isil Vox Market Moll Box Market ATTENTION ALL PHONE NUMBERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY YOUR AREA CODE. Sale - Myers Snow PUm, In. like new, for Chevy ck Mounts, lights and fctric lift 9400. Call 215-367- ited - Slip coven made ig rhair k small ladies 3r, Have material 717- -2651 ■Sale - HRS Lifter Diesel i.p. rebuilt one year ago. coad. 91000. PH: 215-286- Sale - Mixed Hay, 2900 s $B5 a ton at the farm. 717-788-7185 I Sale - Meat Grinder 7Vi ! Refrigeration units, sn 3 too&5 too. 15 &30 h,p. ctric motors. 600 amp. e boor fc meter base. All 3 ise. 4%” & 2” conduit. [: 717-750-1362 entloo! February 4, Allis timers B at David H. od Sale, Leola, PA, good idition, hydraulic starter. anted to Buy - Small band crated cider press with usher or will buy crusher y. Charles Luik, 77 Keller re., Lancaster, PA 717-393- 39 »r Sale - 5 H.P. Lehigh Milk unpressor, like new mdltion. Also broom aking outfit. John B. Zook, 1 Kinzer, PA Peters Rd. THE IVANHOE OUTCBOSS.. 7H107 WORTHY MASTER His Sire: COUNCIL ROCK WORTHY ARISTOCRAT Excellent (91) Gold Medal ECRASO DARK MASTER SADIE 3524177 Very Good [B9] Gold Modal Dam H I 365 2x 27378 3.4 920 Lifetime: 259.568 M 1794 F USOA Sin Summary (Oct. 1975] 3168 Dtrs. f 1220 Herds] 15068 M 3.49% 523 F Pnd.Diff.74 +552M -.17% -5F Repeatability 99%; Dollar Difference +s24 *3.00 PER UNIT t w COUNSEL ! BOX 46, RD2, So. Chester Co. & Del. Don Taylor 717-529-2212 COCHRANVILLE, PA 19330 no. Chester Co. & Lane. Co. Aaron Stoitzfus 717-442-4074 INFORMATION 215-932-2607 For Sale - Allis Chalmers Diesel Tractor with 575 fan. Allis Chalmers 6 row ho-till corn planter. Call day 717- S285-4844 or Evenings 717-6 S- For Sale • 20 Jamesway Lever stanchions, in good condition. Levi K. Esh, R 2, Leola, PA 1968 Chevy dump truck. 900 rubber, 2 PSD rear, 300 bo. alum, beer grain body. Body cost $4500.00 asking $4900.00 complete. 201-782-4297 For Sale - John Deere *4olo’ diesel brand new 4020 engine, new brakes, clutch, transmission gone through newly painted, over $400030 put into this tractor will sell tor about $BBOO.OO. Tractor in Connecticut. Call 1-203-735- 1492 For Sale - A one-horse buggy with top in excellent con dition, $500.00. High-quality harness $lOO.OO. PH; 1-717- 432-4658. For Sale -12 Acres Bernville area. House has new roof, 7 rooms with bath. Frame bam. Call 215-928-4348 Wanted - Hand wheel hoe cultivators. 2 wheel type. T. Puzio, 389 Knoll RdT, R 1 Boonton, NJ 07005 SIRES SELECT, Mail Box Market For Sale - Int 283 Combine IS’ grain head in excellent condition. Also Int. No. 412 - 3 bottom semi-mount plow. PH: 717487-2458 Wanted to Buy - Used Goose neck trailer for Pickup truck. PH: 7174424243. Wanted - Old Floor boards. Yellow pine. 8" to •” wide. Will remove. Also need old wood and cool cookstove. PH: (717) 872-5389 Wanted - 54’ poll-type Allis Chalmers *Bo’ Series Com bine or ’it’s equivalent.’ Excellent condition only I Please drop card with info. Arnold J. Daly. Box 71 Rl, Crownsville, MD 21032 For Ssle-Gefal Mix-All Feed Mill model no. 55. Needs mill bearings. Had new drive belts last year. Will sell whole or ports. 717-808-5455. For Sale - Well built 64” trade, rubber tire wagon with Oat bed. $325. Abram S. Renno, R 2 Mlfflintown, PA 17059 For Sale - New Int. 32008 skid loader; 10.00 16.5 tires; 55” bucket; parking brake $6595.00. PH: 301-34M389 For Sale - Shell com, cob com, excellent alfalfa hay. Also John Deere KBA 28 disc barrow (ideal for garden) PH: 301-452-8673 Lambing Now - Bottle-broke pet lambs available. $6.00 each at farm. Call 215-693- 6530. Wanted - BN, Serial No. 263844 or higher, with good robber, needing no repairs. Also interested in plow and cultivator for same. 717-289- 4727 The WORTHY MASTER daughters are tali and sharp. They are clean-cut cattle that stand taller in the front end than they do in the rear end. Udders are well attached fori and rear, with strong median support and proper teat placement. The dairymen who like Worthy Master best are those who are milking his daughters. His maternal sister, Ecraso Topper Sheia, made an Ohio State record with 36940 lbs. milk. This is the bull to use on short cattle that need more “daylight" under them. Jon-Vel Worthy Molly [VG-89] Left 3-5 343 d 2x 22220 M 3.4% 760 F Jon-Vel Worthy Dolly [EX-91] Right 34 365 d 2x 23970 M 3.4% 816 F Owner: John J. I Hugh E. Knoop, Fletcher, Ohio HFA Type Summary [May 19751 242 Glass. Din. Av|. 79.9 11.6 191 Prs, Dtrs. kig. 191 Prs. Dams Avg. PDT [91% Reply.] Moil Box Market Custom Dressmaking - mending - alterations • all types - Men’s, Women's and Children’s clothing, Barbara Haner 215-8884301 For Sale • 4 month old Reg. Plott Coonbounds. Parents top coonera. Reasonable. 1M yr. old male Border Collie, $25.00. 814-4884808. H. E. Harpster, Boalaburg, PA 16827 Parking - Lot lights - Two 400 watt Mercury Vapor lights and one transformer makes a set. I have 3 sets. 850.00 each set 21M824561. For Sale - Gefal 440 Haybine used 2 seasons like new condition. Asking 82300. PH: 717-7844034 For Sale - Rabbit Hutches. 20”x30” with stainless steel trays and waterers. Elsm M. EbersoL 558 Gibbon’s Rd., Bird-inland, Rl, PA For Sale - Bam - 92’x38’r61’ high has to be tom down. AQ good lumber. 215-488-1303 1973 E-300 Ford.Stepvan; % ton; 300 C.I.D. 6 cylinder; all new tires; shelves; 23,000 miles; $3590 or best offer. 301-6584613 For Sale - Locust posts, round & sawed. Christ Beiler, R 3 Box 359, Quarryville, PA. First farm north of Nmepoints of 896. Apple Valley Cross Country Ski Area, Open 8 a.m. to 4 6,m., 12 miles North of oyertown on Rts. 100-29. Call 967-2862 For Sale • 300 gal. Friend potato sprayer, wooden tank with 10 row adjustable brush boom. Good condition. Leßoy Kerscfaner 215-756- 6758 /77\ ZJ A v 27 DOUBLE PLUS */ BULL HIS DAUGHTERS For Sale - AKC Labrador Retreiver puppies. 830 ea. PH: 717-8854M2 For Sale • Trucks • 1968 - GMC, 144 ton, 12’ stake body, engine overhauled, steel bed, good tires. Ideal for farm use. 8450.00. 215-777-8351 Wanted • Reduction PTO for TD9, or TD6 crawler. I. B. Zimmerman, R 2, Epfarata, PA 17522 For Sale - 2 Springing Holstein cows coming with 2nd calf. Clifford A. LeVtn, R 2 Milton, PA 17847 Call 717- 742-7008 For Sale - Like new 2 feed conveyor, 1 45’ by Riaaler taporboard, 1 18’ Badger. 717428-1645 Wanted - Ford tractor BN, 860 Jubilee, 2000 or 3000 with power steering, low & high range It a 3 point hitch 2 bottom plow. PH: 215-395- 2732 For Sale • 2 Holstein Steers approx. 800 lb. each. Wanted -1 billy goat and many goats. PH: 717-867-1496 For Sale -1 Nanny goat, very Sentle. Due to freshen in une. Also twin kids, female & male. 717-7336802 For Sale • John Deere 24T Baler with Ejector - Call 717- 367-3103 or 367-2090 Wanted to Buy - McCullough Super 33 Chain Saw for pans. A. White, 149 Bell Road, Ridgely, MD 21660 (301) 634-2717 Wanted to Buy - Bred Suffolk and Coniedale ewes. PH: 717-653-5409 Will pay good price. 80.0 tl.B 10.3 10.4 +0.90 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Jan. 31 t 1976 Moil Box Market Wanted - Portake-off or chard sprayer also 3 point hookup wood saw. Aaron H. Zimmerman, R 1 New Holland, PA 17557 between New Holland and Hinkletown. For Sale - A wood & coal kitchen range. White enamel Call 717437-2696 or write James Cyphers, Bloomsburg, PA Rl, 17815 For Sale - A Showdown Panna mare will be super broke by Spring. Sorrel, White blaze, needs a good home 61000. Call 717-523-0413 For Sale - Timothy Hay and Straw. Berks County 215-967- 6360 For Sale - Reg. 5 yr. old Suffolk Ram. Call 717-244- 4655 39
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