—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Jan. 31. 1976 26 Farmers to plant more com in ’76 ANNAPOLIS - Maryland farmers report they intend to plant more com this year, cut back on plantings of soybeans and barley, and keep their oats acreage equal to last year according to the first 1978 planting intentions report issued by the Maryland Crop Reporting Service, a cooperating agency of the Maryland Department of Agriculture. A January Ist survey of CftMl /5/**,VtV»V*VAV»V«V*****%V/»V»V»V«V LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Use This Handy Chart To Figure Your Cost Words (1| Issue (3] Issues] 14 or Less $l4O $3 36 15 1 50 3 60 16 1 60 3 84 17 1 70 4 08 18 1 80 4 32 19 1 90 4 56 20 2 00 4 80 KEYED ADS (Ads with answer coming to a Box Number, c/o Lancaster Farming) 50 cents additional Ads running 3 or more consecutive fames with no change billed at 20 percent discount Deadline Thursday of each week's publication. Lancaster Farming P 0 Box 266 Lihb. PA 17543 Phone Lancaster ' 717 394-3047 or Lititz 717626 2191 Help Wanted Wanted - Full time herd* sman for 85 cow dairy farm. Experience and reference needed. Must be married. Home, utilities, salary supplied. PH: 717-865-3655 anytime. Wanted - Experienced man, full-time farming. Crops only, no livestock. Able to operate & repair modern machinery. House furnished. Mennonite family preferred. Write P.O. Box 266 D, c-o Lancaster Farming, lititz, Pa. 17543 Experienced and reliable person for dairy and general farming. House available April 1. Pipeline and modern equipment. References with reply. Write Box 2668, c-o Lancaster Fanning, Lititz, Penna. 17543 Experienced Christian Teen for modern daily. Room and board, good wages, references. Write Box 266 C, c-o Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Person for modem fanning operation. House and privileges. Write giving experience and references. Write Box 266 A, c-o Lan caster Farming, Lititz, Penna. 17543 Man experienced in Retail Sales to work in Fanners Market two days a week & 3 days on farm. Have home to live in with all utilities. PH: 215-256-8415 TRY A f IJ IFIF Maryland farms indicates that fanners intend to plant 690,000 acres of com for harvest this year up by 7 percent from last year’s harvest acreage of 645,000 acres which produced an all time record crop. Soybean acreage ac cording to farmer’s reported intentions, will drop 15 percent to 275,000 acres and barley acreage will decline 3 percent to 110,000 acres from the 1975 plantings. SIM PHONE 717-394-3047 or 717424-219) Help Wonted Help Wanted -14 to 16 year old Amish boy to work in shop who likes to fix gagets and use wrenches. Write Box 266 E, c-o Lancaster Farming Newspaper, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Dairyman wanted, some field work required- Ex perience necessary. References required. PH: 215-932-9762 Sales Representatives Wanted: Men-Women, full or part time. Daytime or evening positions open. Call 717-569-9391 between 10:00 a.m. and 7 p.m. Wanted - Hog, Steer and Tobacco Farmer, must be able to use and maintain equipment. Preferably single. Write Box 266 G, c-o Lancaster Farming Newspaper, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Experienced farmer to rent or share crop on dairy farm with milking parlor. Milking up to 75 cows. Will help finance. PH: 717-456-5961. Antiques Top prices paid for dark colored Amish quilts made before 1940. Bryce Hamilton, Tipton, lowa 52772 Business Opportunities DEALERSHIP OPPORTUNITY as big as agriculture and YOU The American farmer has achieved a stature in the world economy which secures his prosperity better than ever As a Case dealer supplying his produc tion needs, you share in this unlimited opportunity Franchises are available in New YorK and Pennsylvania As a Case tractor and implement dealer you are the power specialist, providing the essential power for greater producti vity at a prpfit Power specialization lets you devote all of your time and resources sales, parts, and service to one area Tractors You cover the field in 12 sizes of power from 43 to 221 H P with the Case-Oavid Brown line You may also qualify for the light con struction equipment franchise, which J I Case includes our SBOB, the number one back- A Tenneco Company Oats planting* art re potted to b* 38.000 acres equal to the 1078 figure. Earlier, the Crop Reporting Service released wheat planting intention figures for Maryland which show that 150,000 acres of winter wheat were seeded, a crop of 12 percent from year ago plantings. Olde Homey Hints To dye wood floors, a mix ture of the inside bark of the red oak was used. A dark color was set with copperas. After the dye was applied and let dry, the floor was wiped with a weak lye. Fi nally, the floor was rubbed with a waxed brush. Hob Household Goods 9 piece Maple Dining Room Suite (Large Table) very good condition. Reasonably priced. TEL: 215-593-5961 Situations Wonted Young ambitious man with cattle and equipment desires farm to rent or position with elderly purebred dairyman wishing to retire in near future. Fall 1976 - Spring 1977. Send details of farm when writing for resume and references. I am presently fanning on my own. Write Box 266 F, o-o Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Penna. 17543. Agri-business salesman desires lob in Eastern Pennsylvania. Ex cellent track record. Write: c-080x266N Lancaster Farming Lititz, PA 17543 Wanted - Farm Position, Beef, Dairy, Hogs, Poultry, Sheep, Orchard. Willing to learn from ground up with working farmer. Part nership or participation later. Background in Banking and Finance. Marriea Robert Fassett, 18 B Knoxbury Terrace, Greenville, South Carolina 29601 Wanted - Investors for Large Dairy Operation. For more __ information write: P.O. R..«:>i«cc OnnnrtunitiM 266 W, c-o Lancaster Far- Busmess Opportunities mtagj ijtitz, Pa 17543 hoe-loader Vibromax compaction and lawn and garden franchises may also be available Case will help guide you or your managers to sound business practices, aggressive marketing and strong advertising, and promotional support Our Case Credit Corporation will support you with both wholesale and retail financing Interested 7 Call or write Jim Tulleiow bales Manager J I Case Company PC Box 50128 Indianapolis Ind 46256 Or call collect 317-849-4770 There is no obligation, of course FERTILIZER Areyou tried of paying $l5O to $2OO or more per ton for fertilizer? Try dry poultry manure fresh from the broiler houses. Delivered and dumped on your farm in 8 to 16 ton loads within 50 miles of Lancaster. You can buy 8 to 100 tons. Next delivery in Jan. $25.00 per ton delivered. Write Box 27, Strasburg, PA 17579. Trucks SPECIAL - SPECIAL - SPECIAL (30) 75 & 76 PICKUPS (30) 1974 - Sportsman 8 pass. 1971 • D-100 Pickup real nice (2) - 1973 - Club Cab Pickups (5) * W 4x4 Pickups - 70 to 75 Models PETTICOFFER DODGE, INC. Route 230 East Next to Shoppinf Center Ebabethtown, M PHONE 367-1808 Business Opportunities Try A Classified Ad l> Pays! Trucks 1964 F-750 Ford Stakebody; 391 C.I.D. Engine; 2,600 miles on engine; 5 speed trans; 2 speed rear; hoist; bed needs work: $l4OO or best offer. 301-4584613 For Sale - '63 Chevy truck, 60 Series with new paint and new inspection. 717-733-0553 1973 Chevy Truck, series 30, 7 x 812 ft. Van Body, power steering & floor shift. Also 1973 F 350 Ford truck, 12 ft. Body. Also 1975 Custome Deluxe Series 20 Chevy Pickup with power steering & column shift. PH: 215445- 6802 1968 Chevv Pickup, no rust, new paint, real nice $795. 1971 Opal Stationwagon, new exhaust, 2 new tires, 54,000 mi. real clean, 30 mpg $B5O. 35 ft. flat bed trailer $l,OOO. PH: 215-689-9896 For Sale - 1965 FBOO Ford Truck with 11 ft. new Leader L 20 spreader body with 2 speed transmission on drag chain for lime and fertilizer, good condition. Phone 717- 527-2310 Farm Equipment For Sale - Air compressor, used stand-by alternator PTO, 3 H.P. and 5 H.P. motor, New Handy-Man jack. Call 215-445-6409 For Sale - John Deere Cyclone B, excellent shape, recently overhauled $BOO. 215-384-8343 or 215-384-5546 For Sale - A. C. no-till corn K* er - 2 row with 3 pt. and dry and liquid fertilizer with squeeze pump. Also has new insecticide boxes and no-till coulters. $9OO. Call 301-239-8252. Farm Equipment For Sale - MO Oliver corn planter, excellent shape; Oliver MO Diesel overhauled. Wanted -1680 Oliver Diesel Ph; 717-044-502* Lime k Fertilizer Spreaders. New Willmar and boom type spreaders and a few used ones in stock. C. U. Stoltzfus Mfg. Inc. Box 296 F, Morgantown, PA 19543 215- 2855146 Wanted - A late model John Deere or International 2 row com planter. Call 717440- 5322 or write Clarence B. Zeager, Milton RD2, Pa. 17847 Wanted - Two horse trailer for large horses. 717-83341843 Wanted - IHC No. 60 Hydraulic drag plow, 3 or 4 bottom. Also hydraulic pump for A.C. Model G or whole tractor for parts. Tel. 914- 651-7415 Pillmcier Farms, RDI, Florida, New York 10921 For Sale - Steel wheels for International or Farmall tractor. PH: 717-359*7865 For Sale -1 New Holland & 1 Allis Chalmers forage wagons, $9OO ea. PH: 215-445- 6802. USED FARM MACHINERY; New Holland 357 Grinder-Mixer, 2 years old; 424 International Harvester Tractor, 3PT Hitch - Excellent Condition - 4 years old - Used only for a short time. Please contact Charles J. Knox Whiteford, Md. 21160, or Phone (301) 836-1418; Before 8:30 a.m. or after 7:00 p.ra. AC - Dl5 n excellent con dition, good rubber & 3-16 snap Coupler plow. $2600.00 complete. 67 Chev. Series 50 tk, 21,000 gross, steel body, food cond. slooo.ooalso 2*16: x 28 used tractor tires $15.00 each. 8 tube Ontario Grain Drill $30.00. PH: 215- 767-6867 966 International Tractor with torque converter & 350 hrs. PH: 215-679-4285 A.C. 175 Diesel Tractor only 1247 hrs.; A.C. D-17 Diesel Tractor; A.C. D-14 Tractor w-Arps loader w-both buckets; A.C. WD Tractor; Oliver 1850 Diesel Tractor w wide front end w-only 2479 hrs.; Oliver 770 Tractor w widefront end; Fannall 706 Tractor in good condition; M.F. 165 Diesel Tractor; M.F. 50 Tractor; Fannall C Tractor; Gehl 3030 Skid loader w-60” bucket; 2 Weaverline Elec. Feed carts; Snow plow for Ford 3000 or 4000, like new. Speical prices on New Cobey Model 140 & 340 Manure Spreaders. C. J. WONSIDLEB BROS. ALLIS'CKALMBRS SALES & SERVICE Can (215) 536*1935 or 536*7523 New Holland Crop-Carrier 6; front and rear unloading; 8* ton running gear; $6OO or best offer. 301*658*4613 For Sale - John Deere 2 row com planter $500; 4” Auger Elevator 12 ft. $130.; Oliver 300 PTO Hammer Mul $050.; 2 PTH Field Sprayer $2OO. Poultry-Feeders-Nests- Waterers. 201*735-8389 after 7:00 P.M. TRACTOR A MOTOR REPAIRS Over 20 years ex perience with Ford tractors and equipment. Shop & Road Service Pickup and Ddheiy Walt Stively, Jr. SprinpiKtßoad QuanyvHteßD3 Phone 717-710-2252 .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers