—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Jan. 31, 1976 38 Raol Estate 206 acre modern hog farm, (arrow to finish. 4,000 bead annually. Harold Fries, P.O. Box 149, Bedford, Pa. 15522. 814423-9223. FOR SALE 200 acre level farm THIS FARM JOINS TWO AMISH FARMS ALLAN AUCHMUTY (owner) RD2, Box 145 Danville, PA 17821 Derry Twp. Montour Co. Phone 717-437-2265 Mail Box Market Wanted - Dairy cows for starting a herd up to 40 head more or less. 717-354-9634 Wanted - Small dairy herd. Lloyd Z. Fox, R 3, Ephrata, Pa. 17522. Phone 717-733- 0280. For Sale-Direct cut bead for (Papec model 32 forage harvester) Excellent con dition, $150.00 takes it. Phone 717-421-3056. Stroudsburg Area. Monroe Co. For Sale - Esco milk dum ping station w-1 inch glass line. Make offer. Phone 717- 866-5204. For Sale - 516 New Holland, 3 beater, manure spreader. $950.00. Phone 717-354-5092. Wanted - Female Chesapeak Bay Retreaver. Box 96, Rl, Hershey, Pa. 17033 Wanted - Dairy family wishes to buy working dairy farm. Suitable for 75 to 100 cows. Have cows and machinery. Prefer southern Pennsylvania, Maryland, or Delaware. Phone 302-378- 9065. Leßoy Deputy, Box 124, Odessa, Del. 19730. For Sale -15 ft. Speedy wire corn crib holds 1200 ou. or ear com. PH: 301-057-8246 For Sale - John Blue sprayer with 30’ boom. 400 gal. Stainless steel. 301-239-7221 For Sale - Holstein Heifer, fresh from Artificial Breeding. 30 head feeder cattle, also slate roofing. 717- 456-5529 For Sale - 1955 CMC truck, good condition, 14 ft. flat dump, gram sides, new motor, good 900 x 20 tires, price $BOO. 301-734-8075 Wanted - Old fashion loom. Suitable for rugs and general weaving. Willing to repair. Please write age, condition and price. Sirs. W. Hoag Laurel Circle, Malvern, Pa. 19355. Wanted - Clamp for a Sputnik. Moses B. Glick, HI, Radcliff Rd., Willow Street, Pa. 17584. For Sale - 4 Big Holstein heifers. Ready to freshen. Dams milked ud to 20.000 lbs. milk. Joseph K. Click, R 3, Quarryville, Pa. 1 mi. south west of Georgetown. For Sale - Old English Sheep dog. Female. AKC registered. yrs. old. Phone 717-733-6741. Moil Box Morhet Wanted - 269 or 273 Baler with or without thrower. Phone 656-7013. Wanted - Trailer plow 4 or S bottom, 9* to 12’ disk harrow, For Sale - Egomatic egg grader $22.50. Silo unloader, 2 yean old. 215-4456409 Wanted to Buy - 160’ of Cornell Barn Cleaner chain (or 17” gutter. 717-865-4538 For Sale - IS H.P. lawn and garden tractor, also I set 14 inch Chevy wheels and good used oQ (mans. 717665-7324 Wanted • Steel wheels for J.D. 530.520.50. Will buy or trade with the rubber tires and rims. 215682-7926 For Sale - J.D. 2 row com planter; 4” auger elevator 12 ft., Oliver 300 Pto Hammer Mill. 2 PTH Field Sprayer, Poultry Feeders, nests, waters. 201-7356389 after 7 pjn. For Sale - Two purebred Angus service aged bulls (1 Registered-Sire: Carthage of Wye). Call R. Stem after 5 pjn. 717-697-0473 For Sale • Good sound family horse about 11 yrs. old. Jacob B. Ebersoi. Peach Bottom, Goshon Mill Ed. Wanted - Small, round, wire com crib, with metal roof. Now or in spring, 717-933- 4318. For Sale - One set tractor tires, very good, 16-9-34 on rims. 215-682-6276 Wanted - Friction or belt feed parts for old American saw mill. Write Herbert Egner, Elkton, Md. RIM, 21921 For Sale -1 John Deere No. 999 com planter, 6 sets of work harness and lots of 1-2-3 horse hitches, etc. to be sold at David Good’s Sale on Wed. Feb. 4 For Sale - Farmall 460 fast hitch, power steering, lav. shaft. Also PA. Real nice condition. 717-933-4678 For Sale -1 Hay wagon with track. 301-378-4334 For Sale - McCormick No. 46 Baler with No. 10 thrower. AH PTO. Works OK. PH; 717- 367-6975 For Sale - Five female German Shepherd puppies, 6 wks. old & weaned, $lO ea. Call 717-464-3975 For Sale - Ten ft. Brady Chisel plow; JD 54 manure spreader with tail gate; AC 16” 4 bot. plow; JD 14 T Baler with kicker; AC All crop 15 disc grain drill. PH‘ 717-684-6212. For Sale - Hay truck, 32 ft. International flat bed. Can haul 400 bales, ex. cond, recent inspection. Ready to go. $3500 PH; 703-777-5134 For Sale - Two Registered Springing Holstein heifers. 1 Reg. Service age bull. From Elams with high production records. PH: Mt. Joy 717-653- 5811 For Sale - Farmall A Tractor with cultivator, snow plow & wheel weights, very good cond. |995. PH: 717-284-4624 Purebred Chihuahua stud service. Call 717-354-0293 For Rent - Small tenant house with garden privileges, Christian couple with farm background preferred. Call 717-426-3684 Wanted - Operators manual in good cond. for IHC 350 gas utuiity tractor with price. C. J. Carpenter, Box 322, Middletown, Del. 19709 Moil Bpx Morkat For Sale - Oats, 156 Patx Material mover 40 ft. brand new. Also wheat and barley straw. Pbooe MUlenburg, Pa. 692-3934 For Sale - Mustang 1000 skid loader, flotation tires, good condition. 717-354-9601 after 5 p.ra. Wanted • Herd of young Holstein cows, also two 5$ pound Surge milkers. Elam Zook, LeoLa ROl, Pa. 17540 Quariy Road Wanted • 4 to 6 ton grain bulk tank. Must be in good shape and easy to move. 201447- 3775 anytime N.J. Wanted - A late model John Deere or International 2 row corn planter. Call 717-649- 5322 or write Clarence B. Zeager, Milton, RD2, Pa. 17647 For Sale • Milking Parlor, double four Herringbone. Surge, Feeding, Heating and Milking systems included. Make offer. 215-9264798 Wanted.- Used Diesel motor 80-100 HP. Write or Call H. L. Miller, Jr. RDI, Box 252, Felton, Pa. 17322, 993-2057 For Sale - Second cutting Alfalfa hay (no rain). Also 560 gas tractor. 814-237-7523 For Sale - Ear com. 717-249- 2300 For Sale - Int. 674 Gas Row Crop with 1850 Int. Loader, 18.4 x 30 rear tires, less than 75 hours. 717-733-6776. For Sale - Big 6 yr, old sorrel lead mule $7OO. Benual M. Fisher, RD2, Peters Road, New Holland, Pa. For Sale - AKC Registered Cocker Spaniel puppy, white and buff $40.00. 2154154272 For Sale - Brand new bushel crates $2.00 a niece. Stephen S. Stoltzfus, Christiana RDI, Box 3348. For Sale - Int. 855 Diesel, can, 18.4 x 38 tires, dual hydraulics, 540-1000 RPM shaft, extras, good cond. Call 215-589-2307 For Sale - Steel wheels, off J.D. tractor. Wanted - Hired hand from old order Men nonite, age 15 or 16. 215-682- 7811 For Sale -1970 Dodge pickup truck, automatic, 318 V 8; Big Dutchman poultry feeder 300’ Medium wide trough; Sauder manure loader, Model FM-20. 717-653-1249 For Sale - 5 bottom 16” automatic reset Case plow. Semi-mounted with rear cylinder. Excellent con dition, $1,850. 717-367-5167 For Sale - High moisture com from Harvestore, ap prox. 12 percent protein not eicene corn. Calvin H. Lazarus & Sons, Whitehall, Pa. 18052, Lehigh County, 215-799-3375 For Sale - N.I. 323 one row pull type com picker, like new, used only On 60 acres, $2,850.00 Leesburg, Va. area 703-338-7424 For Sale or Trade for Com - International truck with 16’ grain box ideal for hauling hay. 717-868-5966 after 4 p.xn. For Sale - Young family cow, also 1 set of front steel tractor wheels with springs, like-new. PH; 215-682-6441 Wanted - Caterpillar, three cylinder, D 6 for partis. Cali 215-683-7214 For Sple - 1962 Dodge Dump Trucks VB, in running order.' Dump works very well. Call 215-693-5275 Best offer. Moil Box Market For Sale - Used 70 ft. Belt Bunk Feeder, leu motor. Call 215-676-0891 Best offer. For Sale • N.H. 345 L Tank manure spreader. Bearings, chains. It one lid. New within 2 yrs. Needs work on second lid. Asking |SSO. PH; 717-546- 2451 For Sole - 100 H.P. In ternational Industrial 6 cyl, engine with clutch assembly in good condition. $400.00. Calf2ls-445-4946 For Sale - Grey oft side work horse 8 year old sound with snap. Walter Hoover R 2 East Earl Pa. 17519. Eaat of Goooviße along Rt. 23. Farmhand Wanted - Wheelrake, 12” Post Hole Digger, 5 ft Rotary mower & 60 pcs. 2” z 6” x 16” used chain saw. PH: 717-284-2424 Will do custom work with skid bottom. Handles any type manure; has 47 f ’ bucket; good for narrow doorwrap. Will haul 60 miles, or now considering area. Call Everett Grove, Hanover. 717-637-2947 For Sale • John Deere 483 mower conditioner in good condition and ready to go $950.00 PH: 717-776-3084 Wanted - 2 bottom 16 inch 3 pt. trip plow, in best con dition. Trade in or for sale Ford 3 bottom 14 inch 3 pt. trip plow. Call between 4 & 8 p.m. 717-9496826 For Sale - Locust posts, round or square, s’, 6’, 7’, 8 s length, will deliver. T. L. Barkins, R 2, Duncannon, Pa. 17020 717-834-3674 For Sale - 30 inch Magic Chef avocado bottled gas stove with top shelf, uke new. Jacob Stoltzfus, Myerstown, Pa. For Sale - Ford Snow Plow for 8-9 N - some 600 series front mount $250. Wanted - Black Hawk Com planter pr parts. PH: 215-582-3066 For Sale - 0 Frick Sawmill. PH; 717-573-2373 For Sale - John Deere four row com planter 494 A, liquid fertilizer & insecticide at tachment, very good con dition. Call 717-369-2892 A.K.C. Labrador Retriever puppies. Yellow and black. Omer B. King, 1230 Gypsy Hill Rd., Lancaster, PA 17602 For Sale - JD 3 -14” Crawler Plow, 3 point hitch. Good condition. Call between 6-7 717-966-2004 2,500 gal. S.S. Tank Truck. Tank in excel, cond. Ideal for milk or fertilizer. Also Jamesway 10’ Silo unloader, like new. PH: 717-354-7988 For Sale - Surge Milking Parlor, 2 Pret stalls, 4 milking stalls, 5 yrs. old. Must see to appreciate. Albeck Farms PH: 301-658- 5846 For Sale - Golden Retreiver pups, AKC, wormed. Bom Christinas day. Call after 4 p.m. or weekends. PH: 609- 455-7306 For Sale - 1 - 3 bot. 16” hydraulic pull plow; 1 • gleaner Model K Combine 2 yrs.; 1-Oliver 62W Baler; 1- Int. 1965 stake body truck; 1 - set tires Bply tubes, rims 184- 34 Call after 8:00 p.m. 215- 345-1909 For Sale - Heavy Oats. 215- 488-6315 Wanted - Rear PTO assembly to fit Caterpillar D4Tractor. Also for sale - JD 490 4-row com planter. PH: 215-267-2459 Moil Box Morkat For Sale - Oliver Tractor 2255 4 wheel drive with V 8 Cat engine, 350 bn. like new. PH; 213443-2444 For Sale - 800 bales beautiful 2nd cutting hay, crimped and no rain. Also wbed from Chevy pickup. 717-354-7317 For Sale • Auto. (Dedicator used very little price; brackets and hydraulic for Sauder Loader, fits Maxsay Ferguson. Wanted-Uquld vacuum manure tank spreader. 2154435798 For Sale - Top quality Yorkshire Boar, ready for breeding. 250 lb. And one butcher bog around 600 lb. Call 213-287-2251 For Sale - Ladies leather coat, brown, size 14, long, fully lined. Custom made, London, never worn. $125.00, 301-2833121 For Sale - Roll Guard off a 1085 Massey Ferguson • gX).OO. Wanted - Used fourth ttom for a 450 automatic International plow. PH: 717- 762-1926 For Sale - As is steam boiler, 4 pans 6xB. Wrecked I.H. T 190 truck, 549 engine, roadranger transmission, 83 Gehl harvester. 717-866-2091 For Sale - Generator 15 KW 1200 RPM Powered by Catipillar Diesel Engine $1975.00 mounted on heavy duty trailer, $1995.00 John Brubaker, Seven Valleys, Pa. PH: 717-224-2050 Wanted - Person interested in dismantling a large shed in exchange for lumber- PH: 717-653-1451 Ask for Ken. For Sale - % Blood Sim mental Bulls. J. E. Etter, Box 84, Blain, Pa. 17006 PA 717-536-3554 ■ For Sale - AJC.C. Miniature Schnauzer Puppies. PH: 717- 665-3041 For Sale - Top Buggy. Good Condition. Paul R. Hoover, Leola Rl, Pa. 17540 For Sale - Massey Harris M6O Self Propelled Combine, International Hay Con ditioner, fast hitch 2 pt. cultivator, self unloading wagon. Box 8 x 16. power take off grinder ana mixer, farm wagon, 717-739-4630 8 young Hereford cows and 2 Angus cows bred for sum mer $235.00 each, with 4 month old calf at side - $290.00 ea. PH: 717-925-6576. For Sale - New New Idea 206 Manure Spreader. Aaron P. Miller, Bird-in-Hand, Pa. Wanted -12 hole hog feeder. Call 215-445-6067 For Sale - 400 Gallon Zero Milk Tank, SP 22 Vacuum pump, Mojonnier Station dump, also Massey Ferguson cultivators. PH: 717-927-6580 For Sale - Canopy for tractor or backhoe. Also Wanted - No. 4 plow coulters for John Deere plow, phone 215-445- 6976 For Sale - One 16 x 60 Fickes silo, used one year, Also - Patz silo unloader, phone 717-656-9595 For Sale - One 800 Gal. vacuum Mojonnier milk cooler, bulk tank. Also, five unit Surge pipeline milker, phone 717-867-2384 For Sale - John Deere tractor 4020, excellent condition, phone 717-437-2118 - please caU after 8 p.m. Wanted - Spffqlk. or Shrop shire breetf ram, for "Spring or will exchange, 717-733- 8072. Moil Box Market For Sale - High pressure spray rig with 900 GaL Myers tank without pomp, mounted inside 15 ft. van type trailer. Will sell sprayer or trailer separate, 717-397- 0035 For Sale - John Deere 494 A corn planter, Also, liquid or semi-liquid manure S reader, 3,000 Gal, phone 7-733-4516. For Sale - 12 Killowat Generator, for 115 & 230 volts, flat belt drive, asking (600, phone 717-367-7016. For Rent - V 4 Farmhouse, available immediately, Christian couple with farm experience preferred, fur nish references, 215-445-6896 For Sale - Female Eskimo ss, call 717- For Sale - New Idea Roller bar hay rake, 3 pt. Ford cultivator, New Idea Fox tilizer Drill, cultipacker, Oliver Raydex trailer plow, Int. com planter, A.C. plow and com planter, snow fence. 717-786-3618 For Sale - Int. No. 531 3 pt. 14” 3B trip plow, good condition; Also 12 ft. Int. No. 401 Spring Harrow; Cun ningham hay conditioner. 717-786-3591 For Sale • Delco Electric Motor, 1% horse power 220 & 440 Volts. Richard C. Hoff man 717-225-3032 For Sale - 2 Reg. Holstein heifers due Feb. & Mar. Dams records to 18,DOOM. Bred to Ultimate and Kit Builder. PH: 717-225-3758 For Sale - Heavy butcher bogs. Moses S, Zook, Gap Rl, PA 17527 4 Wanted - Small American or Super B grain dryer. Also 41’x6” or 7” or 46’x6” or 7”- transport auger. State-prices condition ana size or model. PH: 717-758-2953 Wanted - Vacuum Spreader tank. 800 to 1200 gaL, must be in good condition. Call 717- 596-2551 For Sale - Dried sawdust, good for bedding, will deliver. Also top quality mixed hay, no rain. PH: 717- 3454109 For Sale - JD Mounted Plow, 4 bottom, 3 pt. hookup - $3OO. JD No. 8 Mower, 7* - $2OO. Also Western saddle and bridle, English saddle and bridle. Gettysburg, PA 717- 677-7073 For Sale - Milk Cooler, 2 can..;, Westinghouse top loading A- • 1 condition. Can deliver $65.00 also good cow tie chains. PH: 717-649-5320 Wanted - Manure. Will load and haul on Saturdays. Elizabethtown Area. 717-367- 5822 For Sale - Super M Farmall, Price $1,250.00. PH: 717-865- 4961 For Sale - 22” Frick Thrashing Machine, late model $300.00. Manasse A. Yoder, Aaronsburg, PA 16820 Wanted - JD 3020 or Int. 656, no power shift tran smissions. Call 717-473-9417 after 6:00 P.M. For Sale - 8 yr. old Stan dardised mare carriage horse. Traffic safe & sound. Eli C. Shirk, R 2 Ephrata, PA < PH: 717-354-7294 5 For Sale - 11 ft. Banner Pickup Camper, completely self contained. Asking $l5OO, Farmall BN with cultivator, corn planter & grass mower $650. 717-345-8626
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