FARMERS VI LIE AUCTION TUESDAY, SEPT. 28, 1976 6 OOPM In Farmcrsville. 3 miles East of Brownstown. Lancaster County. PA Green Early American living room suite used one year cedar chest, bo* springs and mat tresses 1?0 bass accordion now sofa bed new tocker Brothers portable sewing machine chord studio couch vacuum cleaner nice Waterfall bedroom suite small appliances, dishes etc We sell on commission Call JOHN J. RUTT 354-5095 PUBLIC SALE STEAM ENGINES - ANTIQUE FARM MACHINERY - OLD TOOLS FROM THE COLLECTION OF DR. JOHN J. KNOX ESTATE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1976 9:00 A.M. SHARP Located 1 mile West of Gettysburg on Route 116 (Gettysburg-Fairfield Road) turn right at Penna. State Police Barricks, onto Mill Road and sale site (Sale Signs Posted). STEAM ENGINES & FARM MACHINERY Fnck traction steam engine No. 17477, 15 HP, [in good running condition], L. Geiser portable steam engine no. 6619, 20-HP, 1 partially restored w-new flues); Frick stationary steam engine no. 21910, 80-HP, complete; gas engines include, International 3 HP, Economy 6-HP, 2 Hercules 1 ‘/i-HP, International 1 ‘/r-HP; John Deere 1 'h- HP; Aermotor Co. 1-HP engine [unusual]; 1 large chime steam locomotive whistle; 2 steam locomotive whistles; 1 nice steam chime traction engine whistle; AB Farquhar 1880 thrashing machine; Frick 26” cyl. wood body thrashing machine; Vermont Farm Machine Co., dog power, treadmill; very nice Superior 5 disc grain dnll; Sharpies & Hall, West Chester, horse power treadmill w-pump; E.W. Ross Co. fodder shredder; Hardy sprayer w-l'A HP gasoline engine; 2 seat surrey w-fringe top & Lamps (fair cond.]; unusual A.F. Muyler horse power, wood hay baler [good cond.]; Crown 8 hoe grain dnll; G.M. Osborne horse mower; 2 unusual Adriance horse mowers, 2 horse wagon w-bed; nice Studebaker 2 horse wagon, complete; corn binder; square-back sleigh; dump wagon; N.H. chopping mill; 2 horse hay wagon, complete; Ariance Buckeye chain driven mower; Oliver single row cultivator; nice Superior 8 hoe grain drill; horse power [cpt ]; horse power feed grinder, lot wood beam horse equipment including, shovel plows; 2 shovel plows w-rollers; shovel harrows, cultivators; unusual St. John cast moldboard plow; Mt. Joy cast furrow plow; Mountville shovel plow; Lynchbury steel beam furrow plow; unusual furrow plow w-cutter, Oliver furrow plow; grain cradles; old Hardey 400 gal. sprayer w-motor; McCormick belt driven corn shelter; McCormick ground driven manure spreader; nice Spangler 1 row corn planter; S. Fitts 1852 corn shelter; wagon wheels; hay tedder; thrashing cylinder; small fodder shredder; shingle mill, [cpt ]; Deering 6' grain binder; Allis Chalmers thrashing machine; 2 dump rakes; 2 John Deere Syracuse riding plows; rare wire be grain binder; Johnson binder; 2 old hay loaders; rare straw cutter; unusual Fenner butter churn; cylinder grain cleaner; shingle mill; wooden tub washing machine, no. 10 Kelly single plate stove, unusual sugar beet cutter; single hole corn shelters, large amount single & double trees; old seed sower; broom making machine TOOLS & MISC. Nice mortising machine; old cider press, tire shrinker, 400 lb. platform scales; butcher bench, butter worker, double cylinder hand pump; lot lanterns of different sizes; unusual combination grinder & stutter. 5 misc. stutters; lot nice butchering forks & ladles, 3 large wood clamps; large amount old woodworking tools including, very nice signed goosewing axe; adzs; wood augers; wood planes, etc; lot old hardware including, hinges & pins; straw knives; large amount blacksmith tools; old wagon jacks; blacksmith blower; old wood braces, mortising & boring machines; large screw jack, slaters tools; harness benches, very nice wood forks, wood rakes, misc tinware, anvils, sledge block; 2 lard presses, shoe lasts, wood wheelbarrows; hand pumps; lard press, butchering kettles; 1 & 2 man cross cut saws, pipe vises; floor vises, wood pulleys, wood measures; cream seperators, cherry seeders; cast gypsy pots, milk cans; washboards; tire changer; Master kerosene shop heater, nice jack stands, barrel pumps, tap & die sets, lot chain binders. MANY OTHER ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. Auctioneer's NOTE: This sate consists of the collection of Dr. Knox who was a well known doctor in Gettysburg and adjoining areas. If looking for unusual antiques - Plan To Attend This Sale. TERMS; CASH - Check, only if approved by Auctioneer. REFRESHMENT RIGHTS RESERVED. Owner C. DAVID REDDING, Auctioneer Rt. No. 6, Gettysburg, Pa. Phone: 334-6941 or 334-6598 LARGE MRS. RITA H. KNOX, Public Sales Register of 4 1 ,- acrr-i located along Indiantown Hoad. 1 mil« soldh of Srhoenerk Sale h\ lame 7, Weaver. owner, Nevln / Martin and Iwwis B Groff, Aur'lonrrr SAT CXT 23 o 10 AM Public Auction of ? Farms. Farm Equipment, Household Items, Antiques and Collectibles located at Route 147 between Harrisburg and Sunbury, & Miles North of Millcrsburg, 2 miles South of Dalmatia, ’-s mile cast of Houle 147 at Malta Hoad, Nor thumberland County, Pa fwatch for auction arrows along Malta Road on the day of sale). Sale for the Estate of L Meda Zerbe, Palmer E Zerbe and Velma D Rebuck, Executors: George Deibcrt, Auctioneer. 1976 SPECIAL CATTLE SALES TRI-STATE LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. on Route 11, West of Abingdon, Va. The following SPECIAL SALES for 1976 have been scheduled for your Feeder Steers & Calves, which will be a ONE DAY OPERATION on MONDAYS - SALES STARTING AT 7:30 P.M. Open CALF SALE Sept. 27 - 7:30 P.M Feeder STEER SALE Oct. 4 - 7:30 P.M. Open CALF SALE Oct. 11-7:30 P.M. Va. Association STEER SALE Oct. 18-7:30 P.M. Va. Association Angus & Crossbred CALF SALE Oct. 25 - 7:30 P.M. Feeder STEER SALE Nov. 1 - 7:30 P.M. Open CALF SALE Nov. 8-7:30 P.M. Feeder STEER SALE Nov. 15-7:30 P.M. All livestock must be on the market grounds not later than 5:00 P.M. This is extremely important in order to have them graded and listed for the sale at 7:30 P.M. TRI-STATE LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. P.O. Box 558 - Abingdon, Virginia 24210 Telephone 703-628-5111 Regular sales for all classes livestock Fridays at 2.30 P.M. PUBLIC SALE ANTIQUES - WAGONS - CARRIAGE - SLEIGHS HORSE DRAWN MACHINERY, TOOLS SAL, OCT. 9th At 9:30 A.M. 137 Heffner Road, Limerick, between Sunset Road & Township Line Road from Route 422, Montg. Co. 3 Express Wagons, hay flat, 4 seated carriage, corn wagon, 31-horse sleighs, express wagon seats, spring tooth harrow, fodder cutter, spike harrow, horse drawn grain drill, wagon Wheels, horse collars, harness, bridles, hay tedder, feed grinder, wooden single tree, hand com planter, 5 iron pig troughs, hay hook, dump cart, grindstone, milk cooler, milk buckets, Vz bu. measure, chicken crates, wooden ladders, etc. LARGE COPPER BOILER, iron dinner bell, large sausage stuffer, feed chest, large wooden flour box, cheese presser, copper wash boiler, bucket-a-day stove, brooder, stove, large coffee grinder, wooden washer, ice box, wooden bench, porch rockers, large water bottle, hand & pitcher pumps, grain windmill, lot of louvered shutters, canning jars, 5 gal. crocks, earthenware dishes, 3-gallon whiskey jug, lots of 16x24 pane glass, cow chains, horse traces, iron wedges, 40- ft. belt, pulleys, chains, saws, circular saw blades, elec, cow clipper, steel drums, Myer’s water pump, scrap iron, shovels, garden tools, and all kinds of misc. tools and articles. A very interesting sale. Lunch available. By order of M & A KUTRA Nelson C. Weidenbaugh, Auctioneer 215-948-7619 540 N. Lewis Rd., Royersford, Pa. 19468 SAT (K 1 23 ’(10 AM I-irge (onsignmml Public .Sale of Antiques Ime Household 1- umi.lungs and I Kill ( obection to t>e held m the Vi mterstowm 1 irellall along Ht 24 in Winlerstcwn Born. York ( o . Pa Sale by Sechnst Auction Service, 1-awn Grove, Pa Robert I. and Thomas II S< christ, Auctioneers SAT (K 1 23 - Troy Motel Auction at Troy, Pa I) O Rockwell A Associates, Sale Managers SAT OCT 23 - 2 P M Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate 112l l 2 acres located along N Shirk Road (Between Hmklctown and New Holland), Earl Township, Pa Terms by John J. Lapp, T Glenn Horst, Auctioneer Lancaster Farming Saturday Sept ?h 19/b lib iui„s on ■» j pm mi rs on 28 ;pm v Special (.raded 1 eeder Pig 1 rrder ( alf Sale, 1500 Mead Sale at the 1 anr.ntc r to be held at I auquirr Sto< ky arch. Inc . I.’inc aster I ive-.tock l,ic hmiK Penna Marshall. \ irgmia 1 HMR.S (XI 28 12 «» P M 48 Registered and Grade Holstelns Atlantir Breeding, DHIA records I /crated south of 1.-incasler along New Danville Pike one mile north of Conestoga ( enter in Rmcastcr Counts Sale by J David Shank Aucts Carl Oilier and .1 Everett Krcidcr THURS OCT 28 - 1 00 P M Walnutbrook Farm Registered ii Grade Holstein Dispersal location 6 miles south of Pa Take Rt 324 to New Danville to Conestoga, Lancaster Co , Pa Owner, J David Shank Aucts. & Sale Mgs - Carl Diller & J Everett Kretder THURS. OCT. 28 - 2 P M Two Farms (Lancaster Co ) at Public Sale. (1) Acres located along Tobacco Road and Pool Road (just south of Akron Borough), West Earl Township, Pa. SAT. OCT. 30 - 11 A.M. Farm No. 2 65 Acres located Along Stemmetz and Akron Roads between Akron and Ephrata (near Foodergong), Ephrata Township, Pa. Terms by Jonas M. Weaver and Phebe L. Weaver; T. Glenn Horst, Auctioneer PUBLIC AUCTION SAT. OCT. 9th at 11:00 A.M. 43 Acre Horse Farm w-3 Bedroom modem ranch House, Horse Stable & other buildings, and large pond ... Farm Machinery, tools, Horse equipment, 2 tractors, riding lawn mower, livestock trailer ... Sale ordered by Guy & Frieda Curtis, Owners at RDI, Box 56AA, Marydel,Md. 21649 Phone: 438-3259 Farm located: 3 miles east of Sudlersville, Md. off of Route 300 on Everett Road. Free brochure from Harry Rudnick & Sons, Inc., Galena, Md, 21635 Phone (301) 648-5100 LYNCHBURG GROWTH FEEDER CALF SALE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 Held at the new Lynchburg Livestock Market, Lynchburg, VA located 6 miles South of Lyn chburg on Route 29 South across from Cindy’s Truck Stop. Weighing 300 to 700 Pounds - Angus, Hereford, Charolais, and Crosses 1200 Steers and 700 Heifers State Graded - State Sponsored The sire of all of the calves in the sale have qualified in our rate of gain and final weight program. These calves have performed well for our buyers in previous years. Have you tried our Lynchburg calves with the genetic growth bred in’ Harry Turpin, General Manager or -Phone 804-237-5956 Esthmus Carson, Market Operator Dick Ellis, Sales Manager - Phone 804-237-5956 Lynchburg Feeder Cattle Association, Inc. IHI (XT 2*) / U) I* M ( Iran tin Salr. All kimh 1< Ik 1 brio .it South Hrnru h S t o c k v ,i r d s. Inc Moorcficld, We .t Virginia HU (XT 29-7 P M Win rhostcr. Virginia - Feeder C alf and Yearling Sale to he held at the Farmers Livestock Lxchangc, Inc located I’-j miles west of Winchester on U S Route 50 F HI OCT 29 - 7 P M Special F'ccdcr Cattle at Vintage Sales Stables. Inc , 10 miles cast of Lancaster, Paradise Pa MON , NOV. 1 - Arnold Acres Holstein Registered Holsteins, 1C Grades North on Rt 72 through Lebanon to Maple Street to Mount Zion Road Arnold Acres Farm on the left Sale by: Arnold Acres Inc. Auc: Randall V Kline and Rueben Houser. FRI. NOV. 5 - 6:30 P.M Northeast Region Chianm; Sale, Selling 60 lots locatet at Lauxmont Farms Wnghtsville, Penna. Stanlej E. Stout. Auctioneer. Saif Headquarters; Quality Inn 1900 HEAD l:OOP.M. Sponsored By no Sale
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