Sheep industry rights decline t DENVER, Colo. - A con tinued decline in sheep numbers could cause that industry to be owned more by the processors than by the primary producers. This warning was issued recently by Richard D. Biglin, executive director of the American Sheep Producers Council, before that organization’s semi annual Board of Directors’ meeting held here. Biglin, who heads the sheep industry’s promotional arm representing over 120,000 producers nationwide, was speaking in reference to the national effort to increase FEESER’S 12TH PRODUCTION SALE Lebanon Area Fairgrounds Lebanon, Pa. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27,1976 Atl :00 P.M. Lunch at Noon. Phone Sale Day (717) 274-9953 OFFERING: 10 Hamp Boars 10 York Boars 40 Hamp Gilts 15 York Gilts 15 Crossbred Gilts 4 Bred Gilts For Catalog Contact: FRANKLIN FEESER Box 372 Taneytown, MD 21787 (301)848-6280 HERSHEY I.SENSENIG HOLSTEINaB^B DISPERSAL REG. Held at Smoketown Quality Dairy Sales SAT. NOVEMBER 6, 12 p.m. noon 5 mi. east of Lancaster 5 mi. west of Intercourse Rt. 340 There are 50 head-38 milking age-2 bred heifers-2 open heifers and 8 started calves and older. Sharp dairy type, cows will respond to feed. Many due fall and winter. 30 day tested-D.ELI.A. Records. Selling • famous sires-3 Padamar Astronaut-3 Romandale Dividend Performer. Willows Farm Rock man Ivanhoe. Vigo Channcross. Harmony Crest Ivanboe Connie. Kingsdale Ivanhoe Jack. U.N.H. President King. Round Oak Electron. Skagvale Hattie Maple Daughter’s are: 2 fuD sisters, Simpson Burgor Snowman, Maior Royal Design. Swampy Hollow Lucifer Model. Silver Tim. etc. Service to: Hilltop Apollo Ivanhoe, Harrisburg Gay Ideal. Round Oak Electron EHac Kitty Performer Performer Performer Ivanhoe Connie Lucifer Model These Articles Will Be Sold First: Water Bowls, Milker Pipe, 3 pig troughs, some scrap iron, steel sink top, pfce, track & litter carrier & bucket, etc. etc. Frank & Paul Snyder Auctioneer Carl Oilier Pedigrees Cash or good check day of sale Cows milked at regular times lamb and wool production titled “Blueprint for Expansion.’’ “A growing industry, regardless of how small, presents a much better appearance to everyone outside the industry,” said Biglin. “The counterpart of a reasonable supply is a smaller, highly specialized, almost delicatessen-type of product,” he added. The national “Blueprint” program has received unanimous approval by all segments of die sheep in dustry while state and local 3- 305 d. 17.112M-737F. 4.4% proj. 4- 284 d. 15.875M-660F. 4.2% 4-yr. 313 d. 15.429M-670F. 4.3% 3-»r. 305 d. 17.279M-697F. 4.0% proj. 2-y f - 14.168M-559F. 3,9% 4 V t - 14.769M-598F. 4.0% 5 yr. 14.604M-608F. 4.1% proj. Sale by: Gordon W. Fritz 717-393-0930 areas are also developing specific programs designed to increase production. Sheep production declined seven per cent last year while a further decline is predicted again for 1976. Dr. A. Dewey Bond, vice president of the American Meat Institute, Washington, D.C., told the group of sheepmen, “This further decline in lamb slaughter may reflect added interest in sheep production by holding back replacement stock rather than marketing their lambs.” Members of the ASPC staff also reviewed promotional programs for the past year and received suggested budget figures for the 1977-78 lamb and wool programs. Eat all you can BIRD-IN-HAND, Pa. - The Paradise Rotary Club is sponsoring a Pancake and Sausage Breakfast to be held Saturday, November 6 at the Bird-in-Hand Fire Hall, from 5:30 - 11:00 am. The breakfast is the “all you can eat” type and tickets are $2 for adults and $1.25 for children. FAIL ROUNDUP AYRSHIRE SALE at Bedford Fairgrounds, Bedford, Pa. SATURDAY, NOV. 6, 1976 Sale at 12:30 P.M. 40 REGISTERED AYRSHIRES Offering consists of Fresh and Springing cows and first calf heifers, bred and open heifers. Good bloodlines and from leading herds in East, sale features a large consignment from Cove Creek Farms, Bedford, Pa. R 4. Catalogs at Sale Managed by Armour and Horst Marion, Pa. 17235 Ralph W. Horst, Auctioneer PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE <9 ACRE FARM WITH OLD STONE & FRAME HOUSE) FINE ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, & TOOLS WED. NOVEMBER 10,1976 at 10:00 Loc. along Main Street, village of Conestoga, Conestoga Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. (2 blocks west of Lee Smith’s Store) Over 100 yr. old 2% story stone & frame, 9 room house. Other buildings: 2 story frame bank bam, hog pen, chicken house. Road frontage along Main Street & in rear along Valley Road. Farm ground & wood land totaling 9 acres of land more or less. Property open for inspection: Sat’s. Oct. 30 & Nov. 6 from 1 till 3. Real Estate to be sold at 2:00. Fine walnut farm table w- Ig. & sm. drawers, bucket bench, cherry & walnut 6 leg dropleaf tables, Columbian & Prizer Royal coal cook stoves, blanket chest w- 2 drawers, 4 winsor plank chairs, low dry sink, jelly cupboard, wood box, pie furniture. Seth Thomas mantle clock, Frig, refrig., GE elec, stove, coal heatrola, pitcher sets, red satin min. oil lamp. Heisey, RS, bristol opalescent, Nippon, Jap., milk glass, pressed, German, Warwick & other glassware & china. Push harrow, walking & shovel plows, harness, single & dble. trees, band & garden tools. Other misc. articles not listed. Food served. „ . . Sale by ■ Mis. Oliver S. Foutz A.W. Reese Atty. or Luc 7 s - Foutz Howard Shaub Auctioneer and Roy C. Probst Public FRI. & SAT. OCT. 29 & 30 -10 A.M. both days. Auction Sale of All Kinds Choice Tools. For the Estate of Alton G. Jewett. Walter C. Hurff, Estate Liquidator - 609-589- 1272. Auctioneers - Sickler & Scott. SAT. OCT. 30 - 11:30 A.M. Sharp. Antique Estate Sale. To be held at Hunter’s Sale Bams, Inc., Rte. 276, Rising Sun, Md. From the Estate of Katherine Brittingham. Norman E. Hunter, Auc tioneer SAT. OCT. 30 - 6:00 P.M. Real Estate Auction for Tressler Lumber Company Liquidation Sale - 569 Acres, 30 Tracts of Woodland. Located 3 miles East of Pillow, Pa. & Route 225 at Forest Hill Community Hall, Village of HEBE, 18 miles South of Sunbury. George Deibert, Auctioneer SAT. OCT. -30 - 12:30 P.M. Auction of Horse Drawn Equipment & Household Goods. Located on Rt. 371, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Oct. 30,1976 — Register between Rt. 247 and Rt. 191, north of Honesdale, Pa. Look for Auction signs. Dr. Wm. J. Perkins, owner. Don Ostrander, Auctioneer SAT. OCT. 30 - Show & Sale at 3 P.M. 3rd Annual Eastern National Bred Ewe & Ewe Lambs Sale. To be held at the Maryland State Fairgrounds Sheep Barn, Timonium, Md. Sales Superintendent, J. Clyde Brubaker SAT. OCT. 30 -1 P.M. Special Fall Feeder Cattle Sale at the Aberdeen Sales Co. Inc. Livestock Auction Market located 6 mi. east of Bel Air, Md. via U.S. Rt. 1,6 mi. west of Aberdeen, Md., via 1-95 or U.S. Rt. 40 on Md. Rt. 22 in Churchville, Harford Co., Md. Sale by Aberdeen Sales Co., Inc. Livestock Auction Mkt., Churchville, Md. MON., NOV. 1 - Arnold Acres Holstein Sale - 110 Registered Holsteins, 10 Grades. North on Rt. 72 through Lebanon to Maple Street to Mount Zion Road. Arnold Acres Farm on the GAP AUCTION FRIDAY EVENING, NOV. 5 5:30 P.M. Located off Route 41 • Lancaster Avenue opposite Turkey Nil Mint Market ■ Cross Rtt Bridie. Selling the Bertha L Hughes Estate of Coatesville Household Goods and Antiques plus additions. Inspection Friday from 9:00 a.m. until sale time. CONSIGNMENTS ON MONDAYS OTHER DAYS BY APPOINTMENT FROM 8:00 A.M. TO 7:00 P.M. Call us for pick-up service IRA STOLTZFUS & SON, Auctioneers 442-4936 or 442-8254 CONDUCTORS ALL TYPES PUBLIC SALE COMPLETE DISPERSAL Having decided to discontinue business, we have been commissioned to sell on: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1976 at 10:30 AM at the farm on Route No. 187, 5 miles south of Nichols, New York, 18 miles North of Towanda, Pennsylvania. HORSES A selection of registered quarter horses and grade. Cutting and pleasure horses. TACK SHOP 7-8 saddles, including a side saddle, bridles, halters, bits, pads, collars, etc. FARM MACHINERY Allis-Chalmers tractor, manure spreader, etc. Also, household goods and antiques. REAL ESTATE 25 acres plus house and horse bam with horse stalls and 60 feet x 100 feet indoor riding arena plus outdoor arena. Beautiful road frontage on well-traveled road. To be offered at auction if not previously sold. Terms; cash or good check. Owner: HOWARD ROEDIGER Howard W. Visscher, Licensed real estate broker and auctioneer, Nichols, New York 607-699-7250 Sales left Sale by: Arnold Acres Inc. Auc: Randall V. Kline and Rueben Houser. WED. NOV. 1-8 P.M. Dairy Cows Sale at the Danville Livestock Market, located old Rt. 11, Danville, Pa. Owner Melvin M. Lehman. TUBS. NOV. 2 - 2 P.M. Public Sale of 65 Acre Farm located along Steinmetz and Akron Roads between Akron and Ephrata (neai Foodergong), Ephrata Township, Pa. Terms by Jonas M. Weaver and Phebe L. Weaver; T. Glenn Horst, Auctioneer TUES. NOV. 2-11:00 A.M. Auction of Restaurant Equipment & Furniture. To be held at the Singer Equipment Warehouse, 1317 Chester Street, Exit 183, Warren Street By-Pass, Route 422, Reading, Pa. Sale ordered by Singer Equip ment Company, Inc. George Deibert, Auctioneer. 101 1
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