UNE 21 - 27, 1976 Summer is here! Best time to catch hornpouts after dark now . Brigham Young murdered June 27, 1844 New moon June 27 ' Summer begins Monday, June 21 Average length of days for the week, 15 hours, 19 minutes . First Daylight Savings Time bill enacted June 27, 1917 . U S Forces ordered to Korea June 27, 1950 . Trees stop their annual growth this week Small deeds done are belter than great deeds planned Home Hints: If you are cutting a recipe m half and need to divide one egg in half, do it this way Beat the whole egg until yolk and white are thoroughly combined, then measure and divide OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECASTS New England: Seasonal to cool temperatures most of week, with ram m south and on coast latter part,- weekend cloudy. Greater New York-New Jersey: Week begins partly sunny, nor mal temperatures, then showers midweek and on weekend A Middle Atlantic Coastal: Clear and hot at first, then thunderstorm midweek, clearing latter part, with showers at end of week (All Rights Reserved Yankee Inc Dublin NH 03444) Thomasville Thomasville, Pa. June M, 1976 CATTLE 146. Compared with Wednesday’s market, slaughter steers steady to 50 cents lower. Slaughter cows 50 cents to $1 lower. Choice No. 3-4 950-1150 lbs. slaughter steers 38.0039.65, Good 36.10- 37.85, few Standard 31.50- 34.50. Few Good slaughter heifers 34.00-37.85, couple Utility 30.35 and 30.85. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 28.85-30.85, Cutters 26.85-28.75, Few Good slaughter bullocks 36.00-38.00. One Yield Grade ,No. 1 1785 lbs. slaughter bull at 37.85, couple Yield Grade No. 21315 and 1360 lbs. 33.25 and 35.85. Good 350-630 lbs. feeder steers 36.75-40.50, Medium 250-655 lbs. 26.50- READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS OLD ME it MANX Ask the Old Farmer: My father used a phrase that has long troubled me, "run like ? whitehead '' What is a whitehead, and why did he run 7 VB, Alexandria, Va. The reference began when Oliver Cromwell took over tn England and shaved the heads of, dissen ters ' 35.00; Medium" 350*590 lbs. feeder heifers 22.75-30.25; Medium & Good 385-705 lbs. feeder bulls 32.00-35.25. CALVES 82. Few Good vealers 49.00-50.50, few Standard 43.00-46.00, Utility , 110-130 lbs. 37.00-40.50, 90-110 lbs. 31.50-36.00, 60-85 lbs. 25.00-32.00. HOGS 24. One lot US No. 2- 4 285 lbs. barrows & gilts 47.35, Ipt No. 1-3190 lbs. 48.95. Couple US No. 1-3 455 and 545 lbs. sows 39.50 and 40.25, one No. 2-3 370 lbs. 38.25. One Boar at 36.75. FEEDER PIGS 25. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 26.00-39.00 per Head. SHEEP 7. One Good 60 lbs. spring slaughter lamb at 38.50. Few Slaughter ewes 12.00-13 00. WEEKENDING June 11,1976 CATTLE 7982. Compared with 7078 head last week, and 9017 head a year ago. Compared with last week’s market, slaughter steers mostly 50 cents to $1.50 lower. Slaughter heifers 25 cents to 75 cents lower. Slaughter cows uneven, mostly steady to 50 cents lower. Slaughter bullocks 50 cents to $1 lower. Slaughter bulls steady to _sl lower. STEERS: High Choice & Prime 39.75-41.35, Choice 38.5Q41.00, Good 36.50-39.00, Standard 34.00-37.00, few Utility 30.00-34.00. HEIFERS: Few Choice 36.75-39.00.,.G00d 34.00-37.00, Standard 31.00-34.00,-Tew Utility 27.00-31.00. COWS: Utility & High Dressing Cutter 29.50-32.50, few 33.50, Cutters 28.50-31.00, Canners 25.50-29.25, Shells down to 22.00. BULLOCKS: ,Few Choice 39.00-41.50, Good 35.00- Standard 31.50- 35.00. few Utility 28.00-31.00. BULLS: Yield Grade No. 1 1000-2000 lbs. 35.00-39.00, few 41.50; yield grade No. 2 900- 1600 lbs. 33.00-37.00. FEEDER CATTLE: Good 350-700 lbs. feeder steers 33.5042.00. Medium 350-750 lbs. 25.00-34.00, Good 300-600 lbs. feeder heifers '28.00- 35.00. Medium 300-700 lbs. 22.00- Good 300-800 lbs. feeder bulls 32.00-38.50, Medium 300-750 lbs. 25.00- 34.00. CALVES 4067. Compoared with 3064 head last week, and 3743 head a year ago. Vealers mostly steady to $1 lower. VEALERS: Few Prime 62.00-80.00, Choice 53.00-64.00, Good 45.00-54.00 r Standard 40.00-48.00, few Utility _ 110-130 lbs. 39.00- 43.00, 90-120 lbs. 34.D0-41.00, 65-85 Jbs. 30.00-37.00. Farm claves, holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. 40.00-52.00; holstein heifers 80-130 lbs. 38.00-59.00. HOGS 7448. Compared with 6277 head last week, and 7857 head a year ago. Barrows & Gilts 50 cents to $1 higher, BARROWS & GILTS: US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. 52.00-54.00, No. 1-3 200- 250 lbs. 50.00-52.50, No. 2-3 190-260 lbs. 49.00-51.50, No. 2- 4 260-325 lbs. 45.00-49.50, No. 1-3 125-180 lbs. 43.0fr48.00. Pa. Auction Summary SOWS: US No. 1-3 300-550 lbs. 40.00-45.75, No. 2-3 300-60 fr lbs. 38.00-41.00. Boars 33.00- 42.00. FEEDER PIGS 1944. Compared with 1929 head -last week, and 1416 head a year ago. Feeder Pigs $3 to $5 lower per head. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 24.00- 38.00 per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 30.00-48.00, No. 1-3 50-100 lbs. 43.00-55.00. SHEEP 985. Compared with 378 head last week, and 1033 head a year ago. Spring slaughter lambs steady to $2 lower. Choice 60-100 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 50.00- 58.00, few 61.75, Good 40-80 lbs. ewes 8.00-19.00. ~ Heifer care discussed Dr. Jesse Stoner, New Oxford R 2, spoke on “Care of the 4-H Heifer” at the May 10 meeting of the Central Dairy 4-H Club at the 4-H Center. He gave information on feeding, breeding, and vaccinating dairy heifers. Pledges were led by Gary Welsh and Jeff Stambaugh. Talks on activities at 4-H State Achievement Days at Penn State in August were given by Cindy, Rutter, Tim Eisenhart, and Tom Welsh. Jill' McGregor gave a demonstration on “Animal Analysis Association.” Kevin Laughman demon strated “How to ‘Fill’ Your Heifer for a Show.” *“" M8 «°« MILK o Our business is helping your cows MAKE MORE MILK VMh the Young’s PRECISION NUTRITION PROGRAM your cows’ 1 reach their full production potential and STAY THERE We've been serving the doiry industry for almost 75 years In all that time MAKING MORE MILK for YOU has been our business. EARL L UMBLE Lancaster, PA 717 393 3201 GEORGE A. WARNER Codomt. PA 717 229 2134 RAY L BRECHBILL Ufctj, PA 717626 5266 1 IwmMl K ★ARC WELDING SUPPLIER HELMETS CABLE HOLDERS ARC TORCH GROUND CLAMPS ★ ELECTRODES * E-6011 AND E-6013 5 24.00 Box 50 LBS. „ 225 AMP WELDERS *115.00 Each FOR ALL YOUR WELDING SUPPLIES SEE US AT Farmersville Equipment, Inc. RD2, 17522 7-17-354-4271 'V young’s THE NUTRITION PEOPLE WHO GIVE YOU MORE YOUNG S INC Raatmf Sprint Pennsylvania AREA YOUNG’S REPRESENTATIVES JOHN S. RIEGEL SmkintSpnnj, PA 215 6712900 PAUL H. SHREINER Oower.PA 215267-6235 DONALD E. STOVER SpnnfMifc, PA <l4-4221535 CHARLES W. GLADDEN Forest HI, HD 301 03S-5C30 -• ’ That's what counts in the dairy ess DAVID R. YODER lellnille, FA 717-413 0471 ROGER SHAUENBERGB HcASslenrile, PA 717-463 2313 J. WESLEY STINER ■emck.PA 717 752 7314 1 I,
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