10 2 ldncaUai *k The Wolffs of Quarryvillc with their grand champion Guernseybull Pennsylvania Guernseys tops HARRISBURG - Penn sylvania Guernsey breeders showed their strength at the Pennsylvania All-American Dairy Show which began here last Monday and lasted through yesterday af ternoon. They bagged a sizable number of trophies and ribbons - including the Premier Breeder Award, which went to Crumdale Farm of Berwyn A Lancaster County couple, Scott and Elsie Wolff, claimed a fair share of ribbons by showing the grand champion and senior champion bull. He is “Hollow View C Jethro,” a ATTENTION DAIRYMEN Kick off your fall and winter cow feeding program on rthe "right foot". Now is the time to adapt your grain ration to your new roughage program in order to reach your winter milk m production goal. - YOU SHOULD - * Adjust protein to a proper point, but not an excessive amount because protein ingredients are likely to be expensive * Provide enough T.D'N to enable your fresh cows to peak properly and maintain a high level of production * Insure adequate fiber intake to maintain good butterfat output. ‘Regulate proper Calcium and Phosphorus intake and ratios in your total ration, including roughages, to aid in keeping your herd healthy while maintaining high levels of milk production The above mentioned items are all on our Dairy Nutrition Programming check list. In addition, we use Brown & Rea and Red Rose products fortified with Carnation Lab Mix to insure adequate Vitamin and Trace Mineral fortification in a ration “tailor made” for your herd and available roughage and gram If you wish to have an analysis and program recommendation made, please call for an appointment. Red Rose ANIMAL FEEDS BROWN & REA, INC. Iwfday *i»pt 7*> 19/ son of “Houslcys J Champion " In addition, the Guernsey breeders from Quarryville captured a number of other placings which were within the top five Showing the grand champion female of the show was Ripley Farms bf Cor tland, N Y The same cow stood as senior champion. Marvin Miller picked up the reserve honors on both counts In the junior female category, E Karpa and J. Celestme of Frederick, Md., received the champion banner, while Pen-Col # Atglen, PA 215-593-5149 Farms of Millville settled for the reserve honor Joseph and Louis Fava’s Co-Hill Farms of Scenery Hill showed the junior champion bull which later doubtedasthe roaenro grand champion beating the reserve senior champion shown by lUuct Warhtrr of (oofcjrvllle Md .Vot( and f Ulc Wolff had the reserve junior rhampion bull A total of 713 Guernaeya patadnd past the Judge's c) em In this show. held in the larfie arena at the Farm Show rnmplrs All told, the I‘rnns) hanta All American drew 17&I entries from 2i italr* p)ua (ana da Hlup ribbon.* In (iurmv) competition were a Lao picked up b> Fred Hobaugh. York, Kr)atone Guernsey Farm. Halifax, Snider Homestead Farm. New Enterprise. Raymond Witmer. Willow Street. and Michael Benedict, Waynesboro To lop it all off. n group of Pennsylvania Guernseys was picked as the Number One State Herd \ * ~ 1 1 - ° < —» from HISIORY’S SCRAPBOOK Dins aid ivims inos mii»ri»ss VfUnkn H ITBkTVe first logician Art b puant b* Ub I 71 ( prwvidiag far a* attorney general aad far • (wart raaililbf at a rWrt (wsUcv awl flv| aaaarlale paaUnr* September S I>A< M|rru establishes lawmlb N * Uawal Park la ( atllorwia SesArmhet 9. t79J’resideal Geaege WasMwglsw appalau hw Jay aa Lbc flrtl Cklet Joilke of tbr T S Saprrtnr («*n September n, I>W TW Warrea ( ammiiijaa rrleas:. lu report aa ihr aasasstaattoa of I’rrildrat Jtka F Krawed) ft* matt ImpatMl (tadtilM lye Haney Oioild «u mpawsible far Use murder aad be acted! aloar September I*. WSd-Tbe (loggia gof tailor* ta ibe t S Navv I* abolished September 9. ItM-Klerttoa observers polwt awt I bat tbr (wo m«jor parties bare set tilde a total W C mil Hoc to tAlltxe (for tbr first timet radio statlaws oa a natloewldr basis during the Presidential campaign betweea Pres Roosrs elt aud All I jusdoa September M. t*9-For the first time la history, a football game (s televised Tbr game was betweea Fordbatn I Diversity and Waynesborg College Know Where the Activities Will Be? Read the Farm Women Calendar. ORDER YOUR FALL SEED GRAINS NOW Cert. Abe Wheat Winter Rye Cert. Arthur 71 Wheat Timothy Cert. Barsoy Barley Cert. Climax Timothy Cert. Pennrad Barley Clover - Alfalfa - Cert. Rapidan Barley Grasses SMOKETOWN. PA PH: 717-299-2571 ORDER GRAIN BINS & BULK TANKS NQW BEFORE IT S TOO LATE FOR FALL STORAGE Various quality brand name, make and sizes at F. 0.8. Factory Discount Prices GRAIN BINS . | |fi 820 to 144,000 bu. capacity | | |f, prices start at BULK FEED TANKS 3.9 ton to 54 ton capacity prices start at New & Used Grinder-Mixers prices start at *3OO used *1625 new. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••ft****r* • • Special prices on Mix-Mill Roast-A-Trons, Nutn-Blenders, Auger & Bucket elevators, transport wagon with hydraulic boom auger. Flex Auger, 4,6, & 8 in. augers and accessories, magnetic feeders. Grain Dryers - continuous flow, batch & in bin. Complete gram storage and handling systems. Automatic farm feed factory systems. Check into all the benefits of a Lease - Pur chase Plan. MARTIN DISTRIBUTORS, INC. Sales - Installation - Service Rl, Lebanon, PA 17042 Phone 717-866-490 S
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