—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 31. 1976 14 FFA hog show (Continued from Page Ij this Fall. He’s presently working in part nership with his father, Abram, on the family’s 140 acre farm at Lancaster R 2. They raise and sell feeder pigs, keeping approximately 125 sows and gilts on hand at all times. The champion exhibitor noted in an interview with Lancaster Fanning that he had been showing hogs a lot during the past two years. He attributes much of his present knowledge about hogs to his ex periences at home as well as on the show circuit. Since joining his father’s business he’s become active in buying, selling, breeding, and showing. The champion hog, weighing 200 pounds at approximately 24 weeks of age, was sired by a boar Charles purchased from a Manheim area breeder, Mark Nestleroth. Charles noted that he purchases all of his herd boars from either state shows or well known individuals in the Lancaster County area. Placing second to Charles in the show, which was well attended by visitors as well as contestants, was Solanco’s Daryl McMichael. On the breeder exhibitor slate, Manheim’s Kevin Rohrer came up with the reserve champion trophy. Rohrer also had the on-foot carcass champion, edging out an entry shown by Cliff Charles. The following day, when the carcasses were judged on the rail, it was Mike Grube placing first, with Ronald Zimmerman, second In third place was Robert Hess. Six animals were entered in this portion of the competition, which was held at the _ Stonebridge Farm Butcher Shop in Mount Joy. A requirement for entering the carcass show is that the hogs must have been bred and raised by the competitor. In the junior fitting contest for in dividuals 15 years of age and under, Brian Hess of New Holland was first, followed by Bob Fox and Avery Copenhaver, both of Ephrata. In junior showmanship, it was Tony Eberly in first place, followed by Bob Fox and Mark Weiler. That made it an Ephrata sweep. The semor fitting and showmanship contests were both won by Ephrata boys. Gary Eberly edged out Bob Hess from Penn Manor. Steve Strauss placed third. In showmanship it was another Ephrata sweep, with Steve Strauss, Rick Strauss and Ron Zimmerman placing first, second and third, respectively. Zimmerman also won the pen-of-ten Hass, followed by Lamar Messer and Derrill Nolt, both of whom are from the New Holland area. TRY A CLASSIFIED SEE CFH’s " SAVINGS JIME” SPECIAL TAGS AD Farm equipment section CLASSIFIED PAGE COMPLETE FARM PAINTING We Use Quality PAINT AND IT DOES STAY ON" AERIAL LADDER EQUIPMENT * Modern and Efficient Method * Reasonable Prices * Spray On and Brush In Method * Sandblasting it Necessary FOR FREE ESTIMATES WRITE ESH SPRAY PAINTING (DamelS Esh) (C Ralph Miller) SPRAY ON AND BRUSH IN PAINTER BOX 350 A ROMS PA 17572 The champion and reserve champions by classes were as follows: Lightweight champion class, 190 to 210 pounds 1. Cliff Charles, Penn Manor; 2. Robert Hess, Penn Manor. Middleweight champion class, 215 to 230 pounds 1. Daryl McMichael, Solanco; 2. Robert Hess, Penn Manor. Heavyweight champion class, 235 to 250 pounds 1. Ron Mummau, Solanco; 2. Rick Strauss, Ephrata. Weight class 190 pounds 1. Kevin Rohrer, Manheim; 2. Linford Weaver, New Holland. Weight class 195 pounds 1. Robert Hess, Penn Manor; 2. Brian Hess, New Holland. Weight class 200 pounds 1. Cliff Charles, Penn Manor; 2. Tim Grube, Warwick. Weight class 205 pounds 1. Gary Eberly, Ephrata; 2. John Weiler, Ephrata. Weight class 210 pounds 1. Tony Eberly, Ephrata; 2. Ron Zimmerman, Ephrata. Weight class 215 pounds 1. Robert Hess, Penn 2. Gary Eberly, Ephrata. Weight class 220 pounds 1. Daryl McMichael, 2. Mike Grube. Weight class 225 pounds 1. Mike Grube, 2. Ron Zimmerman. Weight class 230 pounds 1. Steve Strauss, 2. Mike Rhoads. Weight class 235 pounds 1. Rick Strauss, 2. Brian Hess. Weight class 240 pounds 1. Ron Mummau, 2. Laveme Weber. Weight class 245 pounds 1. Steve and Jay McMichael, Penn Manor; 2. Derrill Nolt. Weight class 250 pounds 1. Rick Strauss, 2. Steve Todd. Trophies for the event were donated by the Lancaster County Swine Producers Association, Pennfield Corporation, Geh man’s Feed Mill, and Pork Chop Farms, New Holland R 2. A sale followed the show and netted $36,642.35. Statistics released after the sale showed that of the 349 hogs at the contest, 19 were overweight, 36 underweight, and six were entered in the carcass class. A total of 63 exhibitors showed, and 342 hogs were offered for sale. The total pounds of pork sold was 73,970, with an average price of $49.54 per hundredweight. The average weight per hog was 216 pounds. The grand champion of the show (Charles’ % Duroc) was sold to Hatfield Packing Co. of Montgomery County for $2.58 per pound. The reserve champion was bought by Ezra Martin and Co. for $1.51 per pound. HUSKEE-BILT MAN! Huskee Gives You More! • Full 6x6" Poles / t A • Factory Assembled Trusses , • American made steel or aluminum • Spacious Doors • Top grade lumber throughout • Eave heights to 19' CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT BUILDING A Thrive Center controlled environment building means heavier healthier animals, reduced labor and feed costs and almost no manure handling or odor. They pay for themselves in no time! Also Ask About Our YOUR HUSKEE-BILT MAN MERVIN MILLER Lititz, PA Phone (717) 626-5204 Cliff Charles with his grand Market Hog Show and Sale, held champion hog. His Duroc crossbred Tuesday at the Lancaster Stockyards, was one of 349 hogs entered in the He was also premier breeder 14th annual Lancaster County FFA exhibitor. Did You Know? 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