—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 1,1976 12 Ford meeting He has been an outstanding secretary of agriculture and has been asked to stay." Butz will be staying on for the near future, although it is not yet known what his plans may be after Jan. 20, 1977. The grain inspection bill, which was passed by a 52 to 18 vote in the Senate on Monday, did not meet Ford’s approval and he unhesitatingly announced that he would veto that measure if it comes to his desk as it is now. He favors a bill which-would leave greater control with local and private interests. The President expressed a similar opinion on the question of grain reserves, noting that each'country should run its own program and that in the case of the United States, The matter should rest in private hands. As for grain exports, Ford said he has no intention of withholding foreign sales, not even as a way to check food - prices at' home. Present economic formulas are very reasonable, -he added. On the question of using President Ford indicated Tuesday he is satisfied with Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz and that he has been asked to stay in the administration. The Secretary's plans after Jan. 20,1977 are uncertain, however. Commentary [Continued from Page 10] well in trying to convey the true dairy industry story to the public. They and individual dairymen who took time out to attend the meetings to show their concern did their part. Dairymen and their cooperatives have made their symposium a suc cess. Now it's up to the media people to print and broadcast the material. And, as has been said before, “let’s hope consumers will read it and not forget it.” w SAf-|V*n The world’s costliest spice is saffron, at about $4OO (Continued from Page 1] sy « r**. ' * "<- > -f * v , *< '"%*?'*„ ,}■**'' St ■v „ v *•> * ■*'•■* f< “'v < ** - ♦ > •> >5- -*<>*„’ < * v * «• -.> . "' ;',■, - » _~.%, 4 Photo by Dieter Knee \ <■ - > r j. sale- agricultural products as “pawns" in international diplomacy, Ford said he had no intentions of such moves. In short, farm exports were not to be restricted as long as he is President The issue of cooperatives being investigated by the FTC and Justice Department came up; but Ford declined to give an opinion on that subject since action on the matter is still pending. To do so would mean prejudgement of the matter, he ex plained. The President was also questioned about labor union settlements, the swine flu, forestry programs, and his chances in the upcoming Texas primary. He considered some labor union contracts to be within “marginal limits;" noted that the vaccine for swine flu was unanimously endorsed by his panel of experts: and considered himself to be an underdog in the Texas primary. The 35-mmute visit ended just as cordially as it began, with Ford ex changing handshakes and brief remarks with surrounding reporters. TRY A CLASSIFIED Servlets: 4 >/2 ton: M. D. Lumis and Son Uwchland, PA 19410 Ph: 215-458-5211 Services: Bag Fertilizers. Farm Chemicals. Bulk Truck Spreading (Boom only). Pottstown Roller Mills, Inc. South and Hanover Sts. Pottstown, PA 19464 Ph: 215-323-8620 Services: Bulk & Bag tilizers. Truck Spreading (Boom only). Rental 4Vi ton spinner spreaders. Farm Chemicals. KERR McGEE CHEMICAL CORP. CROP PROGRAMS: 1. PASTURES: For control of wild onion and garlic, dandelions, thistles, and many more, apply 1 | • pint 2,4-D Amine plus H pint Banvel per acre. Do not graze for 7 days. 2. ALFALFA: ■. v a. Broadleaf weed control, new seedlings: Apply Butyrac 200 at 2to 3 quarts per acre: Use light 1 ; rate when alfalfa is less than 3 inches talhand absence of Curly DockrSmartweed and annual ■ Morning' Glory exists. ' b. Insect Control: ♦Furadan 4F at IVz pints per acre. Harvest after 21 days. 2 pints, 28 days. *Supracide 2E at 2 pints per acre. Harvest after 10 days.' * Imidan SOW at 2 pounds per acre. Harvest after 7 days. READ LABELS BEFORE USING! SOUTHEASTERN PENN A. WAREHOUSES: Richard BreckbiH RDI Oxford, PA 19363 4 Ph: 215-932-3307 Bulk & Bag Fertilizers, Truck Spreading (Boom only). Rental $»«;«»»»■ Spinner spreaders. Farm Chemicals. Custom Truck Spraying. Fer- Krieg’s reporting , recognized WASHINGTON, D.C. A series of stories written by Lancaster Farming Editor, Dieter Krieg, placed second in a national contest con ducted Iqr- the Newspaper Farm Editors of America. The series concerned the 1875. wheat harvest in southeastern Pennsylvania. Hie recently held contest was won by Tom Fer schweiler, farm editor of the Oregon Journal, Portland, Oregon. Ferschweiler was later chosen as “Farm Editor of the Year.” Krieg, who became editor of Lancaster Fanning last July, was previously farm editor of the Pennsylvania Mirror, State College, and entered agricultural jour nalism just two years ago. Protects Against +WIREWORMS +SEED CORN MAGGOTS +AND OTHER SOIL-BORNE SECTS +MAY BE COMBINED WITH FULL DOSAGE OF PROTECTIVE FUNGICIDE FOR PROTECTION AGAINST SEEDLING BLIGHT. DAMP-OFF OR SEED DECAY. Kerr McGee Chemical Corp. Ben 0. Stoitzfus R 2 Honey Brook, PA 19344 Ph: 215-273-3546 Services: Bulk & Bag Fertilizers, Bulk Truck (Boom only)' Spreading, Rental 4 x h ton Spinner spreaders, liquid nitrogen, farm chemicals, wire. WK H-2666 »?£& lv\l I A top yielder High Leaf blight tolerance Strong \pf 1 J stalks and roots,Good combine or picker corn Adaptable to a wide variety of growing con ditions. Excellent grain quality and high test COLUMBIANA SEED CO. BREAK YOUR YIELD BARRIER! Ag outlook [Continued from Pate 1] Although input' costs will Crop prices may be lower* remain stable or increase this summer but it iT 1 slowly, farm commodity estimated that the increased prices have an indefinite markets combined’ 'with future ahead. According to strong demands will hold the USDA, the export market cash receipts steady has greatly expanded for the __ w . .... ’ ... year and with domestic w "riddling market increases, prices for agriculture as well as the most farm commodities will | e ®cral economy, but a remain relatively stable. A feeling of stability and record high export level of * COS H $22 billioh Is predicted for ** 1976 -up one-half billion from first half of this year, last year. READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS GUTSNALL’S SILO REPAIR RDI Womelsdorf, PA Frystown 717-933-4616 WE. SPECIALIZE IN: + Tearing Down 4* Rebuilding ‘Silos - + Replastef White Coat Silos : + ; Lancaster Level-Flo pipe & distributor + Repair damaged, roofs & handle new roofs + Tear down & rebuilt small Harvestores + . Superior Grain Bins 1-3 off List Price, Plus Free Bonus Gifts. Product Features +COMBINED I INSECTICIDE* FUNGICIDE FOR DOUBLE BARRELED PROTECTION +CONVENIENT. HANDY MEASURING CUP IN 1 POUND • CANS +MAY BE USED ON PREVIOUSLY TREATED SEED - +REPELLENT TO PHEASANTS +CONTAINS GRAPHITE FOR BETTER PLANTABILITY - IN- WHY NOT GIVE US A CALL?? John A. Kennel, Jr. R 2 Pqfkesburg, PA Ph: 215-857-5620 Farm Chemicals, Liquid nitrogen. Custom truck spraying iCm KOtH^MCCK Moyer and Son, Inc. 113E.RcBanceRd. Souderton, PA 18964 Ph: 215-723-6001 Sendees: Farm Chemicals, Bag- - Fertilizers, Custom Chemical Spraying. - TERRITORY SALES MGR. Joseph H. Keishner Route 1 Box 97A Gap, PA 17527 Ph: 717-442-1116 t
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