I Top Guernsey brings t-AN( A.STKK TV firth I’ennayirania • Maryland (iurma try Salt, held her* UuK rrv#ith at the (iixmary Sale* Pavilion. »iu ■ apirttod and rnlhuaiaallc affair, ac rordlrut to John HI) holder. ba*mp«u maria* rr of the ANNOUNCEMENT WINNER OF 200 GALLON FUEL OIL AT LAMPETER FAIR. RONAU) LONGENECKER 261 Pleasant View Dr Strasburg. PA. The Agway heating-oil service checklist YOUR AGWAY DEALER PETROLEUM DEALt j/j Automatic delivery LJ g] 24-hour emergency service LJ n/1 ACP additive to assure free oil flow to burner U cfl Optional Budget Payment Plan . gj Burner modernization service LJ gj New oil-heating systems □ art 50 gallons FREE If we , ® your tank run dry (Certified Delivery Customers only) U S Full-security plan □ Oil-burner efficiency inspection gj Energy-saving equipment U \ Compare us you'll switch Listed above are the services available from Agway Petroleum. Check the column for your present oil dealer yourself. Then compare. If you're not getting all the services Agway Petroleum provides, maybe it's time to switch. Our representative will give -you the details and explain how our full-service program can save you money next winter. Call today. Serving you all year long to bring down the cost of winter. (ftswfly) AGWAY PETROLEUM Box 1197, Dillerville Road, Lancaster, Pa Phone 717-397-4954 Prnnaylvania (luernae) Hrwdam' AaaorutJan Thirty three head avrra*«l 1J217. with the top animal command in* a price of POOO A Hlalr (ount) breeder, John 11 Morrow pwrhaacd the 53000 bcrruv as well »» the second highest price Individual The top an Inal was a herd heifer consigned by I>mnt* Wolff. Millville I’a ('.onlpndtnK bidder was the Kellogg Guernsey 1- arm of Hickory (•omrr*. Mich The second high individual was a 3-yc *r old consigned by Francfxwler Farms of West Salem. Ohio She vdd for 52700 frith Happy Hill Farm of Harrison, Ohio, doing the contending bid ding The third high at 52650 whs purchased by Marvin K Miller, Strasburg and consigned by Farm, York The contender on this animal was Ben Crocker, Bclmond, lowa One bull sold for 51,800 consigned by Kellogg Guernsey Farm, and pur chased by Jack Dcndcl, Allegan, Mich High buyer in the sale was the Carroll L Ward Family, Astatula, Florida who purchased seven head for a total of 57900 The sale was managed by the Pa. Guernsey Breeders Ass’n., Camp Hill, Pa and the Merryman Company, Sparks, Md. TRY A CLASSIFIED TAYLORWAY One of the most rugged built pieces of equip ment on the market today. ★ Chisel Plows ★Sub Soiler ★ Disk Harrows ★Disk Plows ★ Field Cultivators For Respectable prices-See Us A. C. HEISEY FARM EQUIPMENT <NC. RDI, Jonestown, Pa. 17031 Phone 717-865-4526 Located 'h mile South of Fredericksburg off Route 343 BUS. HOURS: SAT. TILL 2:30 P.M. 7 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPT. Farm land to be protected WASHINGTON, nr - The 1' S Department of Agriculture him announced a polio to help keep the nation’s first farm, range, ami forest lands from going into noo-agricullural uses In announcing the policy. Secretary of Agriculture. 1-arl I. Hull, said the loss of prime" lands well-suited to the production of food, forage, and timber is a matter of concern to the nation Major consideration must be given to long-term needs to retain the productive capabilities of environmental values of American agriculture and forestry, he said. USDA will urge all federal agencies to adopt the policy tr.at federal activities that classified TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! la r>o U«r f»rm)ng. Oct 2«1 976- - lake prime agricultural land should he carried out only when there are no suitable alternative sites and when the arlttUy meets an overriding public need USDA also will work with private organizations and groups to urge the protection of prime lands from premature or unnecessary conversion to non agricullural land use I-and use alternatives are generally available that can minimize the impact on prime lands, the secretary said, and such alternatives should be explored carefully, particularly where federal funds arc involved and when prime lands will be irrevocably committed to non-agncultural uses PHONE 717 394 3047 or 717 625 1164 LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 12c per word 1 68 minimum charge Use This Handy Chart To Figure Your Cost 11| Issue 13] Issues 1 68 4 03 1 80 4 32 16 1 92 4 61 17 2 04 4 90 18 2 16 5 18 19 2 28 5 47 20 2 40 5 76 Words 14 or Less KEYED ADS (Ads with answer coming to a Box Number, c/o Lancaster Farming) 50 cents additional Ads running 3 or more con secutive times with no change billed at 20 percent discount Deadline Thursday of each week's publication Lancaster Farming P 0 Box 266 Lititz. PA 17543 Phone Lancaster 717-394 3047 or Libtz 717-626-1164 T rucks 1966 GMC 4-wheel drive % ton pickup truck with snowplow. Call 215-779-3156. r Other guideline* for protecting prime land* call for (1) environmental im pact atatrmmU and review procedures, (2) Inventoriea and evaluation* of the nation’* farm*, range, and (orc*t land*, and (3) cooperative effort* with stales, local government*, and universities to assure concerns for food, fiber, and wood production arc recognized and emphasized n identifying prime agricultural lands The prime lands policy also proposes review of all US DA programs to insure that they are consistent with the policy ids Form Equipment For Sale - WD4S Diesel ex cellent condition; portable power plant 3500 watts 110 or 220. Call 215-779-3156. Model L gleaner with S-row 30” com head and 15 ft. grain table with floating cutter bar. Ph: 609-756-7422. Stir-all for 30 ft. gram bin, (500. Ph: 609-758-7422. For Sale - I.H. No. 3 table ensilage blower, 40 ft. of 8 in. pipe; Badger Kleen chute. Ph: 717-359-1383, INDUSTRIAL Caterpillar D-4 Hydraulic Dozer $4500.00; D 7-$2500.00; DB-$5000.00; John Deere 40 $2000.00; 350 6 way hydraulic $8500.00; John Deere 440 log skidder $7500.00; Ford Log Skidder Diesel $3975.00; 10 rubber tired backhoe and loaders; Catterpillar 955 H rebuilt $12,975.00; 977 K $24,000.00; John Deere 350 Loader $6500.00; Trade, Finance 814-793-2829 CURRYSUPPLY Martinsbnrg, Penna. 23
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