Public Sales Register SAT. FEB. 21 ■ 10:00 A.M. Sharp. Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate, Modern Household Fur nishing, Some Antiques & Tools of the Late Wilbur C. Anstine Estate Located at 27 Plank Road, Shrewsbury Boro, York Co . Pa. at the Rt. 83 and Plank Road Ovenpass. Sale by Glenn E. Anstine. Robert L Sechrist, Auctioneer. MON. FEB. 23 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment. Location between lititz & Ephrata along Millway Rd., 1 ml north of Rothsville, Warwick Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. Sale by Amos W. Hurst. John E. Martin & Paul E. Martin. Auctioneer. TUBS. FEB. 24 - Public Sale of Dairy Cows, Farm Equipment and Household Goods. Elton Horning & Alvin Homing, Auctioneers. WED. FEB. 25 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment, etc. located between Richland and Stouchsburg, Leb. County. Sale by Mrs. Allen Nolt. G. Harvey Weik, Auctioneer. HUNTER’S SALE BARN, INC. Rising Sun, Route 276, Maryland (Formerly West Nottingham Sales) Phone: 301-658-6400 Livestock, Poultry, Produce, Household Auction, Flea and Farmers Market Every Monday Night. COMPLETE DISPERSAL BINGHAM CENTER, PA., (POTTER CO.). SATURDAY, lAN. 31ST, ll:OOA.M. (Blizzard date Wed., Feb. 4th, 11:00 A.M.) Located: at Bingham Center, Pa., between Ulysses and Genesee, Pa. and Whitesville. N.Y. Watch for arrows on Rt. 49 at Ulysses and Mills, Pa., Rt 449 - 1 mi. south of Genesee, Pa. and Main St Whitesville, N.Y. 66 Head Reigstered & Hi-Grade Holsteins 66 36 mature, 8 bred heifers, 9 open heifers, 13 started calves, 1 stock bull. 16 fresh & springing, bid. bred for summer and fall. 7 Registered. Young with duality, good udders and milking real good. Health charts, ready for interstate, vaccinated for shipping fever, pregnancy checked. 3010 JD utility W.F. diesel; 460 Int. gas, P.S., TA., L pto., Hyd., W.F.; J.D. model 70 barrel spreader; J.D. 7 x 17 disc drill; J.D. 3 pt. h. blade; J.D. 3 pt. h, 3- bottom 14” plows; M.C. rotary scythe 9’ (used 2 yrs,); 2 kicker wagons (8 T. running gears); Lamco unloading wagon; Int. 2pt. h. 14” 3-bottom plows; Int. 2 pt. h. 2-row corn planter; Int. chopper w-direct & cornheads; Int. rake; Int. blower4o’ pipe; Int. harrow; 2pt. h. mowing machine; Int. 47 baler w-kicker; 1948 Dodge truck 12’ bed; GMC w-hoist; 36’ elevator. Milking Equipment: Dumping station w-70’ hose; Auto-matic washer & dryer; 3 Surge units; wash vats; Surf e S-P-ll Pump; pails & strainer. Quantity ear com; approx.' 4,000 bales good mixed early cut hay - sold in 3 lots. Quantity com silage. No small tools, sale sharp 11:00. NOTE: Mr. Kiebach has accepted employment as a herdsman and moving from area. Lunch by Tri-Town Fire Dept> Tent Mr. & Mis. Allen R. Kiebach, Owners ROBERT M. SHAYLOR SALES Ph. 717-297-3278 Robert Shaylor Jerry Pirrung Robert Mullendore Auctioneers Pat Pirrung & Son Robert Siingerland - Clerk THURS. FEB. 28-12:30 pjn. Public Sale of Farm Equipment located 4 miles North West of Manhelm, 1 mile North of East Fairview Church of the Brethren along the Brenneman Road on the David Fidler Farm. Rapho Twp., Lancaster Co.. Pa. Sole by Elmer M. Shirk: Rufua Gelb and Raymond Miller. Auctioneer FRI. FEB. 27 - I:*M> pm. Production sale, Yorkshire or Duroc boors, bred gilts, & open gilts. Sale at Lebanon area fairgrounds. Sale by Leon, Lawrence, and Thomas Arnolds. FRI. FEB. 27 - Public Sale of Hones, Sheep and Farm Equipment located on Belmont Road, south of Intercourse, Pa. Sale by Elam Petersbeim; Wilbur Hosier and Larry Martin, Auctioneers. SAT. FEB. 28 - Public Sale of Registered & Grade Holstein Dairy Herd and Dairy Equipment. Located - 6 miles North of Robesonia, 2 miles Northeast of Robesonia - Bemvßle Road, Berks County. Sale by KIE6ACH MACHINERY Sale Managers MelVi' Gerhart. Paul E. Blxler, Auctioneer. SAT. FEB. a - 10:00 a.m. - Public Sale of Tractors & Tillage Tools, Harvest Equipment & Miscellaneous. Located along Locust Point Rd. from Manchester to Strlneatown. (close to Conewago Creek) Coming South on 83, get off at Exit 12. Watch for Sale Signs. El wood M. Swartz, owner. Auctioneer - Blaine N. Rentzel. SAT. FEB. 28 - 9:30 A.M. Public Dispersal sale of Holstein Dairy Cows, Heifers and Farm Machinery located 2 miles East of Quarryville along Route 372, 7 miles South of Strasburg, Lancaster Co., Pa. Terms by Melvin R. Stoltzfus; Leroy Zook and Leon Kurtz, Auctioneers. SAT. FEB. 28 - 1:00 p.m. Public Sale of Farm Im plements. Located 1 mile North of LiUtz along Rt. 501. Terms by Jay Lloyd Bom berger. Robert E. Martin, 656-7770 & Frank L. Steller, 656-9055. SAT. FEB. 28-9 a.m. Con signment Sale located 5 miles Southwest of GAP AUCTION FRIDAY EVENING, JAN. 30,1976 6:00 P.M. Located off Route 41 • Lancaster Avenue Opposite Turkey Hill Mind Market - Cross RR Bridfe. ANTIQUES AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS SOLD AT EVERY AUCTION Inspection Friday from 9:00 a.m. until sale time. CONSIGNMENTS ON MONDAYS OTHER DAYS BY APPOINTMENT FROM 8:00 A.M. TO 7:00 P.M. Call us tor pick up service IRA STOLTZFUS & SON, Auctioneer 442-4936 or 442-8254 CONDUCTORS ALL TYPES PUBLIC SALE PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, JAN. 31, 1976 Commences at 12:30 P.M. Sharp Located 7 miles North of Dundee, 5 miles South of Penn Yam, 2 miles Northwest of Himrod on Briggs & Spicer Rd. 18 HOLSTEIN COWS 9 fresh, balance in various stages of lactation. Pregnancy tested. Shipping fever shots. FARM MACHINERY JD B tractor with cultivator; JD 630 tractor; Case 220 baler; International 1150 Grinder-Mixer; Pioneer Bean Combine; JD No. 40 manure spreader; 30 ft. elevator; JD 2 bot. 14” plow; Oliver 2 bot. 16” plow; wheat sprayer; International flail chopper; Lamco self unloading wagon; JD Rotary mower; Grape sprayer; Case hay crimper; 4 row corn planter with liquid fertilizer attachment; 1-row 1 TR International corn picker; Old NI picker; International 13 disc drill with fertilizer attach, cabbage planter, running gear; In ternational blower ensilage cutter, Easy-Flow line spreader; side rake; bean puller; weeder; mower; Patz silo unloader. SMALL TOOLS Marquette welder, air compressor, Craftman table saw, sander, grinder. MILKING EQUIPMENT Four Surge units; 450 Haverly bulk tank; Approx. 8 ton of com; 10 bags of wheat. Terms Cash. MR. & MRS. DAVID L HOOVER, Owners Bob Allen & Boys, Auctioneers, Sale Managers, & Real Estate People Dundee, NY 607-292-3180 Lewis burg, Pa. on Salem Church Road. Sale by Glenn Erdley, ROl, Lewis burg, Pa. SAT FEB 28 - 10:00 A M Public Sale of Late Mode) Farm Machinery, Shop, Tools it Trucks Located approx, miles north of Delta, York Co., Pa , turning off Rt 74 at Glackin’s Exxon Station & follow signs to sale. Sale by Worley & Marjorie Harrington. Robert L & Thomas Sechrlst, Auc tioneers. SAT. FEB. 28 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Household Goods and Woodland located between Goodville and Churchtown, V* mile South of Route 23 along Pool Forge Rd. Sale by Ammon S. Nolt, Leroy S. Horst and Paul W. Horst, Auctioneers. SAT. FEB. 28 - 10:00 Public Sale of Real Estate & Household Goods, 4 wooded lots. Bart Twp. 5 mi. South of Strasburg along 896, village of Georgetown. Sale by Alfred George & Ross Erb. Auctioneers: Lloyd Kreider & Randal Kline. SAT. FEB. 28 - All Day Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Livestock, Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Jan. 24,1976 Household Goods. Mules, Horses, etc. to be held at the Strasburg Fire Hall, Strasburg, Penna. Con signments and Donations welcome. All proceeds benefit Strasburg Fire Company. L & S Auction, Sales Managers and auc tioneers. SAT FEB 28-2 P M. Public Sale of Real Estate ana Household Goods located in Clay Twp , between Clay and Hopeland Sale by Vernon M Burkholder John E and Paul E Martin, Auctioneers SAT. FEB. 28 - 12:00 Noon Sharp. Keister’s Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc. Horse Sale. Draft & Driving Horses. Located at Keister’s Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc. Route 522, three miles East of Middleburg, 5 miles West of Selinsgrove. Art Kling, Auct TUBS. MARCH 2 - Public Sale of Livestock and Im plements by H. H. Becker, located miles West of Manheim Auto Auction at Lancaster Junction along Warehouse Road, 3 miles South of Manbeim. Pa. Frank and Paul Snyder, Auctioneers. TUBS. MARCH 2 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Horse drawn farm machinery, Livestock and a few household goods located % mile Norm of Honey Brook, first farm out of town along North Broad PUBLIC SALE LIVESTOCK, FARM MACHINERY, FEW ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD GOODS FRIDAY, FEB. 20 f 1976 Located 6 miles South of Strasburg on Route 896 in the center of the Village of Georgetown, Lane. Co. Bart Twp. Penna. 23 Head of dairy cows & heifers, registered & grades; included in the herd are the following: 2 & 3 yr. old First & second calf heifers by popular sires. Fleetridge Monitor, Mowery Ivanhoe Prince, Kingstead Ivanhoe, Lockway Sovereign. Lucifer Lad, UTAG ivanhoe Ultimate, Paclamar Triune Jethro, Knob Lick Elevation Bob; Angus bull; II head of feeder bulls & heifers. 5 WORK HORSES 1 pair? & 8 year old sorrel geldings; 1 pair 5 & 6 year old sorrel mares; 1 9 year old sorrel mare, bred to Belgium Stud; 7 year old Morgan horse broke single & double; 10 month old colt; 8 sets of heavy harness just 2 years old; 2,3,4 & 6 horse hitches; 2 forcarts; hade buggy in good shape ' FARM MACHINERY 302 A C baler with 4 cylinder Wise, engine; New Idea crimper with A C engine; New Idea mower with engine & hydraulic hookup; McCormick 7 ft. ground driven mower No. 9; Dars wheel rake; New Idea 12-A manure spreader; Oliver 2 bottom plow; John Deere KBA Disc; John Deere harrow; McCormick cultivator; cultipacker; International corn planter; New Idea transplanter; 16 ft. farm wagon; Papec silage cutter, some pipe; 10,000 tobacco lath; shears; spears; 2 Minnich tobacco presses; 2 platform scales; Briggs & Stratton 9% horse engine; Deutz diesel; some Surge milking equipment; 30 gal. gas water heater; stainless steel (win tubs; strainers; milk pails; some small items not listed. 1400 Amp. belt drive welder; 2 hrp. portable air compressor; small sand table; baler & binder twine; Most machinery on this farm was used only 2 years. Approx. 35 ton mixed hay; Approx. 40 ton ear com ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Dinner bell; 75 antique school desks; 50 good slate blackboards; 3 store counter; chairs; rockers; sofas; antique straw cutter; 35,000 BTU Coleman stove; new Ashley wood heaters; Warm Morning coal heaters; iron butchering kettle; butcher bench, New White glass shades. Some new & used furniture, misc. an tiques etc Order of sale: small items off wagons; household goods & antiques; farm machinery & feed etc.; livestock. Come early, not many small items. Not responsible for accidents day of sale. Refreshments available. Auctioneers: Lloyd H. Kreider Steve Petersheim Street, Cheater Co., Pa. Terms by Jonaa S. Stoltdua; I>croy Zook and Leon Kurtz, Auctioneer*. TUBS. MARCH 2 • Dairy Herd and Farm Equipment •ale located 5 milea East of Bowmanavllle lust off Maple Grove Road, H mOe east of Maple Grove Drag Strip. In Brechnock Twp., Berk* Co. Sale by Reuben Zim merman; Leroy S. Horst and Paul W. Horst, Auctioneers. WED. MARCH 3 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment for Robert Kreider, located North of Fontana in S. Ann ville Twp. Harry Bachman, Auctioneer. THURS. MARCH 4 • Public Sale of Dairy Cattle and Heifers for Kercben Hill, Richland. Pa. Hanover Hill Sales and Service, Millerton, New York, Managers. THURS. MAR. 4 - Public Auction of Farm Equipment & drops. Located • 1 mile Southwest of Goodville. Sale by Chester M. Weaver Jr. Kevin Z. Martin & Lewis B. Groff, Auctioneers. THURS. MAR. 4-10:30 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Machinery & Tools. Located approx. mile off Rt. 74 at the Brogue, towards Muddy Creek Forks along Oscar Road, York Co., Pa. Watch for signs. Oscar Shaull, owner. Robert L. Sechrist, auctioneer. At 10:00 A.M. SALE BY ABNER FISHER 69
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