larnjutef fuming Saturday Vpt ?*> 14 Crop Report Rain was welcomed HARRI.SHt lU. Heavy r«iins (apt rnont of the (ommonwealth dunng the work ending Sept 20 kept farmer* out of their field* but were welcomed in hanging mc«ct soil moisture level* lo normal, according to the Pennsylvania Crop Reporting Service The best soaking rainfall in si* weeks amounted to I 5 to 2 5 Inches throughout most of the Commonwealth More than three inches of rain were measured in Lan caster Only extreme nor thwestern counties and the Philadelphia area measured less than one inch Soil moisture supplies are rated adequate by two-thirds of the Commonwealth’s reporting districts and short by one-third Most short moisture reports came from southern counties Farmers were limited to four days of fieldwork with activities including filling silos, making hay, fall plowing, sowing barley and picking apples Solanco boys top dairy judges HARRISBURG A 4-H team from Potter County and an FFA team from Solanco won top honors m the Dairy Judging Forum held Tuesday at the Penn sylvania All-American Dairy Show at the Farm Show complex. A total of 24 FFA teams, 20 4-H teams, and 380 in dividuals took part in the judging which was limited to persons belonging to 4-H and Future Farmers of America organizations. In individual judging competition, Douglas Hersh berger, Quarryville Rl, placed first in 4-H judging while Axel Linde, Oxford Rl, won top FFA honors com peting with the Solanco FFA. Chester, Lebanon, Lan caster and Berks County teams placed second, third, fourth and fifth, respec tively, in 4-H judging. The second, third, fourth and fifth place rankings in FFA judging were won by teams from Oxford, Kennard-Dale, Red Lion and Northern Bedford. Members of the Potter County 4-H team were: Mark Bachman, Ulysses; Kevin Risser, Genessee; and Daryl Heisey, Reyville, N.Y. Members of the Solanco FFA team were: Axel Linde, Oxford; Tom Kirk, Peach Bottom; Scott Heidelbaugh, Quarryville; and Dwayne Peifer, Kirkwood. Rankings for individual judging m the 4-H com petition were: first, Douglas Hershberger, Quarryville; second, Jeffrey Miller, Kutztown; third, Daryl Heisey, Reyville, N.Y., Potter County; fourth, Edward Kulp, Spiece Rd., Pottstown; and fifth, Vincent Arnold, Schaefferstown. Individual rankings m the The weather slowed thr tobacco harvest, but it is per cent complete and still a week ahead of the f±> per rent done a year ago Potato harvesting i» reporter! as 52 per cent complete, ahead of the 46 per cent a year ago Quality and yields arc above earlier expectations Com for grain is lagging about a week behind last year The crop is 12 percent mature with another two thirds in the dent stage A year ago 27 per cent was mature Fall plowing at 59 per cent complete is six percent ahead of last year Wheat seeding stands at 34 per cent, compared to 32 percent in 1975. Barley seeding progressed to 40 per cent, but was still five per cent short of a year ago Pastures are providing an average amount of feed The third cutting of alfalfa hay is 78 percent complete and a fourth cutting 45 percent complete. FFA forum were: first, Axel Linde, second, Paul Knight, Airville; with the Kennard- Dale FFA; third, Steve Richey, Roaring Spring, with the Northern Bedford FFA; fourth, Harold Leib, Mechanicsburg, with the Cumberland Valley FFA; and fifth, Ed Breckbill, Oxford, with the Oxford FFA. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! Be careful when the cold or flu hits you Medicines of any kind whether prescription or non-pre scnption should never be mixed without consulting your doctor or pharmacist Also, protect yourself a gamst polypharmacy by dealing with a single drug store or cutler that keeps a running account of per sonal prescriptions as a / service to its customers A good reliable pharmacist will spot and warn you of any potential dangerous drug combinations Never exceed the dosage listed on the label Never take anyone else s prescrip tions Never take any med icines in the dark and keep only one night s supply of pills on your night stand to avoid overdosage in a half wake state lip h rata I CpnfaWPl it PM ftft I , ITic re-»i;SVa the real j| (he oho* folio* 4 H and FT A VTTFJt MIOW tight lightweight ! I *ivla High. 2 Tom Iher 1 v F FA. 1 Dav id V 4 timer. 4 And) Gehman Hear) lightweight 1 Kerr) Ilojd. 2 Arm** Martin 3 Marry Grhman. 4 Gary \ herly FFA tighl Mrdlomwrtghl 1 JHf Martin, 2 Dan W timer. 3 Dwight Miller. 4 Ja> Hnff Heavy Medium* right I land* Martin. 2 Gary H>erl>, 3 Darlene Huyard, 4 Dennis NLvilcy light Heavyweight 1 Hetty Heiff, 2 Ken Zimmerman, 3 Jud> Zimmerman. 4 Honnic Martin Heavy Heavyweight 1 Tony Ebcrly, 2 Ron Zimmcrman-FFA, 3 Clif ford Swclgart The Champions The champion lightweight was owned by Linda High, and the reserve lightweight by Tony Ebcrly In the mediumweight classes, Jeff Martin had the charrtpion while Linda Martin had the reserve. Jeff was also reserve grand champion of show. Personalized MF financing, parts and service available. Wan Ft nf ftttattcc chary/*, to Match 1, 1177, ott many MF farm tractois attcl nidiittrtal maehnitt S. G. LEWIS LEBANON VALLEY MARLIN W. A. L HERR AND SON IMPLEMENT CO. SGHREFFLER & BRO. West Grove PA 700 E Linden St Pitman PA 312 Park Ave (2151869 9440 Richland PA 1717(648-1120 Quarryville PA 869 2214 Phone [717( 866 7518 Ph: 1 717 l 876-3521 M ! «!S VER FaRrVIDE N. H. FLICKER KELLER BROS. PAUL J. * SOHS cZsf“” & SONS INC EICHERT 6 SON North Groffdale Read Prospect Rd „ , Perkasie PA Leola PA 17540 Washington Boro PA Rhone 12*15 37252 Ph: 215 257-5698 Ph , 5^2304 Phone (717(656 2321 Rh0ne|717(2854844 Phone (215(683-7252 0r257-5864 Ph (717(943-2304 Tony Ebcrly, the son of Mr and Mrs beef show at the Ephrata Fair. With Mahlon Ebcrly, showed the grand him is Willis Groff. New Providence champion steer of the 4-H and FFA Rl, breeder of the steer Tony Eberly's grand champion was also the champion heavyweight, and Betty Re iff had the reserve heavyweight animal. Showmanship and Fitting Ages IS and over 1. Ron Zimmerman, 2. Gary Ebcrly, 3. Tony Eberly MP Massey Ferguson hefty savings. . „on many new MF models. m\ 1 Marry Gchman,2 Linda Martin 1. Andy Gehman, 2 Darlene Huyard, 3. Jay Reiff 1. Jeff Martin, 2. Darlene Huyard RF Ages 12,13, and 14 Agea 9,10, and 11 Beat Two Fitted Steer* WJjjM i There was a change in policy for this year’s show An entrant was allowed to show both a 4-H and FFA steer, rather than either FFA or 4-H. The judge for the event was Henry Gruber, Allentown.
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