Lebanon 4-H’ers [Continued from Page 52] Mountain 4-H Club; Sharon Brubaker from the Elcoettes 4-H Club; SheOa Callaway, Scott Duffy, Cindy Morton Scott Daubert, and Debra Dubble from the Annville Little Dutchmen 4-H Club; Amy Balsbaugh from the Myerstown Haiders 4-H Club; Brenda Parks, Paul Miller, and Andrea Emericb from the North Cornwall Trail Blazers 4-H Club; Ken Arnold, Patrick Arnold, Vincent Arnold, and Eugene Hoffman, Jr. from the Elco Dairy Club; Kelly Sue Dechert, Lori Rothgaber, William Kelinfelter, and „ Harry Kelinfelter from the A Southwest Playground 4-H Club. The leadership Unit 11 project award winner was Debra Krexder from the South Mountain 4-H Club. Leadership Unit 111 project award winners were: Maxine Noll from the Happy Variety 4-H Club; Keith Guindon, Kathy Hoke, Robert Bensing, and Jim Connor from the Norsolebco 4-H Club; Connie Horst from the EVoettes 4-H Club; 8 HP 1G HP 12 HP 14 HP 16 HP i 6 hp Sale *6666 Save *1663 77 Price *8329 RothsvilleStation Rd. Phone: 717-626-4705 Lititz.Pa Karen Rittle from the Avon- East Lebanon 4-H Club; and Julia Woods, and Cynthia Woods from the Annville Little Dutchman 4-H Club. Recognized as Keystone Award Winners at the state level were: Connie Horst, dairy foods and foods and nutrition; Kathy Hoke, dog care and training; Karen Rittle, home environment; Robert Bensing, forestry, and Richard Krall, dairy and petroleum power. County Medal winners in the national awards program were: achievement - Richard Krall, Cedar Crest Dairy; agricultural Patricia Roof, Michael Noll, and David Noll, Happy Variety; and also Robert Bensing, Norsolebco Club; automotive - Michael Noll, Happy Variety Club; clothing - Karen Rittle, Avon East; Norma Zuck, Falcons, and Michelle Hall, 4-H Palms; conservation of natural resources - Patricia Roof and Maxine Noll, Happy Variety Club; Ken neth Hoke, Norsolebco and David Guindon, Norsolebco; consumer education - Dyan Buy Now And Save! Sale. 77 Price Save Mech. Drive w-34” Mower *979 *1279 *3OO Hydraulic Drive w-38” Mower Hydraulic Drive plus 5.™ Hydraulic Lift w-44” Mower 105f5f £AiL Hyd. Dr., Hyd. Lift High soaq7 «. QC Clear w4B” Mower Ln * W® Hyd Dr., Hyd. Lift High waic $OlO Clear w-48” Mower ZZ47 3016 819 the* 6JOBS,NSI fOB Binkley & Hurst Bros Garden, Farm, & Industrial Equipment Hale, Falcons Club; dairy - Richard Krall, Cedar Crest Dairy and M. Jane Bomgardner, NoSoAnn Dairy Club; dairy foods - Connie Horst Elcoettes Club; dog care and training - Kathy Hoke, Norsolebco Club. Other county national awards winners were: electric energy - Michael Noll, Happy Variety; en tomology - Bruce HeUerick, Happy Variety; food nutrition - Connie Horst, Elcoettes; Karen Rittle, Avon East Lebanon; and Norma Zuck, Falcons Club; forestry - Robert Sensing and Kenneth Hoke, Nor solebco Club and Patricia Roof, Happy Variety Club; gardening - Robert Sensing and Kenneth Hoke, Nor solebco Club, and Patricia Roof and Maxine Noll, Happy Variety Club; health - Thea Guindon, Norsolebco Club; home environment - Karen Rittle, Avon East Lebanon Club; Dyan Hale, Falcons Club, and Thea Guindon, Norsolebco Club; home management - Dyan Hale and Norma Zuck, Falcons Club and Thea Guindon, Norsolebco Club; leadership - Ken Hoke, Norsolebco; Maxine Noll, Happy Variety; Richard Krall, Cedar Crest Dairy and Karen Rittle, Avon East *1599 '2143 '544 n • I 77's Are Ordered II Current Models Must Go! • SCRAPE • MOW Lebanon Club; petroleum power - Richard Krall, Cedar Crest Dairy Club, and Michael Noll, Happy Variety Club; Photography - Maxine Noll and Elizabeth Arnold, Happy Variety Club; Woodworking - Michael Noll and David Noll, Happy Variety Club; and David Guindon, Norsolebco Club. County Dress Revue winners were also recognized. Those in the senior division were: Lenore Kreiser, Beth Troutman, Dorothy Bemesderfer, Lisa Yordy, Jane Bomgardner, Debbie Dubble, Beverly Hale, and Cynthia Woods. County dress revue win ners in the junior division were: Wendy Bowman, Norma Zuck and Rosella Krall. Receiving premium checks for their par ticipation in the Penn sylvania 4-H Junior Dairy Show were: Brenda, Elaine, and Diane Maulfair, Patti Heilinger, Gary Mase, Dale Smith, William Hoffman, Connie Horst, Deborah Lentz, Dale Weaver, Richard KraU, Gary Reist, Rick Horst, Eric Blauch, Dean Moyer and Carl Weaver. Awards were also presented to 4-H dairy members that recently participated in a state-wide dairy judging contest. Receiving awards were: More & More Farmers are changing to McNess. BEEF STARTER AS 700 WHY? 4BPT' It contains more Vitamins and minerals and costs less than 14 cents per day. McNESS THE NUTRITION PEOPLE CALL COLLECT 215445-6993 SHARON "ag" BUILDINGS 1 1 <1 Ai iN MAHON "AG" BUILDINGS Economically Designed Soundly Engineered Quickly Erected I Quality Materials I Straight Sidewalls I CALL COLLECT TO JACK McMULLEN 717 761-1863 OR WRITE SHARON METAL BUILDINGS 1500 STATE ST, CAMP HILL, PENNA 17011 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Oct. 30,1976 Vincent Arnold - sth high individual, Jane Bomgar dner - Bth individual. Others participating were Patrick and Kenneth Arnold, Kirby Horst, Ray and Dean Moyer. Present to be recognized for their participation in the district horse show were: Colleen Carvalho, Susan Englebright, Kathryn, Ann, and Donna Lansberry, David and Margot Leroy, Lori and Karen Yingst, Dawn Graby, Peggy Stoudt, Kim Musheno, Grace Morrissey, Jennifer Wunderlich. Receiving premium awards for their par ticipation at state achievement days were: demonstrations - Melissa Weaver, Tammy Smith, Sharon Brubaker, Cynthia Woods, Dave Guindon, Scott Morgan, and Bev Hale; flower judging - Jim Connor, Bruce HeUerick, and Lenore Kreiser; horticulture judging- Jim Egnor, Maxine and Michael Noll; vegetable judging - Bob Sensing, Ken and Karl Hoke; clothing judging - Wendy Bowman, Dyan Hale,. Dorothy Bemesderfer; con sumerama - Amy Balsbaugh, Kathy Hoke, Debra Gingrich, Thea Guindon; consumer presentation - Connie Horst and Kim Balsbaugh. The physical fitness team received certificates, and ”T 1 STRAIGHT SIDEWALLS MORE USABLE SPACE FOR LESS. COST achievement award rosettes. Receiving awards were Tom Minnich, Jessie Heilman, Jackie Wilson, Gail Stoudt, Albert Maya, Carol Cadr wallader, Rodney Wed dington, Kelly Lauer, Daryl and Kevin Boltz. The regional junior demonstrators who were awarded 4-H bronze pins were; Megan Connor, Shirl Kneasel, Karen Hoke, Richard Paine, and Michelle Noll. Richard Paine of the South Mountain 4-H Club presented his demonstration “The Fantastic Four.” Table decorations were done by Melissa Weaver, Happy Mountaineers; Amy Balsbaugh, Myerstown 4-H Raiders, Bruce Hellerick, Happy Variety; and Sarah Smith, Ebenezer Friendly 4- Her’s. LANCASTER, Pa. - There will be a heart screening program conducted at the Greek Orthodox Church, 64 Hershey Avenue, here, on November 16 and 17. Anyone between the ages of 18 and 65 with no previous knowledge of heart disease is eleigible to be tested. The screening includes a brief family history recording height and weight, a blood pressure reading, a blood sample test and an elec trocardioanalyzer test which detects any irregular heart pattern or rhythm. The entire screening will take about 15 minutes. Cost is $2.00 per person which covers the fee for processing the blood sam ples at a local hospital laboratory. Interested persons must make appointments. Taking the appointments for this screening will be Rosie Bertz from the East Petersburg Women’s Club. She should be contacted between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Thursday and Friday, November 4 and 5 by calling 569-5045 to set up your appointment. ' X *6,490. I Hearts tested ’ X Iff FOB Factory 53
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