102 —Lancaster Farmings Saturday- Pet. 3) Public Sales Register WED. NOV. 3 - 9:30 A.M. Consignment Sale. Location Vz mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Avenue in Leola, Lancaster Co., PA. Watch for sale sign. Sale by David H. Good. Auctioneers - F. Snyder, R. Martin, C. Wolgemuth, C. Diller, J. Fry. WED. NOV. 3-9:30 A.M. Consignment Sale. Location M: mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Avenue in Leola, Lancaster Co., Pa. Watch for sale signs. Sale by David H. Good. Auctioneers - F. Snyder, R. Martin, C. Wolgemuth, C. Diller, J. Fry WED. NOV. 3 - 7:30 P.M. Virginia’s Late Fall Feeder Calf and Yearling Sale at Dublin, Va. THURS. NOV. 4 - 1 P.M. Virginia’s Late Fall Feeder Calf and Yearling Sale at Lynchburg, Va. THURS. NOV. 4 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of 48 Head of Grade Holsteins & Farm Machinery. Locate'd 10 miles South of Gap, 1% mile East of Cochranville along Gum Tree Road at Hershey Haven Dairy, Chester Co., Pa. Sale by Jerry Hershey. Auc tioneers - Leßoy Zook, Leon Kurtz & Steve Petersheim. THURS. NOV. 4 - 6 P.M. Public Auction of Antiques. Sale to be held at “The Brandywine Hilton”, Naamans Road, and 1-95 (Exit 11 from 1-95), Wilmington, DE. For the Estate of William DuPont McConnell. Rudnick & Matas, Auctioneers THURS. NOV. 4 -1:00 P.M. Lynchburg on Route 29 South across from Cindy’s Truck Shop. Sponsored by Lyn chburg Feeder Cattle Association, Inc. THURS. NOV. 4 - 5:30 P.M. Public Auction at the Hat & Gavel Auction Co. located one mile north of Lititz along Rt. 501. Wilbur H. Hosier, Auctioneer. THURS. NOV. 4 - 7 P.M. Virginia’s Late Fall Feeder Calf Sale at Roanoke, Va. NOV. 5 - 1:30 P.M. Special Sale of Feeder Cattle and Calves at the Blue Ridge Livestock Sales, Inc., Charlestown, W. Va. FRL NOV. 5-7:30 P.M. Special Sale of Steers, Calves & Cows, all weights. To be held at Leesburg Livestock Market, Leesburg, Va. FRL NOV. 5 - 6:30 P.M. Northeast Region Chianina l r 1976. Sale, Selling 60 lots located FRI. NOV. 5-12 Noon 150 at Lauxmont Farms, Hi-Grade Holsteins at Wrightsville, Penna. Stanley Auction at farm located E. Stout. Auctioneer. Sale along Rt. 19, 4 mi. South of Headquarters; Quality Inn, Belfast, 5 mi. Nb. -of Route 30 west of Lancaster, Belmont, 12 mi. No. of *° ad EXA ’ Wellsville, N.Y. and 1 mi. Lancaster, Pa. . No of Exit 30 of Southern Teir Expressway. Dean Scott, Belmont, N.Y., owner; Victor Kent and Sons, Cuba, N.Y. Sale Manager, and Auctioneers. FRI. NOV. 5-12 Noon. Day Time Horse Sale to be held at Sales Stables along Route 340, 2 miles East of In tercourse, 4 miles South of New Holland, Lancaster County, Pa. Sale by Paul Z. Martin. Martin Auctioneers. FRI. NOV. 5 - 5:30 P.M. 'Public Sale at the Gap Auction located off Route 41 - Lancaster Ave. opposite Turkey Hill Minit Market, cross RR Bridge. Antiques sold at every auction. Ira Stoltzfus and Son, Auc tioneers. 9 SALE! FRIDAY, NOV. 5, 1976 7:30P.M. All Weights STEERS - CALVES - COWS LEESBURG LIVESTOCK MARKET LEESBURG, VA Phone 777-1411 Phone 777-3521 Regular Sale Day every Monday 2:00 PUBLIC AUCTION TRACTORS • FARM MACHINERY - HOLSTEIN CATTLE - HOGS FIVE (5) TRACTORS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8 at 10:00A.M. Location; Four (4) miles southwest of Coatesville; 2 miles east of Parkesburg to Strasburg Road, continue on Strasburg Road to Mt. Carmel Road, south on Mt. Carmel Road to sale site, East Fallowfieid Twp., Chester Co., Pa. Farm Machinery as follows: Int. ‘Bs6’ dsl. tractor w- 1250 hrs., wide frontend, 18.4 x 38 tires; Case ‘B7o’ dsl. tractor w-790 hrs., wide front-end, 18.4 x 34 tires; Int. ‘574’ dsl. utility tractor w-1365 hrs., 3-point hitch; Int. ‘A’ tractor; White 7300’ dsl. combine, 11’ header, 2-row com head, app. 300 acres; Melroe ‘M-600’ Bob Cat w -5%’ bucket & wide tires; Int. ‘sso’ 16”, 5-b. 3-point hitch plow; MM 16”, 4-b. 3-point & fast hitch, hyd. reset plow; Int. ‘37’ 12’ transport disc: Int. 9’ drag disc; 13’ single cultipacker; 10’ dbl. cultipacker; 8’ single cultipacker; springtooth harrow; New Holland ‘469’ haybine; New Holland ‘4o4’ crusher; Int. fast-hitch mower; J.D. ‘494’ rotobar rake; New Holland ‘26B’ baler w-thrower, PTO; Int. ‘s6’ 2-row com planter; Int. 2-row fast-hitch com planter; tank sprayer; 5 rubber tired farm wagons with bale racks; horse trailer; 30’ transport auger elevator; Smoker 15’ elevator; 2 - Int. ‘sl’ forage wagons; Int. 2-row cultivators; Int. ‘s6’ hopper-blower, PTO; 10’ V-snow plow fits ‘Bs6’ tractor; cattle loading chute; Homelite chain saw; Int. ‘lo’ 13- disc gram drill; 2 rolls barbed wire; 3 feed carts; DeLaval 76’ milker pump; 4 milker units; wagon load of miscellaneous “found around the farm” Forty (40) Head of Hoi :s & Pies: Duroc & Yorkshire sows w-pigs; Reg Duroc boar; Duroc & Yorkshire sows & gilts, bred : ■Two 122) Holstein Dairy Cow; Twent TER] Sales Company, ROMIG BROS. Sale conducted by: Whitford Sales Company L. Robert Frame, auctioneer Box 98, Uwchiand P.O. Eagle, Pa. 19480 SAT. NOV. 6 - Fall Roundup, Ayrshire Sale at Bedford, Pa. Fairgrounds; Ralph W. Horst, Marion, Pa. Auc tioneer SAT. NOV. 6 - 11:30 A.M. Auction Sale of Farm Machinery, Antiques & Furniture. Located 3 miles Southeast of Quarryville, Lancaster County, just off PA Rt. 4/2 along Black Rock Road. Sale by Arthur A. Anon By the order of “Chester County’s FOREMOST Auction Company” & Heifers. by Whitford Withner, Leroy Behsenig, Auctioneer, SAT. NOV. 6 - Public Sale of Farm' Machinery, Horse Drawn Implements at Stauffer’s Saddler Shop located along Rt. 11 and 15,9 miles South of Selinsgrove, 8 miles North of Liverpool. We sell on Commission. Sale by Elmer Stauffer; Frank and Paul Snyder, Auctioneer. SAT. NOV. 6 - 11:30 A.M. Public Auction of Mahan tongo Valley Farm. Located in the Village of Klinger stown, Upper Mahantongo Township, Schuylkill County, Pa.; next to the Carnival and Picnic Grounds; 45 miles North of Harrisburg; 20 miles South of Sunbury. Billy L. Wiest & Ruby L. Wiest, owners. George N. Deibert, Auc tioneer CONSIGNMENT SALE WEDNESDAY, NOV. 3,1976 AT 9:30 A.M. Location: Vz mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave. in Leola, Lancaster Co., PA. Watch for Sale Sign. Tractors; Farm Machinery; Horse Drawn Implements; New Tools, Hardware, Building - Materials; Hay and Straw; Load of Fresh Citrus Fruit Direct from Florida. Also, fish, Oysters and Shrimp. We sell on Commission. HAY SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY 12:00 Noon by HARVEY Z. MARTIN HOUSEHOLD GOODS DAVID H. GOOD 717-656-9024 F. Snyder, R. Martin, v C. H. Wolgemuth, C. Diller, J. Fry Aucts. NEXT SALE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17. I NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS PUBLIC SALE FARM MACHINERY, STANDING CORN, ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES SAT. NOV. 6,1976 Located approx. 2 miles east of Delta, on Booker Rd. near Mt. Nebo Church on the former Randall McLaughlin Farm in Peach Bottom Twp., York Co., Pa. (Watch for arrows). FARM MACHINERY, CORN & HAY Ferguson tractor w- 3 pt. hitch in good condition; 3 pt. Ferguson cultivators; J.D. 3 pt. 2 -14” plows; J.D. 3 pt. 2 row com planter; J.D. manure spreader; Alps 7 ft. 3 pt. rear blade; Int. 6 ft, disc harrow; Dear born 6 ft. sickle bar mower; Int. No. 45 PTO baler in good condition; side delivery rake; rubber tire wagon; 2 wheel trailer; Meyer Snow-flo 7 % front mount truck snow plow, complete w- hyd. pump & attachments, used once; 275 gal. oil tank; Ferguson tractor pulley; hammer mill; com shelter w- bagger; wood feed bunk; platform scales; fodder chopper; electric fencer; lumber; shovel plow & horse cultivator; lot of tires; small hand tools; barrels; cans; baler twine; harness & many items not mentioned. 22 acres of good standing com to be sold by the acre; approx. 15 tons of good mixed hay. Com & hay must be paid day of sale & be harvested & moved by No. 15. ANTIQUES t HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES Wood & coal heatrola; drop leaf table; oil space heater; barrel butter chum on trussel; glass butter chum; crocks; old typewriter; oak desk & chair; 2 pc. storage cabinet; base cabinet; AM-FM hi-fi; TV sets; •dining room table, chairs & buffet; books; brass cow bells; dishes; glassware; Xmas decorations; milk cans; 2 & 4 gun rack; 22 cal. semi-automatic rifle w scope; motor cycle, as is; 2 mini-bikes, etc. Terms: Cash or approved check MR. & MRS. WILLIAM ROBERTS R.D.I Delta, Pa Robert L. Sechrist, auctioneer Ph. 382-4379 Anderson & Warner, clerks Not responsible for accidents Refreshments available -SAIL- NOV. 6 -10:00 A,M. Public Sale of Tractors, Plows, Trucks & Antiques, Miscellaneous Items. To be held at Clair D. Worley’s, 3170 W. Market St., York, Pa. 17404. Discontinuing The John Deere Business of 29 years. Large Supply of John Deere Parts And Ac cessories. Clair D. Worley, owner. Blaine N. Rentzel. SAT. NOV. 6 - 10:30 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Standing Com, Antiques & Household Ar ticles. Located approx. 2 miles east of Delta, on Booker Rd. near Mt. Nebo Church on the former Randall McLaughlin Farm in Peach Bottom Twp., York Co., Pa. (Watch for arrows). Mr. & Mrs. William Roberts, owners. Robert L. Sechrist, Auctioneer at 10:30 A.M. '-■O o
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