-43.25; No. 2 41.60-42.25; No, 3 41.00-41.50; Heavyweight 250-300 lbs. 39.50-42.75; Lightweight 150 190 lbs. 31.00-36.00; Sows 400 550 lbs. 24.00-25.50; Boars 200 lbs. 30.00, 400 lbs. 20.00. Wed., December 15,1976 Total 574 head. No. 1 41,50-42.00; No. 2 41.00-41.35; No. 3 39.5040.85; Heavy Hogs 260-350 27.00- 39,75; Light Hogs 170-180 33.5040.00; Sows 22.00-26.00 and Boars 18.00-25.00. Thursday, Dec. 16,1976 Feeder Pigs 3040 lb. 48.00- 57.00; 40-50 lb. 55.00-70.00; 50- 60 lb. 55.00-65.00 and 66 lb. 64.00. Peoria Auction Thursday, Dec. 16 Peoria Hogs: 3500. Barrows and gilts mostly 1.00 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 200-230 lb. mostly 41.5041.75, 25 head. 42.00. US 1-3 200-240 lb. 41.00- 41.50. Lancaster Auction HOGS: Barrows and gilts 50-75 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1 200-230 lb. 43.00-43.50. US 1-2 200-240 lb. 42.10-42.50. US 2-3 200-250 lb. 41.50-12.10. 235-260 lb. 41.0041.50. St. Louis Thursday, Dec. 16 Barrows and gilts 5075 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 200235 lb. mostly 41.00; 125 head 210220 lb. 41.25; US 1-3 200240 lb. 40.25- 40.75. Indianapolis Tuesday Dec. 16 Indianapolis Hogs 2000. Barrows and gilts active, mostly 50 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-3 200-240 lb. 40.7541.00. New Holland Dairy New Holland. Pa. Wednesday, Dec. 15,1976 Reported receipts of 216 cows, 6 heifers and 2 bulls. Market stronger than last week’s market. Load of Pennsylvania fresh cows, 675-750; Load of Pennsylvania fresh cows 700- 925, springers 785-1075;Herd from Clarion County, all stages of production 465-760; Springers from Butler County 550-950; Two herds from Maryland, all stages of production 350-925. Locally consigned cows 450-800; springing heifers 475-625; Bulls 420-460. Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Dec. 18,1976 [ Futures Trading Closing Bids as of Thursday, Dec. 16 Chicago Chicago New York New York Cattle Hogs Maine Fresh Eggs Potatoes December 41.00 40.00 January-77 February 40.60 35.35 March April 39.65 32.25 7.32 52.75 May June 41.70 33.80 July 42.47 33.40 Aug. Sept. 43.05 32.95 Oct. Trend—Cattle are higher, Hogs are lower, Potatoes are higher, and Eggs are lower. Markets Provided by Commodity Department Reynolds Securities, Inc. CHICAGO GRAIN FUTURES (Closing bids as of Thursday, Dec. 16) Com Wheat Soybeans Meal December 2.42% 2.61% January - 77 2.50% 2.69% 6.93% 201.40 March 2.55% 2.73% 6.87% 199.60 May July 2.58% 2.77 6.79% 197.90 Aug, Sept. 2.59 2.83 6.38 188.00 Oct. Nov. 2.55% 2.92% Dec. Trend—Corn is unchanged to lower, Wheat is lower, Soybeans are higher, and Soybean Meal is higher. Markets Provided by Commodity Department Reynolds Securities, Inc. U.S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Estimated Livestock Slaughter For First Four Days This Week Last Week Last Year Know Where the Activities Will Be? Read the Farm Women Calendar. J. M. HOOBER INC. As you know there are no easy ways to farm and to raise livestock. You work hard with your hands & back & you try to use all the knowledge your parents taught you, then you trust in the Lord. Our business has no short cuts or easy ways either. We just work hard to supply you with quality feeder cattle & stand ready to assist you when your livestock is ready for market. NEXT FEEDER PIG SALE DECEMBER 21, 1976 Please Call Us Soon PH- (717) 397-6191,569-2084,626-5659 6.42 56.00 8.95 50.90 34.35 6.90% 199.20 6.69% 195.00 6.18 HOGS 1,181,000 1,278,000 960,000 -CATTLE 568.000 597.000 566.000 3 75.50 65.35 58.20 Soybean 198.00 177.00 SHEEP 97,000 101,000 109,000
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