lift- i nfmini Saturday. Sept 7b. 1976 Sale reports The high row mid lor $4OO Iha wen 11350, .VwmK Stand ami her rail for *3O for a $5OO. Windsor Chair (with total of $6OO The price *anpe had ’eat i $lO5O. Pewter of the sale wan 1775 to JAOO ( upbnard 11400, Queen Anne M I, Bunnell wai the table (rertoml) 1775. Other auctioneer tabic’ from SIGO to $3OO. Four Comer Cupboard’ $475 to 11700, Adam.’ Count) Map $325, Mnaller Windsor Chain $3OO to $3OO. Old Kitchen cabinet $425. Blanket Chert’ $275 to $3OO, and Bohemian r.'lav’warc ,n erasing $llO each XXX A Public Sale of guns and antiques wan held bv Mn Marjorie Poteet of Airvillc. York (o . Pa on Sept Mh and wan well attended Prices received were German made F ranz- Heninghaus 12 ga double barrel shotgun $6OO. Remington 12 ga pump gun $175, Winchester Voacl 2 2 cal pump rifle IICS. and Gov Wmlhrop t>pc Secretary $95 The auctioneer was Robert I. Scchnst A Public Sale of the Frederic E Greist Estate was held Sept 11 at the Redding Auction Service 1 miles north of Gettysburg, Pa The sale inspection was highly attended and the sale itself drew people from 9 slates With the following results Walnut Chippendale high Chest of Drawers $l7OO. Walnut Chippendale Chest of PUBLIC AUCTION at Rossmor Farm located at Shallcross Wharf, Locust Grove, North of Kenhedyville, Md Rt. 213 SAT. OCT. 2, 1976 at II A.M. 140 Registered and Grade Angus Cows, Heifers, Bulls and Calves Sold m groupings of Bred Cows, open Heifers & heifer claves. Bull calves m groupings. TB and Bangs accredited . . Farm Machinery; John Deere 616 Forage Wagon, Papec 16’ - 3 beater Forage Wagon (6 wheel), Hay & Flat wagons, N.H. 279 Baler & kicker, N.H. 479 Hay Conditioner, JD Hay Rake, Fox Forage Harvester w twm heads, Hesston No. 10 Stacker-Baler, Hesston stack mower, 2 Hesston Hay Guards, Feed Augar trailer, N.H. Flail Chopper, feed troughs, hay racks, creep feeder, horse saddles, cattle numbers & ac cessories, water tanks, ... ’59 GMC stake truck, etc. Also: Massey Ferguson 300 Combine W-3 row corn head & grain table (like new) OR. R. J. SIMPSON, ROSSMOR FARM Robert Fanning, Herdsman, Kennedyville, Md. H. RUDNICK & SONS, INC. Sales Managers & Auctioneers (LUNCH) MRS. WILLIAM WENRICH PUBLIC SALE POWER TOOLS HAND TOOLS CLOCKS & ANTIQUES SATURDAY OCT. 23 1976 150 North Christian St. Cleona Leb. Co. Pa. Turn North at Lebanon Valley Branch Bank. Craftsman 10 in. Radial Saw, Craftsman-10 in. Tilting Table Saw, Craftsman 6 m. Jointer - on Stand, El Motors, % and El drills, Sabre-Saw, Sodering iron, Paint Sprayer, Bench-Grinder, grind Stone, Buffer, Steel Rack, Craftsman El Hack Saw, Miter Box & Saw, Pipe Vise, Pipe Threader, Steel Work Bench - With 27 drawers, Blow Torch, Cabbage Cutter, Planes, Tool chest, Coal Heatrola, Wall-cabinet, Pine Bench, Baskets, Lumber, Trellis, garden Tools, Bone grinder, Craftsman lawn Sweeper, Sledge Hammer, Ax, Lantren, Water Pump, Scale, Chiles, Hammers, Hapd Saws, Drill Bits, Pipe Wrenches, Nails, Bolts, 4 in. Belt Sander, Tool chest, Machinest Tools, Walnut grand fathers clock, Cherry grandfather clock case, 4 Bango clocks, 4 coco clocks, 5 China clocks, cast iron clock, 10 Brass-clocks, Wall Clock with Wooden Works, Shelf clocks, Wall clocks, Mantle clocks clock-works, all kinds of clock parts, clock books, Brass Cloth Tree, Siring of Sleigh Bells. Oak desk, clock Tools, Press glass other dishes and lots of items not mentioned. Refreshments on the premises Sale at 10. A.'* Sharp Ci 'ration By Miv Williams Wenrich John Breidegam & Paul Gilbert Auct. Raymond Kulp clerk XXX A Horne Sale was held Sept II by Melvin M lohman at the Danville Livestock Market in Danville, Pa P'lfty head of horses were sold at the sale The price range of riding horses was from a low of $250 to a high of $6OO each Sale Manager was Melvin I/Chman XXX A Public Sale of real estate and antiques was held Sept 11 for the estate of Charles E Saylor m the Boro of Cross Roads, York Co , Pa The 2 acres of land with a 2-story 10 room frame house & small bam was sold for $20,000 to Robert Tyson of Felton, R D 1, Pa t(rma -void I omrf lup lioard >385. 1 layer ITano POO. .School Maatpr* I>cxk 11(0. Oak Pit Table >75, Oak (liaim IP ra . Hanging Krro I .amp >175, 3‘irturr of tin diln >lO5, Wnxh Mam! |75 and ’* •uxr Srsaion* pillar & icrnl] (lock >175 Robert 1, .Serhriit wai the auctioneer six A Public Auction of larrn machinery was viltl Sept 11 In Hay &hnul of Freeland. Mel and was held before a large crowd of bidders Prices received were Minneapolis Molcne Super Tractor >2575. Minneapolis Molcne M 5 Tractor >1720. Oliver Bulldozer 11050, N M 69 Baler >lBOO, M V 15 drain Drill *lOOO. J D lime spreader >6BO, J D 520 Sprayer >630, Grove Chuck Wagon >llOO, J D Heavy Duly Disc >B4O, and 6 wagons with hav sides averaged >4OO Charles W Shrodcs and David W Shrodes were-the auctioneers XXX The Franklm-Cumberland Co Holstein Breeders held a sale Sept 7 at Shippensburg, Pa on the Community Fair grounds with a large crowd in attendance THE - M & M MILKING HERD & BRED HEIFER DISPERSAL LOCATION 2 miles South of Canton, Pa., Bradford County: 35 miles North of William sport, Pa. on Route 14. FRIDAY, Jfe » _ OCTOBER 8,1976 |)g£l 41 HEAD REGISTERED AND GRADE HOLSTEINS SELL 41 23 REGISTERED M CHOICE GRADES 27 fresh or close by sale date, balance various stages lactations. RHA 1976 35.2 Cows.... 17.189 M.... 4.0 T.... 692 F Official DH1A1975 35.3 cows 16.606 M 4.0 T 663 F Registered Animals Classified—Sept., 1975: 2 EX; 4 VG; 7 GP; 3 G as2yr. olds. Some of top foundation and young cows selling. Forest Lee Rockette Centurion dtr. EX 92 pts., 2E. 10 y 1 mo., 160 d, 16,021 m, 3.6 T, 581 F in.; bred to Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation. Lifetime total to date 135,345 m, 5262 F. 3 dtrs. selling: 1 by Kingstead Ivanhoe cl. VG 87 pts., 4- 8,358 d, 22,139 m, 4.5 T, 1000 F, due to Elevation by sale date. 1 by Cornerset Centurion Medalist cl. GP 84 pts., 5-5, 334 d, 21,807 m, 4.2 T, 911 F. 1 by Whirlhill Kingpin, 2 yr. old, fresh Aug. 4,1976. Twin dtrs. by Tidy Burke Transmitter from VG dam 1 - 4-1 projected to 22,502 m 831 F. 1 - 3-11 projected to 21,642 m, 716 F. Both classified GP 83 pts. Kmgstead Ivanhoe dtr. cl. GP from VG dam; 4-8,341 d, 21,690 m, 749 F. Md - Gaywmds Merry King dtr., a 2 yr. just fresh from VG dam. Glenvue Sky Chief dtr. cl. VG 88 pts.; lifetime 133,965 m, 5,129 F. A 2 yr. old dtr, by Elevation sells just fresh. Another dtr. by Elevation 2 yrs. 3 mo. -309 d, 15,128 m, 4.6 T, 649 inc. Maroy Ivanhoe Leader cl. EX -5-8,358 d, 20,902 m, 4.5 T, 939 F: Dtr, selling by Whirlhill Kingpin 3-0, 307 d, 14,121 m, 4.3 T, 602 F. 3 other Registered 2 yr. old Elevation selling; 3 Registered Kingpin dtrs. 2 born 1972, 1 - 1974 ; 3 Registered Transmitters, all from high producing dams. Grade animals selling sired by Sire Power Sires; 1-2 yr. 11 mo., 295 d, 19,258 m, 4.0 T, 771 F. Choice grade cows record to 22,343 m. Bred animals in calf to Sire Power bloodlines. Interstate Tested Upon Request. Certified & Acreedited Catalogues Sale Mgr. Note—A herd where good size animals with very good udders are the rule Plan to Attend. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK SALE DAY. MARJNUS & MABEL N. DeBRUIN Owners D. O. Rockwell & Associates, Sale Managers Troy, Pa. . Phone 747-297-3460 The lop individual waa a Ist calf heifer >l*oo. her belfrr calf >230 . 2ml high individual >1475, her belles’ call PCO. two animals sold for 11425 and one ut >l4OO Three sold for 11275 each and one for >l3OO The average of all the animals was >B7O with a senior calf bringing POO and an Oct calf >MS Ralph W Horst was the auctioneer XXX A Public Auction of a 225 v ear old farm of 85 acres was held Sept 11 by Samuel S Good Kslatc 1 mile west of Enhrntn, I-ancnstcr Co , Pa The farm with a stone home, frame bank bam and 2 tobacco sheds was sold for >340,729 to Ray Bollinger who owns an ad joining farm The auctioneers were John E and Paul E Marlin XXX A Special Cow Sale was held at the Smoketown Quality Dairy Sales Sept 9 two miles east of Lancaster, Pa There were 70 head of dairy cows sold and also many heifers The price ranged from >4OO up to >llOO for the cows Auctioneers were Frank & Paul Snvder Calfhood Vaccinated Pregnancy Checked CATTLE BUYING? Don't forget the night dairy cattle auction at Rumvey'v Dairy Barn in Bath. N Y . Toe» Eve . the 28lh at 8 p m 60 top notch interatate ready HoUtcim (close and freah are really milking and really good") Young cattle veiling »ir:l. aocome on time" Rumscy Sales (Oil. and Peg) Bath. N.V. (W7-77W471( FALL CONSIGNMENT SALE SATURDAY, OCT. 2, 1976 AT 9 - 30 AM Location- 2 miles South West of Christiana on Lower Valley Road just 1 mile east of White Oak Road and 1 mile West of Noble Road. Lancaster County. Pa. INCLUDING: FARM EQUIPMENT, NEW TOOLS, HAY, STRAW, SUGAR MACHINERY TRACTORS: 1H856 Diesel w-Duals and weights, IH 656; John Deere A on steel; J D 430 CORN PICKERS: 2 New Idea 2-row mounted and a New Idea 2-row Pull type picker Spring harrow, disc, gram drill, 2 rakes, new horse-breaking cart. TOOLS AND MiSC. New electric chain hoist, 7 ventilation fans w motors; wheel barrows; pipe wrenches; dirt shovels; air compressor; 5 pool tables; bar stools; baseball bats; brand new Truck & Car tires; baler twine; and many more small items. This is only a partial listing as there will be more by sale time. Sale Managed by IVAN R. YOST RDI, Christiana, Pa. (215) 593-5326 Auctioneers: Kauffman, Petersheim, Yost. Food Available PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE (8 ACRE FARM), ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, TOOLS, TRACTOR, EQUIPMENT, WATCHES & GUNS SAT., OCTOBER 2, 1976 Loc. along Rt. 999 about 4 miles west of Millersvllle, Manor Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. (just west of the Central Manor Church of God). 2% Story, 10 room & full bath, log & frame house w alum. & clap board siding. Frame bank barn suitable for horses or steers. Total of 8.29 acres more or less. 7Vz Acres of nice tillable land, 292’ road frontage along rt. 999. Real Estate to be sold at 2:00. Property open for inspection: Sat’s. Sept. 11,18 &25 from 1 till 3. Equipment: B-M Farmall tractor, Austin tractor, Cheeftah scooter, 5’ Lilliston rotary chipper, 7 HP Cub Cadet riding mower, lots of other eauinment & farm articles. Hand & garden tools, Antiques & Household Goods: Revco chest freezer, Whirlpool 2 dr. refrig. & elec, stove, Kenmore auto, dryer, Easy Spin washer, Siegler oil heatrola, 275 gal. oil tank, GE vacuum, Empire slant top desk, blanket chest, jelly cupboard, Vic.: 5 pc. parlor suite, cane rocker, folding rocker, 5 cane chairs, sofa bed, acorn top & other rope beds, plank bottom rocker & chairs. Cottage dresser, old battery radio, iron bed & crib. Oak: oval china closet, sq. ext. table w-x boards, 2 - 3 pc. bedroom suites, kitchen cabinet, high back bed, side board, 6 hard bottom & 6 dining room chairs, & other misc. oak furniture. Mahg., chrome, metal & other misc. fur niture. Iron, tin & wooden articles. Watches: lady’s gold Elgin, Hamilton, Pa. man’s & other jewelry. 6 Pc. wash bowl & pitcher set, wadi bowl & pitcher. RS German, Carnival, ruby top, blue & vaseline opalescent, Heisey, coal bolt blue, English, German, Pressed, Nippon, Etched, Noratake & other good & everyday glassware & china. Many other household articles. Guns: Fulton 12 ga. dble. barrel & 12 ga. single barrel shotguns, Winchester model 94 30-30 rifle. Not responsible for accidents day of sale. Food served. Sale by ESTHER S. CHARLES ESTATE MRS. DAVID G. CHARLES A. W. Reese Atty. Howard Shaub, Auctioneer and Roy C. Probst AT 9:00
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