—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Dec. 18,1976 2 Livestock market and auction news Lancaster Market Monday, Dec. 13 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep TODAY 646 146 581 S 3 LAST MONDAY 1027 153 725 88 LAST YEAR 866 151 600 59 MONDAY’S AUCTION 410 141 636 52 LAST MONDAY’S AUC TION 703 174 701 105 CATTLE: Compared to last Wednesday slaughter steers mostly steady; cows 2.00-3.00 higher; bullocks firm to 1.00 higher; hulls, about steady. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice mainly 2 1050-1250 lb. 42.75-43.60; Choice 2-4 975- 1300 lb. 40.0042.85, couple lots 34 1250-1300 lb. 39.50- 39.85; high Good and low Choice 2-3 38.7540.25; Good 2-3 34.50-39.25. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice mainly 2 1000-1070 lb. 40.0041.10; Choice 2-3 800-950 lb. 35.00-38.50; Good 2-3 30.00- 34.50. COWS: Utility and Com mercial 1-3 25.25-26.75, few 27.00-27.50; Cutter 1-2 24.00- 25.50; around 50 head 700-900 lb. Cutter beef breed cows 19.50-21.50, few 22.00. BULLOCKS: Choice 1000- 1300 lb. 40.0042.00; Good 950- 1250 lb. 34.50-38.75. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1100-1500 lb. 31.50-34.50, few 34.85-36.35; yield grade 2 975- 1300 lb. 28.75-32.50. VEAL CALVES: Vealers mostly steady. VEALERS: Choice 62.00- 70.00, few Prime 70.00-75.00; high Good and low Choice 50.00- Good 38.00-50.00; Standard and Good 90-115 lb. 28.00- Standard 80-95 lb. 18.00-25.00; Utility 60-90 lb. 10.00-16.00. SHEEP: Small supply wooled lambs firm to 2.00 higher; slaughter ewes steady. WOOLED LAMBS; Choice 75-100 lb. 45.50-48.00; one lot Choice and Prime 72 lb. now crop lambs 58.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Utility and Good 10.00-13.00. Vintage Market Tuesday, Dec. 14,1976 Cattle Calves Sheep Today 745 564 30 Last Tuesday 759 667 18 Last Year 780 678 63 CATTLE: Compared to last Tuesday slaughter steers steady to weak; cows 1.00 higher, instances 1.50 higher; bullocks fully steady; bulls mostly steady. Supply included 42 per cent slaughter steers, 46 per cent cows with the balance bulls and heifers. SLAUGHTER STEERS; Choice mainly 2 1000-1300 lb. .42.00-43.50, 10 head 44.00- 45.50; Choice 2-4 1000-1325 lb. 40.00-42.25; high Good and low Choice 2-3 37.75-40.00; Good 2-3 34.50-38.00; Stan dard and low Good 1-2 29.25- 34.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Few Choice mainly 2 1000- 1100 lb. 40.7543.00; Good 2-3 800-1025 lb. 33.00-37.00. COWS: Utility and Commercial 1-3 24.75-27.00, few head 27.00-27.50; Commercial mainly 3 23.25- 25.00; Cutter 1-2 22.75-25.00; Cahner and low Cutter 19.75- 23.00. BULLOCKS: Good 1000- 1300 lb. 32.75-35.50. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1100-1600 lb. 32.50-34.00; yield grade 2 1000-1300 lb. 30.00- 33.00. VEAL CALVES: Vealers 1.00- higher, instances 4.00 higher on Standard and Good 80-120 lb. Supply in cluded 323 in graded sale of which 24 per cent sold to return to farm. VEALERS; Choice 58.00- 65.00, few Prime 71.00-75.00; high Good and low Choice 51.00- Good 37.0047.00; Standard and Good 90-115 lb 28.00- 75-90 lb. 22.00- 28.00; few Utility 60-80 lb. 10.00- RETURNED TO FARM: 75 head 100-115 lb. Standard and Good Holstein bulls 46.50-52.00. SHEEP: Market not fully tested; few good wooled lambs and slaughter ewes steady. Lancaster Auction Wednesday, Dec. 25,1976 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today ~ 1146 97 855 15 Last Wednesday 1373 116 1163 13 Last Year 651 112 719 52 Wednesday Auction 731 113 845 15 Last Wed. Auction 863 140 1232 4 CATTLE: Compared to Monday slaughter steers 1- 1.50 lower, instances 2.00 lower; cows 50-1.00 higher; bullocks steady; bulls 50-1.00 higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Couple lots high Choice and Prime 3-4 1100-1250 lb. 41.00- 41.35; Choice mainly 2 1000- 1200 lb. 41.00-41.50, couple head 43.25-43.75; Choice 2-4 975-1350 lb. 38.75-41.25, few mainly 4 37.25-39.00; high Good and low Choice 2-3 35.35-39.00; Good 2-3 35.00- 37.25, few Standard 1-2 31.75- 34.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 3-4 1100-1250 lb. 36.00- 37.85; Good 2-3 750-1000 lb. 32.75-36.00. COWS: Utility and Commercial 1-3 25.50-28.00, couple 28.00-28.75; Cutter 1-2 24.50-26.75; Canner and low Cutter 21.00-24.00. BULLOCKS; Choice 1025-1150 lb. 39.00-39.25; couple Good 34.00-36.25. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1100-J750 lb v 33.00-34.75, couple ' yield grade" 2 1000-1300 lb. 38.25- 32.75. FEEDER STEERS: Around 70 head Choice 995- 1090 lb. with Good to low Choice slaughter finish 36.50- 38.35. VEAL CALVES: Vealers fully steady. VEALERS: Choice 60.00- 68.00, couple Prime 70.00- 72.00; high Good and low Choice 48.00-60.00; Good 38.00-50.00; Standard and Good 90-120 lb. 28.00-36.00, few Standard 70-90 lb. 22.00- 28.00. SHEEP: Market not fully tested, few Choice 70-90 lb. wooled lambs 45.00-47.00, couple Good 40.00-42.00. VINTAGE SALES HgT STABLES, INC. LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 11 A.M. HOG SALES WEEKLY - WED. A SAT. 9 A.M. STATE GRADED FEEDER PIG SALE - IST & 3RD THURSDAY, hOOPJIii. ($l.OO a head Commission) EVERY THURSDAY - 12.00 P.M. HAY & STRAW SALE Get calves in early for grading & weighing. No weight loss. FOR MARKETING INFORMATION PHONE AREA CODE 717-768-8204 Home Phone 215-458-5060 L. Robert Frame, Manager o° x 100 Paradise PA 10 miles East of Lancaster on Rt 30 New Holland Thursday Dec. 16,1976 CATTLE: 868. Compared to last Thursday daughter steers 50-I.oo'lower, in stances 1.50 lower; cows SO LDO higher; -bullocks weak to 1.00 lower? bulls 1-2.00 higher. Supply, included 33 per cent slaughter steers and 50 per cent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Few high Choice and Prime 2-4 1075-1225 lb. 41.75-42.75; Choice mainly 21000-1250 lb. 40.75-42.00, few head 42.50- 43.00; Choice 2-4 1000-1300 lb. 39.5041.25; high Good and low Choice 2-3 27.25-39.60; Good 2-3 34.00-38.00; Stan dard 1-2 30.00-34.50. COWS: Utility and Commercial 1-3 23.75-27.00, few 27.00-27.75; Cutter 1-2 23.50-26.00; Canner and low Cutter 19.75-22.75. BULLOCKS: Choice 1000- 1300 lb. 36.00-37.75, few 38.25- 39.25; Good 33.00-36.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1100-1700 lb. 34.00-37.00, few 37.50-38.25; yield grade 2 1000-1300 lb. 30.50-34.00. VEAL CALVES: 566. Vealers firm to 2.00 higher. VEALERS; Choice 55.00- 69.00, couple Prime 73.00- 81.00; high Good and low Choice 48.00-57.00; Good 38.00-46.00; Standard and Good 90-120 lb. 26.00-36.00,70- 90 lb. 20.00-26.00; few Utility and Standard 60-90 lb. 14.00- 20.00. SHEEP: 33. Few Good and Choice 65-90 lb. wooled slaughter - lambs' 1 steady at 40.00-49.0 d; 0: > Peace Lancaster Weekly Friday Dec. 17,1976 Cattle Calves This Week 4300 1375 Last Week - 4790 1565 Last Year 3805 1371 CATTLE: .Compared to last weeks close slaughter steers 1-1.50 lower, extremes* 2.00 lower; cows 50-1.00" higher, instances 2.00 higher early part of week; bullocks firm to 1.00 higher; bulls firm to 1.00 higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-4 1050-1275 lb. 41.75-42.75; Choice mainly 21000-1300 lb. 40.75-43.00, few mainly early part of week 43.00-44.00 with 10 head 44.00-45.50; Choice 2- 41000r13501b. 39.00-42.25; few Choice mainly 4 37.25-39.00; high Good and low Choice 2-3 37.00- Good 2-3 34.00- 38.00; Standard 1-2 29.25- 34,50. ' . SLAUGHTER HEIFERS; Choice mainly 21000-1100 lb. 40.00- Choice 2-3 800-950 lb. 35.00-38.50; one lot Choice 3-4 1100-1250 lb. 36,00-37.85; Good 2-3 750-1025 lb. 32.00- 37.00. COWS: Utility and high ' dressing Cutter 1-3 23.75- 27.50, few 27.75-28.00; Cutter ’ 1-2 22.75-26.75; Canner and low Cutter 19.75-23.00; around 50 head 700-900 lb. B & R CATTLE CO. Washington Boro, PA 17582 Office Phone (717) 872-5491 "" Specializing in Stockers & Feeders John Bowman Ph: (717)653-5728 Ron Ranck Ph; (717)656-9849 FORTY-TWO YEARS OF SERVICE ... to the farmer, to the dealer and to the pack May we serve you? s. K. SHOTZBERGER. LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION Gene Zwally, President Marvin Johns, Secy .-Treasurer P.O. Box 925, Lancaster, PA 17604 Phone: 393-4641 (day or night) NEW HOLLAND The Action Auction AUCTIONS make the difference in marketing livestock! NEW HOLLAND makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY'S ACTION: 8:00 A.M. - Fat Hogs' 10 00 AM. -Horse Sale 1100 A M Hay Straw & Ear Corn 1:30 P M - Fat Steers, Bulls, Cows & Veal WEDNESDAY’S ACTION; 12 00 Noon Hay Straw & Ear Corn 12 30 P M Dairy Sale 1.00 P M. - Feeder Pig Sale THURSDAY'S ACTION: 1100 AM Beef Sale Order of Sale Bulls Fat Steers. Cows, Veal 630 P M - Calf Sale NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES MC. New Holland, PA Abram W Diffenbacft,-Manager Cutter beef breed cows 19 % 21.50, few 22.00. BULLOCKS: Choice loon 13501 b. 36.50-39.50, few 39# 42.00; Good 1000-1200 ft 32.50-36,50. BULLS: Yield grade i 1100-1800 lb. 32.50-37.00, f e , 37.00-38.25; yield grade t 1000-1350 lb. 28.25-34.00. VEAL CALVES: Veal e „ uneven Good to Prim, - mostly sterady, Standarj and Good 80-115 lb. firm i| 2.00 higher. VEALERS: Prime 70# 75.00, couple 78.00-81.01 Choice 55.00-70.00; high GoJ and low choice 48.00-60 o| Good 37.00-48.00; Stand,'ll and Good 90-115 lb. 26 f 36.00, 70-90 lb. 20.00-28 few Utility and Standard si 90 lb. 10.00-20.00. I RETURNED TO FARM| Standard and Good 90-1101| Holstein .bulls 38.00-45.00, S head 100-115 lb. 46.50-52 i LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK MARKING. ' r ~~ ' fmifeHastof ' Fredericksburg j along Route 22 i PHONE JONESTOv 865-2881 j Sale every Tuesday at 130 M • P.M. starting with feeder cattle and pigs. Phone 717-354-4341 INC.
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