—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 15, 1976 Pa. Auction Summary East Coast 10.00 few 10.50 few lower Golden Delicious 10.00-11.00 few 11.50 USFcy 9-9.50 few 10.00. Ctn. Cell Pack Phila. Carlot Meats produce Week Ending CALVES 3722. Compared May 7,1976 with 3757 head last week, and CATTLE 7849. Compared 3846 head a year ago. with 8521 head last week, and Vealers grading Choice 8651 head a year ago. strong to $4 higher, Standard Compared with last week’s & Good steady to $4 lower, market, slaughter steers Utility steady to $6 higher, uneven, spots $1.25 higher to VEALERS: Few Prime $1.25 lower. Slaughter 70.00-82.00, Choice 59.00- heifers uneven mostly 74.00, Good 48.00-60.00, steady to $1 higher. Standard 38.00-52.00, few Slaughter cows steady to $1 Utility 110-130 lbs. 39.00- higher, instances $1.50 45.00, 90-120 lbs. 35.00-42.00, higher. Slaughter bullocks 65-85 lbs. 30.00-40.00. Farm' mostly steady to $1 lower, calves, holstein bulls 85-120 Slaughter bulls mostly lbs. 35.00-49.00; holstein strong to $1.50 higher, heifers 80-130 lbs. 37.00-50.00; Feeder Cattle - uneven, beef cross bulls & heifers 50- feeder steers $1 higher to $1 200 lbs. 35.00-45.00. lower, feeder heifers & HOGS 6828. Compared feeder bulls mostly steady to with 7284 head last week, and $1 higher. 9003 head a year ago. Barrows & Gilts strong to $1 STEERS: High Choice & higher. Prime 43.00-45.85, Choice BARROWS & GILTS: US 40.00- Good 38.50-42.00, No., 1-2 200-240 lbs. 49.50- Standard 34.00-39.00 few 51.00, No. 1-3 200-250 lbs. Utility 29.50-34.00. Choice 48.50-50.50, No. 2-3 190-260 slaughter heifers 38.00-42.00, lbs. 47.5049.00, No. 2-4 240 Good 34.0038.00, Standard 300 lbs. 43.00-47.00, No. 1-3 32.00- Utility 27.00- 130-190 lbs. 40.00-48.00. 32.00. COWS: Utility & High SOWS: US No. 1-3 300-560 lbs. Dressing Cutter 30.50-34.50, 38.00-44.00, No. 2-3 300-650 few to 35.50, Cutters 28.00- lbs. 35.00-40.00. Boars 32.00- 33.00, Canners 25.00-29.50, 43.00 Shells down to 22.00 May 12,1976 NY USFcy Mclntosh 100- 120 s 5.75-6.00 few 5.50 140 s 5.00 Winesaps 140 s 7.00. Compared to Tuesday’s close: demand for steer and heifer beef light. Choice steer beef .50-2.50 lower. Cow beef - steady to 1.00 higher advance on canner and cutter. Compared to last Wednesday spring lamb 2.00 higher, lamb 1.50-3.50 higher, mostly 2.50-3.50 up. Fresh pork: loins 2.75-3.50 higher; skinned hams 2.75- 7.00 higher, full advance on 20-26 lb.; bellies 16-18 lb. 3.00 higher. Apples Steady Controlled atmosphere storage. Ctn. Tray Pack NJ Staymans USFcy 88- 113 s 6-6.50. WASH Golden Delicious 80-96 s Wash ExFcy 12.00- 12.50. NEW ENGLAND Red Delicious USFcy 72-96 s 6.50- 7.00. NY Red Delicious USCombination ExFcy - Fey 113 s 8.50125 s 8.00 USFcy 113- 125 s 6-6.50. Ctn. Film Bag 12-3 lb. USFcy 2y«” & Up. NJ Red Delicious 6.60 fair appear 5.40 Staymans 6.00 Romes 4.80-5.40 PENNA Romes & Winesaps 6.50 NY Staymans 4.50 Ctn. Film Overwrapped Trays USFcy WASH 72-125 S Red Delicious USExFcy 10.00- 11.00 few 11.50 USFcy 9.00- Steer Beef Choice 600-800 lb. YG 3 65.00, few early 66.00 2.00-2.50 lower; 600-800 lb. YG 4 60.00- 61.50 .50-1.75 lower, Bulk 61.00 mostly .75-1.00 lower. Cow Beef Utility (Brkg) YG 3-4 Few 58.50 Steady; Utility (Bng) 600 lb. up YG 1-2 61.00 Steady; Canner & Cutter 350 lb. up YG 1-2 63.00-64.00 1.00 higher. Few Bulls 550 lb. down YG 1-2 61.00 No Comparison. > Choice Primal Beef Cuts Yield Grade 3 FEEDER PIGS 1472 BUrronfc- rv,„Compared with 1273 head 40 M Sd X last week > and 1315 head a sJandard 31 00 36 00 S year ago. Feeder pigs $1 to $3 uK 28 7W4 00 BULI!s loWer per head - US No ‘ ™ S Grade SSS 20 ‘ 35 lbs - feeder 25 -°°- Iho «v£22f Jr' • IJ 2l^ O 42 00 Per head, No. 1-3 35-50 No* 2 Solsm 6 lbS ‘ 34 - (KW2 - 00 - No - M 50 - 100 INO. i aw-ibUO IDS. 31.00-36.50. lbs- per head. Arm Chucks 90-130 lb. 53,00 No Comparison. Spring Lamb Carcass Yield Grade 3-4 Choice & Prime 50 lb. down 130.00-132.00 Compared to last Wednesday 2.00 higher,; 50-65 lb. 130.00-131.00 Compared to last Wednesday 2.00 higher. FEEDER CATTLE: Good SHEEP 507. Compared 250-700 lbs. feeder steers with 491 head last week, and 32.00- Medium 300-800 649 head a year ago. Spring lbs. 24.00-34.00; Good 300-750 slaughter lambs steady to lbs. feeder heifers 28.50- strong, spots $5 higher. 35.00, Medium 250-600 lbs. Choice 50-95 lbs. spring 25.00- Good 350-800 lbs. slaughter lambs 53.00-78.00, feeder bulls 30.00-37.00, few Good 55-80 lbs. 45.00- Medium 300-800 lbs. 24.00- 67.00. Slaughter ewes 8.00- 32.00. 20.00. Lamb Carcass Yield Grade 3-4' Choice & Prime 65 lb. down 130.00-131.00 compared to last Wednesday 3.00 higher; 65-75 lb. 129.00 compared to last Wednesday 2.50-3.-50 instances 1.50 higher. Fresh Pork Cuts Loins 14 lb. Down 100.00 3,50 higher; 14-17 lb. LTD 98.25-100.00 2.75-3.50 higher; Picnics 8 up lb. 56.25 No Comparison; Spareribs 3 down lb. 120.50 No Com parison; Skinned Hams 14-17 lb. LTD 88.25 3.25 higher; 17- 20 lb. 81.75-82.75 2.75-3.75 higher; Bellies, Seedless 14- 16 lb. 73.25-74.25 No Com parison; 16-18 lb. 73.25 3.00 higher. "*?ktc6r fotn oilo Umet to <t itax” 1 fi= WSSJ&t I hI 12J “gteftptT 3 ***'' R.D. 4 MYERSTOWN, PA. 17067 CALL COLLECT 717-866-5708 Boneless Beef" 90 percent Chem. lean, Fresh 87.00 Steady to 50 higher; 85 percent Chem. lean, Fresh 83.00 Steady. BEEFALO HYBRID CATTLE BEEFALO - IfS GREAT - Rapid gams on grass and roughage - 55-65 lb. Births - up to 1100 lb. yearling - Test data show 52 percent carcass dress out - We stock and distribute Pureblood Beefalo Semen and Half-Blood Beefalo heifers and, bulls. - Visit our farm and see our animals. SEMEN *l2 an ampule NOW TAKING ORDERS FOR V< BULLS & HEIFERS BEEFALO N & i 4270 Quakerbridge Road Princeton, N J 08540 609-896-0336 Member World Beefalo Association Livestock market and auction news VA 12-fis Red & Golden Delicious 9.00. Cabbage About Steady 1 3 /< bu. crt. & ctn. med-lge. Domestic Round Type Green FLA 3.25 - 3.50 some 3.75 few 4.00 fair qual. 2.50-3.00. SC 3-3.50 some 3.75. GA 3-3.25 Savoy Type 1 FLA 6.00 SC 5.00. Red Type FLA 7.50. ' SC 6.00 Mushrooms Steady PENNA 4-qt. bkt. med-lge. 4-4.25 few 4.50 fair cond. 3.50- 3.75 sml-med. 3.25-few 3.50 fair cond. 2.75-3.00. 6
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