Nursery to halve * soybean research time ROSELAND, Ark. - The time required for soybean research can now be cut in half through use of a winter nursery to be established in Central America by the American Soybean Association Research Foundation (ASARF). “This will be a tremendous boost to private and public soybean scientists by allowing them to do two years’ work in one,” said Nick Rose of Roseland, Ark., ASARF president. “It normally takes 12 to 15 years W—mm—mam—mm CAMPBELL (§) HAUSFELD con help you in SO llimiT WAYS! Air has many capabilities, chief of which is its ability to sustain life. Properly handled it can also help man to enjoy the "Good Life" by applying its capabilities to a wide variety of duties around the home, farm, or business. Air can be used for: caulking, drilling, sanding, chiseling, stapling, nailing, sand blasting, inflating, greasing, painting, cleaning, drying, buffing, vacuuming, riveting, running an air impact wrench, plus many, many more. DON'T MISS EASY PROFITS by overlooking the limitless possibilities of AIR! For Home - Shop - ConCroeler - Light Nailing FL-3201 Vz HP, single cylinder, 7Vz gal air tank, 8" wheels, plated handle. Includes 15’ air hose chuck. Displaces 3 2 cfm. 115 Maximum working pressure, Reg. 194.95 Special ‘99.95 FL-3203 1 HP, “V" twin cylinder, 15 ga tank, 10” wheels, plated handle. Includes 15’ air hose a chuck. Displaces 4.9 cfm. 115 V Maximum working pressure, 10i Reg. 304.95 Special *199.95 (1 only) FL-3206 2 HP, twin cylinder, 20 galldi tank, 10” wheels, plated handle. Includes 15’ air hose chuck. Displaces 9.4 cfm. Ilf Wired 230 V. Maximum worki pressure, 125 psi. Reg 440 95 Special ’299.95 to develop a new soybean variety from scratch.” Soybean seed stock produced in the U.S. can be immediately shipped to the nursery in Belize, where another crop will be grown in the winter, Rose explained. Belize, a small nation in Central America, was chosen from five possible sites. The winter nursery, operated by ASARF, will be open to all soybean breeders. Private breeders, through the American Seed Trade F'* or buffing Association, have expressed considerable interest in the program, according to Rose. “ASARF is investing $60,000 to get the winter nursery started,” he said. “Research will be con ducted on a fee basis for private and public soybean breeders, and we expect the nursery to be self supporting. It should not require additional funds from ASARF.” The research foundation was formed by the American Soybean Association to provide a catalyst for soybean research. TRY A CLASSIFIED or inflating Agriculture Research Day slated LANDISVILLE - On Wednesday, August 4, the Southeastern Field Research Laboratory, Landisville, will be the site for an Agricultural Research Field Day. Tours will be conducted at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to observe the research work being done on com, annual flowers, forages, grapes, potatoes, soybeans, and tobacco. Road. After approximately V« mile turn left onto Shenk Road. Proceed to covered bridge and turn right at Auction Road. or sand blasting Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 31,1976 — From the North or Pa. Turnpike, take Pa. 72 toward Lancaster. Go through Manheim. One mile beyond Manheim, turn right onto Auction Road immediately after passing the Manheim Auto Auction. The type of research work being done on these crops include a variety of hybrid testing, breeding, disease control, insect control, and weed control. Personnel from the University will be on hand to describe the research and answer any questions. loclu/lriol or painting FL-3202 3 A HP, single cylinder, 12 gallon air tank, 8" wheels, plated handle. Includes 15’ air hose and tire chuck. Displaces 3.6 cfm. 115 V. Maximum working pressure, 100 psi. Reg. 229.95 Special *149.95 FL-3205 IV2 HP, twin cylinder, 20 gallon air tank, 10” wheels, plated handle. Includes 15’ air hose and tire chuck. Displaces 8.6 cfm. 115-230 V. Wired 115 V. Maximum working pressure, 100 psi. Reg. 398.95 Special Demonstrator unit Visitors are asked to bring a lunch and picnic on the grounds. To get to the S. E. Field Research Lab from the West, take Route 283 toward Lancaster. Get off at the Salunga exit and turn left. Immediately after crossing over Rt. 283 turn right onto Auction Road. To arrive at the lab from the East, take Rt. 283 toward Harrisburg. Get off at the Salunga-Landisville exit. Turn right onto Spooky Nook User or caulking ’249.95 (1 only) 13
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