Know Where the Activities Will Be? Read the Farm Women Calendar. PUBLIC SALE On the farm located on Route 26 about 3 miles northeast of Frederick, near Ceresville in Frederick County, Maryland SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 10:30 A.M. MACHINERY - DAIRY EQUIPMENT - DAIRY HERD-52 ACRES GROWING CORN 5,000 BALES HAY TRACTORS: 300 Int. Utility tractor with loader Super C tractor with cultivators and 2 gang plow HAY EQUIPMENT Int. No. 100 mower (2 pt. hitch) Int. Hay Conditioner Int. 5-bar hay rake Int. No. 47 baler w-thrower Mayrath elevator Flat bed wagon OTHER MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT Two gang 14” plow with 3 pt. hitch, 32 disc harrow, Int. spring tooth harrow, No. 249 Int. 2-row com planter with fertilizer attachments, Int. No. 45 manure spreader, 6 ft. scraper blade, air compressor, portable elec, grinder, 2 riding lawn mowers, garden tractor with attachments, misc. small tools. Com - 52 acres 40 acres were planted in middle of May 12 acres of 90-day com planted in June Hay - Approx. 5,000 bales Approximately 2500 bales of alfalfa and 2500 bales of mixed hay - to be sold in five or six different lots. DAIRY EQUIPMENT 300 gal. Mojonnier milk tank and compressor, DeLaval pipeline milkers complete for 30 stall bam including vacuum pump and motor, lines, 4 units of milkers, etc., hot water heater. COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL 65 Cows - 4 Bred Heifers T.B. and Blood tested for Interstate Shipment These cows are young and a number recently fresh or springing with others due throughout the year. This herd has never been forced to produce to their potential. They will please their new owners. This is an excellent buying opportunity. Order of sale: Small equipment, machinery, dairy equipment, hay and corn, cattle. A. Doty Remsburg, Auctioneer Norman D. Hill, Associate Jefferson, Maryland AUSTIN W. MAIN Route 1 Frederick, Maryland Dairy market schedule announced NEW YORK, N.Y.-Anew schedule of reports on wholesale dairy markets was announced by Gerald J. Foskett, Eastern area representative of the Dairy Market News Branch of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service. These reports are availa ble each day by calling area code 212, 663-3780 in New York City. Except for Friday all messages are availbale at 12:30 p.m. The first Friday report will be available at 9 LAWRENCE. LEON AND THOMAS ARNOLD 4th. PRODUCTION SALE f J J W Yorkshires 50 Bred Gilts, all hand mated, due dates guaranteed. 25 Boars, 40 Open Gilts Friday Evening, Sept. 17,1976 7:00 p.m. Sale to be held at the Lebanon Area Fairgrounds Cornwall & Evergreen Roads, IV2 miles South of Lebanon, Penna. Auctioneer - Col. Harry Bachman - Annville, Pa. For catalogue write to Leon L. Arnold R. D. 1, Box 54, Lebanon, Penn. 17042 Phone 717-273-5880 Free Lunch AUCTION FOR: EDWARD & BERYL DAVIS 162 Burnside Avenue Norristown, Pa. (Bet. Germantown & Ridge Pikes Vz mi. No. of the center of Jeffersonville) WED., SEPT. 22,1976 9:30 A.M. ANTIQUES FURNITURE - 2 ICE BOXES. Library Table, Wicker Love Seat, Iron Bed, rd. Oak Ext. Table, % spindle chr, butter chum, Rolltop Desk, Rope Bed. PRIMITIVES & COLLECTABLES - Tiffany type shade, lanterns, milk cans. Glassware & other misc. items. FARM MACHINERY & RELATED ITEMS - Int. Cub Cadet Riding Tractor w-mower & snowblade; ’49 Chev. Panel Truck, Rotary Mower, Seeder, Pressure Tank, com sheller, log chains, snowblower, chicken coops, milk cooler, S.S. buckets, Saddles, feed grinder, forage cutter, manure loader & cultivator for Farmall H, New Idea Manure Spreader, M.H. Com Planter, Compressor, Alfalfa Seeder, corn binder. AUTO ’S 6 Chev. Station Wagon, 45,000 mi., current in spection. TERMS-CASH LUNCH SANFORD A. ALDERFER, INC. Real Estate Brokers And Auctioneers Harleysville, Pa. - 723-1171 or 256-8892 a.m.; the others at 12:15 p.m. The schedule follows: MONDAY - National Casein Review; TUESDAY - New York Wholesale Butter Prices, Chicago Wholesale Butter Prices, Comments- Eastern Print Butter, Comments-Foreign Cheese, Comments and Selected Prices - Eastern Cheese Markets; WEDNESDAY - The Butter and Cheese Production Report; THURSDAY - New York Wholesale Butter Prices, Chicago Wholesale Butter Lancaster Farming, Saturday, 11,. -o Prices, Summary of the cheese Exchange Prices on Eastern Fluid Milk and Cheddar and Swiss. Cream Review, including New York City Spot Milk Prices, TnCity Spot Cream Prices (Boston, New York, Phila.), and TriCity Spot Condensed Skim Milk Prices; FRIDAY - Eastern Dry and National Evaporated Milk Review, Comments and Prices, New York Mercantile Butter Prices, Chicago Mercantile Butter Prices, National PUBLIC AUCTION OF REAL ESTATE SAT., SEPT. 25, 1976 At 1 P.M. Located along Charming Forge Rd., about 2 mi. North of Rt. 422, Robesonia, Heidelberg Twp., Berks Co., PA. 197 acre farm w-lunestone soil, stone bank bam (set up for cattle feeding), com bam and implement shed, garage, gorgeous old stone farmhouse (completely remodeled), Ig. living room w-stone fireplace, Ig. kitchen and dining area w-open beams & fireplace (kitchen has all built in appliances & brick center island); 2nd floor - 3 bedrooms (1 w-fireplace), Ig. center hall & bath, plenty of closet space - hardwood floors thru-out, O.H.W. heat - a horse corral, beautiful trees & shrubs, pond & macadam circle driveway; this is an outstanding property w-a beautiful setting. For terms and appointments call: HORNING FARM AGENCY Morgantown, PA 215-286-5183 Estate of: JOHN W. EISENHAUER Executor: Bank of PA Atty: Norman Detra Alvin and Elton Horning, Auctioneers For Broker participation Reg, by Sept. 24th. 94 Holsteins & Farm Machinery at PUBLIC AUCTION Sat., Sept. 18,1976 at 11 A.M. Ringoes, NJ. For Paul Quintavalle located 2 mi. E of Ringoes, N. J. on Rt. 5141% mi. Eof Rt. 202-31 from traff iclight. 7 mi. S of Flemington, N. J. 7 m. N of New Hope, Pa. Arrows Posted! 12 Noon 94 hd. DHIA Tested Holsteins 3 Reg. 68 cows many young, 16 heifers from 4 mos. bred to Springers, 5 breeding age, 5 short yearlings. A top working herd of money making holsteins! Over 50 percent Bred for Fall Production 13 fresh recently, 23 hd. due Sept, thru Oct. 12 hd. due Nov. thru Dec. DHIA current ave. 12,900 M -470F 305 d records 32 hd. from 12 to 15000 M, 14 hd. from 15 to 18000 M. 15 hd. from 450 to 550 F, 19 hd. from 550 to 732 F. Attention A Reg Kingpin dtr. sells bred to Elevation and has in 105 d 9,426 M - 298 F milking 86 lbs. a day! Breeding NEBA and ABS Sires Represented - Kingpin, Merryking, Lucky, Jet Stream, AB Seaman, Don Auger Jo Jo and others. Service Sires Elevation, Jet Stream, Rise, Lucky Star, Supreme, Belshazzer and others. Records read at ringside! Pregnancy examined! T.B. and Blood tested and eligible for immediate interstate shipment. 11 A.M. Sharp! Farm Machinery, 1000 gal. Tank Dairy Kool Bulk Tank 6 HP. DeLaval 6 unit pipeline equipment for milk house only, auto washer, controls, nulk pump and jar, tube, etc. DeLaval 240 ft. glass transfer line. DeLaval No. 76 milk pump. 92 cow IM>” vac line, 6 DeLaval milkers new type, 2 Jamesway shuttle bam cleaners 220 ft. each, Jamesway Lq. manure elevator. Tractors - Farmall M w- hyd ex cellent, Farmall MD new rubber A-l, N.I. front end loader for M w- buckets & snow plow, Dion big box chuck wagon HD running gear, A.C. chuck wagon, Case 670 flail chopper, John Deere 13 hole grain drill on rubber A-l, IHC 4 row com planter A-l, IHC 8 ft. hyd disc on rubber, IHC 3 btm plow, N.H. 516 205 bu. manure spreader. Crops 1000 bales Alfalfa hay. Plan now to attend and take advantage of this opportunity! Owner it auctioneer not responsible for accidents! Terms Cash or Good Check Sale Day! Lunch available! Owner Ringoes, N. J, Sale Manager and Auctioneer - Col. Fred R. Daniel Auctioneers, Inc. Nechanic Sta., NJ 201-369-4784. Paul Quintavalle 105
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