Equip"*** I*' 1 *' ic pail milking units, vacuum Mon controller, s PH: 717-626- A Classified Ad If Pays! , Mower X er Elevator 39 Mower 5 Mower 22 Crusher ip 32Crusher 69 Baler w/thrower flutter cut ditioner- New blades ' D Rake , Rake 3pt Rake 26 blower 13 pt sickle mower 3 pt flail mower Hesston lOStackhands ston 10 stack mover No 93pt mower 404 hay crusher Rake late style 33 Flail chopper I h 616 Pickup attach, pickup attach. 550 Harvester w/2 row corn 1 pickup attach. 717 pickup attach. 1 H 616 cutterbar pickup attach. 15 16 350 pickup attach. - demo harvester w/1 rorcorn ,C 780 pickup attach. 2 row corn (new) ■ Below Cost 1H 616 choppers w/1 row corn 717 w/1 row corn 616 Cornheatf lc 15 choppers Scorn head 469 Haybme 905 SP Haybme 50 mower ib sickle mower v B mower H 6! Baler ale wagon ' unco 16’ unloading box (new) D 216 unloading wagon I New 6 ton wagon iw Flat wagon !) New 16' Feeder Racks ko 14’unloading wagon ko 16 unloading wagon . Schramm $2500 Case 320-Clean ' $3500 New Long 3 pt. attach w/pump $3300 Ford 4500 w/ROPS- very clean $7500 Long 5 in 1 w/ROPS -1200 hours -1973 SOLD $B5OO Case 580 CK -good operating 1971 $5500 Ford4soo-goodoperating SOLO $5500 Lmkbelt LS 3000 - excellent $29,500 111 3400 ROPS $B5OO Inf 3800 4WD-clean -$B5OO Henry 3 Pt Backhoe Attach $l2OO !ew 3 axle tag-a-longs _ $1875 976 Fontaine 42, Drop Deck Trailer • new $7500 969 Great Dane 50 ton detachable lowboy $13750 axle tag a long trailer $650 971 Troyler 40* Flat $3500 •cycle Trailer for 3 cycles $295 >)2axletag-a-long-new $lOOOB lip andtm dump trailer-aluminum 22’ $4500 •Fruehauf Flat-good $2750 ggarmifci i«»it«HMi»ui3ira ’ Timbei-jack 360 Log Skitter w/Brapple 8500 £sH}. SSS ‘ ’ll'" Franklin 170Loj SkiOder«/Grappl= 16500 S’ 21 s , asmsmm am cornSweads WENGERS'INC. nN crnrif South Race St, Myerstown, PA 17067, just off Route 501 and 422 in Myerstown. uw biuuß PHONE: Days 717-866-2138, Nights 717-866-7147. Help Wonted Man wanted to work on modem dairy farm. Good wages, house available. Experience preferred. 215- 267-6198 Maintenance man for modern feed mill, southeastern Penna., mechanical experience necessary, steady full time employment, excellent salary and fringe benefits, call 215-723-4355 for an ap pointment. WE WHEEL AND DEAL - TRADE-INS WELCOME Retired active person or couple to rent modem 2 room and bath farm house apt. in- Franklin County with op portunity for garden, poultry or pasture pnvileges. $95.00 per month utilities included. Write P.O. Box 73, St. Thomas, Pa. 17252 Wanted - Experienced mechanic to work at Farm Equipment Dealership in Dauphin County. Eventual promotion to Shop foreman. References required. Ex cellent employee benefits. Call daytime 717-362-3132, at night 717-362-9449 CARS-TRUCKS-CYCLES-ETC. $195 $125 $250 $l5O $295 $395 & up $1495 $195 1973 Int. C0F4,070A Transtar - excellent - like new (2) 1968 Chevy C6O Dump - 2 speed rear Benelli 250 street cycle - 400 miles 1960 Chevy Dump Rokon 2 wheel dnve'motorcycle 1966 Chevy Truck Tractor 1969 Int 180010 wheel dump-runs Rood Pa. sticker 1964 Chevy Impala Convertible Clark Utility Pickup truck 1975 Int. COF4O7OA truck tractor - 318 -13 speed Air 98,000 miles -very clean (3) 1974 Chevy Cheyenne Pickup PS - PB - Auto 1962 Ford 1 ton Gram Dump 1968 Ford Shelby GT3SO Convertible - 4 speed 1973 Cadillac Sedan De Ville 1975 Chevy Monte Carlo - loaded 1973 Jeep 4WD Pickup 1973 Chevy Laguna - very clean 1973 Chevy 3 A ton pickup - 4 speed 1967 Volkswagen Fastback - wrecked 1969 Fiat 124 Conv. 1974 Indian 100 Cycle 1930 Model A Ford Coupe w/rupible seat owattonal7oo $3750 Melroe 600 Diesel > $4500 Case 1740 Diesel w/ROPS $6OOO Ford 340 w/ROPS $3750 Scoopmobile LD3SO w/cab - extras $17,500 (2) Hough 30R w/cab S3SOO-$4OOO (2) Case W 9 Diesel Choice $4900 Oliver 4WD Diesel $3900 Michigan 55 Series 3 w/Cab $lO,OOO Ford 4500 with Loading Boom $4OOO CONSTRUCTION Snow'Blower New 3 pt. Woodsplttter Gilson Leaf Vacuum Mach Cham Drive Truck w/Crane Int. Truck built in 1920 s Ripper for JD 440-1010-2010-350-450 New Dexter Sweeper for Utility Tractor Sweeper for Huber Maintainer Schramm 150 Air Compressor (2) Wayne 540 Self-propelled Sweeper choice $2OOO $750 $2500 $2350 $650 $4OO-S47S $lOO $950 $3OO $275 $450-$495 $475-$550 $2500 $5O tup $lOOO $l5OO $l2OO Call Call Call Cat Dozer blade (D 6 or D 7) General 4 WD Crane New Western 1 ton Roller New Wikomt 3 pt. cement mixer (2) 3 pt. Aeroator - new Used cement mixer 10 KW Generator Set - 80 AMP Newßollbar New Ford HO 3 pt. blades New 8' 3 pt stone rakes New Landscape boxes Huber MaintaineMsquare front) (25) Bkckhoe & Loader buckets (2) A.C. Ripper Attachment J.D. 350 Winch Huber Mamtainer New Undercarriages New Seat Cushions 100 sheets plywood Help Wanted Herdsman for modem dairy farm, must have experience and references. Some field work required. Must be able to do some machinery repair work. House plus utilities, 6 day week, excellent salary, vacation with pay. Call 215- 827-7433 between 5 and 7 P.M. Man to work on dairy farm, must be handy with equip ment. House with all con veniences provided. Call 717- 9334340 $21,500 $2500 choice $595 $BOO $795 $l5OO $7BOO $9OO $1250 $24,500 $3350 $3BOO $lOOO $4500 $4900 $4950 $3OOO $3200 $2BOO $350 $lOOO $350 $4OOO J.D. 350 $4900 J.D.3508 $7500 Cat 933 $4OOO A.C. Ho4w/Rip per $4OOO AC. KD6w/Rip per $5500 J.D. 420 w/Backtioe $3500 Gleaner CII w/cab clean SSSOO Int. 203 w/cab -10' $2500 ,lnt. 93 w/cab-10’ clean Gleaner E 111 w/cab - 10' $9500 M.F. 30013' gram $4500 Nl. 701 um-cab - har vester - 2 row har vester head - 2 row picker head - 3 row picker head $9OOO Int. 127-10 ft. $l5OO Int 205 w/cab - clean-10 ft. $6OOO NI 701 Uni-tractor w/cab -Reconditioned $3700 A.C. Gleaner E w/cab $5OOO J.0.40-10ft. $3500 J.D. 45 squareback $4500 Int 403 w/cab $6500 M.F. 300 w/cab -10' head clean $7500 J.D 45 w/10 ft $2900 $3OO $6OO $275 $3OOO $2OOO $lOOO . $475 $275 $l9OO [aß with mowers] J.D. 2101974 $1475 Cub Cadet 123 $1250 J.D.56 $475 A.C. 210-1973 $l2OO MF.IO $lOOO AC.BI $395 isterFarming.Sa! Help Wanted % Agricultural Business has Comfle wanted to live in. opportunity for individual Assist on Arabian training - with farm background to showing-breeding farm. All become financially involved phases of horse and farm including employment. For management. Some ex confidential interview write perience necessary. Must be Box 266 P, c-o Lancaster reliable. Salary plus house Farming Newspaper, Lititz, and dec. and spring water. Pa. 17543 Tremendous opportunity for couple interested in this way wanted, of life. Contact Hidden Lane PH: 717- Farm, LTD. PH: 215-689- 9861. Tobacco help Landisville area. 898-8870. FARM TRACTORS Ford 5200 Diesel - Sharp - 8 speed Farmall 240 AC Dl7-Gas-WF-PS AC WC AC B - starter - hydraulic Farmall 560 - Diesel SOLD Farmall Super MTA diesel J.D 620 Allis Chalmers 7050 - cab - Air - 300 hours Allis Chalmers D2l - 3 pt, - WF - clean Case 830 CK - 3 pt. - WF - clean Case 800-WF Farmall 756 - Rollover cab - WF sharp - turbo (2) Farmall 5600 - FH - clean (3) Farmall 504 Hi-clearance lot. 404 w/side mower (4) Farmall H Farmall Cub - late - FH - w/Mott mower' Ford 5000 - WF-3 pt.-clean Ford 5200 - WF - 3 pt. - 8 speed John Deere 3020 - D - side console - WF - excellent Oliver 1950 6M w/Duals - sharp - WF - 3 pt. Oliver 1855 - new rubber - WF - 3 pt. New Lone 1100 New Lone 900-cab-air New Lone 560 4WD w/loader New Lone 560 4WD New Long 560 •. New Long 445 4WDfW/loader New Long 460 New Long 360 Case 730 Gas Farmall M w/390 Ford V 8 - Lengthened Frame (2) J.D. 720 Diesels-3 pt. Ford 6000-gas Farmall Super MD-clean (2IA.C.WD Farmall Super AV w/cult. - clean Farmall 450 D Oliver 550 Diesel-P.S. COMPLETE BEEF & GRAIN FARM FOR SALE W 100 Acres Tillable Land at $l,OOO an acre 1 $lOO,OOO 36 Acres Woodland at $4OO an acre $14,400 6 Gram Silo's 16x60 & 18x60 $30,000 Big Me Gram Dryer $7,500 2 Metal Grain Bins with Bucket Elevators - 12,000 bushel each at $6OOO $12,000 2 -silo's 10x50 & 16x50 at $3750 $7,500 Warehouse 40x140 for bulk or bag storage $15,000 20’ truck scale under roof $3,000 Total Price $189,400 The following are free: large bank barn setup for beef, 9 room frame home, with bath, oil hot water heating system, automatic bunk feeder system. John Deere silo unloader, loading {jock, office, chicken house - 3 story 32'x80', block-with heated workshop on first floor, misc. machinery sheds and odd buildings, scenic mountain setting, all erections of above items are free, owner will help finance, low taxes. 38 miles from Harrisburg (North), Plus much more - but cannot be advertised due to limited space m ad. $3500 CRAWLER DOZERS J.D.350 ' * $6500 i.D. 3508 w/ROPS & winch $l5OO J.D. 1010 $2250 Gat D 4 $3500 Cat D2-no blade-w/PTO ■ $l5OO Int. TD24 $2500 Cat22w/PTO J.D 450 SOLD RENTAL UNITS AVAILABLE 15.1976—39 Help Wanted $6700 coming in $2250 $2OO $675 coming in coming in coming in $18,900 $6900 $5500 $2700 $9500 choice $4OOO $l2OO choice $1950 ss7s l up $2500 $5750 $5900 $B5OO $B5OO $B5OO List $12,569 List $13,181 List $10,854 List $BB7l Ust $7619 List $9074 Ust $6365 List $5766 $lBOO $2500 choice $2500 $l9OO $1450 s6so l up $2OOO $2OOO $1350 $5OO $OOOO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers