Earl with Milly Dunloggin Mariyn Aster Marquis Age Lb. Milk 2- 13120 3- 14881 4- 17715 5- 18974 6- 16040 7- 22132 8- 21490 9- 4474 Fresh Sept 1976 Southeastern Penna George F Delong Regional Manager' 225 West Woods Drive Lititz PA 17543 Call Collect 717 626 0261 Eastern Lancaster Co Melvin Herr RR2 New Holland PA 17557 Ph 717 354 5977 North Western Lancaster Co Earl B Cinder RD2 Manheim PA 17545 Phone 1 717 665 3126 CONGRATULATIONS EARL FOR BEING A GREAT DAIRYMAN IN CHESTER COUNTY. Lb. Fat Days 467 321 537 311 581 332 633 367 575 342 742 353 704 311 142 Inc. 58i On Agri King 17,760 Southen Henry Delong, Jr RD2 Box .69 Peach Bottom PA 17563 Phone 717-5483471 Southwestern Lancaster Co Ben Greenawalt RD2 Conestoga PA 17516 Phone 717 872 5686 Southeastern Penna Aldus R King ROI Box 67A Atglen PA 19310 Phone 215 593 5952 E-M-Weir Ann Milk & Honey Age Lb. Milk Lb. Fat Percent Fat Days 2- 15938 692 4.3 358 3- Just Fresh E-M-Weir Gloria H Elfac Age Lb. Milk Lb. Fat Percent Fat Days 2- 14199 600 4.2 320 3- 15954 640 4.0 276 Inc. Due In March > Having sold the farm makes Dispersal of their cows necessary. The last three years the DHIA rolling herd average has been POUNDS MILK AND 665 POUNDS FAT WITH A 3.7% TEST At present Earl is shipping an average of 58 POUNDS OF MILK per cow per day with a plant test now of 3.92 PERCENT OF BUTTERFAT. Any dairymen interested in some real good cows should come to Earl & Betty Weir’s farm located 1 mile south of Cochranville on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21 AT 10:00 A.M. AGRI-KING \ : KEY TO PROFIT / MILLY DUNLOGGIN Mhis is the oldest cow that Earl has. She was twelve years old last March and has just freshened with her 11th calf. She has averaged 17,352 lb. milk and 689 lb. of fat in her 10 lactations. Milly has freshened every year at approx. 12 month intervals. This is quite a cow. irks Co Northeast Bi Roger Heller RDI Robesoma PA Phone 215 593 6160 Chester Co William Wmdle RDI Atglen PA 19310 Phone 215 593 6143 Lebanon Co Marvin Meyer RO2 Box 157 Annville PA 17003 Phone 717 867 1445 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Di E-M-Weir Ellen I Star Age, Lb. Milk Lb. Fat Percent Fat MO 11751 500 4.2 2-11 14387 632 4.4 4- 17053 755 4.4 5- 22649- 1009 4.4 6- 23454 940 4.0 7- 15296 576 3.8 E-M-Weir Liz Gay Ideal Age Lb. Milk Lb. Fat Percent Fat 2-01 3678 155 4.2 !h & Norl lhami lon Co Thomas Heist Mam Street Alburhs PA 18101 Phone 215 965 5124 South Central Penna James L Yoder Regional Manager 250 Edwards Ave Chambersburg PA 17201 Call Collect 717 264 9321 Eastern Franklin Co Eldon Martin RDS Waynesboro PA 17268 Phone 717 762 4130 Year Pounds Age Of Milk 20.532 19,873 18,343 18,140 17,252 17,197 16,685 15,799 15,088 14,616 9- 10- 11-08 4- 6- 5- 8-08 7- 3-08 2-07 173,525 Cumberland Marlin E Ebersol R 5 Carlisle PA 1 Phone 717 776 1 Western Washim Charlie Campbell Rt 4 Box 229 A Hagerstown MD Phone 301 791 Eastern Washim Earl H Moyer RDS Box 277 Hagerstown MD Phone 301 739 >ec.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers