Public Sales Register Estate Consisting of 2 Farms. Located RD2 Duisburg, Pa. 12 miles South of Harrisburg on U.S. Rt. 15 to Dillsburg, Ist St. South of Square to East York St. Left to Sale along Rd. No. 66006 x k mile from Square Signs Posted. Earl Latsha, owner. George Haar, Auctioneer THURS. NOV. 18-10:00 A.M. Public Sale of Antiques, Household Goods, Tools & Coins. Sale to be held at the Pequea Valley Sportsman’s PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13,1976 at 9:30 A.M. Sharp Located in the Village of Enders, Five Miles North of Halifax off Route 225 or Vz Mile West of Enders. Follow Sale Signs. Beautiful 50-Acre Farm, More or Less, with 40 Acres under High State of Cultivation and 10 Acres in Permanent Pasture with Running Water through Pasture, also Tillable. Having thereon Erected a l x h Story, 7-Room and Bathroom Frame Home with Modern Kitchen, Hot- Air Coal Furnace. Also a 5-Bay Bank Barn Equipped Partially for Dairy Cattle. Cement Stave Silo, a 30 x 60 Implement Shed, a Grain Shed, 2 Corn Cribs. One Drill Well and One Hand-Dug Weil on Property. Further Information may be Obtained or Inspection of Farm by Phoning Halifax 717-896-8870 by Appointment Only. Real Estate to be Offered at 1:00 P.M., at which Time Terms and Conditions will be Given. One Hereford Cow and Two Hereford Calves weighing about 275 lbs. day of sale. 9 Shoafs weighing about 100 lbs. 85 Ewes Bred with a Finn Ram, some with Lambs day of sale. 2 Rams. FARM EQUIPMENT Massey Ferguson Model 165 Diesel with Power Steering Multi- Power Transmission Weights All Around, in A-l; Ford Tractor, Model 800, with Manure Fork, Snow Plow, Dirt Bucket, and Weight Box for ...Rear; Inf. Model BN Tractor with Plows and Cultivator with Vacuum Dft; New Holland Model 68 PTO Baler with Model 50 Bale Thrower; Int. Model 32A Crusher; New Holland Model 410 7 ft. Mower, like new; New Holland Model 213 Manure Spreader, like new; Little Giant 34 ft. Hay and Grain Elevator, Electric or PTO; Ferguson Model DEO 20 6 Bar Hay Rake, like new; Ford Single Row Model 1-6-65 Mounted Corn Picker; 165 Bushel Metal Grain Wagon with Grove Chassis, like new; 2 Fiat Bed Bale Wagons; 2 John Deere Model 318 3-Boltom 3- Point Hitch Plows, One 14 inch and one 16 inch; John Deere Sub Soiler; John Deere Model 12A Pull Type Combine with Bin; Int. Model 1150 Grinder Mixer; 9 Hoe Ontario Drill; Wise VE 4-Cylinder Engine; Post Hole Digger; 7 ft. Ferguson Disc; Ford Cultivator; Side Delivery Rake; Stan Hoist Model F-27; Front End Loader, Will Fit Most Int. Tractors; Int. Hammer Mill with Bagger; 4-Section Lever Hire; Cyclone Seeder; 3-Point Lift Hoist; Hog Waters, Heavy Duty Overhead Door Track; Large Drill Press; Electric Fencers; Folding Truck Rack for 8 ft. Pick Up Truck; 55 Gallon Drums; 7 New Rolls of 42 inch Woven Wire; Barb Wire; Iron Posts and Fiberglass Posts; Railroad Ties; 2 Rotary Lawn Mowers; 1 Riding Lawn Mower; Heat House and Tractor Chains for Ford Tractor; House Trailer Axle and Wheels, also Other Iron Wheels, Iron Post Jacks; Engine Stand; Grease Outfit; Husky Chain Saw; Grinder on Stand; Pump and Sprayer for Tractor; a 1 HP Electric Motor; Log Chain; Hydraulic Jack; Hydraulic Cylinder; Sfablizer Bars and Brackets; Block and Tackle; Hog Feeders Wheelbarrow; Chicken Equipment; McCormick Deering Electric Cream Separator; 3 Rolls New Snow Fence; Scrap Iron and Lumber; Step Ladder; Ropes; Dump Trader for a Garden Tractor; Cow Clippers; Fogger Sprayer; Forks, Shovels and Tools of All Kinds; Sears Milker and Vacuum Pump. SHEEP EQUIPMENT AND GRAIN Shear Master Sheen Shearing Machine; Jointed Shaft Shearing Machine with Clutch 'h bp Sealed Electric Motor with 25 Sets of Combs and Cutters; Ear Tagger; Sheep Dippin Vac Portable; Sheep Hurdles; Several Tons of Hay and Straw; Ear Corn; Barley and Oats. 1971 Four-Door Chevrolet Impala with Full Power and 57,000 Miles. 1966 Chevrolet Pickup with Extra Cab. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Sears Upright 17 cu. ft. Freezer, One Year Old; 2 Vacuum Cleaners; Sears Washer and Dryer; Firestone Refrigerator; Radio, Stereo with AM and FM Radio; Lehr Piano; 2 Single Beds pith Spring and Mat tress; Double Bed with Spring and Mattress; Coffee Table and End Tables; Kitchen Cabinet; Metal Wardrobe; Majestic Kitchen Coal Range; Range Hood; Utility Cabinets; Lawn Chairs; Picnic Table; Lawn Seeder; Garden Sprayer; Gate Legged Drop-Leaf Table; 4 Kitchen Chairs; Roll Top Desk Top; Jars, Crocks and Bottles; Child's Drop- Leaf Table; Typewriter; Antique Doll Drop-Leaf Table; and Many Other Articles too Numerous to Mention. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS DAY OF SALE Order of Sale: Tools, Household Goods, Real Estate, Big Equipment & Livestock. Owners, Mr. and Mis. Thomas R. Coons Earl Richard Etzweiler, Attorney - Deiblers and Chubb Auctioneers Complete Sates and Service Phone 362-8889 or 896-8530 Club, along Rawlinsville Raod, Lane. Co., Pa. (about V* mile south of Brumgar der’s Station). Sale by Mr. & Mrs. Ray C. Sigman Howard Shaub & Roy C. Probst, Auctioneers. THURS. NOV. 18 - 9:00 A.M. Large All Day Public Sale of Antiques, Household Goods & Garden Tools. Located: Along Manheim-lititz Rd. along 772, 2 miles West of Lititz and 4 miles East of Manheim. % Mile West of Longeneckers Church, REAL ESTATE LIVESTOCK Lancaster. Sale by Clayton Diffenderfer. C. H. Wolgemuth & H. Shaffner, Auctioneers FRI. NOV. 19 - 6:30 P.M. Feeder Cattle & Feeder Pig Sale. To be held at Keister’s Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc., Route 522, three miles East of Middleburg, 5 miles west of Selinsgrove. Art Kling & Larry Young, Auctioneers FRI. TSTOV. 19 - 8 P.M. Nite Cow Sale at the Black and White Holstein Farm, Lancaster, Pa. across from the Comet Drive-in Theatre or V* mile West of Breeding unit. Charles C. Myers, owner; Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneer; Henry Ket tering, Pedigrees; Park Myers, Sales Manager. RI. NOV. 19 - 1 P.M. jinual Thanksgiving Dairy PUBLIC SALE FARM MACHINERY, TOOLS, ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD GOODS SAT. NOV. 13, 1976 Located approx. 4Va miles north of Stewart stown, off Rt. ( 24 along Logan Lane (Near Rinely) in North Hopewell Twp., York Co., Pa. FARM MACHINERY & TOOLS W.D. Allis Chalmers tractor w-hyd. & in very good condition; Ferguson 35 tractor, 2800 hrs. in fine shape; Oliver No. 5 single row corn picker; Oliver 13 disc drill; N.I. No. 12A manure spreader; Smoker 26 ft. elevator; David Bradley 20 ft. grain elevator; J.D. 3 pt. 2 row corn planter; 20 ft. belt conveyer for potatoes; Oliver 3 pt. 2 -14 in. plows w- new mold boards; Woods Cadet -No. 60 rotary mower; J.D. 7 ft. semi-mount mower; Ferguson 3 pt. hay rake; Sauder manure loader & dirt bucket; Ferguson cultivators; Oliver Iron Age sprayer; 3 pt. hitch spring tooth harrow; bin wagon w good running gears; 2 flat bed rubber tire wagons w grain side boards; 3 pt. hook weeder; 3 pt. hook chisel; 3 pt. hook dirt scoop; 8 ft. roller; Int. 8 ft. disc harrow; A.C. 2 -14 in. plows; 2 wheel trailer; com sheller; platform scales; lot of chicken feeders, fountains & ‘nests; range feeders; brooder stoves; Keenco egg grader; egg washer; egg scales; egg baskets; crock fountains; coops; electric fencer; cyclone seeder; electric motors; tractor umbrella; D.B. chain saw; lots of tools; bench vise; anvil; blacksmith forge; stillard scales; ice tongs; single & double trees; iron posts; lumber; rolls of tar paper; grain cradle; metal roofing; gates; heat lamp brooders; oil drums & grease; harness; sets of tractor chains; wagon load of small misc. items. ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD GOODS Antique 4 pc. bedroom suite; oak chest of drawers; oak library table; Victrola; cane seat rocker; oak stands; wood box; cupboards; ball & claw stand; high chair & tray; oak beds; cane seat chair; cradle; radio & clock comb.; picture frames; sad irons; oak mantle kitchen clock; crocks; stove top waffle iron; butter mold; iron skillets; cigar cutter boards; meat grinder; parts for old cyl. record player; lot of cylinder records; lard press & sausage stuffer; hog scrapers; lanterns; cream separator; kerosene lights & stoves; wood planes; cow bell; washbowl pcs.; some old dishes & glassware. R.C.A. Whirlpool 16 cu. ft. upright freezer; Philco refrigerator; 6.E. portable dish washer, like new; New Perfection 3 burner oil stove; Dexter double tub washer; wash tubs; 9 pc. dining room suite; 3 pc. maple wood & upholstered lounge set; 4 pc. bedroom suite w-wardrobe; electric sewing machine; chest of drawers; metal bed; reclining chair; sofa bed; 2 sets of end & coffee tables; gossip bench; card table; magazine rack; snack trays; Xmas items; 2 pc. living room suite; 5 pc. luggage set; lot of small appliances; porch chairs; glider; old books; Duo Therm space heater; dishes; pots pans; etc. Sale Order: small items off wagon, farm machinery, antiques & household goods. Felton, Pa. owner Terms: cash or approved check Robert L Sechrist, auctioneer Ph. 382-4379 Miller & Son, clerks Not responsible for accidents Refreshments by Cross Roads Methodist Church Sale selling at Art Kling’s Sale Bam, located 12 miles N. of Carlisle on Rt. 74, 2Vz miles N.E. of tandisburg, Perry County. 60 Head of Registered and Grade Holsteins. V. Art Kling, Owner, RDI, Landisburg, Pa. Click, Auctioneer; Naugle, Pedigrees. SAT. Nov. 20 - 12:00 P.M. Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate. Situated on the premises 1 mile West of Elizabethville, Pa. Ap proximately Vi mile off Route 209, North of the Airport. Sale by the Estate of George F. Scheidler. Lee D. Dockey, Auctioneer, Estate Liquidator, Appraiser. SAT. NOV. 20 - Public Sale of 35 Head of Angus Cattle and Farm Equipment located 6 miles Northeast of Robesonia, 6 miles Southeast at 10:OOA.M. MRS. HERBERT TROUT R.D.I Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Oct. 30,1976 — of Bernville in North Heidelberg Township, Berks County, Pa. Sale for the Robert B. Skinner Estate. Bixler and Kramer, Auc tioneers. SAT. NOV. 20 - 10:00 A.M. Public Sale of Real Estate, Antiques, Household Goods & Tools. Located at 8 Kreider Ave., village of Willow Street, West Lampeter Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. (first right after Mellott’s Service station. Sale by Mrs. John B. Kreider. Howard Shaub & Roy C. Probst, Auctioneers. SAT.. NOV. 20 - 1:30 P.M. Public Auction of 300-350 Feeder Pigs. Location - between Womelsdorf and Myerstown along route 422, at Stouchsburg take Scharff Road South 1 mile, third farm on left, Vz mile North of Sheridan Furnaces; Marion Twp., Berks County, PA. Terms by Walter M. Horst. John E. & Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers SAT. NOV. 20 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Valuable 65 Acre Produce & Beef Farm and Produce Market (Peterman’s Farm Market), Farm & Produce Machinery, Etc. Located just off PA Rt. 405, East side of River Bridge, Muncy, Pa. Lycoming Co. Owners - William O. and Doris E. Peterman. Auctioneer - Max Fraley & Son. DAIRY SALE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12,1976 12:00 Noon The undersigned, located 3 miles West of Newport on Ridge Road, turn at Udder End Dairy Store Sign, will sell the following: 50 - HEAD - 50 REGISTERED & GRADE HOLSTEINS Featuring Minnesota & Wisconsin Cows & Ist Calf Heifers Big Cattle - Mostly all fresh within the last 3 weeks. Good Type! Cattle that will produce for you! Health Charts Terms: Cash or Good Check William Cramer, Owner ' Newport, R.D.3, Pa. 717 567-6782 V. Art Kling, Auct. 4th AHNUAL AIL DAY PUBLIC SALE at Linville Hill Mennonite School SATURDAY, NOV. 6,1976 15 Miles East of Lancaster off U.S. 30 - 2 miles South on Kinzer Road. Items to be sold include Canned goods, baked goods, potatoes, eggs, honey, apples, cider, bologna, hot dogs, cabbage, etc. Assorted handy work, quilts, fancy pillows, lamps, crocheted items & much more. Double bed, box spring & mattress. livestock, Reg. Holstein heifer, com fed steers, butcher bulls, butcher hogs, feeder pigs, hay, straw, com fodder, seed com, baler twine, fire wood, Surge milker unit with 50 lb. pail, steel cattle gate, 25 in. 5 - H.P. Riding Mower, portable , air compressor, steam iron, 2 new West Bend Slow cookers. Enjoy delicious home made food and goodies while attending our auction. All proceeds of the day will be used for the promotion of Christian Education at the school. All contributions will be greatly appreciated. Sale time 10 A.M. All items will be donated. Leroy Zook Leon Kurtz Steve Peter sheim For Information Call Ehrin toiler 442-8126 SAT. NOV. 20 - 2 P.M. Public Sale of Outstanding Lan caster County Farm & Woodland. Located in Fulton Twp., 8 miles South of Quarryville just off Route No. 222 on Ulrich Road. Follow Route No. 222 south from Lancster 22 miles, V/z miles from Robert Fulton Birthplace. Go to Conowingo Creek Turn south on Ulrich Road, just \Vz miles east of Wakefield. Terms by Commonwealth National Bank, Trustee. Ruth U. Bucher, Robert W. Ulrich, Harry L. Ulrich, Ross C. Ulrich, Jr., Claude F. Smith, Auctioneer. SAT. EVE. NOV. 20 - 7:00 P.M. Public Sale of Feeder Pigs, Shoats, & Farm Machinery. Located midway between Richfield and Oriental, Juniata Co. Follow signs off Rt. 35 at east end of Richfield. Elwood C. Flowers, Owner. Long Bros, and C. H. Wolgemuth, Aucts. TUBS. NOV. 23 - 5 P.M. Antique Sale at the Far mersville Auction located at Farmersville, 3 miles East of Brownstown, Lancaster Co. Sale by John J. Rutt; Richard Murray, Auc tioneer. TUBS. NOV. 23 - 5 P.M. Antique Sale at the Far mersville Auction located at Farmersville, 3 miles East 10 A.M. 105
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