Sale reports *aa aold lo Anna and WUIUm Swallfi Willow Hill. I‘a The arcrajr (or the U head t M (MO lUlph W Moral. Marlon I*a wa» avirUaoruT HOfi'i »70 to *0 60 .VNT.S aOO to 13 75 IMIAU.S II 00 to 25 75 ill TV Kr>rp-|>cl annual ftral calf Vifrr m)p «m Vkl an •'fpUmVr II «t rham l*r»burf K 1 TV Wile wa« of regular and grade 1 lolatein* Vow animal* sold for fSOO or over with IV top animal priced at PHC Thl* animal fcOOOMIW) FlYt WWCKtSTII F[[D(R CATTII SALES farawrt LrmlocHi change Inc Wiachrite Viqpnu SUM Saoovartd Graded Unrfwn Left U lerl Irtedi FEEDER CALF SAU A SHOW AH I |SA IPM | FEEDER CALF mi YEARLING SAU PM FEEDER CALF mi YEARLING SAU PM FEEDER CAlf »nd YEARLING SAU - Fndiy No»embtt 1? 1976 I P M NORTHERN VIRGINIA LIVESTOCK INC SoiUO WiiKhntet. Vi 22601 Phone* Offc* 703/662 2946 P 1 Mclnhre SAUS MANAGER Mom* 703/137 1254 |Rti*dence While Foil Vi 22563| COMPLETE DISPERSAL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1976 12:30 p.m. Location: 4 mi. West of New Holland. Pa. 2 mi. north of Rt. 23. Take North Groffdale Road, then onto Wissfer Rd., Lane. Co. Vacc. Tested for Interstate Preg. checked lir years of Atlantic Breeding 1975 D.H.LA. 14,671 m 580 f 4.0 percent 1976 R.H.A. 14,118 m 561 f 4.0 percent 37'MIUdng age, 9 Bred Heifers, 11 open. Some heifer calves. SALE FEATURES!! Performer Jane 5y 365 d 20,779 m 764 f 3.7 percent. She due to Gay, dtr. by Ivanhoe Kid Samson w-2y 317 d 15,501 m 563 f 3.6 percent, she bred to Ivanhoe Star. Performer Ginny 5y 365 d 21,209 m 732 f, 3,4 per cent her Sept. Gay calf sells. Dtr. by Ivanhoe Star proj. 2y 305 d 15,285 m 520 f 3.4 percent. Ivanhoe Star Connie 4y 305 d 19,272 m 852 f, 4.4 percent dtr. by Stylemaster Prince 3y 305 d 16,221 m 541 f (proj.) 3.3 percent. Ivanhoe Star Cindy 5y 365 d 16,727 m 759 f 4.5 percent. She due to Gay, her full sister sells and a milking 2 yr. old, their dam a dtr. of Flashy Boy sells w-120,913m 4.2 percent 5,135 f L.T. Bonus Pansy 3y 305 d 17,716 m 3.6 percent 635 f Bred to Gay, and her Ivanhoe Star bred heifer sells. Performer Ormsby 5y 10m 251 d 17,993 m 655 f 3.6 percent Inc. Including Dtrs. of following: Ivanhoe Star (6), Apollo Rocket (4), Round Oak Electron (5), Hilltop Apollo Ivanhoe (3), Kanawaka Educator (3), R.O.R.A. Elevation (1). Service Sires: Ivanhoe Jack, Cumva Proud Per former, Apollo Rocket, H. Gay Ideal. About ¥t the herd fresh Aug. 1 to end of Oct. Several due fall & early Winter, nearly all trace back to Osbomdale Ivanhoe. Especially nice udders. Your inspection of this fine herd is invited!! Discon tinuing dairy business makes this dispersal necessary. DeLaval (3) units, (2) 50 lb,, (2) 40 lb. pails, 2 S.S. strainers, Super logger, etc. Catalogs Owner, SAMUEL M. AUGSBURGER Aucts. & Sale Mgrs. Cari Oilier 464-2233 J. Everett Kreider 786-1545 Not Responsible for Accidents an TV k rank 1 in•< umVrland < ountlc* Joint Holstein sale waa Vld at ShippmaburK V a :r ground* an September 7 A large crowd wa* In at tendencr with one of IV largest hujen coming from Fndiy Oclohei 1 1976|5h0» fndij Octoh*t 15 1976 1 Fndiy Ociobei 29 1976 7 EARL-END SSHEAD-55 REGISTERED HOLSTEINS Sale held in tent Lunch < har lest on. T enn The rcr» ranoignad to (He sale *a» IfJ Weboter Fincher and a ant Springs Pa The animal brought 1)600 and «•> sold to Jack ,'mnrUr < artiale The lop animal * calf brought |330 The nett highext purest animal »a* conaigned lo Ihe sale h> Oakleigh trim Mercersbwrg. I’a and »mt to Paul It < ornman Mechanicaburg Her calf brought tXO The average ol the 48 head wan $175 Ralph Horst. Marion ■■a* auctioneer XXX HUNTKKS SAIJ- HAHN IN( held their wrekl> sale September 13 at Kiting Sun. Mar) land STKKRS High Choice and Prime 33 25. Good to Choice 2825 HF.IFERS High Choice and IMmc 32 00-36 00. Good to Choice 28 00-31 00 FEEDER STEERS (rood to Choice 32 0, 35 00 & 40 00 FEEDER RULES 1215 lb 29 25 COWS High Choice to Prime 26 75, 27.75 & 28 25, Good to Standard 25 50-26 50, Utllit> 23 50-24 50, Cutlers 18 25-22 50; Canners 1100- 18 00 HUNTER'S SALE BARN, INC. ROUTE 278, Rising Sun, Maryland Sale Every Monday - Livestock 7 P.M. Poultry, Egg, Produce at 7:00 P.M. Household at 6:30 P.M. Antiques at 6:30 P.M. (Every 4th Monday) Farmers & Flea Market open 3:00 P.M. HUNTER SALE BARN, INC. Phone 301-658-6400 Sale Mgr., Auctioneer - Norman E. Hunter, Pres. Restaurant on grounds. PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE FARM MACHINERY TUESDAY, OCT. 12,1976 At 12:30 P.M. Located in Clinton Co., Nittany Valley, 2 miles East of Rote, Pa., turn North, travel Vz mile to Meadow Farms. MACHINERY J.D. 4320 dsl. wide front tractor w-cab run 2400 hrs. and new rubber, J.D. no. 330-5 bottom 16 in. automatic reset plow, J.D. 2020 gas tractor w- hydro-stat shuttle reverser run 1640 hrs., J.D. no. 48 hyd. loader w- fork and bucket, I.H. no. 85 PTO portable mixer grinder, J.D. no. 40 manure spreader w-hyd. tail gate, Moridge L.P. gas 275 bu. batch type PTO gram dryer, J.D. no. 1630 plow disk 11 ft., I.H. no. 10-15 disk grain drill, J.D. no. 12204 row com planter w-insectiside hoppers, N.I. no. 325-2 row pull type com picker w- shelter unit, N.I. no. 326 husking bed, J.D. no. 65 hopper blower PTO, N.H. 273 baler super sweep head, hyd. control thrower and floatation tires baled approx. 20,000 bales, N.H. no. 479 haybine w-floatation tires used 2 seasons, J.D. 3 pt. rake, J.D. hay fluffer, J.D. no. 428 elevator 34 ft. like new w- grain chutes, I.H. no. 76 combine PTO w- bin, N.H. heavy duty wagon 8 ply tires w- bale rack like new, 2 J.D. no. 216 self unloading wagons with ad justable hitches, N.H. and Grove wagons w-gravity grain beds, J.D. pickup head for no. 34 chopper. Skeleton 8 ft. bale elevator section, I.H. flail chopper for parts, Agway 3% H.P. roto-tiller, Cattle mineral feeder, Burdizzo Castrater, button dehomer, 1750 lbs. 10-20-10 com starter fertilizer, bag of Tale Fescue grass seed, 2 bags mixed grass, and 125 bu. oats. No smaU items on the wagon; this will be a short, but good sale. Don’t be late! Terms - Cash _ MEADOW FARMS, INC. R.D. No. 1. Mill Hall, Pa. Miles Clevenstine, Agent Phone 814-383-2755 Mark Click • Auctioneer Reedsville, Pa. (Aik 12* High to Choice 5300 ‘Jiao *OO 4 4) 05 (rood to > Twice UQO UCBi 54 00 Standard to <»ood 54 CO 51 00 4 40 00 Utility 77 00 73 00 llclow t (i)ily )3 00 71 OO Hot.'. ’,50 lb JT to 39 rent* V )S4 S 32 to S 3 cm la SHKI 1' 70 to 27 rmU lambs 33 14 4 40 rents SKOIRLST SAUSS COMPANY. IM I-Ik KSTOCK At CTIOS MeuartiUnm. Pa •September ». 1174 ( ATTI.K 88 Steers High Choice and I Time £37 50 to 38 75. (rood Choice 36 00 and 37 25. Good 35 00 and 35 75. Standard Good 33 50 and 34 50. Holstein* (rood 32 00 and 32 85. Standard to Good 29 00 and 31 00 Heifers ■ High Choice and Prime absent, Good to (Twice 30 00 and 32 50, Good 29 00 and 29 75, Standard Good 28 50 and 28 75, HoLslclns Good 28 00 and 28 25, Standard Good 26 50 and 27 50 Feeder Steers • Good and Choice absent, Standard Good 34 00 and 35 00, Utility 28 00 and 30 00 Bulls - Good and Choice Commercial 35 00 and 36 50, Standard to Good - 32 00 and 34 00. Utility to I ancsster I arming Saturday **«pt 2S 19/6117 '•land* rd 79 00 and 31 00 <an High Yearling ( nmmctrial 77 50 and 78 33 ( utters 74 30 and 77 00 ( anneta Ime ( utters 34 00 and 73 Cn .'.hells 13 OO and 2000 (AIMS 195 < alvei (Twice and I Time 50 00 and 34 00 ("rood and (Twice 41 00 and 49 00 Standard and (rood 43 00 and 47 00. CtiUl) to (rood 110 140 lbs 38 00 and 44 00 t tllit) SO 110 lb* 30 00 and 35 OO ( uIU 10 00 and 23 00 HOGS 480 Hogs US No 1 and 3 700-2580 lbs 39 75 and 40 25. US No 1 and 3. ISO -230 lbs 39 25 and 39 50. US No 1 and 3. 180-250 lbs 39 00 and 39 10 Sow* - 250-375 lbs 29 00 and 31 00. 400-500 lb* 27 00 and 28 50 Boar* 300400 Ibt 24 00 and 31 50 SHKKP 16 I*amb* - Good to Choice 35 00 and 42 00. Medium and Good 25 00 and 32 00 Kwc* GOO and 19 00 Private Treaty Fat Hogs, Select No 1 and 2. 200-215 lbs 40 00 and 40 50 Private Treaty Fat Hogs, No 1 and 2. 220-230 lbs 39 50 and 39 75 Private Treaty Fat Hogs, No 1 and 3, 190-220 lbs 39 00 and 39 25 The complete household goods of Mazie S Myer of Akron, Lancaster Co , Pa were sold at the Hat & Gavel Auction Co., 1 mile north of Lititz on Sept. 11th. Some of the outstanding items sold and prices received were: 12 pane cherry Dutch cupboard 82975, Wall sampler 8290, Chocolate pot 8220, Human iron Trap 8310, Rope bed $630, Marble top Bedroom Suite 8535, Walnut & Maple PUBLIC SALE FRI., OCT. 1,1976 Located IVz miles west of Oxford. 8 miles east of Quarryville, Vz mile east of Octoraro Lake. Vz mile west of Route 472, along Bethel Road. 114 Head of Holstein Dairy Cattle 114 91 Mature cows, including, 30 first calf heifers, 30 second calf heifers, 23 bred heifers due from sale time until end of year. Several Registered including Kilinsdale Ivanhoe Jack dau; Emperor Duke Arciue dau; Penstate Star Dust dau; Glenafton Charm dau; and Apollo Chick dau. All T.B. and Bloodtested. Pregnancy checked. This is a good producing young herd. Ready to go to work for you. Owners MR. & MRS. JOHN W. LINDSEY A. Diffenbach's Aucts. r J SPECIAL NOTICE GILBERTS STORE RD No. 1, WRIGHTSVILLE PA. AT LONG LEVEL THURS. & FRIDAY OPEN 1 P ' M ' lo 9 PM ' 11 SATURDAY 10 A.M. TO 4 P.M OAO7 OFF ON ENTIRE WW /O STORE STOCK. Drive a little and save 30% on everything. Come early for best selections. All sales cash & final. + J. A. Gilbert Prop. Hwlfoom S-iMe WK. M*nl {op I>c*k Ilowexl (Um i TUna CTnact *435 3 Spinning vrh~u »no. »)». t rrro (*k lUU lUrk lltt. Hanging Juno 1 -amp 1130. ( arverl Frame large Wall Mirror tiro. Uaf £ lUrn pattern (mrrlrt IXIO. Mutter PrinU 1103 4i |l3O. Sleigh Hella 1170. 1875 (AnrairtrT to AlUi 1150. 3 Wall kraktur* 1335. P 65. i 1450. and Postcard Album 1305 Wilbur H Hosier and Harold K Galelwtrh were Ihr a urb one-era XXX A complete dutpmwl sale wan held for (al V ran Karma b) (arl Tholen on Sept 11 right mi Ira northwest of (>wcgo, N Y in Tioga Co before a large crowd The 56 head of animals sold averaged 1752 with the 37 cows nvcmglngtß6s The top cow sold for 12000 to Paul Micha of Greene, N Y and the 2nd high cow went for 11300 to Roger Crawford, Owego, N Y The J D 3010 tractor sold for 12850 and the Int 330 tractor for 11350 Howard W Visschcr was the sale manager and auctioneer A Public Auction of farm equipment and ponies was held Sept 11 by Joseph Zcisloft in the village of Jerseytown 10 miles north of Blooms burg, Pa Prices received were Welsh Pony $360, Buggies $l9O, *3OO & $320, Sleigh $3lO, set of harness $6O and A C WD 45 tractor $l6OO. Eugene A. and Gele L. Derr were the auctioneers. A Polled Hereford dispersal was held by William J. Price, Falls, Wyoming Co., Pa. on Sept. 11th with a large crowd m attendance. 1:00 P.M
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