Form Equipment Form Equipment Needed - Rear End for MUSTANG 7 H.P. Garden Tractor, 32” torque drive, QPC. Contract Blue Mountain High School, UameaShadle, Ag Dept. PH: 717-366-0511 SERVING FARMERS IS OUR BUSINESS. BALDWIN ELECTRIC MOTOR DIV. Complete Electric Motor Rewind & Repair. New Baldor Farm Line Motors For Service Call 354-5566 RD2 Narvon, PA 17555 24 Hour Service One mile west of Honey Brook on Rt. 322 toWmter Warm-Tfy Dags * FEBRUARY 2 thru FEBRUARY 7,1976 & • COFFEE AND DONUTS • SOFT DRINKS New Equipment 530-540-550-580 Manure Spreaders 12'8" 370 Disk Harrows (Special) 16x7 & 18x7 Grain Drills v - N0,,55 Chisel Plow v 2 No. 45 Vibra Shank Cultivators ' 710 Automatic Plows (Special) 990 Mower Conditioner (Special) 475 Disk Harrows 4 & 6 Row 400 Planters 315 Packer Mulchers New Tractors 364-D - Utility 674-D - Utility 464-D - Utility 674-D Row Crop 574-D - Utility 666-D - Farmall 574-D Row Crop 1066 D Farmall w-Cab SPECIAL NEW FARMALL 14D • 1 Pt. Fast Hitch, Front & Rear : : Wheel Weights $3935#00 Used Tractors & Equipment White Oliver 1855 D, low hours [excellent] 1-460 w/New Idea loader Ford 4000 w/Loader Ferguson 20, w/Sauder loader 430 Deere w/cultivators B-414 Diesel [low hours] Farmall N Farmall Super H [2] Super C-s w/Equip. [l] Fast Hitch 10% DISCOUNT ON ALL IH PARTS Free Hauling on any major overhauls within 50 mile radius. 11111161 INTERNATIONAL INC. ■ 1054 SOUTH STATE STREET ■M EPHRATA. PA 17522 WZ I ■■l.- PHONE 717-733-2283 Uncisttr County's OnlytirtenUttonal Full line Pnlet. |^^ For Sale • Allis Chalmers 200 Diesel Tractor, 690 hrs. Plus John Deere 9 hot. automatic reset plow with ac cumulator. Plus 160 ft. Jamesway heavy duty bam cleaner chain. 717-529-6360 1 HAT with *lO.OO Purchase to Hist Twenty People [Limit -1 Per Family! Farmall 200 w/Cult., Mower & Plow Farmall- G w/loader 13 x 7 J.D. Grain Drill 15 x 7 J.D. Grain Drill 17 x 7 J.D. Grain Drill Calhoun Forage Box Int. 125 Bu. P.T.O. Spreader 470 Disk Harrow 13’10” Form Equipment Used John Deere 24T Baler with ejector. EVERGREEN TRACTOR CO. INC. 30 Evergreen Road Lebanon, PA 717-273-2116 ERB & HENRY EQUIP. INC. New Btrfinvifc, PA 1 MileN.olßoyertown Phone (215) 367-2169 mtm FARM ■U EQUIPMENT 'PARTS A SERVICE 'OeLAVAL DAIRY EQUIP. 'JAMESWAY 'FLICXES SILO *FMC —— SPRAY 'BEAN- EQUIP. New Equipment Hawk Biit Manure Spreaders Zimmerman elevators Pequea hay tedders Ford industrial motors Glenco & Athens chisel plows Heavy 10 ft. disc harrow Vicon fertilizer spreaders Century sprayers, all sizes Gehl baler $l5OO last year’s price 770 Gehl mower conditioner at old price Used Lely fertilizer spreader, ground drive, like new. ZOOK’S FARM STORE Box 222, RD2 Honeybrook, PA 19344 N.L 702 Gas Uni-Tractor 213 New Idea Manure Spreader 212 New Idea Manure Spreader M.F. 3-B 3 pt. hitch plow WATCH FOR OPEN HOUSE FEB. 11 & 12 ROY H. BUCH, INC. Ephrata 859-2441 No. 8 & 10 N.I. Manure Spreader on steel for sale, good condition. 106 Waird Walking plow. I will deliver. Elmer S. Kauffman, Box 87, Atglen, PA. For Sale - Hesston Model 5600 Round Baler, baled approx. 150 bales, $4600. 717- 766-6944 For Sale - Sauder High lift loader, 1 yr. old. 215-445-6802 For Sale - Cozy Cab for John Deere Tractor. 215-267-6198 For Sale - Allis Chalmers 200 Diesel Tractor with 650 hrs. Plus John Deere 5B auto, reset plow with ac cumulator. 717-529-6350. MANURE PITS 36 ft., 48 ft., and 60 ft. diameter. 12 ft. depth, cir cular precast concrete with gunite coated interior. ZIMMERMAN INDS. INC. RDl,Ephrata, PA 17522 Phone: 717-733-6166 Henco 7 tooth Soil Saver, ke new. PH: 717-653-5359 New Holland 455 trailer mower Int. 100 Balanced trailer mower hit. Side Delivery Rake J.D. No. 32 Hay con ditioner Pequea Tedders Farmall Super H Farmall M M.F. 165 Gas Miller’s Repairs R 1 Bird-In-Hand, PA PH: (717)656-7013 Form Equipment For Sale - 700 Farmall, gas, fast-hitch, 16 speed with TA, new battery, 16.9 x 34 tires like new, low hours on overhaul. PH: 215-766-7212 TRACTORS A.C. 200 A.C. 180 A.C. 170 IHC 656 Gas 1HC544 IHf 140 IHC Cub Cadet J.D. 110 J.D. 112 Snow plow for Super A Used Gehl Forage Wagon Badger Forage Wagon Dion Forage Wagon GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE Quarryville Phone 786-7318 TRACTORS Ford Model 2110, 8,000, 4200, 800, 600, 9N Major Diesel w-290 hr. John Deere A Model 52 w-square seat Demonstration Kubota Model L 225 w-snow plow, rotary mower, plow, cultivator. MACHINERY New Brady Flail chopper Model 722 Brady Hammermill Model 950, fully equipped, hydraulic drive, PTO Snow Blades Snow Blowers Wood Splitters 3 Used Snowmobiles - Moto-Ski, Caribou STRALEYFARM SUPPLY, INC. 1760 East Canal Road Dover, PA 17315 717-292-2631 or 717-292-4443 For Sale - 801 Ford Tractor Selecto - Speed $1,850. PH; 717-244-6125 Ford 5000 with 4 bottom plows; Farmall M with power pack, 3 pt. hitch, live Hydraulic & front end loader; Massey Ferguson self-propelled combine 12 ft. cut, like new; Ford forage harvester 3 heads, perfect; 2 row mounted com picker for Farmall M. Several other items, wagons & etc. 717-759- 0793 Wanted - Plow for small tractor with draw bar hitch. PH: 215-942-3908 For Sale - A Wain-Roy- Anderson Snowplow with Hydraulic Blower Model A, like new. Gehl FHB3 Forage Harvester with com head and FHB4 pickup head in very good condition. Vincent J. Wolfe, Rosely Rd. St. Marys, PA 15857 PH: 814-834- 3277 For Sale - Grain Dryer - Continuous Flow Model 600 M.C. Excellent Condition. PH: 201-462-9417 For Sale - John Deere D on steel. Write to: John K. Stoltzfus, Rl, Ronks, Box 56, PA 17572 For Sale - 3 com pickers, (1) John Deere 101 1-row mounted $125; (2) New Idea No. 7-1 working & 1 for parts $475, PH: 215-723-5223 Wanted - Good used No. 2 J.D. bale ejector. Call Reuben Martin, R 2 Myer stown, PA 17067 PH: 949-3706 For Sale - 1855 Tractor, low hrs. extras; 6B 18” plow, auto reset; 180 bu. Gehl manure spreader 12 z 10; Taylor disk like new. 215-273- 2794 For Sale - Farmall 656 Hydro, excellent shape 1800 hours; Also Farmall 560 Diesel, completely overhauled, less than 500 hours, brand new rubber. Cutting back our operation. Call 717-933-4678 Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Jan. 31,1976 Form Equipment Form Equipmo it For Sale -196 ft Model 103 d. k New Holland Stackliner. 56 A __ m m -w bale capacity-very efficient. WtW Call 609-825-0212 after 6 p.m. or 609-825-3726 8:00-6:00 p.m. 1961 International Utility 460 G $2371. 1967 XT 190 A.C. Diesel $6250. D 4006 Deutz w-loader, 519 hrs. $5600. D 9006 Deutz $B2OO. Portable L.P. Gas Heater 150,000 B.T.U. capacity, thermostate fan forced circulator $125.00 Duetz DSSO6 tractor, 57 HP used 200 hrs. Warranty $6840.00 Duetz F2L-310 Rebuilt diesel w-electric start. 11-21 HP $950. New Stakhand 10 (1-only) Special Price $5,555.00 Special Price $7,500.00 350 Papec Forage Harvester (new) 2-row $3,913.75. STAUFFER DIESEL INC. 312 West Main Street New Holland, PA Phone 717-354-4181 J.D. 1300 6-row narrow Com Planter, used 1 year 154 Cub Low-Boy, Demo. Pannall 544 Gas Farmall 400 Diesel Tractor COPE&WEAVER CO ■■■ New Providence ■SB- 786-7351 USED EQUIPMENT • H-FarmaO with Wide Front End • 1200 David Brown Tractor • 930 Case Tractor with Cab • 1537 Case Uni-loader • MK Pony with snowplow, 2 Way plow, cult. & harrow • F2O Farmall • Gehl 880 Windrower • IH 990 Windrower • Hesston PT 10 • Case 555 • Dunham 15 ft. Cuttimulcher A 12 Used Spreaders A lo Pick From! ZIMMERMAN'S FARM SERVICE Bethel, Pa. Phone 717-933-4114 (1) Myers GP 100 gal. sprayer w-hose and gun Myers engine driven wheelbarrow sprayer Used 6 & 8 row field sprayers Meyer mower and crusher combination Hay Conditioners Used Wagons Wis. 2 & 4 cyl. engines A.C. Power Units N.I. No. 7 & No. 10 spreaders Air Compressor N.I. Spreader and Meyer Hay Conditioner Parts Used sprayer pump Welding and Fabricating. BEN FISHER 73 South Ronks Road EDI, Ronks, PA SIANiY A. KLOPP MC. Sales and Service Farm Equipment John Deere • New Holland New Idea • Bnllion DeLaval • Jamesway Lawn-Garden Equipment John Deere • Anens . Lawn Boy Chain Saws John Deere • Homelite Bicycles John Deere Waiver of payment on following New Equipment J D Tractor, Balers, Stakewagons, Mowsr Conditioners N H Balers, Haybmes & Harvesters' Bernville, PA 19506 215-488-1510 Discs - J.D. (1) KBA 28, (2) KBA 24, (1) KCA 10 ft. Transport, (1) Int. 24; J.D. Big 4, wide Wheel Horse Mower; Massey Ferguson Dyna Balance 7 ft. quick hitch mower, N.H. 55 & 56 roller bar rakes. Motor driven Drill Press; No. 9 silo filler like new; 5 ton wagon; Mechanical and New Idea transplanters; Papec silo fillers like new; New Holland 404 hay crusher; Hay Tedder kicker type; MC Matthews rotary scythe; Surge SP 22 milker pump. Wisconsin engines w-reduction gear; New Idea Roller bar rake; Jamesway and Louden litter carrier: Oliver 1 & 2 bottom 14” pull type plows; 2-row horse cultivator; IHC No. 9 7ft. mower; Phone Tom Wheary 717-687-6553. Tr.iCfO'S Equipment ALLEN H. MATZ, INC. 505 E. Mato St. New Holland, PA Ph. 354-2214 SERVING THE COMMUNITY TWENTY SIX YEARS For Sale - 4 ft.-4 ft. 8 in.-and 6 ft. concrete hogs slats. Valentine Petersheim, Box 329 A R 2, Mifflintown, Pa. 17059 Farm Gates 10’ - 12’ - 14’ long. All other lengths by order. B. John Stoltzfus, Gap, Rl, Millwood Rd. Protects Your Farm Against Power Failure Your profits go down when power goes off 1 Let us show you how you can protect your family and farm from costly annoying power outages by leasing or buying a Wmpower alternator 'th* «M r»hofcl«" DISTRIBUTOR MARVIN J. HORST Dairy Equipment and Amana Appliances RD#l|lona| Lebanon, PA Phone 1717| 272 0871 Located on Route 897 between Schaefferstown and 1 ebanon over 30 years m business at same place 27
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