Farm Equipment Farm Equipment USED TRACTORS Farmall 1066 Diesel Farmall 856 Diesel '' Farmall 856 Diesel Farmall’ 706 Diesel Farmall 666 Diesel Hydro Farmall 656 Hydro Farmall 544 Gas Farmall 400 Farmall 400 Gas, Junked as is Int. 574 Diesel Int. 460 Gas w-loader Int. 460 Utility w-loader Int. 454 Gas. Int. 424 Gas w-loader Int. 424 Diesel w-loader Int. 414 Diesel w-loader T nt. 574 Diesel, Standard W-2050A Loader Case 137(1 w-cab and A.C. Dl7 Gas J.D. A w-cultvs. J.D. 2010 Gas J.D. 4020 Diesel M.F. 50 Gas M.F. 35 Diesel Ford NAA Ford 4000 (2) Farmall A’s (All Tractors locally traded) USED PLOWS I.H. 700 5-B Auto. Reset Case 7-B Hydro, reset Oliver 5-B Regular Trip I.H. 311 3-B 2 pt. hitch Allis Chalmers 5-B I.H. 420 2-B 16” 3 pt. hitch CAMPBELL SALES & SERVICE, INC. McALISTERVILLE, PA PH: 717-463-2191 Located 8 miles North of Mifflintown, 20 miles South of Selinsgrove on Route 35. Independently owned and operated. (^1 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 15.1976—: Help Wanted Ambitious, married, dairyman wishes to pur chase working dairy farm in Central or Eastern Penn sylvania. One or two year partnership with retiring farmer is desired. Owner financing, F.H.A. or F.L.B. financing necessary. Details of partnership, etc., negotiable. John R. Paxson Jr. Ridge Dairy Farm, Oak field, Mame 04763 PH: (207) 757-8411 after 6:30 p.m, Notice PLANTS For Sale - Potted Water melon and' Cantaloupe plants. Leid’s Greenhouses, New Holland, RD3, 717-354- 0484 NOTICE Notice Desire contact with and-or information on any descendants of Adam Carman, bom 1782-94, died 1850- 56 in Caernarvon Township, Berks Co., Pa. Children were Adam, Jacob, John, George, Leonard, Mary Hart, Elizabeth Brown, Barbara Hart, Peter and Catherine Wesley for inclusion in History of Carman family. Visiting area in June. Write Lester W. Strock, 24 Winter St., Salem, Mass. 01970 or Phone Samuel S. Sweigart, Morgantown, PA, 215-286-9446. Again this spring, the Howard E. Groff Company, 111 E. State Street, Quarryville, Pa. will offer tomato plants for home gardening or in cannery lots. Also cabbage, pepper and bermuda plants. Check our prices. PH: 717-786-2166 WE WHEEL AND DEAL - TRADE-INS WELCOME Case 320 New Long 3 pt attach w/pump Ford 4500 w/ROPS very clean Long sin 1 w/ROPS 1200 hours 1973 Case 580 CK - good operating Ford 4500 - good operating John Deere Hoe Attach ■ Lmkbelt LS 3000 excellent Int 3400 ROPS Int 3800 4WD-clean BACKHOES $3OOO $3300 $7500 $B5OO $6BOO $5500 $BOO $25,000 $6750 $B5OO CARS-TRUCKS-CYCLES-ETC. 1972 Ford Pinto - 4 speed - Air 1973 Harley Davidson 125 cycle (2) 1968 Chevy C6O Dump 2 speed rear Beneili 250 street cycle 400 miles 1960 Chevy Dump Rokon 2 wheel drive motorcycle 1966 Chevy Truck Tractor 1969 Int 180010 wheel dump 1964 Chevy Impala Convertible Clark Utility Pickup truck Yamaha 80 dirt bike $l6OO $395 $2500 choice $595 SIQOO $795 $l5OO $5700 $l5OO $1250 $350 1975 Int COF4O7OA truck tractor 318 13 speed Air 98.000 miles very clean (3) 1974 Chevy Cheyenne Pickup PS PB Auto 1962 Ford 1 ton Gram Dump 1968 Ford Shelby GT3SO Convertible 4 speed 1973 Cadillac Sedan De Vide 1975 Chevy Monte Carlo - loaded 1973 Jeep 4WD Pickup 1973 Chevy Laguna - very clean 1973 Chevy ton pickup 4 speed - 1967 Volkswagen Fastback wrecked 1966 Chevy Impala $24,500 $3500-$4OOO $lOOO $4500 $4900 $4950 $3OOO $3200 $2BOO $350 $375 (2) New 3 axle tag a-longs $1875 & up (3) 1976 Fontaine 42 Drop Deck Trailer - new $7600 $7900 1969 Great Dane 50 ton detachable lowboy $13,750 Fruehauf Tandem Dump Trailer - Steel - 22 $3OOO 1 axle tag a long trailer $650 1971 Troyler 40'Flat $3500 Motorcycle T railer for 3 cycles $295 (4) 2 axle tag a long - new $lOOO-$1475 40’ Flatbed (brown) $2500 Tandem dump trailer aluminum 22 $4OOO wwiVi'iHaamwaite J D 350 $6500 J D 3508 w/ROPS & winch $B5OO J D 1010 $2250 Case 310 (late) $4500 AC HD 11 $6500 Cat D 4 $3500 Cat D 2 no blade w/PTO $l5OO Oliver Cletrac - good $l5OO Oliver HG w/mower $lOOO Oliver Cletrac PTO $BOO Owattona 1700 $3750 Melroe 600 Diesel $5OOO Case 1740 Diesel w/ROPS $6OOO Ford 340 w/ROPS « $3750 Scoopmobile LD3SO w/cab extras $17,500 (2) Hough 30R w/cab $3500-$4OOO Case W 9 Diesel $5500 | CONSTRUCTION Snow Blower New 3 pt Woodsplitter Industrial loading ramp Gilson Leaf Vacuum $275 Mach Cham Drive Truck w/Crane $3OOO Int Truck built in 1920 s $2OOO Ripper for JD 440 1010 2010 350 450 $lOOO New Dexter Sweeper for Utility Tractor $475 Sweeper for Huber Mamtamer $275 Schramm 150 Air Compressor $l9OO Wayne 540 Self propelled Sweeper $2OOO Timberjack 360 Log Skidder w/Grapple $9,500 Franklin 170 Log Skidder w/Grapple $7500 Cat Dozer blade (D 6 or D 7) General 4 WD Crane New Western 1 ton Roller New Wikomi 3 pt cement mixer (2) 3pt Aeroator new Used cement mixer 10 KW Generator Set New Rollbar New Ford HD 3 pt blades (2) New 8 3 pt stone rakes New Landscape boxes Huber Mamtamer (square front) (25) Backhoe & Loader buckets AC Ripper Attachment JD 350 Winch Huber Mamtamer New Undercarriages New Seat Cushions 100 sheets plywood J D 420 $2900 J D 350 $4900 J D 3508 $7500 Cat 933 $2900 AC HD4w/Rip per $4OOO AC HD6w/Rip per $5500 Case 310 -good $2200 Towmotor $2OOO Case 584 21 $B5OO Case 580 21 $6750 Int 340 $5OOO (all with mowers] J D 210 1974 $1475 Cub Cadet 123 $1250 MF 7HPdeSOLD37S $750 M F 7 HP hydro $650 J D 56 $475 AC 210- 1973 $l2OO MF 10 $lOOO Cub Cadet SS $450 COMBINES Int 127 Int 205w/cab N I 701 Urn tractor w/cab $2950 AC GleanerEw/cab $5OOO (2) J D 40 $3500 J 0 45 squareback $4500 Int 315 w/cab $6OOO Int 403 w/cab $6500 $lOOO $6900 BALER TWINE *11 50 FARM TRACTORS AKis Chalmers 7050 cab - Air - 300 hours Allis Chalmers D2l 3pt -WF- clean Case 1030 CK -3 pt WF - clean Case93oCK-3pt WF clean CaseB3oCK-3pt WF-clean Case 800-WF Farmall 756 - Rollover cab WF sharp - turbo Farmall 560 D - new tires -FH clean (3) Farmall 504 Hi clearance Int 404 w/side mower (2) Farmall H Farmall Cub-late FH w/Mott mower Ford 5000 -WF- 3 pt clean Ford 5200 WF-3pt 8 speed Ford 5200 WF -3 pt powershift John Deere 3020 D side console -WF - excellent John Deere 620 John Deere 60 SOLD Oliver 1950 GMw/Duals sharp-WF 3pt Oliver 1900 GM w/Cab sharp WF 3pt Oliver 1855-new rubber-WF 3 pt Oliver 770 D 3pt Oliver 77 - sharp New Long 900 cab air New Long 560 4WD w/loader New Long 560 4WD New Long 560 New Long 445 4WD w/loader New Long 460 New Long 460 New Long 360 Farmall 560 D FH - Turbo 18 4 tires Case 730 Gas New Long 560- New Long 1100 Int 806 4WO Diesel Farmall M w/390 Ford V 8 Lengthened Frame J D A powertrol $18,900 $6900 $6900 $6500 $5500 $2700 $9500 $4OOO $l2OO choice $1950 Choice $750 $2500 $5750 $5900 $5900 $B5OO $1450 $1675 $B5OO $6500 $B5OO $2OOO $1295 List $13,881 List $10,854 List $BB7l List $7976 List $9074 List $6365 List $6176 List $5766 $4OOO List $7619 List $12,569 $6700 $2500 $BOO $l7OO BEEF & GRAIN FARM FOR SALE 100 Acres Tillable Land at $lOOO an acre $lOO,OOO 36 Acres Woodland at $4OO an acre $14,400 6 Gram Silos 16x60 & 18x60 $30,000 Big Me Gram Dryer $7,500 2 Metal Gram. Bins with Bucket Elevators 12 000 bushel each at $6OOO $12,000 2 silos 10x50 & 16x50 at 53750 $7,500 Warehouse 40x140 for bulk or bag storage $15,000 20 truck scale under roof $3,000 $189,400 The following are free large bank barn setup for beef 9 room frame home with bath oil hot water heating system automatic bunk feeder system John Deere silo unloader, loading dock office chicken house 3 story 32 xBO block-with heated workshop on first floor, misc machinery sheds and odd buildings scenic mountain setting, all erections of above items are free, owner will help finance low taxes, 38 miles from Harrisburg (North) Plus much more but cannot be advertised due to limited space in ad $750 $2500 $2350 $650 $4OO-5475 $lOO $l5OO $3OO $275 $4505495 $475-5550 , $l5OO $5O & up $lOOO $l5OO Sl5OO Call RENTING A NEW TRACTOR IS CHEAPER THAN YOU THINK Long36o 35HP Long 460 45 H P Long 560 55 H P Long 560 4WD $lO.OO a day* $12.00 a day* $l4 00 a day* $16.00 a day* *1 year minimum Lease purchase available All tractors fully equipped Larger sizes available WENGERS' INC. South Race St., Myerstown, PA 17067, just off Route 501 and 422 in Myerstown. PHONE: Days 717-866-2138, Nights 717-866-7147. Farm, Equipment STANLEY A. KLOPP INC. Sales and Service Farm Equipment John Deere • New Holland New Idea • Bullion DeLaval • Jamesway Lawn-Garden Equipment John Deere • Anens Lawn Boy Chain Saws John Deere • Homelite Bicycles John Deere Bernville, PA 19506 215-4881510' Situations Wanted Boy 15 desires job on farm with Christians.’ Has some experience and is willing to learn more. Can live in if necessary. Call 717-442-4265 ask for Karl Reliable hard working 19 yr. old male with experience desires position as herdsman or assistant herdsman on modem dairy farm. Resume available. Request room plus wages. Write to Douglas Guest, Parson Hall, Box 608 SUNY, Cobleskill, NY 12043 or call 518-234-6646 Situations Wanted Young Farmer needs any amount of money up to $7500. by June 7. Willing to pay 9 percent interest. Write to Box 266 H, c-o Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Help Wanted Man to milk in large dairy operation, excellent op portunity. House and privileges. Write Box 266 K, c-o Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Job opening at Flour Mill. Call 717-669-7057 Married Reliable man for permanent work & super vision. 300 Acre farm, beef & hogs. Automated feeding system. 3 bedroom house, hospitalization & pther benefits. Must be well ex perienced & have good references. PH: 717-386-2281 Hek) Wanted - Man for Dairy and general farm work, small family, must have experience and references. Salary and privileges. Southern Chester County. 215-869-2527 $3OO $6OO $l5OO !Z
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers