—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Oct. 30, 1976 104 Public Sales Register FRI. NOV. 12 - 1 P.M. Winchester, Virginia - Feeder Cali and Yearling Sale to be held at the Far mers Livestock Exchange, Inc. located miles west of Winchester on U.S. Route 50. FRI. NOV. 12 - 7 P.M. Special Feeder Cattle Sale at vintage Sales Stables, Inc., 10 mues east of Lancaster, Paradise, Penna. FRI. NOV. 12 - 12 Noon Dairy Sale of 50 Head Registered and Grade Holsteins located 3 miles West of Newport on Ridge Road, turn at Udder End Dairy Store Sign. Sale by William Cramer, Owner, Newport RD3, Pa. V. Art Kling, Auctioneer. FRI. NOV. 12 - 1 P.M. Virginia’s late Fall Feeder Calf and Yearling Sale at Winchester, Va. FRI. NOV. 12 - 6:30 P.M. Dispersal of Bred Sow & Pig Sale, to be held at Keister’s Mddleburg Auction Sales, Inc., Route 522, three miles East of Middleburg, 5 miles JWest of Selinsgrove.- Art Kling & Larry Young Auc tioneers PUBLIC SALE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS. SHOP TOOLS & DAIRY EQUIPMENT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1976 11:30 A.M. Turn east off Route 625 at Center Church, midway between Route 23 and Bowmansville; located 2 miles East of Center Church, along Spring Hollow Road, in Caernarvon Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. JOHN DEERE 3010 DIESEL TRACTOR J.D. 40 Tractor with Cultivator; Farmall Super A Tractor with Plow and Cultivator (This Tractor is on Steel); (AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: All these Tractors are in real good condition, as are most of the other pieces of equipment, and should give some very good service.) J.D. 78 3-Point Blade; J.D. 248 Corn Planter; J.D. KBA 28 Disc; J.D. 660 Rubber-tooth Rake, used 1 year; Smoker Special 30-ft. Elevator; New Idea No. 7 Com Picker; N.H. 160-bu. Tank Spreader with Reverse Unload; 16-ft. Flat Wagon with Sides; 12-ft. Flat Wagon with Sides; Case Harrow Packer; 8-ft. Farm Trailer; 14-ft. Farm Trailer; Ford 3—14” Plow; 14-ft. Hay Feeding Rack; 24-ft. Smoker Elevator; 24-ft. Bale Conveyor. 1971 PLYMOUTH CRICKET BLACK-44,000 MILES Lincoln 225-amp. Welder; Harris Torch; Century and Reddy Heaters; Sprunger 14-in. Band Saw; Craftsman 4-ft. Wood Lath; Atlas 6-in. Jointer and Planer; Craftsman Belt and Disc Sander Com bintation, Pipe Clamps; Briggs & Stratton Motor; Shelving- Work Bench; Bench Grinder; Handyman Jack; Cable Come-a-long; 275-gal. Gas Tank with Pump; 150-gal. Gas Tank with Pump. 10 TONS OF STRAW Baled Com Fodder by the Ton; Kesco Milkmower Dumping Station (Vacuum); Surge Alamo 30 Milker Pump; Surge SP 11 Milker Pump; 2 Surge Electric Pulsation Milkers, and Spare Parts; Electric Pulsation System; Breeding Record Wheel; S.S. Twin Tubs; 20- qt. Milk Bucket; Tri Jet Bam Fogger; Milk Strainer; Galvanized Table for Milker Parts; Breeding Kit; Mastitis Test Kit; Cow Chains; Health Supplies; 2 Feed Carts; Bulldozer Fencer; Wheelbarrow; Brooms; Forks; Shovels; Kow Kan’t Kick; Health Supplies. Phone 215-445-4824 Terms By Samuel S. Shirk Auctioneers: I.eßoy S. Horst and Paul W. Horst REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED Not Responsible For Accidents If Any Should Occur SAT. NOV. 13 - 9:30 AM. Public Sale of Household Goods, and Antiques located in the town of Landisburg, Perry County, directly across from the Landisburg Fire Hall on Main Street. Sale by Clara Thompson Hathaway, owner, Lan disburg, Pa. V. Art Kling, Auctioneer. SAT. NOV. 13 A.M. Public Auction of Lykens Valley Farm. Located 2 miles North of Gratz and Route 25; 2 miles South of Klingefstown; along the Gratz to Klingerstown Hoad in Lykens Township. Dauphin County, Pa.; 40 miles North of Harrisburg, Arlene Williard, owner. George N. Deibert, Auc tioneer SAT. NOV. 13 - 12:01 P.M. Montmaria Farm Complete Herd and Milking Equip ment Dispersal at the farm located along Rt. 19,1 mi. So. of Belmont, 7 mi. No. of WellsviUe. 4 mi.. So. of Exit 30 of Southern Teir Ex pressway. Montmaria Farm, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Austin and Son David, owners; Victor Kent and Sons, Sale Managers, Cuba, N.Y. SAT. NOV. 13 - 9:30 A.M. John J. Kleinfelter Estate Sale of Rea] Estate, An tiques, Farm Equipment and Butcher Equipment located on the premises at Route 5, Lebanon, North Cornwall Twp., Penna. Turn west off 12th street in Lebanon onto Oak Street and continue approx. 1 mile to farm lane on left. Conditions by Anna M. Kleinfelter, Admx. Harry H. Bachman, Auctioneer. 11:30 sat. nov. 13 - 10:00 A.M. Public Auction of Valuable Antiques, Guns, Etc. Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. Box 100 Paradise, PA 10 miles East of Lancaster on Rt. 30. SPECIAL FEEDER CATTLE SALE NOVEMBER 12,1976 7:00 P.M. All weights & breeds. For information contact L ROBERT FROME. Manager 717-442-4181 or 717-768-8204 PUBLIC SALE At 11:30 A.M. Sale 3 miles southeast of Quarryville, Lan caster, County, Pa., just off Pa. Route 472, along Black Rock Road. FARMALL A TRACTOR WITH PLOW AND CULTIVATOR 7 Ft. No. 9 International Mower; Rubber Tire Farm Wagon; Platform Scales; Good New Idea Side Rake; Weed Sprayer; Wood Saw; 3 Ton of Mixed Hay; Old Ntw Idea Manure Spreader; Wheelbarrow; 2 Stripping Room Stoves. including Oak Bedroom Suite; Iron Beds; Piano Stool; Sewing Machine; library Table; Coal Heater; Upright Piano; Day Bed and Couch; Kitchen Table and Cabinets; and Maytag Washer. Like New Frigidalre Refrigerator and Apartment Size Electric Stove and 12 Gauge Shotgun LOTS OF ANTIQUES and Old Items Including 2 Iron Butcher Pots; Copper Kettle; Odd Chairs; Dough Tray; Antique Rocking Chairs; Child’s Cradle; Ice Cream Freezer; Iron Cooking Pot; Dated Jars; Gas Light Fixtures; Old Post Cards; Wooden Peck and Half Bushel Measures; Apple Butter and Pudding Stirrers; Scalding Trough; Grain Cleaner; and many other old items. LOT OF GOOD TOOLS including Pipe Vise and Cutter; Carpenter Tools; Harness Riveter; Some Good Old Lumber; 20 Ft. Ladder; Step Ladder; Grease Guns; Electric Motors; Wire Stretchers; Jars; Crocks; Crates; Pots; and old items by the hundreds. Lot Of Good Stove Wood - Vh Ton Coal Come early and stay aU day. Sale by order of Arthur A. Witmer Leroy C. Sensenig, Auctioneer R. 2, Quarryville Phone (717) 786-3128 Abe Martin, Clerk Located at 2450 Old Burwick, Espy, Pa., Columbia County. 1 mile East of Bloomsburg. Located off Exit 36 South on Rt. 11 from ISO. Follow sale arrows from Ist Red light on Rt. 11. Owners, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Heckman. Auc tioneers - Albert Broyan & Dennis Briggs SAT. NOV. 13 - 10:30 A.M. Special Horse Sale at the Danville Livestock Market, located on old Rt. 11, Ban ville, Pa. Melvin M. Leh man, owner. SAT. NOV. 13 - 9:30 A.M. Public Sale of Real Estate, Livestock, Farm Equip ment, Sheep Equipment and SAT., NOV. 6,1976 FARM MACHINERY 3 Tons of Good Mixed Hay 1968 PLYMOUTH SEDAN (25,000 Miles) FURNITURE Grain & Household Goods. Located in the Village of Enders, Five Miles North of Halifax off Route 225 or % mile West of Enders. Follow Sale Signs. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Coons, owners. Deiblers and Chubb, Auc tioneers SAT. NOV. 13 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Tools, Antiques and Household Goods located approx. 4% miles north of Stewartstown, off Rt. 24 along Logan Lane (near Rinely) in North Hopewell Twp., York Co., Pa. Sale by Mrs. Herbert Trout, RDI, Felton, Pa. owner, Robert L. Sechrist, Auctioneer AIRY CO SALE WEDNESDAY NIGHT, NOV. 10, 1976 DANVILLE LIVESTOCK MARKET Old Rt. 11, Danville, Pa. TOP QUALITY DAIRY COWS FRESH & CLOSE SPRINGERS CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME For Information Cali 717-275-2880. ANNUAL THANKSGIVING DAIRY SALE FRIDAY, NOV. 19,1976 1:00 P.M. Selling at Art Kling’s Sale Barn, located 12 miles N. of Carlisle on rt. 74, 2Vz miles N.E. of Lan disburg, Perry County: 60 - HEAD - 60 REGISTERED & GRADE HOLSIEINS Featuring 30 Canadian Heifers & Young Cows Mostly Registered • All will be just fresh or springing by sale date. Hand picked by owner from Ontario, Canada. Truck Load of Fancy Young Cows & Heifers from Cortland Co., N.Y. 10 Head from Northern Penna. Some of the Sires represented include: Astronaut, Selling Rockman, Rockdale President, Hagen, Waybrook Sir Winston, Tayside Pabst Rockman, High-point Perses Clipper, Merriview Dividend Perfection, Elmside View Dude, Man-O-War Owner’s Note: I am going all out to put together the Best group of cattle that I can find for you - have to be seen to be appreciated! All Cattle will be vac cinated for shipping fever. riealth Charts Free Delivery P.B. Heifer Calves On Dairy Cattle! Cash or Good Check Owner V. ART RUNG, R.D.I, Landisburg, Pa. 717-789-3883 Click, Auctioneer Naugle, Pedigrees Free Lunch will be served at 12:00 Noon for Everyone - Bring your family and friends - All Welcome! Door Prizes! -Gifts tor Everyone! SAT. NOV. 13 - 9:30 A.M. Relief Sale. To be held at the Fire House on Pequea Avenue in Gap, Pa. 6:00 A.M. - 9:30 A.M. for break-* fast. Donations are welcome. MON. NOV. 15 - 2 P.M. Public Sale of Dairy Farm located 26 miles South of Lancaster along Route 272,5 miles North of Route 1 from Nottingham. Little Britain Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. Terms by Mrs. Alice E. Brinton, Executrix of the Estate of Loran W. Brinton. J. Everett Kreider and Carl Diller, Auctioneers. WED. NOV. 17 - 1 P.M. Public Sale of Valuable Real 8:00 P.M. AT THE
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