O—ljncatlf Farming. Saturda; 7i Public Sales Register SAT. MAR. 6 - 130 a.m. Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Shop Tools. Feeds, Butchering Equip ment and Household located 3 miles North of Hsnovtr, Pa. on Route 116, turning Cast alter crossing Railroad Track thence going 1 mile to sale at Smith Station. Located in York County. Sale by Bernice P. Becker, owner. R 3, Spring Grove, Pa. Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer. SAT. MARCH «- Dairy Herd Dispersal and Farm Equipment located 1 % miles North of Bowmansville along Bowmansville Road,Just off Route 625. Sale by Weber's Hatchery, Leon & Floyd Weber, owners; Leroy S. Horst and Paul W. Horst, Auctioneers. SAT. MARCH 6 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Household Goods by Weaver W. Nolt, located between Ephrata and Reamstown, Pa. John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers. SAT. MAR. 6 - 10:30 am Large Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate, Ex cavating & Paving Equip ment, Trucks, Cars, Shop Tools St Equipment. Located PUBLIC AUCTION OF VALUABLE SAWMILL EQUIPMENT, FARM MACHINERY, LIVESTOCK, & PERSONAL PROPERTY SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1976 10:00 A.M. Location; Going West from Dover, Delaware to Pearson Corner (Rt 8) approx. 4 miles turn left on Rose Valley School Rd. (Rt 198), first farm on right SIGNS WILL BE POSTED. 350 J.D. front end loader w-bucket & lumber forks, TD-9 Int. crawler w-winch, 22 Catapillar w-pto and belt pulley, 471 Detroit Diesel power unit (exc. cond.J, 0-1- Frick sawmill w-20’ carriage V-belt driver, log turner, 4 head blocks, Carnell 30’ slab elevator, Carnell log cleaner saw, 2 - cut-off slab saws, 3 mill saws (1 - 56”, 2 - 54”, good), 4-2 wheel brush saws, 2 sets log tongs, lumber cart & track, lumber rollers, log chains, line shalt, pulleys, 10” x 28’ endless belt, N.I. wagon, N.I. manure spreader, E-Zee flow fertilizer drill, Mc- Cormick Deering com binders, 22” McCormick thrasher, 2 - J.D. wheat binders, com shreader, 2 - No. 7 mowers, McCormick side delivery rake, dump rake, 2 grain drilhsr'ir Ferguson disc, (pull type), 6’ single disc., 3 section dragharrow, 2-2 section springtooth harrows, 3 section springtooth harrow, 2 riding cultivators, Brillion cultipacker, McCormick ensilage cutter w-com & forage head, J.D. 2 way riding plow, 1 horse plow, 1 horse planter, wooden wheel wagons, antique cattle wagon, Bearcat hammer mill, lawn roller, lawn spreader, lawn mowers, wheelbarrows, 300 gal. gas tank, pipe dies, pump jack, leg vise, small engines, cow stautions, 2,3, & 4 horse eveners, hames (some w-brass knobs), carriage poles, brooder stoves, wooden barrels, 55 gal. drums, hay fork and track, 6 scaffold bunks, walnut secretary desk w-ball & claw feet, maple china closet, dresser, chest of drawers, sofa, recliner, oak & maple folding chairs, office chairs, file cabinet, baby carriages, big pot belly stove, Rite-Way wood heater, oil stoves, cast iron kettle, porch swing, double sink, double tub, 2-22 rifles, Martin birdhouse, cream separator, lumber (l”x6”, 2”x4”, 2”x6”, 2”x8” various lengths), 4”x4” fence posts, cement blocks, tin roofing, 24’ x 85’ pole building (to be moved in 30 days), range shelter, hay bunk, scrap iron, lot of belts, lot of hand tools, and many other items too numerous to mention. Livestock to be sold at 1:00 P.M. Biown Swiss family cow, 4 sows (3 w-pigs), 3 purebred sheep, 1 pair white geese, 2 purebred bassett hounds, 100 bales of hay (approx.). 100 bales straw (approx.). Terms: Cash or approved check. BYLER’S SAWMILL Henry D. Byler, owner Wilson’s Auction Sales & Service Dave Wilson Auctioneer & Sales Manager 422-3454 or 856-7561 Jan. 24. 1976 at 2506 Joppa Rd., York, Pa. midway between Leaders Heights Rd. 4c Susquehanna Trail, only minutes from Exit 4. Rt. 83 at Leaders Heights. In York Twp., York Co., Ps. (Formerly known as Feiglera Nursery) Watch for arrowa. Real Estate 2:00 P.M. Victor Dell*Alba. At torney. Robert L. Secnrlst, Auctioneers. SAT. MAR. 6 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment & Household Goods. Located near Route 183, between Reading & Bernville, Berks County. Sale by Mable Ruppert. Paul E. Blxler, Auctioneer. SAT. MAR. 6 - 9:00 am 12 th Annual All Day Sale by Bart Twp. Fire Co. Complete listing of Farm Eq., Horses, Hay, Straw, Building Material Household Goods, Fruit. All items sold on Commission basis, donated items appreciated. Sale by Bart Twp. Fire Co. on Pa. Rt. 896 6 mi. south of Strasburg. Local and well known auctioneers. MON MARCH 8 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment located 322 West from Ephrata, V* mile North of Lunch Served Agway Store Terms by James R Hackman John E and Paul E Martin, Auc tioneers WED. MARCH 10 • Public Sale of Farm Equipment by Adam 2. Zimmerman located 2 miiea West of Ephrata along Rt. 322 at 1981 W. Main St, Ephrata, Pa. John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers. THURS. MARCH 11-All Day Public Sale of Livestock, Farm Equipment, Tools, etc. for Melvin Stoltzfus, Rebersburg, Pa. Frank Snyder and Click & Son, Auctioneers. FRI. MAR. 12 - 10:30 «jn. Public Sale of Hereford Cattle and Modern Farm Equipment. Located 1% miles southeast of Myer stown along road to Richland, Pa. Sale by David & Virgie Ressler. Ralph W. Zettlemoyer Auction Co. THE MARYLAND STATE CONVENTION SALE JANUARY 30 - 11:00 AM. At the Caroline Coupty 4-H Center near Denton, Maryland 65 HEAD OF REGISTERED HOLSTEINS 57 Cows and Bred Heifers 6 Outstanding Heifer Calves Z Bulls ready for heavy service Plenty of Milk - Excellent Bloodlines Foundation Quality Sponsored by MARYLAND HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION A. Doty Remsburg, Sale Manager Jefferson, Maryland -S DRAFT HORSE & MULE » SALE WED., JAN. 28,1976 12:00 Noon At Sales Stables along Rpute 340,2 miles East of Intercourse, 4 miles South of New Holland, Lancaster County, Pa. Two loads of Mules and Draft Horses and Saddlebred Horses from Kentucky. Six pair Sorrel Mules. One pair gray Mules. One pair dark browns mules & Singles. One pair Sorrel 4 year old Draft Horses, They are top Horses well broke. Mated pairs and Single Horses and Mules. Also Standardbred and Saddlebred Horses will be hitched at 9 00 a.m. Notice to Consignors; Call and check as our room is limited to stabling. Tack sale at 12:00 Noon. Horses, 1.00 p.m. PAUL Z. MARTIN BLUE BALL, PENNA. 17506 Residence - 717-354-6671 Business - 717-768-8108 MARTIN AUCTIONEERS Hay, Straw and Grain Sale Every Wednesday, 12:00 Noon. SAT. MAR. 13 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment and Cattle. Located between State Hill and Brownsville, turn North at Spltler’a Garage. Lower Heidelberg Twp. Berks County. Sale by Kennit B. Staudt. Paul E. Blxler, Auctioneer. SAT. MAR. 13 - 10:30 s.m. Public Sale of Real Estate. Antiques & Household Goods. Located % mi. East leading from Nine Points to Christiana. Off 896 along Noble Rd. First Crossroads White Oak & Noble Ed., Sadsbury Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. Sale by Edith M. Bailey Power of Attorney Marcus G. Bailey. Attorney Ralph W. Eby Jr. Lloyd Krdder & Randall Kline, Auctioneers. SAT. MAR. 13 - 10:00 aJn. Sharp. Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Antiques & Household Goods. Located along old Rt. 11l (Susquehanna Trail), 1 mile west of Exit No. 2 (Glen Rode Interchange) of Rt 13 In Springfield Twp.. York Co., Pa. Sale by Paul ft Pauline Attlg. owners. Robert L. Sechrlat, Auc tioneer. SAT. MARCH 13 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment by Glenn M. Hoover located along Rt. 272 just South of Brownatown, Pa. John E and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneer!. SAT. MAR 13 - Eastern Shore Showcase Sale, Hunter Sale Barn, Rising Sun, Md. featuring SO of the best Registered Holstein Calves ana Heifers from Md. For catalog write Robert Knutsen, RDI, Rising Sun. Md. 21911 or call 301-85M325 For catalog write Robert Knutsen, Rl, Rising Sun, Md. 21911 or call 801-&M325 SAT. MAR. 13 . Public Sale of Brood Sows, Cattle, Farm Implements ft Household Goods. Located 3 mi. South of Bowmansville, 1 mi. East of Center Church along Turkey Hill Rd., Lancaster County, PA. Sale by John Z. Martin. Leroy S. Horst & Paul W. Horst, Auctioneers. SAT. MARCH 13 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment and Heifers for John Forney, located North of Fontana PUBLIC SALE OF MODERN FARM MACHINERY Along White Oak Road Vz mile west of 896, AVz miles South of Strasburg, 2 miles north of Georgetown. Bart Twp., Penna. SATURDAY, FEB. 21,1976 11A.M. 6 TRACTORS Ford 8000 diesel tractor w-new cab all hyd. hookup; IHC 656 diesel row crop 3 pt. hitch hyd. hookup; IHC 504 gas tractor 3 pt. hitch low hours, IHC 444 gas tractor, David Brown gas tractor 700 hrs. International cub w cuits and fast bitch. 5 bottom 16 in. International No. 700 fully auto, plow. No. 46 IHC transport 36 disc, IHC 13 ft. cidtimidcber No. 315 w-flotation tires, Miller 10 ft. heavy duty disc w duals (2 yrs.), IHC 15 It. No. 104 spring harrow w-hyd. carrier, Brillion 12 ft. single cultipacker. Massey Ferguson 510 Diesel Combine 13 ft. grain head w-Hnme reel, cab w-air cond. also No. 44 4-row corn head. New Holland 489 haybine, New Holland 256 rake (2 years). New Holland No. 276 baler w-thrower, 2 hay rack wagons 8x 8 -18 one Grove, Maywrath 33 ft. elevator, IHC - 4 row No. 56 cornplanter w-fert., 4 McCurdy grain bin wagons - 3 large size. 2 McKessic auger wagons, 1 flat bed wagon, IHC 2 row No. 550 forage harvester w-2 row 38 in. comhead and pickup, New Holland No. 25 blower ' (1 yr.), Grove ensilage wagon, 2 row IHC No. 234 mounted com picker (late model) IHC (1 pr.) pull type com picker (less than 100 acres). IHC GRINDER MIXER NO. 1150 {VA YEARS) IHC No. 510 grain drill 16 double disc w-fert., Arps manure loader fits 8,000 Ford w-6 ft. bucket and pilot fork, 5 ft. IHC bucket, Brillion packer seeder 10 ft. (2 yrs.) 10 ft. IHC fert. drill (like new), Lalliston 4 row rotary hoe, 10 ft. Bestland rock picker, hyd. control (good), Maywrath 6 in. grain auiger 30 ft. w-motor. Cardinal 16 ft. elevator, IHC 550 manure spreader hyd. endgate, 2 row Holland tomato planter, tool bar w-2 - 100 gal.'tanks, 1 tomato box wagon, app. 1500 new and 3,000 used tomato baskets, 4,000 tobacco lath & baling box. 1969 SCOUT 4 CYL. 4 SPEED 4 WHEEL DRIVE 49,000 ML 1969 6 cylinder 350 Ford 10 ft. flat bed. 1955 Ford 1200 gal. water tank w-P.T.O. pump and hose that works. Ford 7 h.p. lawn & garden w-34 in. mower IHC No. 11l flail chopper, IHC No. 110 bal. head mower hgy. type. 18:4-38 tractor chains, 2 seeders elec, and P.T.0., 2 - 36 in. fans, hyd. cylinders. IHC and Ford front end weights, 1 set of hubs & tires for dual wheels (38 in.), 1 ton chain hoist, Universal and Surge milker units. Single cots. Many articles not mentioned. Terms by: A. Landis & Mary Jane Stauffer J. Everett Kreider Carl Dilier, Aucts. Lunch by Mt. Eden Lutheran Church Aucts. note: This will be some of the best equipment you will see sold this year. In 8. Annvllle Twp. Harry Bachman. Auctioneer. SAT. MAR. 13 - Public Sabs of Farm Implements and some Household Rams and Antiques by Paul Keeney located 3 roilaa North of Rehrersburg on Midway Road. Copenbaver and Brldegan, Aucts. MON. MAR. 15 • 11:00 am. Public Sale of Full Line of Farm Equipment Located just off Rte. 441 along Spring Garden Drive, north of Middletown, Pa. Sale by Emma M. Lonaenecker. Auctioneers, Raymond Miller & Rufus Geib. MON. MARCH 15 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment located in the Village of Rbeems about 3 miles West of Mount Joy. Sale by Melvin 0. Nolt. Harold “Abe” Shaffner and C. H. Wolgemuth, Auctioneers. MON. MAR. 15 - 10:00 A.M. Annual Public Sale of Farm Machinery. Located at M. M. Weaver & Sons, N. Groffdale Road, Leola, PA 17540 PH: 717-656-2321 THURS. MAR. 18-9:30 A.M. All-Day Public Sale of Holstein Dairy Cows, Heifers, Farm Equipment, Tel. 717-687-8321
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