77 Lancaittr Farmirw Saturday Ocl 7 1976 4-H awards winners named Rebecca Lee UNIVERSITY PARK. Pa - Two Delaware County >oung adults who have compiled outstanding records in 4-H work were named state contest winners in the 1976 4-H National Awards program recently They are Rebecca I>ee. 17, of 345 Foulke Lane, Springfield, state nominee No cropland to be set aside for ’77 WASHINGTON, D.C. - Secretary of Agriculture Earl L. Butz has announced there will be no cropland set aside in 1977. This decision followed the conclusion of a two-day meeting in Washington, DC., on Sep tember 17 of the National Holstein (Continued from Page 17| breeders in the top two slots, followed by the progeny of “Paclamar Astronaut,” shown by Singing Brook Holstems. Others from LANCASTER FARMING’S wide coverage are to place within the top five were; Har-Cream Holsteins, White Hall, Md., fourth place senior yearling bull; Vossmon Farm, Clayton, Del., fifth place aged bull; Russell Miller, Tamaqua, Pa., fifth place intermediate calf; Oren Codd Smith, Jefferson, Md., third place senior calf; Fair Hill Farm, Chestertown, Md. fifth place for three and 4 year old dry cows; Del-Myr Farm, Westminster, Md., fourth place two-year old and third place udder for that class. In state herd competition, the final standings were as follows; 1. Maryland, 2. New York, 3. Indiana, 4. Penn sylvania, 5. Ohio. lor an F-dwm T Meredith Scholarship ami Phyllis .Vhray. IB erf I3CM lerdom Road. Haxcrtown, state winner In public speaking ( arroll I Hown. avsoclatc 4-H youth division leader at Penn Slate, who announced the selections, said that Rebecca’s 4-H records will be entered In national competition with winners to be announced at National 4-H Congress in Chicago, Nos ember 28- Deccmbcr 2 She also will be eligible to attend the Chicago event Phyllis, who won the public speaking contest for girls at the Stale 4-H Achievement Days in August, will receive a >5O U S Savings Bond and will be eligible to attend National 4-H Congress and compete for a natonal award Advisory Committees on Grains and Cotton. Secretary Butz said the decision for continued unrestricted production is based on the continuing strong export demand for grain, particularly for livestock feeding, soybeans, and cotton. Under the 1973 farm act, farmers have been given freedom to shift crops without restrictive acreage allotments. The Secretary said that fanners like the freedom for decision-making that exists under current programs. In view of projected large supplies of wheat m 1977, many wheat farmers are now making hard decisions in regard to better alter natives to planting wheat, the advisory committee members indicated. On August 23, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced an accelerated program for new Public Law 480 wheat export agreements for the next fiscal year beginning Oc tober 1. Greater emphasis will be placed on wheat in the Commodity Credit Cor poration short-term export credit program in the new fiscal year. In 1977, as in the present year, producers may sub stitute any non-conserving crop (except marketing quota crops) or any con- Phyllis Schrjy Support of the public speaking project is provided b> the Union Oil Company of California The two were picked from among the 145,000 young adults who annually Lake part in the Extension Service educational program serving crop (including approved volunteer cover) used for hay or for grazing in order to preserve their wheat, feed gram, or cotton allotments. Next year will be the fourth consecutive year for the feed grain and wheat programs and the fifth for the upland cotton program in which no set-aside was ATTENTION DAIRYMEN Kick off your fall and winter cow feeding program on the “right foot". A Now is the time to adapt your grain WJ ration to your new \Jf roughage program in tv order to reach your m winter milk jL production goal. - YOU SHOULD - * Adjust protein to a proper point, but not an excessive amount because protein ingredients are likely to be expensive. * Provide enough T.D.N. to enable your fresh cows to peak properly and maintain a high level of production. * Insure adequate fiber intake to maintain good butterfat output. ‘Regulate proper Calcium and Phosphorus intake and ratios in your total ration, including roughages, to aid in keeping your herd healthy while maintaining high levels of milk production. The above mentioned items are all on our Dairy Nutrition Programming check list. In addition, we use Brown & Rea and Red Rose products fortified with Carnation Lab Mix to insure adequate Vitamin and Trace Mineral fortification in a ration "tailor made" for your herd and available roughage and gram. If you wish to have an analysis and program recommendation made, please call for an appointment. Red Rose ANIMAL FEEDS BROWN &REA, INC. USD A will noi WASHINGTON, t) C The V S Department of Agriculture ha* flooded not to adopt athanrr pricing of milk for C las* II manufacturing uae* under 34 federal milk marketing orders This issue was considered at a public hearing at Clayton. Mo. June 2-4 A tentative, or recommended. decision against such a change was issued Aug 3 II L Forest, dairy official l sing l>eflovers Want to warm up those !• Hovers'* Divide ,i skillet electric or regular with aluminum foil and vnu can heal several foods at one time Plus vou II do it more econotrucallv than in the oven or b> heating each separately Still Involved A woman went to con fession and told the priest she was basing an affair “This must be the tenth time you've told me this story’." the priest sighed “Are you still involved with this man 7 " “Oh, no. Father. I just like to talk about it ” TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! required. About 40 million acres of cropland have been brought back into production since 1972. # Atglen, PA 215-593-5149 rhangf C'Jiihh II |>rir<* formula In I;M)Ah Agricultural Marketing Service (AMM. *ald the tlpcUion affirms ihr findings and raorliurions at Ihr rsriirr rrrom mrixlaliona against milking IhU change lie Mid Ihr proposed pricing change would have adversely af fected manufacturing milk values, reduced producer returns. and created disorderly marketing con ditions, contrary In the Intent of the federal milk marketing order law Forest said federal milk ATTKICTIONfm Yes - we haw black plastic A fermentation silage preservative, controls spoilage, increases protein and flavor Can also be mixed with salt SWEET-LIX 3-in-l Blocks. BAYMIX Cattle Wormer Why Not Try Our Livestock Medication Program & Special Prices Today. ZIMMERMAN’S ANIMAL HEALTH SUPPLY RD4. Lititz, PA 17543 ALSO AVAILABLE AT DAVID GOOD’S FARM MACHINERY SALE. WED., OCT. 6 "Customers if interested” in black plastic silage covers and silage extra, we can bring along to Good's Sale if you order. mmmmmmmmmmiimm order* net minimum ptWa lh*t milk denim, or h*n dim. mu 4 pmy to dairy Irnwn for milk. b«*o) cm itimw lUrvdlm know *hr*d of time how much they must pn> (irwn (or milk m*r) for drinking 'fl*« I >, but no( (or OftM II milk u»ed tor mnnufirliulnfi They do not know the jvnee until the fifth cl*> of the following month The hearing in June can rldered whether thU should be changed None of Penn r> lv*nla‘* milk order* would hive been »fleeted ’’SILAGE EXTRA” It’s Different Home Store Phone: 717-733-4466
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