»'.< i n't vtbvihiP nuUrnal wiVurmn l 66—Uincatier Farming, Saturday. Jin. 24. 1976 Public Sales Register and equipment. Victor Plrrung and Son. Sale managers and Auctioneers, Wayland, New York. SAT. JAN. 24 - 1:30 p.m. Public Auction of Valuable Real Estate located at 140- ISO So. Main St., Manheim Borough, Lancaster Co., Pa. Sale bv Farmers First Bank, Lititx, Pa. Mr. Luttrell, Trust Officer Executor tor Helen W. M. Hoke, Estate; E. M. Murry Associates, Auctioneers. SAT. JAN. 24 - 12 P.M. Special Daytime Dairy Cow Sale at the Smoketown Quality Dairy Sales, located 5 miles east of Lancaster, 5 miles West of Intercourse alone Rte. 340. Sale by Gordon W. Fritz; Frank and Paul Snyder, Auctioneers. SAT. JAN. 24 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Valuable Tools for the Estate of the Late Earl Welsh on farm 9 miles N.W. of Hazelton, 4 miles W. of Sybertsville at Sugarloaf, Pa. Watch for Auction arrows off 1-80, Exit 38. Mrs. Irene Kauffman, Exe. Max Fraley & Son, Auctioneers. SAT. JAN. 24 - 11:30 A.M. Annual Horse Sale. Located at the Belleville Livestock Market, Belleville, Pa. Mark Click, Auctioneer. SAT. JAN. 24 -10 a.m. Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate, Farm Equipment and Household Goods located 4 miles west of Ephrata, on Route 322, west of Clay, turn right on Yummerdall Road, the first farm on the left. Sale by Christian W. & Verna Zuck; Chet Long and Dave Thomas, Auctioneers. SAT. JAN. 24 -1 P.M. Public Sale of Real Estate, 47 acre farm with some equipment located on corner of River Corner Road and River Road, Conestoga Twp., Lancaster, Pa. Directions: from Leo Smith’s Store in Conestoga take River Corner Road 1 mile south to farm. Sale by Mrs. Ralph J. PUBLIC SALE DAIRY i STEER FARMS, 225 ACRES FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1976 These two farms are adjacent to each other and are located along Irish Creek Rd. between Bemville and Centerport in Penn Twp., Berks Co., Pa. The farms contain a total of 225 acres and are currently being farmed as a single dairy operation. Farm No. 1 consists of 146 acres of land with buildings. Road frontage on both sides of Irish Creek road and has a nice secluded setting on private drive, has stream and many large trees around buildings. The 2 story frame dairy bam has 48 stanchions, also a milk house w-bath. 10 x 40 concrete stave silo, 2 story heifer bam, 2 Ig. equip, sheds, com cribs. Large Vh story frame dwelling w-mod. kit., LR, DR, 4 BR & bath; attached summer house has kit., LR, & 3 BR. Farm No. 2 consists of 79 acres of land with buildings including 2 story bam for steers, hogs, or heifers. Also 10 x 40 silo, 2 car garage, & others. The 2% story stone house has kit., LR, DR, 4 BR & bath. This farm also well situated for privacy on private lane yet has 4 000’ blacktop frontage. Note: Both properties in good condition and ready to go. Farms will be offered separately and as a com bination. For full details and inspection of property call or write: RALPH W. ZETTLEMOYER AUCTION CO. RDI, Breinigsville, PA. 18031 (215) 285-4616 Broker participation invited. Register clients with Auction Co. by Feb, 12, 1976. Attorneys - John Ruth and John Forry Formerly known as the Mahlon Focht Farm Oestafano. Howard Shaub, Auctioneer and Roy C. Probst SAT. JAN. 24 - 9:30 am. Public Auction of Precision Machine Shop Tools and Equipment from the Gerald Sick Estate. Located ap proximately 2 miles North of Avoca, watch for pointers in Avoca. Owned by the Gerald Sick Estate. Auctioneers - Victor Pirrung & Sons. SAT. JAN. 24 - 2 p.m. Public Sale for the Estate of the late Samuel W. Mattern located 1 Vi miles west of Stormstown along Route 550 in the Village of Centennial in Halfmoon Township or 12 miles from downtown State College, Centre County, Pa. Sale by Mary M. Mattern, Adm., RD2, Port Matilda, Penna. Harold E. Leightley, Auctioneer. WED JAN. 28 - 12:00 Noon. Draft Horse & Mule Sale. Located at Paul Z. Martin’s Sales Stables along Route 340, 2 miles East of Inter course, 4 miles South of New Holland, Lancaster Co., PA Martin Auctioneers. WED. JAN. 28 - 12 Noon. Special Draft Horse & Mule Sale. Several Stan dardbreds. Located at Paul Z. Martin Sales Stables, Blue Ball, Pa. Martin Auc tioneers. THURS. JAN. 29 - 10 a.m. Bankruptcy Sale of Real Estate, Trucks, and some Farm Machinery located along Route 322,4 miles East of Blue Ball, Narvon RD. Terms by Dennis J. Ward, Trustee for Addison R. and Ethel I. Kelcbner; Chester K. Long, Auctioneer. THURS. JAN. 29 - 5:30 P.M. Public Auction at the Hat & Gavel Auction Co. located one mile north of Lititz along Rt. 501 Wilbur H. Hosier, Auctioneer. FRI. JAN. 30 - 2 pm. Public Sale of Special Interest to Poultry, Horse or Cattle Farmers, Valuable 43 acre at 1 P.M. Blast Hempfleld Twp. Farm, located on Greystone Rd. Just west of East Petersburg Boro. Sale by Hess Realty Enterprises, George Morgan, Attorney. Sale conducted by J. Omat Landis Real Estate Auc tions. FRI. JAN. 30 - 9:30 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Machinery & Holstein Dairy Cattle. Located Off Rt. 272,1 mi. West of The Buck, & 12 mi. South of Lancaster. Terms by Levi Zook. Kreider St Diller, Auctioneers. FRI JAN 30 -12:30 Moore’s Dairy Cattle Auction 51 Head Grade Sire Power Holstein Dairy Cattle. Location: On Route 414, 4 miles East of Canton, Pa , Bradford County, 21 miles West of Towanda, Pa. Edward and Jane Moore, Owners. William Kent & Victor Kent, Auctioneers. D. 0. Rockwell & Assoc., Sale Managers. FRI. JAN. 30 - 11:00 A.M. The Maryland State Con vention Sale. 65 Head of Registered Holsteins. Located at the Caroline County 4-H Centfer near Denton, Maryland. A. Doty Remsburg, Sale Manager. FRI. JA". 30 - 6 P.M. Public Sale at the Gap Auction located off Route 41 - Lan caster Ave. opposite Turkey Hill Minit Market, cross RR Bridge. Antiques sold at ever* auction. Ira Stoltzfus and Son, Auctioneers. SAT. JAN. 31 - 11:30 A.M. Selling 37 head High Grade Holstein Milch Cows, 30 heifers, 100 T hay and all equipment, located in Bmgnam Center, Potter Co., Pa. (Watch arrows Rt. 49 in Ulysses, Pa.) Mr. & Mrs. Allen R. Kiebach, owners; Robert M. Shaylor and Gerald Pirrung Sale Mgrs. SAT. JAN. 31 - 12:00 Noon Sharp. Keister’s Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc. Horse Sale. Draft & Driving & Riding Horses. Located at Keister’s Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc. Route 522, Three miles East of PUBLIC AUCTION FARM EQUIPMENT & CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT SAT., JAN. 31,1976 10:00 A.M. 45 TRACTORS 45 JOHN DEERES— FARM ALLS—FORDS CASE —ALLIS CHALMERS & OTHERS —ALLSIZES- Plows, Disc Harrows, Cultiptckers, Com Planters, Grain Drills, Wagons, Backhoes, Loaders, Crawlers with Blades and Loaders, Skid Steer Loaders and all kinds of Equipment, Hardware and Trucks. SPECIAL NOTICE; MUST BE SOLD: Repossessed Construction Equipment from a Finance Co. 1 used Case Uniloader No, 1740 D 1 Pettibone Masonery Forklift No. 633 1 1972 Case Crawler Dozer No. 350 1 1973 Case Uniloader No. 15308 1 Pettibone Masonery Forklift No. 421 11971 Bucyrus Erie Excavator No. 20H 1 1959 Fruehauf Trailer lowboy 25 Ton 1 1350 Auto Car Truck Tractor 1 1969 Auto Car Tandem Dump Truck 2 Euclid Scrapers Model TSI2 Used P & H 25 Ton Truck Crane Cat D 8 Crawler Dozer YORK ro. FARM & IND. EQUIP. CO. INC. 4 Miles North of York, PA on Route 181 Box 222, Emlgsville, PA 17318 Ph. 717-764-6412 TERMS: CASH Mlddleburg, 5 miles West of Selinagrove. Art KUng, Auct. SAT. JAN. 31 • 10:00 A.M. Public Auction of Valuable Sawmill Equipment, Farm Machinery, Livestock, & Personal Property. Location; Going West from Dover, Delaware to Pearson Comer (Rt. 8) approx. 4 miles turn left on Rose Valley School Rd. (Rt. 198), first farm on right Signs will be posted. Henry D. Byler, owner. Wilson’s Auction Sales St Service, Dave Wilson, Auctioneer St Sale Manager. SAT. JAN. 31 - 11:00 A.M. Kiebach Complete Dispersal of 66 Head Registered & Hi- Grade Holsteins. Located: At Bingham Center, Pa., between Ulysses and Genesee, Pa. and Whitesville, NY. Watch for arrows on Rt. 49 at Ulysses and Mills, Pa., Rt. 449 - 1 mi. south of Genesee, Pa. and Main St., Whitesville, NY. Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Kiebach, owners. Robert M. Shaylor Sales. Robert Mullendore & Pat Pirrung & Son, Auctioneers. SAT. JAN. 31 - 1:30 p.m. Public Sale of 31 acre Chicken Farm on the premises located approx. 3 miles West of Rawunsville along Drytown Rd. off 372 Norm of Hilldale Rd., second crossroad, Martic Twp., Pa. Sale by Mervin G. Nissley; -Lloyd H. Kreider and Kanoai V. Kline, Auctioneers. SAT. JAN. 31 - Public Sale of Blacksmith Tools and An tiques located in Blue Ball, Pa. Sale by Richard Hoer nlen; Leroy S. Horst and Paul W. Horst, Auctioneers. SAT. JAN. 31 -1 pm. Floyd Corselius Milking Herd Dispersal located in Lackawanna County, on the Milwaukee Rd. between Newton and Milwaukee, Pa., 6 miles S. of Clarks Summit State Hospital and Pa. Rt. 307, 12 miles West of Scranton Via Rts. 11 and 307. Sale by Floyd and James Corselius, owners, Clarks Summit R 3, Pa. M. L. Bunnell, Auctioneer and Sales Mgr. SAT. JAN. 31 ■ 12:30 P.M, Sharp. Public Sale of Holstein Cows, Farm Machinery, Small Tools It Milking Equipment. Located 7 miles North of Dundee, 5 miles South of Penn Yam, 2 miles Northwest of Himrod on Briggs & Spicer Rd. Mr. & Mrs. David Z. Hoover, owners. Bob Allen St Boys, Auctioneers, Sale Managers & Real Estate People. SAT. JAN. 31 -10 a.m. Public Auction of New and Used Farm Equipment and Construction Equipment by the York Co. Farm & In dustrial Equipment Co., Inc., Exit 10 or 11 off 1-03, 4 miles North of York, Pa. on Rt. 181, Box 222, Emigsville, Pa. 17318 SAT. JAN. 31 ■ 12:00 Noon Sharp. Consignment Horse Sale Located at Keister’s Mlddleburg Auction Sales, Inc, Route 522, three miles East of Mlddleburg 5 miles PUBLIC SALE 31 ACRE CHICKEN FARM SAT., JAN. 31, 1976 at 1:30 P.M. On the premises located approx. 3 miles West of Rawlinsville along Drytown Rd. off 372 North on Hilldale Rd., second crossroad, Martic Twp. Pa. Inspection of Property Jan. 17,22,23. This 31 acre chicken farm in Martic Twp. will be sold in three parts or as 1 unit. The three parts consists of: Real Estate consists of all that certain tract of land 20 acres erected thereon a double house of 10 rooms, 2 full baths, with modern kitchens, aluminum siding, storm windows & doors, 2 furnances, oil hot water heat, good well, nice lawn & shrubbery, 30 x 56 barn, 3 car garage, 2 two story chicken houses 40 x 125 & 40 x 90 which holds a capacity of 15,000 birds, nice size block storage building, S'lOO ft. road frontage, water storage tank for irrigation. 2nd. part. 8 acre tract of land, zoned R-2 3rd. part. 3 acre tract of land, zoned R-2 Terms: 10 percent down, possession March 15th. Auctioneers Lloyd H. Kreider Randal V. Kline West of Selinsgrovs. Art Kliaf, Auctioneer. SAT. JAN. 31 - 9 a.m. Con signment Sale located 5 miles Southweat of Lewlsburg, Pa. on Salem Church Road. Sale by Glenn Erdley, ROl, Lewisburg, Pa. 17837 SAT. JAN. 31 - 1:00 p.m. Public Sale of 31 Reg. - 2 Grades Holateins. 6 miles S.W. of Clarks Summit, Pa. & Rt. 11 St 307. High herd in Locka, Co. last year. Owner Floyd & Jane Corsellus. Merton L. Bunnell Auc tioncer. Al Smith, Pedigree. MON. FEB. 2-11 i.m. Auction of Real Estate, Machinery, Trucks, Shop and Misc, Pony, located 1 mile South of Burton. Md. on County 7, then 2 miles East of County 3, then 1V« mile South-Follow Auction Signs. Sale bv John & Claudia Sch weigbart. Earl and Norb Hamilton and Jim & Bus Eastman, Auctioneers. Sale by MERVIN G. NISSLEY
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