'* * '*»' *> * -4 * ,- S* - # " - , - - * 18—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 15, 1976 Hot ro [Continued from Page 15] 427 cubic-inch engine and a few other “knick-knacks,” regularly pulls in the 5,000, and 7000-pound modified classes occasionally in the 9000-pound class. Each of his engine’s eight pistons is individually fueled by a fuel injection pump rated at 600 pounds of pressure. He uses about 3% to flour gallons of fuel per pull “when she’s working right.” According to Flowers, the weather and condition of the track make a big difference m final performance. He prefers a dry track and dry weather, claiming that that’s when his machine really comes to life. The engine howls like something out of Farmers association meeting date changed KIRKWOOD - The Lan caster County Farmers Association has erroneously indicated that a meeting would be held this Monday, May 17, and wishes to note that the actual meeting date is Wednesday, May 19. Scheduled to take place at 7:30 p.m. in the Farm and Home Center, Lancaster, the meeting is considered to be highly important because it deals with a unique public relations effort on behalf of the association. The group of Lancaster County farmers has arranged to have the entire Park City mall for its use during the second week in October. The meeting on Wednesday evening is'for the purpose of making plans for the gigantic PR effort. All committee chair persons, PFA directors, and womens’ committee members should be there, according to Carol Groff, LCFA officer. Any other interested individuals are also invited to attend. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! NATIONAL PORK Producers Council® Over the last few years, the image of pork and the producer has changed Today, producers are proud of their product And, through the NPPC, producers have proven to consumers that pork not only tastes good, but it’s good for them, too this world. These are super tuned engines. As such, they are also considered to be somewhat hazardous. Regulations require that a fire extinguisher and various other safety devices be on board. degree that they would not hold up under the stress found in the field. Besides the track, the high-powered tractors are occasionally seen at shop ping malls for exhibitional purposes. But there’s no action there, except people milling around to gape at the monstrosities. Their curiosity is almost always aroused, and sooner or later they come to a pull. To give readers an idea of how expensive the hobby can become, Flowers pointed out that one of his spark plugs cost $l6. He needs a special variety because of the unique fuel he bums. A tiny Anew and used machinery dealer, as well as part-time farmer, Flowers began his competitive career with micro-midget racing cars, and later mini-stock cars. Now ‘ all his efforts are devoted to the home-made tractor which serves no purpose other than pull a sled down a 300-foot dirt track. Most tractors at the pulls are modified to the valve left him with little change after forking over a $5O bill, and other items which don’t look like much add up quickly. “It’s the little knick-knacks which are most expensive,” he said, while proceeding to check the oil level. The slippery liquid looked like new yet, but it would be drained before the next pull, Flowers commented. He uses a special racing oil and changes it after every two pulls. He and the others are ready to go again, as local tracks wifi soon open their gates for another year of competition. In short, the spectacle is one in which a thousand man-made “horses” are hitched to a 20- ton sled and then whipped to perform without hesitation. "A Quality Paint For Every Purpose” • Engine Sales & Service • Lawn Mower Sharpening- Hydraulic Units. JOHN Z. LAPP Centerville Road RDl,Cordonville, Pa. 17529 Come in soon and check out all MF Massey Ferguson CALL OR We're starting our summer celebration right now with special prices on many new MF BIG SAVINGS ON ANY units. OF THE FOLLOWING: MF 230 Tractor MF 235 Tractor MF 255 Tractor MF 265 Tractor MF 275 Tractor MF 428 Cultivator (4-row) MF 11 Wheel Loader MF 200 Crawler Dozer MF 40 Forklift MF 50A Backhoe Loader the savings during this special sale! STOP IN TODAY The NPPC was formed and is funded and directed by producers NPPC promotes pork to consumers in a vigorous year-round ad vertismg campaign. The NPPC also funds research on key production problems in dentified by producer members Our work promoting your product has just begun We want to do more We need your help If you would like to join your fellow pork producers in supporting these worthwhile programs, contact National Pork Producers 4715 Grand Avenue Des Moines, fowa 50312 We will direct you to the proper state leaders Remember, our job has just begun KELLER BROS. Ridge Road Perkasie PA Ph- 215 257-5698 or 257 5864 LEBANON VALLEY IMPLEMENT 700 E Linden St Richland PA Phone 1717| 866 2544 HEITZMAN M. EQUIPMENT, Rts 100 S 401 Glenmoore PA INC. M. North Grofftown Road Leola PA 17540 Phone |717|656 2321 Phone 12151458 5777 or 1215) 458 8525 N. H. FLICKER A. & SONS INC. Maxatawny Phone [2151683 7252 & BRO. WEAVER S. G. LEWIS & SONS AND SON West Grove PA 1215)869 9440 869 2214 MARLIN W. SCHREFFLER Pitman PA 1717)648 1120 HERR NISSLEY FARM SERVICE PAUL J. EICHERT & SON Charlestown Rd 312 Park Ave Prospectßd Quarryville PA Washington Boro PA RDI Orwigsburg PA Phone |7l7| 786-3521 Phone |7I7J 285 4844 Ph. |7l7| 943 2304 GO.
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