Fafmin&^^r&lr.^unel^r^^k Help Wanted Experienced person for cattle dealer, deliver cows out of state, milk cows, farming. References required, totally ex perienced only. I. Greenberg and Son, Rt. 206, Mount Holly, New Jersey, 609-267- 1101. Truck driver needed for flour & feed mill. Steady employment. Benefits. Apply C. 0. Nolt & Son, Bird in-Hand, Pa. 717-397-0751 Experienced Christian man to work on dairy farm. House & privileges. Near Lan caster. Write P.O. Box 266 R, c-o Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa. 17543 “DEMONSTRATORS AND MANAGER needed to work with the oldest Toy & Gift Party Plan in the Country! Highest Commissions - No Investment. Call or write today, SANTA’s Parties, Avon, Conn. 06001. Phone 1 (203) 673-3455. ALSO BOOKING PARTIES.” Dairy Farmer wanted to work with herd of Registered Jerseys and to do field work. Salary and benefits negotiable. Prefer experienced person with respon sibility. Apply: R. C. Drelsbach Longmeadows Farm RDI Hamburg, PA 19526 Pb: 215-562-3242 Poultry & Supplies 'The Sign of Quality"" LITITZ, PA 17543 LONGENECKER’S HATCHERY, INC. Box 307, Elizabethtown, PA PH: (717) 367-1545 Hubbard Leghorn PeKalb Warren Sex-Link CHICKS & STARTED PULLETS s»r T-inif Hubbard Leghorn Mug. 6 - 2500 July 16 - 700 Sepi. 11 ■ 2000 Aug. 30 - 5000 Sept 29 - 2000 1000 10 week old Hubbard Leghorns for sale 5-31. Help Wanted Experienced Herdsman with references for modem dairy farm, 2 shifts, no field work, top wages, house and milk provided. Definite hours, 1% days off alternate weeks, paid vacation. Graywocd Farms, Peach Bottom, Pa. 17563, 717-548-2972 between 7 and 9 P.M. Poultry & Supplies Sale - Egomatic Egg Grader D-5 $150.00; Keenco Egg Washer $25.00; Excellent Condition. 609-871-6557 For Sale - 6000 - 10x16 chicken cages. Electric feed cart with extra motor. 717- 437-3212 For Sale - Choretime ex tendable water fountain, trough only. PH: 717-367-5051 For Sale - 2 Oak brooders, 5 sections each. Egg washer, egg baskets, feeders, etc. Tomato planter. PH: 215-822- 8307 or 215-822-2890. For Sale - Egg collectors, 2 units w-820 nest holes. PH: 717-354-4271 days. Wanted to Buy - Unico, Model 500 two row, brush type, egg washer with drying fan. Jacob Lapp, RR2, Mifflintown, Pa. 17059 For Sale - 62 Roll Away chicken nests. Call 302-422- 5508 or write Byron H. Livingood, Box 391, RDI, Lincoln, Delaware, 19960. For Sale - Special on Black Sex link baby chicks. June 21 hatch only. Nolls Poultry Farm, Kleinfeltersville, Pa. 717-949-3560 SHAVER D i X 6REIDER LEGHORN FARMS, INC. Phone 653-1855 MOUNT JOY RDI.PA Poultry & Supplies WANTED LEGHORN FOWL PICK UP AT FARM OR CALL TO RESERVE DAY FOR RECEIVING i. M. SECHLER & SONS POULTRY, Sfrausslown, PA 215-488-1188 Miscellaneous For Sale - Good used slate. Jacob Y. Beiler, RDI, Box 371, Christiana, Pa. along Rt. 896, at Nine Points. Black .Cast Iron Cook Stove for »le. PH: 215-593-5754 For Sale - Potatoes $4.00 for 50 lb&. Also round hay racks. Amos S. Stoltzfus, 1 mile North of Bird-in-Hand on Beechdale Road, RDI, Bird in-Hand, Pa. Cash for posters and calendars by Winchester, Peters, Marlin, Remington, etc. George Driebe, 203 N. 9th Stroudsburg, Penna. 18360, 717-424-1496 For Sale - 3,000 frames - 2V* ” x 4” for Addressograph plates. Any reasonable offer accepted. Lancaster Far ming, Call 717-394-3047 or 717-626-2191. Cash For Pups I need Purebred and cute mixed litter lots, 7 to 10 week old. Clean and healthy. Contact “Jo Jo The Dogman” at Root’s Farmers Market, RDI Manheim, PA Every Tuesday 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. No Phone Calls. Old bam to be removed. Beams and old boards could be used for home construction or bam could be rebuilt elsewhere. Will help tear down. Call 717-683-5036 WOOD SHAVINGS. Ideal for work-ways and bedding. $25.00 per ton picked up or bulk load at $200.00. Less expensive than straw or tanbam. Contact Bob Geist at Leola Supply Co. Inc. PH. 717-656-6811. GMC 478 Mag Engine. Just completely overhauled with clutch and bell housing. 30 inch air-slide sth wheel Rears gear ratio 444. PH: Chambersburg , 264-4365 For Sale - Black Columbian Cook Stove, cast iron, ex cellent shape. PH; 215-593- 5754 FREE For the taking. Ap proximately 200 used pallets. Royster Co. 560 Running Pump Rd. Lancaster, PA 717-299-2541 For Sale-5000 ft. of 2”, 4” & 6” pipe. PH:-302-328-2340 NOTICE Sensenig’s Pea Shelling, one Block North of Hollingers Market has moved to new location. We are now operating at Mark Good Farm midway between Brunnerville & Lexington, 306 East Lexington Rd., Lititz, 717-626-6055. Miscellaneous For Sale - Hobart .band saw, Hobart meat grinder, 3 meat cases and 2 compressors. 3 produce tables, and 1 walk in cooler. Phone 717-899-6776. For Sale - Locust Posts, Oak, Walnut, and Cherry Lumber. Also, Slabwood. Custom Sawing and Planing. Phone Moyers Sawmill, R 2, Ann-' vdle, Pa. 717-865-3822 Ceramic tile, seconds ideal for cow-stable, trough and milk house walls. ESCH FLOOR COVERINGS mile North of Bird-In-Hand, on Beechdale Hoad Sawdust & Shavings Stock up now while supply is good. Phone evenings. 609-654-7489 Ed Vogt Medford, N. J. 0805$ RIDING EQUIPMENT AND APPAREL HASH'S GENERAL STORE Rawlinsville, PA. 717-284-4876 Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. - 8 A.M.-to 9 P.M. Wed. & Sat. 8 A.M. to 6 ' P.M. - Wblverine Shoes J Durability and Comfort. Shoes and Boots for the entire family. LEID SHOES & SADDLERY Kutztown Rl, Berks Co., Pa. 215-682-7926 Saturday Sampler , Classifieds for the Household Goods CAST IRON BLACK COOK STOVES FOR SALE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION Phone 215-593-5754 Atglen, Pa WOOD HEATERS SAVE 75% on Heating Bills. Cast iron Norwegian box stoves, Franklin fireplaces, thermostat controlled, cabinet models, air tight construction. An all stainless steel chimney pipe and accessories. Call 215-5361336 1104 West Broad St. Quakertown, PA 18951 New WARM MORNING and CAMERON Coal Heaters - and ASHLEY Wood Heaters at 1975 Prices. Also good used coal and wood ranges. Good hand operated and electric meat slicers. Large variety of new and used furniture. Spring Air box springs and Mattresses. An tiques and Miscellaneous. - FISHER FURNITURE 'Bart, PA 1750 S Lancaster Co. '(Rt. 896 In Georgetown) ■' Bus. Hrs. Mon. thru Fri. 8 to 7 Sat. 8 to 5 FOR SALE New Right Way model 37 combination wood and coal heater. Has fire brick and cast iron parts plus shaking grates. Holds 7% cubic foot of wood, 2’ length. Almost twice as much capacity as the present 2000 wood burning model holds. More than any other ther mostatically controlled heater on the market. 73,000 BTU H.R. Heats up to 8 rooms. 400 lbs. weight. $50.00 deposit and we will hold one for you for summer or fall delivery. $395.00 without cabinet. Stoltzfus Harness Shop R.l, Box 13 Honey Bxook, PA 19344 Services Offered Aftitqccc Sfafi All Kinds Of' FURNITURE REFINISHING Leo B.Gibble & Son Jllu \ Interior & Jjnw Exterior Paintine & *~ a Paperhanging RD4 (Oik Tree Roidh Manheim, PA 17545 717-665-5750 Farm Woman Printed Pa / 9040 h \ s- 18 Jj II Printed Pattern 9040- Missis' Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, II Size 12 (bust 34) takes 3 yards 60-inch fabric. ONE DOLLAR for each patten add 35 cents each for first class airmail and special tan-, dlmg Send to 170 Newspaper Pattern Dept, 232 West 18th St, New York. N Y 10011 Crochet with Squares { Crocheting a Wardroba ii Instant Sawing Book I Instant Fashion Book Fashions to Saw (S/S) 1976 Naadlocraft Catalog Designer Collection #3l Book of 16 Quilts #1 Museum Quilt Book #2 15 Quilts for Today #3 Book of 16 Jiffy Rugs 12 Prize Afghans #l2 Complete Afghans #l4 I Complete Gift Book ! Instant Crochet Book ' Easy Art of Flower Crochitj Easy Art of Hairpin Croclst Easy Art of Needlepoint , Easy Art of Ripple CrocW Nifty Fifty Quilts Saw + Knit < - Please add 25 cants to Book for postage and ha Household Go< - isss SAVE NOTICE Accumulated Freight * BOX ' SPRINGS : MATTRESSES, I : VING & BEDRO :SUI T E S a : DINETTES, St •BEDS At : RECLINERS • w* i BARB’S AUCI] I & EXCHAHO 322 just easlol new Rt 222 ; Epbrata,PJ : 717-733 9691 > 717-7339695 : Open 9 A.M to 8? : Auction every Wed. Eve. 6 P? : Consignee 1 ® • Accepted ( jn £ terj call
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