Public Sales Register tubs’ ’fEEL’s’- ’l ’p.M.* Special Graded Feeder Pig Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc., Lancaster, Penns. TUBS. FEB. 3 - 6 P.M. Public Auction of Furniture, Glassware, Appliances, etc. located at Farmcrsville, 3 miles East of Brownstown, Lancaster Co. Sale by John J. Rutt. Richard Murray, Auctioneer. Jkt CONSIGNMENT WL HORSE SALE KEISTER’S MIDDUEBURG AUCTION SALES, INC. Route 522, three miles East of Middleburg ' 5 Miles West of Selinsgrove SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1976 (12:00 Noon Sharp) WORK-DRIVING-RIDING AND MEAT HORSES 30 Head Well Matched Draft Horses WITH SOME SINGLES CONSIGNED BY PAUL HARDY, NORTH CAROLINA 25 HEAD SHARP STANDARD BRED HORSES WITH SIZE AND QUALITY LAST SALE - TOP STANDARDBRED HORSE SOLD FOR $BlO.OO to DANIEL BURKHOLDER, Rl, MIFFLINBURG, PA Driving Horses Hitched 9:30 A.M. Day of Sale LOAD OF NEW TACK TO BE SOLD AT 11:00 A.M. Early consignment appreciated Bring A Load Buy A Load For Inf. CALL 717-922-1490 - 717-837-2222 KEISTER’S MIDDLEBURG AUCTION SALES, INC. Rt 522 - RD3, Middleburg, Pa. ART KLING, Auctioneer Trucking Available Terms: - CASH RESTAURANT OPEN MOORE'S DAIRY CATTLE AUCTION LOCATION: On Route 414, 4 miles East of Canton, Pa., Bradford County, 21 miles West of Towanda, Pa. 3O 51 HEAD GRADE SIRE POWER HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE 51 (25 YRS. NEBA - SIRE POWER BREEDING) All young, milking age animals consisting of fresh cows, dose springers, several bred back for Fall freshening. You will see and have the most unusual opportunity to purchase young, good sized animals with well-attached udders at this auction than has been offered for sometime. DHI-ALT P records several estimated individual records 16,000 to 18,000 milk. CATALOGUES PREGNANCY CHECKED INOCULATED FOR COLDS INTERSTATE TESTED CHARTS SALE DAY C ALFHOOD VAC CIN ATED TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK SALE DAY EDWARD and JANE MOORE, Owners WILLIAM KENT & VICTOR KENT. Auctioneers JEFF WARNER, Clerk D. O. Rockwell 8- Associates, Sale Managers Troy, Pa. Phone 717-297 3460 WED. FEB. 4 - 9:30 a.m. Consignment Sale by David H. Good located ft mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave. In Leola. Pa., Lancaster County, Farm Equipment, Tractors, Horse drawn implements, new tools, hardware, building materials, etc. F. Snyder R. Martin, C. H. Wolgemuth, C. Diller and J. Fry, Auc tioneers. SAT. FEB. 7 -10 a.m. Con signment Sale of Machinery, located on Rt. 38, Mount Holly, N.J. Consignments welcome. Donald A. Worrell, Sr. Sales manager and Auctioneer. Phone 609-267- 0317 SAT. FEB 7 - Show 10:00; Sale 1:00 The PA Yorkshire Club Winter Show & Sale. Located at the Lebanon Area Fairgrounds, Lebanon, PA. Leon L. Arnold, Sec’y-Treas. 717-273-5880 CONSIGNMENT SALE WEDNESDAY, FEB. 4,1976 AT 9:30 A.M. Location: Vz mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave. in Leola, Lancaster Co., PA. Watch for Sale Sign. Tractors; Farm Machinery: Horse Drawn Implements: New Tools, Hardware, Building Material, Lumber; Doors,Windows, etc., etc. Hay and straw. Also load of Citrus Fruit Direct from Florida, Fish, Oysters and Shrimp. We Sell On Commission. housqSgooos. DAVID H. GOOD 717-6569024 F. Snyder, R. Martin, C. H. Wolgemuth, C. Oilier, J. Fry Aucts. NEXT SALE WEDNESDAY, FEB. 18 Not responsible for accidents. BANKRUPTCY SALE OF REAL ESTATE, TRUCKS, AND SOME FARM MACHINERY Located along Route 322,4 miles East of Blue Ball, Narvon R.D. SALE TIME 10:00 A.M. REAL ESTATE WILL BE SOLD FIRST THURSDAY, JANUARY 29,1976 REAL ESTATE Approximately 15 Acres of Land, on which is erected the following buildings: BRICK RANCHER CENTRAL AIR COND. having a kitchen and dining area, including Dish washer and Stove; Living Room with Brick Fireplace; 2 Bedrooms; Large Tile Bathroom; Hardwood Floors throughout except Kitchen, which has Linoleum; Full Basement; 2-car Garage. The House is only several years old and in very good condition. OLD STONE DWELLING HOUSE NO. 2 is an old Stone Dwelling - a restorer’s dream. It has 6 Rooms and 3 Fireplaces, and is in need of repairs. Frame Shed and Chicken House. Remington Typewriter; 4-Drawer Filing Cabinet; 2 Steel Desks; 2 Desk Chairs; Smith-Corona Adding Machine; Breakfast Set with Four Chairs. TRUCKS International Hough No. 60. Payloader; 4 Fruehoff Dump Trailers; Two 42’ Flatbed Trailers; In ternational Model 220 V 8 Tractor; 1 Lowboy Trailer; Subaru Station Wagon; VW Bus; Chevrolet Pick-up Truck; Ford Dump Truck; Chevrolet Pick-up Truck; Ford Dump Truck; Chevrolet Dump Truck; and a lot of trucks to be used for parts. FARM MACHINERY JOHN DEERE B TRACTOR: Cultivator; Disc Harrow; John Deere Manure Spreader; John Deere Com Picker; John Deere Trailer Plow. Lot of new 8-inch Cement Blocks, and other items too numerous to mention. SALE TIME 10:00 A.M. REAL ESTATE WILL BE SOLD FIRST TERMS BY DENNIS J. WARD TRUSTEE FOR ADDISON R. & ETHEL I. KELCHNER Chester K. Long, Auctioneer, 120 Lake Street, Ephrata, PA 733-9601 or 859-1020 for further details Geisenberger, Zimmerman, Pfannebecker & Gibbel, Attys. for Dennis J Ward, Common Trustee SAT. Feb. 7 - Dairy Herd Dispersal and Farm Im- Suits located % mile of Bowmansville Just off Route 625. Sale by Gideon Rlehl: Leroy S. Horst and Paul W. Horst, Auctioneers. SAT. FEB. 7 - 1:00 p.m. Selling Yorkshire boars, bred guts St open gilts, about 60 head. Sale at Lebanon area fairgrounds. Sale by Pennsylvania Yorkshire Club. Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Jan. 24,1976 —6/ SAT. FEB. 7-10 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Antiques, Buggy, Household Goods & Car. Located in Kempton Community Center Bldg., Kempton, Berks Co, Pa. Sale for the Estate of Mary M. Bauscher. Ralph W. Zettlemoyer Auction Co SAT. FEB. 7 - 11:30 am Public Sale of 39 Acre Farm. Household goods & Farm Tools. Real Estate sold at 2:00 pun. Located along Frogtown Rd. between Blue Ball St Goodville. Sale by Mary Eby. Nevin Z. Martin St Lewis B. Groff, Auc tioneers. THURS. FEB. 12 - 12 Noon Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Hay, Straw and Corn located 2 miles south of Atglen. at Highland Road and Old Route 41, V* mile west of Octoraro School, Chester County, Pa. Terms by Herman N. Click; Leroy Zook and Leon Kurtz, Auctioneers. THURS. FEB. 12 - 9:30 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Equipment located six miles south of Chambersburg, Pa., one mile East of Marion, just East of Marion Exit off Rte. 81 along Rte. 914. Sale by Ralph W. Horst, Sale Manager, Marion, Pa. Wolgemuth, Rentzel, An derson, Upperman and Martin, Auctioneers. FRI. FEB. 13 -1 P.M. Public Sale of Dairy & Steer Farms, 225 Acres. These two farms are adjacent to each other and are located along Irish Creek Rd. between Bemville and Centerport in Penn Twp., Berks Co., Pa. For merly known as the Mahlon Focht Farm. Ralph W. Zettlemoyer Auction Co. FRI. FEB. 13 - 7 P.M. Horse Sale at the New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., New Holland, Pa. FRI. FEB. 13-1 pjn. Public Sale of 200 Acre Dairy Operation. Located between IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY FLOYD CORSELIUS MILKING HERD DISPERSAL SATURDAY, JAN. 31,1976 1:00 P.M. Sharp Location: On the Milwaukee Rd. between Newton & Milwaukee, PA. 6 miles S. of Clarks Summit State Hospital & PA Rt. 307 - 12 miles west of Scranton via Rts. 11 & 307. 31 Registered Holsteins - 2 Grade Holsteins. D.H.I.A. Rec.’s - PA & Interstate charts, Pregnancy examined, S.F. injected. Classified. 22 Fresh the past 60 days. Several due in late winter & early fall. +Featuring V. 6. 88 K.P. with excellent udder 326 d 18.616 M 673 F - Fresh. +V.G. 86 K.P. 299 d 19.203 M 4.3 percent 828 F. +Terrace Spring Tidy 305 d 19,494 M 3.8 percent 738 F. «Tiist fresh +Flicker Glen Emily 317 d 19.398 M 4.1 percent 788 F. +Flicker Glen Helen 305 d 18,836 M 4.2 percent 782 F. +Terrace Spring Tammy 213 d 18.857 M 641 F. Bred to Elevation for July. LOOK AT THIS! R.H.A. 16.221 M 4 percent 651 F. Sale Highlights - 6 Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation. 5 Whirlhill Kingpins. 4 Simpson Farm Tidy Gents & many other A-l NEBA sires. Mr. Corselius purchased foundation animals from Floyd & Carl Hibbard and the late Cornelius Dibble herds. Here is a good one to attend. Majority are young. Good udders & production you will see. Blizzard Date Monday, February 2-1:00 P.M. Owners, FLOYD & JAMES CORSELIUS Clarks Summit R 3, PA M. L Bunnell, Auctioneer & Sales Mgr. Springville, PA Wayne Weaver, Leadsman Albert W. Smith, Pedigrees Bcrnvllle and Centerport along'lrish Creek RdT in Penn Twp., Berks Co., PA Sale by owners, formerly known as the Manlon Focht Farm, Ralph W. Zct tlemoyer Auction Co. SAT. FEB, 14 - 10:30 A.M. Danville Livestock Market Horse Sale. Located at Danville Livestock Market on Rte. 11, Danville, Pa. Owners - Charles C. Myers it Melvin M. Lehman. SAT. FEB. 14 - 10:00 a.m. Sharp. Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Antiques, it Household Goods. Sale to be held in the Winterstown Fire Hall, along Rt. 24 in Win terstown Boro. York Co,, Pa. Sale by Donald W. Keesey, owner. Robert L. Sechrist, Auctioneer. MON. FEB. 16 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment and ear corn located at RDI, Richland, Pa. Sale by Elam M. Burkholder; John E. and PaulE. Martin, Auctioneers. MON. FEB. 16 • 10 am. Public Sale of Farm Equipment and Tools located at Silver Springs, Pa. along Rt. 23 between Lan caster and Marietta, Pa. Sale by Moses Shirk, Harold “Abe’ r Shaffner and Wilbur Hosier, Auctioneers. MON. FEB. 16 - 10:30 A.M. Public Auction of Farm Equipment, Ear Corn, Holstein Heifers & Household Goods. Location: Take Route 501 north from Myerstown toward Bethel; where 501 turns north toward Bethel, go straight towards Rebrersburg; then first road right, first farm on right. Tulpehocken Township, Berks County, Pa. Sale by Elam M. Burkholder. John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers. TUBS. FEB. 17 - 1 P.M. Special Graded Feeder Pig Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc., Lancaster, Penna.
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