lAimfH'tvr dairy' abate iCutrawd irw jj Tb* rcwulU of ibc rwal of I John Kraldar, the romptilUon follow r*4cr. 3 Karen Shrrtm IjuvaaUr. 3 (Tiurk f.roff (Jimrr) vlUr imijrrr-tss n*ru*w ) John Krrifar. Jr HrllrtC »lf 1 Hhondu lUlmrr. 3 J*mrs Vrrjr. Jlrjurr V«]lr) ITkr. Ij»r>rim(<T 3 ShrlU ¥ rr> Tom Denlinger, Gap, had the grand it was this particular characteristic champion Holstein of the West that helped her win the grand Lampeter dairy judging contest She champion title, was also best udder of the show, and WE ARE READY TO GIVE YOU THE BEST DEALS OF THE SEASON 'V . , ir' MODEL 276 BALER LOOK AT THIS GUARANTEED USED EQUIPMENT N.H. 273 baler w-thrower N.H. 277 baler w-thrower N.H. L 35 loader N.H. 717 Harvester C. E. WILEY & SON Inc. f«lrr*miiilr HHlct ( aU Semlor C*U 1 J»> ImwH*. lAnr»«trr Jtfc 3 John Krridrr Senior Yraritajc 1 Tom Dmllngrf. 3 Jim H murium. Washington lk>ro v FREE FINANCE UNTIL MARCH 1, 1977 Quarryvllle, Pa. Phone: 786-2895 J«ot«r YrarlUf 1 Mlk* MiUa, I-ancaater Jamisr GH W Mrr I John Krrliltr Tw»-yr«r-<4d ) Tom Dcnllngpr. 2 Hrurr t-andU, 3 Sandra Frey Three-year-old 1 Tom Dmllngcr, 2 John Kreldrr. 3 Klvln Hr**. Mraiburg Four-) rar-old 1 John Krrldcr. 2 Sandra l-rr>. 3 i'urt Urn. SlraiburK T**» s Model 850 Round Baler New Idea 125 bu. spreader N.H. 325 spreader N.H. 327 spreader N.H. 516 spreader Hrpyt»r-*kl 1 Mcnrrry Frry Family. lamcaaUr, 2 Klvln lieu, 3 Hroct IjmdU. i Kick lira* Slraaburjj 80l l''Wfr 1 Tom IVmUngcr. 2 llrurr IjindU, 3 Mower) Ftpy Senior (>t of Sire 1 Hlrk Ilea* Ile«l Three Frmaln 1 Ja> 2 Klvln He«, 3 Mower) hrev Dairy Hert. _ 1 (onnir Kreider, 2 Ja> I-andls, 3 FUIn Hevs Produce of Dam 1 (onnir Kreldcr, 2 Klvln Hess, 1 Sheila Fre) 4-H HoUtetn Two-vear-old 1 John Kreider, 2 Darrell Mills, 3 Hnirc 1-andis Junior Showmanship - 12 year* and undrr 1 Hrucp I-mdis Junior Showmanship 1 Rhonda Halmcr, 2 John Krcidcr, 3 Sheila Frc> Senior Show man 1 Jim Frc>, 2 Curt Hew, 3 Steve Shertzer GUERNSEY The Kenneth Garber family, Willow Street R 2, took nearly all the first place awards in the Guernsey class. Kenneth had the grand champion and son Gerald had the .-eserve grand champion Two years ago the Garbers also had the champion. Acknowledging that there was virtually no competition in their breed, Garber said, “We really wish more people would come with their Guernseys LancaUar Farmmc Saturday. Satrt 25,1976 Rhonda Balmer had the junior champion Holstein of the West Lampeter dairy judging contest. Her animal was a junior heifer calf. so we could have a better show.” Garber, who is a custom silo filler, gives all the credit for preparing the animals to his hired man, Jerry Har nish. ‘Tm so busy right now that I couldn’t enter if Jerry didn’t help,” he claims. Gerald Garber’s animal was the reserve grand champion of the Guernsey breed at the West Lampeter dairy judging contest. Barbecue This is the fourth year now that the Young Farmers have had the barbeque, and it had the best turnout of the four years. One of the crowd of 300 enjoying their meals ex plained why the barbeque was such a success this year. “It’s just delicious,” she said. “We’re coming out early next year to make sure we get some more.” In total, the Garbers had first place in the junior yearling, senior yearling, two-year-old, five-year-old, and aged cow classes. Those were the only six classes judged. Joe Rohrer had the first place senior heifer calf. There was one Ayrshire shown by JoAnne Findley. a success EPHRATA The Young Farmers Pork Barbecue on Tuesday evening of the Ephrata Fair was a sell out. Three hundred dinners were sold in two hours time rather than the allotted three hours. Kenneth Hertzog, Ephrata R 2, chairman of the 'air was pleased with t- uv nout. “It’s our onli making event of he said. 13
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