♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ 5a /e reports Outstanding show cattle on hand NEXT COW SALE FRI. OCT. 15 wner HARLES C. MYERS Phone: PARK MYERS. Sales Manager ° r 717-569-6800 PUBLIC SALE ANTIQUES, COLLECTOR’S ITEMS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, & TOOLS of M.E. Barley, Coffee & Peanut Dist, of Hellam, Pa Located at 505 East Main St., Heilam Boro, York Co., Pa. SAT., OCT. 2,1976 Oak Bedroom suite; cottage wash stand w- leaf pulis; sq. oak ext. table. 6 plank bottom chairs; drop eaf table; oak chairs w- matching rocker; other rockers; cane seat chairs; oak stands; pump organ & stool (From the old Mt. Pisgah Church); oak high chair w- tray; set of 4 straight back chairs; oak desk & swivel chair; 2Victrolas; wooden mantle place; ornate wooden drug store shelving; library tables; antique clocks; baby cradle; towel racks; 2 treadle sewing machines; oak commode; candy case w- glass sliding loors; rare old Ball watch adv. wall regulator clock; g tin Hanover baker bread box; Ig. old tin hanging oil amp w- shade; kerosene lamps; kerosene heater; 2 small coffee roasters; 2 electric coffee grinders; 2 weighing coffee dispensers; very Ig. old coffee grin per; tin cans & containers; ice tea dispenser; oil pcales; ball scales; small brass store scales; platform pcales; jugs w- spigots; coffee mill; meat grinder; crocks; jugs; jars; iron pot; candy, cracker & peanut Jars; slaw cutter; wash boards; copper ice cream Pleasures; cigar cutting boards; Barley adv. items; Pnp-o-iator coffee urns; paper cutters; stereo viewer * pictures; 1936 AAA picture; old Masonic picture; lelluoid cresser set; depression, pattern & carnival !lass; Nippon; Noritake; German china; pewter; flat r °n; trivets; purses; war ration books; sheet music; W record albums; picture frames; picture albums; ttbmet radios; old medicine cans & bottles; iron stone jitcher; adding machine; check writers; tape “Spenser; antique Excelsior printing press; old ’imting blocks, some w- scenes of York; old carpenter toest w- sliding trays; store door bell; York gas 'eater; other small gas burning stoves; blanket chest; food boxes; accordian; shoe lasts; fire ext.; filing ;a bmet; jig saw; table saw; drill press; bench vises; 'find stone; Pa. railroad shovel; very small platform ■cales ; scoops; 2 coal brooder stoves; hand tools; old ; ar kghts; piles of scrap metal; table & 6 chairs; Metric motors; electric train set; Simplicity garden ractor w- plow & cultivators; lawn mower; hundreds •t old Si interesting items too numerous to mention, “ease come early & bring lawn chairs. I er ms: cash or approved check The Coffee & Peanut Man I Hellam, Pa. JJ°bert L. Sechrist, auctioneer Ph. 382-4379 Person & Warner, clerks Not responsible for accidents Refreshment rights reserved at9:OOA.M M. E. BARLEY Jim Adriance wax the auctioneer tt« A Ihiblic Sale of real exitale and personal property wax held by Mr* Mabel A iHetx I miles south of HelUm. Pa The 34 acre (arm with frame it log bouae, frame Urn, garage and chicken houae was aotd (or 130.200 Other interextlng Items were Hrmpstay (alone) *55 and piles of split wood from *l2 to 115 each Jacob A Gilbert was the auctioneer XXX A Ihibllc Sale of personal property and antiques was sold by Katie E Coble 2 miles north of Ellra bclhtown, Co , Pa on Sept 18 There was a nice turnout of people attending Items sold included Shirley Temple pitcher >3O. Fairbanks-Morsc Gas Engine >4OO, Regulator Wall Clock 1165, Gas Table Light $35,1952 Super 8 Buick $350, Wood plane $25, Powder Horn $19.50, and Wooden Wheelbarrow $26. Auctioneers were George E. Stone, Jr. and John D. Kilmer. A Public Sale of household items and antiques was held by Maude C. Herr mile south of New Danville, Lane. Co., Pa. on September 16th. Prices received were: Homespun Linen Samplers $2OO and $395, Amana Refrigerator $2OO, Drop-leaf tables $l6O & $145, Dry Sink $l2O, Chest $l2O, Coverlet $lO5, Heart-shaped cheese molds $65 each, Brass Pail $7O, and Doll $87.50. Auctioneers were Carl and John Diller and J. Everett Kreider. A 54 acre farm owned by Harvey W. & Lydia M. Located off Route 41 - Lancaster Avenue opposite Turkey Hill Minit Market - Cross RR Bridge. Early walnut comer cupboard 7 ft. high with panel doors; pump organ; Tiffany type hanging oil lamp; rope beds; walnut, cherry and chestnut dropleaf tables; 18th century Chester County kitchen table with twist legs; childs Windsor high chair; praying bench; Victorian round table with pink marble top; double pedistal executive desk; dovetail and brass hardware; oak hunt board; Queen Anne flip-top tripod table, circulated 1750 to 1760; small copper kettle; pot belly stove; Edison phonograph with Momingglory horn; Hudson River Valley has circulated 1700’s, oak, 2 doors, pin mounted with 2 drawers, ornate fruit cravings, (museum piece); Victorian parlor organ; PA Dutch linen press; primitive oil paintings; large brass coach lanterns; Rosewood square grand pianoforte by Geib & Walker, 1845 serial number, in excellent condition; huge Gothic sea chest all original, circulated 15th Century; fireplace fender with mat ching fire dogs (brass and iron); pair Sunflower An dirons; stagecoach strong box; Strawberry tree under glass dome; Queen Anne pewter coffee urn; white coverlet; bronze casting 12 x 18 bust profile of George Washington; 18th century German manuscript in original oak frame, wooden case, and wax seal; small Indian rug; Indian tomahawk; glass, china and pot tery; 8 in. gaudy Dutch shallow bowl; early cow creamer and lid; small figurine; small copper lustre pitcher; exceptional RS Prussia 11 % inch tall pitcher; 9 inch RS Prussia plate; RS Prussia celery tray; early salt glazed jugs with decorations; Roseville 3 piece Wedgewood chamber set, Blue Willow pattern; 5 piece chamber set, rose pattern; Limoges cups and saucers; large blue early Staffonshire bowl; 12 Amethyst stem glasses by Fry; 6 goblets and 6 champagnes; 6 cut glass finger bowls; Pink lustre pitcher; metallic stein; Victorian blueberry vase; cut glass decanter; art glass; Blue Aurene plate and peacock vase by Steuben; slipware marriage plate; rare soft paste cup, farmhouse and farmers daughter; flow blue pitcher; early Cauldon 10% inch fox hunt plate; and much more. This is only a partial listing. Inspection of mer chandise Friday, October 1 from 9 a.m. until sale time. IRA STOLTZFUS & SON, Auctioneers 442-4936 or 442-8254 Jay Leary, Auctioneer 354-0423 Martin ui sold at l*ubllc Auction Sapt II for 1104,74} The buyer wa» Richard Zimmerman of tlrirkerville Ttw (arm lx located 1 mile west of Kphrata. 1 anc (a . Pa and included a 2 S-alary frame houae. a Urge frame bank barn and apteral chicken houses John K and Paul K Martin were the auctioneer* XXX A Complete Dispersal of a milking herd and springing heifer* wax held Sept 15 b> Mr h Mm I>evl Berkcy 4 miles north of .Somerset. Pa The top cow wax sold for *3200 and the 130 registered and Hi-Gradc Holsteins averaged *BOO each Sale managers were Matt and Reed I jjcc XXX A Public Sale was held by Mr &. Mrs Barry L Rcachard 1 mile from Stovcrtown, York Co , Pa on Sept 18 before a good crowd The 20 acre farm with bam, wagon shed, 24 story house and spring house was sold for $54,000 Other items included Horses $320 St $250, Donkey $42 50, Beef Heifers $155 St $l3O, Ford 901 tractor $1255, J.D. “B" tractor $540, Potato Digger $l6O and Victorian love seat sofa $245. Charles L. Wehrly was the auctioneer. A Public Auction of a 45 acre farm, machinery and antiques was held by Elmer S. & Grace S. Shreiner near the village of Rothsville, Lane. Co., Pa. on September 18th. The land sold for $3,050 per acre or $138,970 for the 45 acres, 14 story brick house, bank barn and two-car garage. Machinery and household items sold as follows: Farmall H Tractor $760, 1949 GAP AUCfIIM FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1 5:30 P.M UruuxtPf farming Saturday S*pt ?5.1976 Ford Tractor *l*s. Monarch Cook Move *3OO. Cultivator-Marrow 1170, 1U , .pdeak *2OO. Safe 1105, Shw’/uard *83,1 Hrownxlown Dlxhex *l7 ra . Tavern Table 4 4 chalrx *lBO. Pump Trough *5O. J ime oak Hrdroom Suite *165 and Clothes Tree *23 50 JUndallV Kline and IJoyd H Krrlder were the auc tioncers XXX HUNTERS SAIJ-, HAHN, INC held thetr weekly sale Monday Sept 20 at Rising Sun. Maryland STEERS High Choice and Prime 35 50, Good to Choice 29 50-33 50 HEIFERS Feeder 33 00. 36 00 8c 38 00. Good to Choice 28 00-32 50, Other 18 00-22 00. few 25 00 ★★★★★★★★ i s s nf I tWt * * ★★★★★★★★ AUCTIONEERS FRANK & PAUL SNYDER Livestock, Farm Equipment, Household Goods, Antiques No sale too small or too large 717-859-2688 717-733-7052 RANDAL V. A LLOYD H. KLINE S KREIDER 717-733-1006 717-786-3394 Auctioneers & Sales Managers SpeciaKzint In: Dairy & Farm Machinery Sales, Real Estate • Pubic or Private Sale. Complete Professional Auction Service with Tent Available PUBLIC AUCTION dtendie rfttdUo* Sendee RDS MANHEIM, PA PHONE )717| 665 5735 PROFESSIONAL • LICENSED AUCTIONEERS J. Omar Landis & J. M. Witman “SPECIALISTS" • AUTOMOBILES • ANTIQUES-FURNISHINGS • ESTATES • LIVESTOCK MACHINERY • REAL ESTATE » MAILING LIST AVAILABLE ' We are now listing Fall Sales. KUI DKH STKMtS Wood lo rhalrr 36 00 II 00 Standard to (i-ood 75 00-37 00 HUIJ.S 1360 lb 2 9 75 ('()WS Hill. (holer to Prime 77 50-3*oo Wood to .Standard 70 00. 26 75. & 77 00. Utllft) 33 W 26 75 ( irtlrm 22 0073 00. (-annrr* 15 00. 18 00 k 21 75 ('AI.VKS High to ("holer i 3 0048 00, (rood to ("holer 38 00-42 00. SUndard to (,ood 33 00 37 00. Utillt) 28 00- 32 00. Uw Utillt) 15 00. 22 00. 23 00 & 25 00 IlfXiS 30 to 40 lb b) head (20 to 125 , 150 to 170 lb (33 (36 to (38 SOWS 31 00-33 00 BOAHS 28 00-32 00 Norman Hunter is the Sales Manager and auc tioneer Auctioneer's Directory FOR ixjMpLin'L SERVICE CALL JOHN E. MARTIN RDl.Durlach Road, Ephrata 73M511 or PAUL E. MARTIN Stevens RDI, Box 551 75M305 LICENSED AUCTIONEERS No Sale Too Small or Large Tents Available ALVIN L MILLER Licensed AUCTIONEER Bonded • REAL ESTATE • LIVESTOCK • FARM MACHINERY • HOUSEHOLD GOODS No Sale too Small or too large PH: 717-392-1547 1927 Horseshoe Road Lancaster, PA PAUL E. SANGER Realestate Auctioneer The Farm Realestate Specialist Licensed, Bonded' Registered & Experienced Call 717-272-1025 Lebanon, PA 119
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