—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Oct. 30, 1976 52 Sensing \ Rittle outstanding The planning committee, who helped coordinate the Lebanon County 4-H Achievement banquet last Sunday evening, get together for a brief discussion. From left to right they are Maxine Noll, LEBANON, Pa, - Over 150 4-H members, leaders, and parents were present last Sunday evening to honor the achievements of county 4-H youth. The 4-H awards program was held at the Zoar’s Lutheran Church in Mt. Zion. Certificates, pins, ribbons and premium checks were awarded by Patricia A. Krall, Extension 4-H agent and Cheryl A. Reitz, Extension home economist Also assisting with the program were Maxine Noll, Robert Sensing, Kenneth Hoke, and Bruce Hellerick. Named as Outstanding 4-H Boy was Robert Sensing. Karen Rittle was named the Outstanding 4-H girl. Robert Sensing, Jr. Sensing, who is the 18- Handles any kind of silage or mixed ration with low horsepower No moving motors and no brushes or augers so upkeep is at a minimum Its great flexi bility adapts to any livestock operation in the barn or outside, up to a 200' bunk Optional diverter lets you feed a ration to one side and a different ration on the other OK Send me yoi Travel Feed* Catalog. 4W year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sensing, Sr., 701 Klein Avenue, Lebanon, has quite a record of 4-H achievements. He has been a member of the Happy Trail Riders 4-H horse c]ub for four years and has held the office of news reporter in the club. He has also belonged to the Norsolebco Community Gub for six years in which he has held the offices of president, news reporter, historian, and treasurer. His projects in the club have dealt with leadership, out door flowers, forestry, design with line, plant propagation and dried arrangements, and vegetables. Bob’s other involvement in Lebanon County 4-H is through the Lebanon County I " - STOLTZFUS SILO EQUIPMENT RDI, Box 77 Kinzer, PA 17535 Phone (717) 768-3873 Robert Sensing, Jr., Bruce Hellerick, end Ken Hoke. With them is Patricia Krali, Lebanon County 4-H agent. Teen Council of which he is president. This year, the teen council was responsible for planning County Olympic Day, and the multi-county picnic. The council also tried for an exchange trip to Ohio, which unfortunately, was unable to be worked out. Bensing worked for three years in this group. Bob’s record is the most impressive, however, when it comes to state and national competition. He began winning his laurels at State Achievement Days in 1974 and has done it consecutively since. Back two years, his flower judging team won first place in State Achievement Days and he was tie for second highest individual. Then, in 1975 he was a member of the hor- Lebanon 4-H 9 ers ticulture judging team at Penn State which took second place, while he, himself, was the first place high individual,. That year he also went to national com petition in Biloxi, Mississippi, where he was a national winner, taking fifth place out of 98 contestants in the open division. And, this year, his per formance hasn’t let up. Bob was a part of the newly created vegetable judging team at Achievement Days where he placed second high individual, and his team placed third. With those past successes, one might think Bob had “done it all” but he is in tending to stay in 4-H one more year. And, at present, he has another competition on which he has set his sights. This week, the National Junior Horticulture Association is holding their annual convention in King of* Prussia, and Bob will compete. At present, Bob is a fresh man at Penn State University, Berks Campus, where he has an ag-business major. After he completes this associate degree, he hopes to go on for a degree in agriculture education. ■ —3 PUMP ACTION AUTOMATIC RIFLE LOW BRASS SHELLS O MQ 12-16-20gauge HIGH BRASS SHELLS 12 ga *3.49 16ga *3.19 “sa *2.98 BMM BOLT ACTION RIFLES 69.95 Good Supply of Browning and Duhman Insulated shoes 10-X HUNTING VESTS 5.95 22 Long Rifle Ammo c QO Carton of 500 VwO 25% OFF ALL 10-X DOWN COATS Good Supply of Lead Shot No. 2 Thru No. 8 And Good Supply of Powder And Hunting Wads SHYDA’S GUN SHOP 1635 S. Lincoln Avenue Lebanon,Pa. 17042 717-273-6572 Open Mon. thru Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9-5 Other Awards Receiving Teen Leader ship certificates and pins for the Unit 1 leadership project were; Brett Eberly, Susan Heilinger, and Scott Morgan from the Fort Zellers 4-H Club; Scott Morgan from the Fredericksburg 4-H Club; David Noll, Mike Noll, and Sandra Shank from the Happy Variety 4-H Club; Holly Kneasel, Kevin Hoke, and Beth Troutman from the Norsolebco 4-H Club; Sue Bomberger, Lisa Kauffman, Linda Sellers, and Brian Wenger from the South (Continued on Page 53]
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