Form Equipment International 1 Pit corn picker WDO Dioael on steel reconditioned. Fertile brown eggs. Wanted - Small generator A K Bcllcr, Quarryvilie. Pa Slraaburg South 5 miles For Sale - New Idea 318 Grinder Excellent Con dition 814-793-3782 (1) Used 915 Combine w -15 ft Grain platform and hydraulic drive, pickup reel and 6- row com head, also ♦-row com head No 844 Used No. 100 IHC Manure Spreader, 40 bu. cap. Used Farmall 560 Tractor A-l Cond Used Farmall M Tractor, trans. just overhauled. John Deere 18x7 FBB Grain Drill, double disc openers. No. 147 Cub Cadet w-48” mower, 42” snow blade, 42” snow blower, new engine, trans. overhauled, 6 mo. 100 percent warranty. Model 86 Cub Cadet w -38” mower, like new. 14 H.P. M.F. w-50” Mower, Hydrostatic drive, hyd. lift, used only 16 hours. $1895.00 No. 8 IHC Flail Chopper, reconditioned. 717-758-6491 717-758-3021 MECKLEY DALMATIA Dalmatia, PA Trucks NEED A TRUCK FOR FIELD WORK OR GRAIN HAULING? 0 For More Information Contact Dealer: MENTE CHEVROLET INC. Kutztown, PA 19530 PH: 215-683-8787 AC 180 Diesel Tractor w-low hr* . AC* 190 Tractor w-wldr front end It 3-pt hitch. Farmall 1066 Diesel Tractor w-cab. air conditioning & radio, 1 yr old w-only 335 hr* . Farmall 1066 Diesel Tractor w-cab w-only 870 hrs . like new Farmall 706 Tractor. J D 520 Tractor w-3-pt hitch & power steering, J D M Tractor w-«now plow, 2-bollom plow, disc St cultivator. Oliver 1950 T Diesel Tractor w duals w-only 2400 hrs , Oliver Super 77 Diesel Tractor; Ford 900 Tractor in good con dition: Ford 8N Tractor w-loadcr; M F 50 Tractor; M.F. 35 Tractor: A C. Gleaner G Combine w-13’ grain head 8t 4-row com head w-only 190 hrs.; J.D. 45 Combine w-cab w-10’ grain head St 2-row com head in good condition; IH 815 Diesel Combine w-13’ gram head & 430 com head, only 3 yrs. old; J.D. 34 Field Harvester w-l-row com head St pick up head, like new; A.C. 720 Field Harvester w-2-row com head & pick up head, only 3 yrs. old; Demo. A.C. 720 Field Harvester w-l-row com head & pick up head; Hillsboro 16’ Gooseneck Trailer w-grain body St cattle racks, like new. C.J. Wonsidlerßros. Aills-Cbalmers Sales & Service Can (215) 536-1935 or Trucks PAY ONLY 5% ABOVE DEALER INVOICE You Pay only 5% Above Dealer Invoice on Any Car or Truck In Stock or Ordered By Mente Chevrolet Form Equipment For Sale • HD 4 Crawler loader with Torgur ron verier. low hour* 86000 Fv r USED PICKERS! . ID 737 ttouMed . Ini Kt 7 •Kl No 7 Dow P u,t T«* NEW 1-ROW PICKERS INSTOCK 1 SHARTIESVIUi FARM REPAIR SERVICE H Oanel Wenfer. Prop Shartlesnle, Pa Phone [2151488 1326 l( no Anver Call 12151488-6574 ’73 International Truck- Tractor Model 1800, 5 speed over drive, can be lengthen for dump, 45,000 mi., $6500; ’67 W Model 1000 Ford. 717-273-6018 For Sale - 6 ton Farm Truck, 1932 Chev. 2 speed axle, 12 foot grain body, hydraulic lift, inspected running order. Best offer. L. C. Derstine, 791 Old 63, Harleyville, Pa. 215- 256-8487 For Sale - 21’ Eby built truck body. Cattle & grain bination body with a web. 717-733-8559 For Sale - 1968 Chev. 21,000 gross wt., 2 speed axle with 15% ft. Eby cattle rack, good shape. Call 215-756-6511 Feed & Seed WET OR DRY SHELLED CORN DELIVERED KUPS Rye Seed, excellent quality, grown from certified seed last year. CRAIG BROS. RDS, West Chester, Pa. 215-459-3680 For Sale - 250 bushel cleaned and treated Abe seed wheat from last year’s certified seed, 2 bushel per bag, $4.50 per bushel. Will deliver at extra charge. 215-286-5434 las! For Sale - 10,000 bales of first, second and third cutting bay; 2,000 bales for mulch, rained on. Harrisburg area. Ph: 717- 652-5021. For Sale 1771 Ches S lan Stake hod) with 4 wheel drise. ideal (arm truck. 35,000 miles, excellent condition 215-437 2510 after 5 V M Trucks BUYING & SELLING EAR CORN & GRAIN LEON G. SCHNUPP PH: 717-665-4785 RZ Manheim, PA 17545 Truck* 28’ Trl A* lr Aluminum Dump Trailer BK/W 00 ?6‘ Aluminum Tandem 84500 00. 197.3 Maxidyne 19 Aluminum Tn Axle tiump 825.000 00. 1970 Kenworlh (-omentiona! Jake, 318 111.000 00. 1361 Mack Diesel 82500 00. 1974 Kcnworth 350 Cummins 825.000 00. Others Finance, Trade 814-793-2828 CURRYSUPPLY MARTINSBURC:. PF.NNA For Sale -1974 Chcv Custom Deluxe C3O Senes 1 ton. long wheel base. 12ft cattle body Call 717-859-2531 or 717-733- 2444 For Sale - 35' &. 40’ flat trailers, 40’ Wilson Pot Belly Livestock Trailer, 6000 gal tank trailer; 2 aluminum storage trailer. Keens 717- 626-5420 1971 Dodge cattle truck, 12 ft. bed. Ph: 717-786-3394 Feed & Seed Need place to store 10,000 to 15,000 bushels of com. Call 717-252-1525; after 8 P.M. 252- 3925 For Sale - Rye seed, cleaned. Ph: 717-442-4452. Triticale, a cross between wheat and rye, yielded over 600 bushels from 10 acres with no fertilizer except my organic seed treatments which I sell. Vigorous grower, tall straw and extra high protein for livestock feed. Cleaned $6.00 per bushel. Eli Stoltzfus, 69 Strasburg Pike, Lancaster, Pa. 17602, Phone 717-394-9917 Feed L Seed For Sale ■ Pennrad barle) seed 83 50 per bu . Red (o«l wheat need 85 00 per bu , r> e seed 84 23 per bu All cleaned and treated and Known from certified seed ITi 315-41)6 0972 FOR SALE 49% SOYBEAN MEAL BULK OR BAG PICKED UP OR DELIVERED ELAM HOOVER 717-354-0432 WANTED SMALL GRAINS WHEAT-BARLEY-OATS Call Now For Our Best Prices NESTOGA VALLEY GRAIN Mom* 717-354-935* r Farmi Saturday. Oct 7. 1976>- F««d & S**d H*> and .Straw bought and v»ld. all Rradtrs. delivered an) where in 9 ton loads Fred Menaling. KI)1, Hampton. N J Phone evening* onl> 3H-T3S-4+40 33
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers