Poultryman honored [Continued from PagelJ This year, the topic of the program will be on cutting up and deboning turkey, however, Shaub is uncertain whether an actual demon stration will be presented or whether a slide show, only, will be shown. Other programs the Association has been in volved with since Shaub became president were food booths at the Ephrata and New Holland Fairs, and This Smiling Livestock Feeder is a Regular User of Custom Formulated VIGORTONE FEEDS Vigortone Formulated feeds are feeding more livestock in the U.S. than any other feed Company. We are No. 1! Check with your local Vigortone Servicemen and find out some of the reasons why!! ' VIGORTONE 50 warehouses—over 5400 servicemen 3 manufacturing plants LEON B HERSHEY Box 166 Paradise, PA 717 442 4807 RON L HERSHEY R 2 Gap, PA 717 442-8573 JASON E. MILLER R 4 Lancaster, PA 717-393-7244 WM.J. YODER vRI. Conestoga, PA 717-872-8047 ELI KING R 1 Box 59 Ronks, PA 717-768-3608 ALVIN ESH Box 72 Intercourse. PA 717-768-3128 H. MELVIN CHARLES R 1 Washington Boro PA 717-684 5783 PETE CALDWELL R 1 Windsor, PA 717-246 1046 LYNN HARRIS Stillwater PA 717 925 6576 more recently, a display at the Park City Agriculture promotion. Shaub spent every day m the mall except for one evening. Jay Irwin, County agent, lauded these group activities when he gave a committee report during the business meeting. “This group has a really active board that has a lot of fun, but gets things done,” said Irwin. He noted that, among other things, the education „PBH 8H saqsfM uen aiy., RALPH E. BRUNGART Loganton. PA 717 725-2355 ELAMG. HOOVER R 1 New Holland, PA 717-354-0432 PHILIP A. HAYES Oxford RD2 215-932 8736 WAYNE A. SPROUT RDI Rising Sun, Md 301-658 4463 CHRISTIAN L. STOLTZFUS R 2 Box 409 Elverson, PA 215-286 5995 CHESTER SOLTYS, JR. Spring City, PA 215 948-3647 \ HARMONY J .j y committee has had meetings on poultry health, op portunities in poultry rearing, and broiler and turkey management. Irwin also spoke about the public relations effort at Park City and the im portance of poultry promotion to the industry. He noted that the 1976 poultry queen, Vicki Shenck, has done much for the group by her appearances in parades, at banquets, and in the Park City effort. PRE-MIXES JAMES STUTZMAN SONS R 3 Kutztown, PA 215-683-7198 ELWIN REAM Hughesville. PA 717-584-4085 SHERWOOD A. WITHER Box 138 Berrysburg, PA 717-362-8823 PAUL L. KREIDER R 2 Palmyra. PA 717-964-3791 WILMERJ. WEAVER R 1 Fredericksburg, PA 717-865 6710 MARLIN GEESAMAN RZ Mew Port, PA 717-582 4598 RUSSELL FRY Duncannon PA ROMAN YODER R 1 Grantsville MD 301 895-5302 Walter Shaub, president of the Stanley Musselman, Quarryville, farm Lancaster County Poultry representative from National Central Association, receives a plaque of Bank and a member of the board of appreciation for his efforts from directors. The business meeting was Holland, and Martin K. who was one of her sponsors, also the time to elect Pflieger, Manheipi. The final entertainment for members to the board of The majority of the dinner the evening was a barber directors. Each year, four meeting, however, was shop quartet named the new board members who devoted to fellowship and Lanco Lad’s. Following their will serve a three-year term entertainment. Faye Stoner, presentation, door prizes and are chosen. Those either who stayed in Germany for centerpieces were given out reelected or chosen for the s ix months as part of the first time were Stanley International Four-H Musselman, Quarry ville, Yourhth Exchange (IFYE) John R. Huber, Jr., Lititz, presented her slide Harold S. Musselman, New presentation to the group, ~yr J|L- lr A* BETTER BUILDING, as well as saving time and money, depends upon selecting the quality building materials that meet all your needs, With LAMINATED RAFTERS and WOOD ROOF TRUSSES such as displayed above Rigidply Rafters offer a complete line of building materials that have given proven performance with all types of farm, utility and commercial buildings Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Oct. 30.1976 Try A Classified Ad It Pays! 17
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