3-4—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Oct 2, 1976 F#ad i. S**d Pennell aeed wheal, cleaned and ready to plant, HSbu Will Mood. 1* 215-&38-6524 or 2iW»4ii6 For Sale - Beautiful Red Coat aeed wheat cleaned, bagged Grown from last year'* certified aeed Mao large old type flat wagon, very good condition 215663-3039 BUYING EAR & SHELLED CORN Receiving Daily RL 372 - 2 ML Weft of Back, PA PH ; 717-2SMS2S MARK RiSSER Holtwood RDI PAI7SS2 WANTED TO BUY CORN Ear Corn or High Moll tore SbeQ Corn. WHI Pickup in field 717-872-5525 MULCH HAY WANTED Delivered to Avondale, PA or Hauling can be arranged. Call For Current Prices. 215-268-8258 or 268-8259 Situations Wanted Young experienced couple desperately wishes to rent dairy farm for 35 to 55 cows for Spring of 77. Penn State graduate. Please call 717- 273-8520 Two young married brothers desiring to rent dairy farm large enough to feed and house 60 cows. Stocked and equipped or bare. Call 215- 7234031 or 215-3684864 Young married farmer willing to take over, rent or manage a farm. Ex perienced in beef, hogs, dairy, crops and field work. Industrious and sober. Ronald Naudus, 11 Penn sylvania Avenue, Memington-New Jerey 06822. Phone (201) 782-0170 after 6 P.M. Pats WANTED TO BUY Puppies, 7 to 9 weeks old, in litter lots. Pure breeds and half breeds. Cash money paid. Will pickup every Wed nesday. For resale in my pet shop. Write to Charles Hackett, 3743 N. sth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140 or call before 8 p.m. Mon., Tues., & Thurs. only. 215-229-. 0449. Give breed-age color when writing. Also some kind of direction. Thank you. -FERTILIZER SPECIAL SUMMER SALE Dry Poultry Manure. Fresh from the broiler houses. |15.00 per ton plus delivery. Write Box 27, Strasborg, PA 17579 Try A Classified A A It Pays! Livestock For Sola "Wisconsin and Canadian Dairy Cows for Sale, Ist, 2nd, and 3rd calf Fresh and close springers Cash, or credit with down payment Specialize In selecting cows for customers Free Delivery. Call collect Reuben Greenberg. Inc , Columbus, New Jersey 06022 - Phone 609-296-1021.” HOLSTEINS - Complete herd consisting of 19 head, fresh, springing and various stages of lactation. This is a good herd of young cows. Will finance in local area and adjoining counties. Call Collect 717-666-4206 S. K. Norman, Lebanon RD No. 1, Pa. 17042 Angus Production Sale - Oauands Farm, Obey, Md. Saturday, October 2-11:00 A.M. Selling the best of reputation Wye breeding. 50 top cows with calves at side • many show heifer and steer prospects sold separately. For catalog contact Gordon Keys Box 43, Obey, Md. 301- 774-4029 Livestock For Sale Registered Elevation son 7 mos. of age out of an Apollo daughter, GP 84 at 2 yrs. with 353 days 20930 milk, 774 fat. Contracted. $6OO. Edward N, Derr, New Wbdaor, Md. 301-948-2420 For Sale - Yorkshire service age boars. Aaron Z. Martin, RD 2 Box 259, East Earl PA 17519; Ph: 215-445-4825 Registered Morgan colt, black with three white socks and star. Win mature over 15 hands. Gentle; best offer. Ph: 215-679-6324 For Sale - Registered Black Angus cows with calves at slew bred for spring calving. Boyertown 215-689-9168 Pregnancy testing sows, gilts, also nackfat measurement gilts, boars with scanprobe machine. 717-265-8903 English and Western Tack, Acme boots, Many used saddles in stock. OK Corral, Rt. 443,4 miles east of Pine Grove. 717-345-4160. Week* days after 5 P.M. 10 A.M.- 6P.M. Saturdays For Sale * 3 Reg. service age bulls from Item’s with 20,000 milk. Sired by bulls in ar tificial service. Price 3325. to $350. Apply to Jacob K. Stoltzfus, Oxford RDI, Pa. 19363 Phone 717-529-2935 For Sale - Entire herd of Registered Holsteins - cows, heifers, and calves (60 head in all). Going out of dairy business after over 50 years. Van Meter Farms, RDI, Bridgeton, N.J. 08302 Phone 609-451-0496 FOR SALE mmf PUREBRED ai QUALITY CHAROLAIS AT Affordable Prices BRED HEIFERS - LCR Breeding ALSO 3-IN-l PACKAGES. HERD SIRE: LCR ROYAL DUKE 661 POLLED GREENFIELD CHAROLAIS FARM Howard & Pat Smith RDI Landenbcrg, Pa. 19350 215-274-8728 Livestock For Sola Herd of 30 Holstein cow*. • Kegl*ered, 21 Kind* On* 4- rr -old du* lo freshen to Kingpin Sept 29 (oil »1- 77WJM between 7 - 9 30 I’M Registered Yorkshire boar*, breeding age, guaranteed breeder* ft 717-532-7262 Registered Suffolk ram lambi, eatimated weight from 12b to 170 pounds Priced from $125 to (225 each Milton K Morgan, 1918 New Holland Pike, Lan caster PA 17601 16 Yorkshire shoaU, 6 weeks, nice. Call 717-394-3663 Livestock for Sale - Reg. Holstein Bulls; one year old and younger - out of dams with record* to 24,D00M 6t 900 lbs. B. F. Sturm Acres 717- 792-3216 (York Co.) For Sale - 7 Registered Holstein Heifer Calves, bom in July. 215-637-0040 For Sale - Reserve Cham pion Chester White Boar at Md. State Pair; and litter mate boars. Delivery available. Contact: Ed Hildebrand, R 3 Box 383 A, Dillsburg, Pa. 17019 PH: 717- 766-3083 Duroc Breeding Stock LAWRENCE ARNOLD HE. Maple St Myerstown, PA 17067 Pb: (717) 866-7061 Wanted - Entire herd or part of herd of dairy cows or springing heifers. Call 301- 358-0412 after 8 p.m. Duroc Boars, two excellent bloodlines from the West. These are young, aggressive heavy-boned boars. They have a fast rate of gain. One Boar weighs 310 lbs. at 180 days and utter average of 280 lb. at 180 days. Our Boars are raised in groups for the commercial man and are fuaranteed to breed, elephone 717-733-6694. Hampshire and Yorkshire Service Age Boars and Gilts from certified meat type breeding. Contact' John Strawbridge, Stewartstown, PA 17363. Phone 301-996-2822. YORKSHIRE BOARS. £roup together for the ; .r ynmercial man. -/ ELWOOD E. HOUSER RDS, Box 179 Lebanon, Pa. 17012 717-272-5798 WANTED TO RENT SHELTER AND PASTURE FOR 20 HORSES Call 717-225-3386 Livestock For Sola f2>#ep - Some grad**, aome registered, aoma champions. 717-ttMMI after 4PM FOR SALE 50 Springing Holstein Heifers, Artificially sired Several Registered Health charts furnished. Will sell choice. 717-229-2055 FEEDER CATTLE KM buy on order, track le your bn* or iSSewbW lor your tracker DENZIL HEISHMAN Rt 1,10*2328 Strasburi, VA Mi |7o3] 465-5715 NEW NEW NEW AT OUR OCT. Bth YORKSHIRE LANDRACE SALE IRISH IMPORT BLOOD. Catalogs available BROOKS END & PAR KAY FARMS Reno H. Thomas, Sale Mgr. Beaver-town, Pa. 17813 Ph: 717-661-5821, 6544 0r7067 SCHAEFFERSTOWN EQUIPMENT GO. SCHAEFFERSTOWN, PA Vi Mile N. of Schaefferstown on Rt 419 Phone 717-949-6529 - Ask for Lee or Ralph FARM TRACTORS 1-Massey 15 fas $3500.00 1-htt. 414 Diesel Make Offer 1 -MSsßw/adL $950.00 1-John Deere 6 3 point $950.00 1-Massey 35 diesel $2150.00 1- Cub tractor, plow, cult., snow blade $1950.00 1 - John Deere 4020 - W.F. End 1 - Int. 3414 Diesel 3 pt. hitch Ind. Ldr. 1 - Ford 5000 Diesel w/Loader t Cab Sharp, 1 - owner Cal $7500 John Deers 4010 * $6850 International 106 $5500 1 - John Deere 3020 D., 1972 Side Control canopy, row crop $7950 SKID LOADERS 1-1740 Case I-1737 Case G. 2J.D.24 RUBBER TIRE LOADERS TLI6-AC sasEOBB 1 - 503 Gallon 1 -104 Gal Son • Diesel sharp wssm l-GalEon3toSton $1150.00 tandem 1-Vibro plus IV: ton $1500.00 tandem Ford Lane Spreader Box $2550.00 Layton Spreader Box 35 ft. tandem ale loboy 40 ton tandem axle (obey 35 ton Kentucky loboy 1 ‘A ton - sinfle axle 2-40 ft. flat till sSdin» tandem sZ,soo.ooea (Mew Tires & Batteries For Sale! 10 OH 30 fHK BPBBK WOOK M TOO Livestock For Swia Livestock For Sola i|b CNIANINA Hflj World's largest CattieU^^^R - Cows with calves at side. - Bred and Open Heifers. . Beefalo TWIN OAK FARMS Quarryville, PA 717-/86-2146 717-786-2201 HEAVY BONED. AGGRESSIVE YORKSHIRE BOARS Raised fa Grawp Lots for Commercial Producer* Delivery Available LEON L ARNOLD Rt. 1, Box 54 Lebanon, PA 17042 Ph: 717-273-5810 FOR SALE Reg. Polled Hereford Bull - Victor Domino Bloodlines 3 Yr. Old- Must Be Sold - Private Treaty, Purebred and Partbred Arabian Horses for sale. Generous terms available with no interest charges. Trained Mares, Geldings, 1 4 yr. old Stallion. Foals and Young Stock Available. 4 Purebred Stallions offered for breeding services discount to all 4-H Mares for breeding /fjjb Hidden Lane r Farms, Ltd. ' I R.D. No. 2 Box 111 C ' w Dooglaaavflle, Pa. 19511 215-689-9161 PUREBRED ARABIAN HORSES D®VC StCigCtWalt - MOgT.-TlTl. CRAWLER LOADERS l-IM Cat., I ft. angle blade $3500.00 1 - J.D. 450 diesel w/backhoe $10,500.00 1-J.D. 450 diesel $8,500.00, 1 -Cal. -Ml, serial# 80H894 $10,000.00 1 - 450 J.D. Cruder Loader Backhoe . $10,500 $6500 $3100.00 $3850.00 $13,500.00 peddle slier 1 Cat 933 F $5000.00 1-20101. D. Diesel w/Backhoe $6800.00 1 - 2010 J.D. w/Ripper $4800.00 3 - 350 J.D. Crawler Loaders 11010 J.D. Diesel 1-310 Case Diesel 1 - Cat. 955 H CRAWLER DOZERS - ■ - ' 1 -1972 Cast 450,6 way angle, partly burnt • Make Offer 1-Case 600 diesel (2,000.00 1 - J.D. 440 diesel w/winch (2,750.00 1 - J.D. 4501,6 way angle, 2300 hts. $4950.00 $3500.00 $3750.00 ea. $6500.00 1 - J.D. 450 C, 6 way angfe, 1300 hrs. (14,900.00 1 - Terex, hydraulic angle, PS, like new $18,500.00 1 - 450 Case, 6 way angle, A5lB $3500 1-600 Case Diesel $2BOO IHDSA.C. $2700 $4500.00 jus $3500.00 BACKHOE LOADERS 1 - Case sto diesel 1 - Case 510 fas 2 - Case 510 diesels - w/cabs, very clean $7,800.00 1 • Ini. 3414 diesel, motor overhauled, very clean $4,500.00 1 • Ini. 460 $2,950.00 1- Case 680 Diesel $8250.00 1- Case SUB Diesel i 189 hours] $12,900.00 1- Case 530 Diesel $3500.00 1-Case 530 Gas $3250.00 1 - WBshire Kdinf Sweeper 4 pt. width $1500.00 l-3pt. Hitch Sneepw 6 fL width $400.00 $3250.00 $2,800.00 $2,800.00 $6,250.00 HOURS: Moa thru Fri. 7:30 to 9:30 P.M. Sat 7:30 to 3 P.M. (9,750.00 $6,250.00 $4,250.00
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