HIGH PRESSURE WASHING OF POULTRY HOUSES AND VEAL PENS BARRT L. HERR I 714 rirmrrr Mror) I ampler I'a (rmr ; 1 7 4(,4 7044 WHITE WASHING «Hk DAIRY WHITE - DRIES WHETE DOES HOT (TUB OFF EASILY HO WET FLOORS IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT AND FLT SPRATS - WASHES OFF WINDOWS t PIPELINES EASILY Also Bam Cleaning Service Available With Compressed Air To have your barn cleaned with air it will clean off dust, cob webs & lot ot the old lime This will keep your barn looking cleaner & whiter longer MAYNARD L BEITZEL Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 If no answer call Willard Beitzel 717-733-6357 We will take on work within 100 mile radius of Lancaster Barn spraying our business, not a sideline Spraying Since 1961 48fh Sonolonol Dr.friff FROM THE SENATE SIDE Two companion bill* rente ting on reform which 1 have fought (or of the Public Utility (nmmiwon, are now in final stages of passage m the Pennsylvania Mate I a-gislnture The consumer-oriented measures. Senate Hills 1210 and 1217, together rompaw a package that is of special concern to all utility customers in Hie stale They arc important because of recent events in which the Public Utility Commission authorized two sister firms, Pennsylvania Klcctnc Company and Metropolitan Kdison Company, to recover about {32 million in retroactive rate hikes The retroactivity problem, caused by the PUC’s year-long delay in approving a permanent rale, produced a tidal wave of angry protests throughout the regions they serve I took part in those protests and filed several actions opposing the retroactive rate hikes with the PUC The PUC, however, ruled against the customers and in favor of the utilities. In response to the outcry we have accelerated work on the utility-reform bills. from Son Clororuo f Monboc k I can hapfwh report (fiat Uv fnlb which hare now emerged (rem a Senate I louse conference com mitlre. prohibit the retroactive rate hike Under present procedures the ITC can award a tem porar> rate increase to a utility firm Then, over the rourv of the following; 11 months, the commiasion can grant a permanent and higher rate In such situations, it then allows the companies to recover the difference between the temporary rale and the permanent one that it ap proves at a later lime The new utility-reform package which we have worked out specifically forbids this practice Under the provisions of the new laws, all utilities, except transportation firms, will file for general rale in creases to take effect in GO days after the date of filing If the commission docs not take action on the boost within that 60-day span, the increase is automatically suspended for a period not to exceed seven months. If the PUC has still not handed down an order by the end of the full suspension period of nine months, the rate hike will go into effect. However, the PUC could come up with a final order at a later date and could order refunds of overpayments, plus interest at the prevailing home mortgage rates. This is only part of the consumer-protection fea tures that we have built into the measures. Another provision deals with fuel adjustment clauses. The PUC is required to keep a careful watch over the operations of the fuel adjustment clauses. An annual audit may be carried out either by PUC personnel or by independent auditors who are knowledgeable in the field. Within five months after the annual audit, the commission must then review the clauses and the amounts collected from them. The PUC is authorized to intervene in cases of overcharges or under collections. larvatter farming Saturday Vpt 19/6 Thr new legislate*! also requires ttw IT f to monitor contracts between publir utilities and affiliate*) in terrats such as real com pantea ThU pros talon ta designed to present aweehrart rontrarta between interlocking financial interests because the bills greatly increase the range of the IT'f 'a duties and powers, the commission will need more monea for operational purposes The commission's budget is derived from an assessment of two-tenths of one percent of the total in trastate operating revenues collected by utility firms The assessment will be in creased to three-tenths of one percent, with a provision for a supplemental assessment to initiate the commission's expanded programs The utility-reform bills will raise the salaries of the five members of the com mission The PUC members now draw $24,000 a year, and the commission chairman receives $25,000 These are considered part-time positions, and the com missioners often engage m outside law practices or other forms of employment Now, however, the com missioners must spend full time at their duties and are. □ □□□□ Behlen lifetime torn irib You'll never have to replace this crib because it's made to last a lifetime. Hot-dip galvanized with no exposed weld spots to gather rust! Your Behlen crib will stay perfectly in round throughout its lifetime. Horizontal bolt hookups and heavy 4-gauge bar-mesh steel panels resist strong winds, empty or full. And the Behlen corn crib can be erected in just one day. A Behlen is your answer to storage from 697 to 1684 bushels. TRUCK LOAD PRICES AVONDALE SUPPLY CENTER V " V Junction US 1& 41 Avondale, PA 215-268 8238 CHAPMAN STORE TEMPLE SUPPLY RD2, Wescosville, PA N sth St Highway 215 395 3381 Temple, PA 215 929-5264 LANCASTER SUPPLY YORK WEST STORE 1027 Oilisrville Rd. 26 W. Market St. Lancaster, PA York, PA 717-397-4761 717-792-2674 therefore barred from accepting cultlde cm plo)tncnt (»n Jan oars ! 17TT. their valariej will Jump to tXj 000 _ jear wth a aalary of JJ7 yn for the rhairmam one icar later the ul»n ineit «ill '*■ tuornte*) til another Jj Crri Other ae-rbon* of (he !,,1! «tll establish minimum he a nr*: pTT«-rr).;res :h aa My car liaevj m r c-urti ant! t»n federal levels and the) will [Krmit full parhnpaUrm in the proceeding* bv ,n dividual ruiiornera and consumer groups In addition Ihrrr will be a central bureau to re-ceive consumer complaints and to a wire prompt art ion on these romp la in La rtilities aLv) will lie required to file annual conserartion reports to assure that the companies are taking full advantage of new lechnologv In summary, tlic PIT will be Riven the authority and the resources to carry out iLs expanded responsibilities If it fails, I will be among the first to find out why and to take corrective action Peanut Butter Nutritionists sa\ th it (x i nut hutti r is 26 pi r n nt pro li in ,i highr r pi n i nt ig< than found in most cuts of meat or fish and is nr h in Vitamin B phosphorus thiamine and niacin Thr ancient South Ami man In cas cultivated fit Ids oi jx i nuts and ground the rich oily seeds into a form of pea nut butler I tonsils (or serv mg the gooov butter havi been found in am lent tombs in Peru nly corn crib i'll ever iave to buy! 101
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers