Lancaster Feeder Cattle Hog Markets Friday AprO 30, Feeder Cattle Lancaster Vintage Auction Market Paradise, PA Saturday, May 1 . Monday,M«y3 HOGS: Barrows and gilts steady to weak.- BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 200-240 lb. 49.1049.60; US 1-3 200-240 lb. 48.50-49.25; US 2-3 240-260 lb. 47.5 Q-48.50; US 1-3 185-105 lb. 47.50-48.50. HOGS: 691 Head. No. 1195-235 lb. 50.00-50.75; No. 2 195-235 lb. 49.5049.85; No. 3 200240 lb. 49.0049.35; Heavy Hogs 250290 lb. 45.00 46.00; Light Hogs 120175 lb. 42.2544.75; Sows 280420 lb. 42.00-43.25; Sows 500-600 40.0041.75; Heavy Boars 450 650 35.7038.00; Light Boars 200250 42.0047.50. Jaly HOGS: 3000' Lancaster Barrows and gilts active, opening 50 higher than' Wednesday’s best time. Auction Wednesday, May 5 HOGS: 579 Head. US 1-2 200-220 lb. 50.50- 50.75; 150 head 51.00; US 1-3 200-230 lb. 50.00-50.50. Wednesday, May 5 HOGS: Barrows and gilts 1.00-2.00 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS; SJS 1 200-235 lb. 51.75-52.00; US 1-2 200-240 lb. 51.35-51.50; US 2-3 200-240 lb. 51.00-51.25, 240-270 lb. 49.00-50.50; US 1-2 185-195 lb. 50.00-50.50. No. 1200-240 lb. 50.85-51.10; No. 2 220-240 lb. 50.0040.75; No. 3 245 lb. 48.50-49.50; Heavy Hogs 250-300 lb. 45.00- 47.75; light Hogs 140-175 lb. 40.2541.75; Sows 300475 lb. 41.0042.50; Heavy Boars 450- 600 39.25-39.50; Light Boars 200-220 lb. 42.5044.00. ' OUR GOAL IS GETTING TOP DOLLAR FOR YOU SHIP TO THE DANVILLE LIVESTOCK MARKET ' ■'K » •■. ' .. f Old-Rt. 1,1 Danville, Pa. ■ Phone (717) 275-2880 SALE EVERY MONDAY 2 P.M. x ♦ Horse Sale 2nd Sat. Every Month 10:30 A.M. . OWNER: MELVIN M. LEHMAN 717-964-3621 Res. 717-275-2880 Bus. May Jaly STUART HARNISH Pottstown; PA (215) 469-6396 JOHN CAMPBELL Atglen, PA (215) 593-5529 HOGS 900. Barrows & Gilts 190-250 lbs. SO cents to $1 lower; 250 lbs. up $1 to $2.50 lower. US No. 1-2 190-240 lbs. 48.00-48.50, No. 2-3 230-250 lbs. 47.00-48.00, No. 24 250- 280 lbs. 44.5047.00. Sows steady to weak. US No. 1-3 300400 lbs. 38.50-39.50, few to 40.00. GARY McGEE Spring Run, PA (717)349-2340 National Reputation - Local Service EXT FEEDER PIG SALE TUESDAY, MAY 11 ■ 1 P.M. Consign ail your feeder pigs to Walter M. Dunlap & Sons where they will be handled by a capable and experienced staff. WALTER M. DUNLAP & SONS UNCASTER STOCK YARDS Consignors can get state tags at our office, thereby saving 25c marketing expense. For Further Informotidii, Coll 717-397-5136 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 8.1976 New Holland HOGS 1715. Retail - 49.50-51.00; heavyweight 45.75-48.50; lightweight 45,00-48.50; Todav wholesale 48.50-49.50. tjSbvm-* iSI TRENof Compared to^Uwt jsUAtu>. 9d.00-u.oo. Friday steers 1.00-2.00 lower, Indianapolis aISL*!" ™ Quality not as attractive as HOGS: 1500 iast week’s graded site. Bulk Barrows and gilts very iSSTSSU active, 50-1.00 higher. reRnF’RST’FFRS. US 1-2 200-235 lb. 50.50- pZKS,, h 50.75, 70 head 50.75; US 1-3 200-240 lb. 50.00-50.50; Few ®Snh vMJnifta. St tt T in « 1060 lb. 39.0041.00, two lots Uneven Lots 49.75. jowbs lb . 41.8M2.00; mixed Ppnno Auction Good and Choice 500-650 lb. Mreorm Aiituon 37.2541.00, 650-950 ib. 36.25- 1 39.50; Good 400800 lb. 33.00- 37.00, 600-850 lb. 32.00-35.50, 690-925 lb. Holsteins 34.25- VCWDcr ”- /a «M5O d GW>d Trend Cattle ate Stronger, Hogs are Stronger, Potatoes tpfftopr rttt T <s- dhniee Stronger, and Eggs are Lower. 5OO-785 MarketsPmvldedbsn^fflmodi^Deimrtinent lb. 31.50-36.00; Good 430800 Reynold* Securities, Inc. St. Louis ijSSt* """ lb - HOGS: 4500 FEEDER HEIFERS: Few Barrows and gilts active. Choice 660-920 lb. 32.75-34.25; 50-1.00 higher with full ad- Good and-Choice 395-550 lb. vance noted on weights 30.0033.00; Good 500875 lb. under 240 lb. 26.75-29.50. US 1-2 200-235 lb. 50.50- n i.. 50.75; US 1-3 200-250 lb. 50.00- JDaltllllOre “"Lebanon USDA it fi May 3,1978 Valley CATTLE ,675. Slaughter steers steady to 50 cents higher; Heifers fully $1 HOGS 4«. US No. 1-2 200- 2401 be. borrows &gitts 50.35- 50.75, No. 1-8 200-250 lbs. 49.5080.35, No. 28 190-260 AjC?2 lbs. 47.5049.50. steers FEEDER PIGS 39. New Holland steers; couple lots High 11CW lIOIUUIU Choice & Prime No. 341200- 1295 lbs. 43.75, Choice No. 24 nursc 1000-1400 lbs. 40.5042.85, Monday, May 3,1978 ? Good & Choice No. 24 900- Reported receipts of 344 ihs. 39.5040.50, Good horses, mules, and ponies. 37.0089.00, Standard & Low Market stronger' than last . Good mostly holsteins No. 28 week. _ 1030-1200 lbs. 33.6587.50. Local work horses 500850; HEIFERS: Choice No. 24 mules 200410; better horses 900-1035 lbs. 39.0040.00, Good 315810; driving horses 150- to Low Choice No. 24 860- 460; riding 150-275; ' R>oo lbs. 34.8588.00. COWS: lightweight killers 20-26; Utility 30.7584.00, one at heavyweight killw* 2080; 34.75, Cutters 27.5081.00, few mares 1040; colts 5-25; 31.3581.50, Canner & Low geldings 1085: larger ponies Cutters 23.00-27.50. BULLS: 65.125/ Yield Grade No. 1 1050-1740 lbs. 35.0089.00, one 975 lbs. at 34.60. FEEDER CATTLE: Several lots Choice steers 780800 lbs. 40.00, lot 455 lbs. at 46.00, package 606 lbs. at 42.00. Futures Trading (Closing bids as of Thursday, May 6) May Chicago Chicago New York New York Cattle Hogs Maine Fresh Eggs Potatoes Jane 45.65 51.00 August . 46.20 46.40 9.70 51.00 September 49.35 50.50 52.40 42.85 CHICAGO GRAIN FUTURES (Closing bids as of Thursday, May I) Soybean Corn Wheat Soybeans Meal 2.75 3.32 4.90 Jane 2.76 % 3.39% 4.97% 141.90 August 5.02 142.80 September 2.70 3.38% 5.05% 143.70 October Trend Corn is Higher, Wheat is Stronger, Soybeans are Stronger, Soybean Meal is Stronger. Markets Provided by Commodity Department Reynolds Securities, Inc. WSWfSSft^ U. S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Estimated Dally Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection CATTLE HOGS 523.000 1,018,000 501.000 1,045,000 510.000 1,048,000 Week to Date Same Period Last Week Same Period Last Year SHEEP 88,000 85,000 112,000 READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS J. M. HOOPER INC. i ■ For Over 80 Years A Company You Gan Trust We have experience and capable men to handle all livestock; slaughter cattle, bulls, cows, heifers, feeder cattle, veal calves, hogs, sheep, feeder pigs. We also buy on customer orders. YOUR ALL AROUND LIVESTOCK COM MISSION FIRM. iJIJOQPiiJNC;. Tell Your Trucker - Consign your livestock to J.M. Hoober, Inc. Consign all your pigs to J.M. Hoober, Inc. NEXT FEEDER PIG SALE MAY 11,1976 You can save yourself 25c per head by tagging at home. We supply free State tags at our office. PLEASE CALL US SOON Phone (717) 397-6191, 569-2084.626-5659. Member Lancaster Stockyard Exchange. 50.35 3 139.90 144.00
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