laor-aslpr farming Saturday S«*p| ,’b 114 Public Sales Register .s AI ori if '< AM Am lum 1 (« P M Nale of Real I state Two Vkairr farms and JO acres of woodland fann equipment tools household items vimr antiques On Hrrr'tra'ir Hoad. I rmlr east of I pbrata G mile from the J pbrata Interchange of Routes 777 and 177 Al>el G and Ida R Wel>er Chet l-ong, Aurtionrrr SAT (XT 16 • 10 A M Mn kern Rmbschlcr Public Sale of Farm Implements Mouschc'd Goods and An tiques located 1G miles South of Slraustown aloni; Houtc 183, Berks (ounl>. Pa Conditions b> Mrs Fcm Hcntschlcr. John Brcidcgam. Auctioneer TUES EVE OCT 19-6 PM Public Sale of Titus S Horst Tools located at 912 High Street* Akron, Penna 'Mam Street in Akron to South 10th Street, turn right on High KAUL FARM DISPERSAL On the Dundee Himrod Road, between Rtes. 14 & 14A, 20 mi. from Bath, N.Y. or Watkins Glen, SAT., OCT. 2 at 9:30 a.m. 104 interstate - tested Holstems (70 mature and 34 younger females) - a good herd to choose replacements from'! 3 Case w.f.e Diesel tractors (“930”-“700”-“400 Super”) and big and good line equipment including new NH “770” chopper w-2-row com and pickup heads, JD s.p. “55” combme, JD “336” kicker-baler (one season!), Hesston 10’ hay machine, Oliver 1-row picker, Gehl mixer-grinder, 7 wagons (new flat-bed, 4 kicker, 2 s.u.), JD trans. disc, new Brady bunk-feeder wagon, Gehl “hydra-cat” loader, 12,000 bales very good timothy and alfalfa mixed hay, 2,000 2nd cutting, 1500 bales straw, 2,500 bu. heavy, dryed oats, and much, much more!! Very nice 398 A Farm w-good bldgs, (free stall bam, parlor, toolshed, nice farm home, trailer, etc.) - good terms available!). MR. and MRS. JACK KAUL, OWNERS. For info, or full list mailed you, write RUMSEY SALES, Bath, N.Y. (607-776-3478). Mrrrti Terr." I*v Man M Hors! T Glenn U«>r -! Auctioneer \AI I) OTI 70 " tfl A M David 11 Good s (on ••ii-'nment Sale Uication 1 mile North of Boule 7J < i North Maple A\e in l/'ola lama-tciCo Pa Watch for Sale Sijjn k Snyder H Martin.! M Wolgrrmith ( Dillcr. J In Auds THUKS (XT 21 17 TO pm Public Auction of ( omplcle Dispersal of Holstein Dam Cows and Heifers located 1 miles SK of Gap. Pa . G mile North of Bt 41 Sale bj Flias Howell, owner. I,lo>d H Krcidcr and Steve Pelcr sheun. Auctioneers SAT OCT 23 - 12 00 P M Public Auction of Household Items, Antiques, I-awn L Garden Equipment I/icatcd 2R mi north of White Horse on Cambridge Rd and t mi southwest of Hor L \brook, Co , I Sale b\ ’■far!m I ’dartin A o i err I. an It A o-t SAT IKI 7-1 7PM Public Heal t date Auction 1 acres of pnme development land located in Plainfield Township Northampton < cion tv (Hi the premises travel Route VI South to Route y, 7 Past (Windgap I.xit i Turn right onto route 1 lb South to Auction Sign on the left Sale bv Robert Kcrnmerer, Randal V Kline. Auctioneer FOR SALE BY OWNER 65 HEAD OF PUREBRED & HI-GRADE HOLSTEINS Reason for selling - have sold the farm Call Mr. Karl Harbaugh. 717-762-3024 ROBERT HARTMAN PUBLIC SALE FARM IMPLEMENTS HOUSEHOLD ITEMS & ANTIQUES SATURDAY OCT. 9, 1976 1 Mile East of Kimling Church Lebanon Co. Pa C.A. Allis Chalmer Tractor, with live Pr., clutch, Cultivator, 14 in. 2 Bottom Plows, G.I. Disk, Single Cultipacker, 4 Section Spring Harrow, Massey 7 ft. Mounted Mower, Rotary Mower, J.D. Side Rake, Rubber tire wagon with sides, Walking Plow, Corn Sheller, 175 gal. gas-tank with Pump, Water trough, 3 new chicken-crates, wire Stretcher, Muskrat & Fox Traps, 5 Endleas Belts, New and Used Lumber, Small tools, Scrap iron, 8-H.P. Ford Tractor with-36 in. Mower, 5 H.P. Int. H. garden Tractor, like new, cyclone Spreader, Wheel Barrow, Picnic Table, Swing, Benches, cast iron Bank, 4 kitchen chairs, El Fans, Piano Rolls, Small Round Stove, High-chair, Doll cradle, Book Ends, iron Bullfrog, Butcher & Butter Scales, cow bell, Sleigh Bells, spice grinder, coffee grinder, Mantle clock, oil light, coca cola ice chest, Shirley Temple creamer and Bowl, Tin and Brass ware, old dishes, cloth tree, Trunk, Metal Cabinet, Sofa Bed, Wardrobe, oil-Heater, Chest, Settee, crocks, jars, books, toys, Picture Frames, 2-22 Rifles and lots of items not mentioned. Refreshments By the Farm Women Group 12. Sale at 11 A.M. Sharp. ROBERT HARTMAN John Breidgam Auct. Curtis Swope & Ray Deck clerks SAT f* 1 lO A M Sliarn ’•1r? William Wcnrirn Public Sale of Power Tools. Hand Tonis. ( Inrks and Antiques located at KXI North ( hrntian SI . < irona. leltanon (o .Pa Turn north al leUamm Valle) Hranrh Hank (ondilianv hv Mrs William Wrnnch John Hretdegam and Paul Gilbert. Aurlmnrrn. SAT (XT 7-1 - Public Sale nt Heal Kslale and Household Goods consisting Conditions by SPECIAL W SALE! FRIDAY oa. I, 1976 OPM Ail Weights STEERS - CALVES - COWS LEESBURG LIVESTOCK MARKET LEESBURG, VA Phone 777 1411 Phone 777-3521 Regular Sale Day every Monday 2:00 ROANOKE FEEDER CATTLE ASSOCIATION SALES THURSDAY, SEPT. 30 - 7 P.M. CALF SALES - 2000 HEAD_ THURSDAY, OCT. 7 - 1 P.M. CALVES t YEARLINGS - 1800 HEAD THURSDAY, OCT. 21 - 7 P.M. YEARLING STEERS - 1800 HEAD THURSDAY, NOV. 4 - 7 P.M. CALF SALE - 1800 HEAD STATE SPONSORED and STATE GRADED For information contact • ROANOKE - HOLLINS STOCK YARDS Box 7005, on US Route 11 north of Roanoke Hollins, Virginia 24019 Sale Held Every Monday 2 P.M. Phone (703)992-1112 MRS. FERN RENTSCHLER PUBLIC SALE FARM IMPLEMENTS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS & ANTIQUES SATURDAY, OCT. 16, 1976 IVz miles South of Straustown along Route 183, Berks County, Pa. Oliver 60 tractor, Me. D. gram drill, Rubber tire wagon with 16 ft. bed, 1971 Chevrolet Ms ton truck in good condition, 6 ft. mounted grass mower, 2-row cultivator, 2-row com planter, 2 bottom 12 in. plow, single cultivator, 4 iron hog troughs, hand sprayer, floor jack, water tanks, chicken feeders, heavy work bench, bam gates, cement mixer with motor, straw cutter, 3 section spring harrow, side rake, barb wire, new fence wire, blacksmith forge, hay robe, 100 cement blocks, hand water pump, 12- 50 gal. drums, lawn mowers, wooden pulleys, block and tackle, lots of lumber, double tree, 3 iron kettles, tripod, meat grinder, sausage stuffer, pudding stirrer, drill press, milk cans, grind stone, cast iron tea kettle, foot locker, brooder stove. Oak wash stand, oak bureau, chest of drawers, metal bed, record cabinet, cane seat chairs, 2 clothes trees, oak rocker, high chair, blanket chest, crib, 2 trunks, 6 kitchen chairs, marble top wash stand, roll-away bed, cutting bench, coffee urn, butter mold, meat and kettle hooks, flat irons, 3 single shot guns, candy jars, 5 jugs, lots of crocks, basket, milk bottles, old bottles, old clock, wash bowl set, bracket light, bell, tin ware, glass top jars, 3 lanterns, cook stove, picture frames, 100 pc. dinner set, chicken on nest, pressed glass, milk white, green and pink glass, mirror, buggy robe, hinges, all kinds of chains, small tools, garden tools, digging iron, radio, pig scrapers, gamble sticks, tin ware, glass water jug, iron cookie mold, buggy har ness, tires and lots of small items not mentioned. Refreshments on the premises, Sale at 10:00 A.M. Sharp. Conditions By MRS. FERN RENTSCHLER John Breidegam, Auctioneer Frantz & Bashore, Clerks
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