Livestock market and auction news •A Get more things done around the farm in-less time with your own reliable 3-place Enstrom helicopter. Spray insecticides; inspect crops; watch for erosion; check tin cattle, pastures, fences, irrigation quickly, efficiently. Invaluable for hospital trips, getting over deep snow, floods, veterinary uses. Great for hunting, other recrea tion, prestige personal transportation. Costs no more than many single-engine fixed-wing air craft. Needs no airport just a small clearing. Easy to learn to fly. For more information, contact Helicopter Manager at 1302} 834-5400. SUMMIT AVIATION MIDDLETOWN, DELAWARE 19709 GROWTH STIMULANT AERIAL APPLICATION: Apply 1 pint of SPARK in 5 gallons of water per acre. Spark. . . proven in the field and proven in seven years of University Research Here’s how SPARK can help promote 5% to 10% grain yield increases: • Enhanced com growth • Silks emerge about 2 days sooner • Tassels emerge about 2 days sooner CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION & APPLICATION SERVICE ± I bulk bLFnTD ORGANIC RIANT w fmiiMmn FOOD CO. *j* [anhydrousa^ ■> »*♦ GROUND APPLICATION: Apply 1 pint of SPARK in 15 gallons of water per acre. This means keep the spray booms high. 2313 Norman Rd., Lancaster, PA Phone 397-5152 Leb. Valley Auction Fredericksburg, Pa. June 15,1976 CATTLE 319. Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaughter steers steady to 50 cents higher. Slaughter cows mostly 50 cents to $1 lower. Choice No. 24 980-1225 lbs. slaughter steers 38.50-40.85, Good 36.75-39.00, Standard 34.00-36.85, Utility 27.00- 33.50.. Choice No. 34 890-1125 lbs. slaughter heifers 35,60- 37.75, few Good 34.50-36.00, few Standard 29.00-34.25, one Utility at 28.75. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 31.10-32.85, Cutters 28.60-31.60, Canners 25.60-28.35, Shells down to . 19.75. Few Choice slaughter bullocks 36.85-38.75, Good Standard 33.50- 35.60, one Utility at 31.00. Yield Grade No. 1 1235-1835 lbs. slaughter bulls 34.35- 38.10; couple yield grade No. 21205 and 1530 lbs. 37.60 and 38.00. CALVES 213. Vealers grading Utility & Standard mostly $3 to $5 lower. Few Choice vealers 51.50-61.50, few Good 43.50-53.00, Standard 38.00-45.00, few Utility 115-120 lbs. 37.50-' 39.50, 90-110 lbs. 33.00-37.50, 65-85 lbs. 27.50-34.00, few down to 20.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 80-120 lbs. 35.00-43.50; few holstein heifers 85-100 lbs. 35.0043.00; few beef cross bulls & heifers 100 - 120 lbs. 38.00 - 45.00. SHEEP 23. Choice 65- 100 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 50.50-55.00, few Goopd & Choice 75-80 lbs. 45.50- 52.50. Slaughter ewes 12.50- 17.00. Joliet Cattle June 16 CATTLE: 5000. Trading moderate on steers under 1200 lbs. and on heifers. Slow on heavier steers. Under 1200 lbs. 50 to 1.00 lower early, fefr heavier weights sold as of 9:00. Heifers weak to 50 lower. Receipts exceeded estimate by about 400. Supply mostly Choice steers and heifers. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Few High Choice and Prime 3-4 1275-1400 lbs. at 38.00- 39.50 early. Choice 2-4 1050- 1250 lbs. 39.50-40.50, mostly 39.50-40.25. Load at 40.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice, few Prime 2-4 850- THE RIGIDPLY UNI-ARCH Here is an exceptionally strong and very easily constructed building, that is at the same time most attractive and allows the complete use of all interior space. An ideal and economical choice for; FARROWING HOUSE [pictured above], FATTENING HOUSE, VEAL HOUSE, MACHINERY, UTILITY or SHELTER. ONE COMPLETE BUILDING PACKAGE - with everything you need for the building style selected, on a single delivery to your location - will include: laminated arches, purlins, insulation, siding and roofing; as well as win dows, doors (or overhead doors], ridge vents and eve flaps - and all needed hardware. CALL TODAY, FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION Ritfdply Rafters offer a complete line of building materials that have given proven performance for all types of buildings. Contact us for dependable service on all your building needs Lancaster Farming, Saturday. June 19.1976 — Leesport Leesport, Pa. June 16,1976 CATTLE 359. Supply in cluded 88 head feeder cattle. Compared with last Wed nesday’s market, slaughter steers weak to 75 cents lower. Slaughter cows slow, $1 to $2 lower. Choice slaughter steers 38.0040.10, one at 41.25, one at 41.25, Good 37.00-38.00, Standard 33.00- Utility 30.00- 32.00. Good slaughter heifers 35.00- Standard 30.25. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 28.00- 30.35, one at 31.35, Cutters 1050 lbs. 39.00-40.00, mostly 39.50-40.00. June 17 Weekly Cattle CATTLE: Friday’s through Wednesday’s salable receipts 10,110, 5 days last week 10,379, last year 10,753. Slaughter steers and heifers fully 50 lower than last Friday. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 3-4 1175-1400 lbs. 37.00-39.50, load 4 and 5 1365 lb. 36.50 Wed nesday. Choice 2-4 1050-1250 lb. 39.50-41.00. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 950-1200 lb. 38.00-39.50 Wednesday. Good 2-3 1100-1325 lb. HolSteins 36.50-38.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice, few prime, 2-4 850- 1050 lb. 39.00-40.50, some late Wednesday 38.00-39.00, load 4 1081 lbs. 37.00 Wednesday. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 800-950 lb. 38.00-39.50. 26.75-29.00, Canners 24.25- 27.00, Shells down to 20.00. Few Choice slaughter bullocks 37.00-39.75, Good 34.00- Standard 32.00- 35.25, few Utility 30.00-31.50. Few Yield Grade No. 1 1430- 2090 lbs. slaughter bulls 36.00- few yield grade No. 2 1030-1760 lbs. 31.00- 34.50. Feeder cattle slow. Good 200-735 lbs. feeder steers 36.50-40.50, Medium 250-680 lbs. 32.50-36.50; Good 300-600 lbs. feeder heifers 27.00- Medium 250-630 lbs. 22.50-29.00; Good 300-600 lbs. feeder bulls 30.00-38.50, Medium 300-875 lbs. 25.00- 31.00. CALVES 177. Vealers $2 to $4 lower. Few Choice vealers 50.00- Good 48.00-52.00, Standard 38.00-45.00, Utility 110-130 lbs. 36.00-38.00, 90-110 lbs. 32.00-37.00, few 70-85 lbs. 30.00- Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-110 lbs. 30.00- beef cross bulls & heifers 85-105 lbs. 35.00-41.00. ' HOGS 230. Barrows & Gilts 25 cents to $1 lower. One lot US No. 1-2 225 lbs. barrows & gUts 53.35, No. 1-3195-240 lbs. 52.25-52.75, No. 2-3 180-240 lbs. 51.85-52.25, No. 2-4 250- 300 lbs. 48.5052.00, few No. 1- 3 125-180 lbs. 49.00-49.50. US No. 15 300500 lbs. sows 40.50-45.50, one at 47.50. Boars 34.00-40.50, one at 47.00. FEEDER PIGS 213. Feeder Pigs slow $3 to $7 lower. US No. 15 2555 lbs. feeder pigs 25.0055.00 per head, No. 15 3550 lbs. 33.00- 45.00 per head. SHEEP 17. Few Choice SO HO lbs. spring slaughter lambs 46.0057.00. Slaughter ewes 10.00-25.00. 7
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