Chester DHIA | (Continued from Pap 1| within the 12,000 pound range for the past eight years and stood at 12,747 a year ago. Another significant fact which comes out of the 1975 summary is that the number of cows on test increased by nearly 400 to Sts present total of 10,577. The County's 1975 DHIA butterfat average stands at 504, which is another first - since it was never over 500 before. It had been over 460 for the past eight years and stood at 496 last year. Broken ERTH-R IE SOIL CONDIT ONER MAXICROP LIQUID PLANT FEEDING FEED-RITE Vitamin & Mineral for livestock and poultry ZOOK & RANCK, INC. RDl.Gap, PA 17527 Phone 717-442-4171 A i^——— There's noth* old-fashio about Sta-R stanchion bam pipelin milking. Modern Sta-Rite dairy equipment makes ever] milking system better, more efficient, easier on you and your cows. And you can add any of these up-to-date products to your stanchioi barn or milking parlor. >’* The Sta-Rite Full-View Sta Rue s 900 Series Milk The new Sta-Rite Vac- A Sta Rite Full Vac Make pipeline washing completely Milker permits a con house Panel is factory as Sav Milk Valve reduces vacuum pump insures automatic and Grade A clean with slant visual check of sembled and tested Switches vacuum loss to a mini positive vacuum for a Sta Rite Full Convenience Pipe milk Ilow Cuts milking instantly from milk to mum Also gives pro your milking system line Washer A 24 hour timer lets time reduces over wash for thorough pipe- lection against con you pre program all necessary wash milking * ■ rinse and sanitize cycles with fail safe protection Sta-Rite ... a leader in dairy equipment. Whatever the size of your herd, Sta-Rite has the complete automated milking system for you Sta-Rite Stanchion Barn, Full Comfort Parlor, Full Circle, and Reflex Arm Milking Systems will help you milk better, faster and moie profitably down into categories, 42 ot the County’s 156 herds on test finished with butterfat averages in the 500 to 549 - pound range. The next largest group was those with 450 to 499 - pound records, which numbered 38. Only one herd came up with less than 349 pounds of more than 700. Following are the 16 herds which finished the 1975 DHIA year with 600 pounds of butterfat or more: Jefferson D Yoder, Elverson, registered Holsteins, 54.8 cows, 18,286 pounds of milk, with 719 pounds of butterfat. Jacob Stoltzfus, 54.8 registered Holsteins, 17,954 pounds of milk with 696 of fat. He’s from Oxford RDI. Earl M. Weir of Cochranville had the high milk production average in the County. His herd statistics read; 33.1 registered Holsteins, 18.373 M and 680 F. Robert Pepple, Oxford, 79.8 registered and grade Holsteins, 17,651 pounds of milk with 665 of fat. Ardrossan Farms, Villanova, topped the Ayrshire field with their U line cleaning Automatic lamination self dram PMAN STORE TEMPLE SUPPLY YORK WEST STORE RD2, WescosviHe, PA H. stti SI. H%hway 2S W. MarM St. 215-395-33*1 Te«pk, PA tort.M 215-929-5264 717-792-2674 year 111.9 registered Ayrshires and production of 15,119 pounds of milk and 660 of fat. John Stoltzfus, Atglen, 56.9 registered Holsteins, 16,289 pounds of milk and 644 of fat. Paul King, Cochranville, had an average of 16,938 pounds of milk and 639 pounds of butterfat on his 78 registered and grade Holsteins. Walmoore Farm of Chatham produced an average of 15,616 pounds of milk and 635 fat on their 141.5 registered and grade Holsteins. David E. Weaver, Glen Moore, 50 registered and grade Holsteins, 17047 M. and 634 F. James Yale, Nottingham, 53.7 registered and grade Holsteins, 15,196 M. and 623 F. William Moore, 138.2 registered and grade Holsteins, 15,838 M. and 619 F. Elam Petersheim, Morgantown, 69.6 registered Holsteins, 15.819 M. and 615 F. Dean Monacy, Coatesville, 16.4 registered and grade Holsteins. 15,969 M. and 615 F. m AVONDALE SUPPLY CENTER LANCASTER SUPPLY Junction US 1C 41 1027 Oitenriflc ltd. Avondale, PA Lancaster, PA 215-261-S23S 717-397-4761 George Lamborn, Not tingham, 36.4 registered and grade Holsteins, 16.328 M and 608 F. Willowland Farm, Atlen, 56.8 registered Holsteins, 15.946 M and 606 F. Vernon Ruth, Spring City, 50 registered Holsteins, 14,734 pounds of milk and 606 of fat. Other herds which finished with more than 15,000 pounds of milk are: J. Elmer Lapp, Cochranville; Ben S. Beiler, Cochranville; Donald Hostetter, Parkesburg; Edgar Miller, Cochranville; Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Jan. 24,1976 — Special awards of merit were presented during the Chester OHIA annual meeting and banquet on Thursday night to Jef ferson Yoder, second from left, and Earl Weir, right. They had the high butterfat and milk production averages, respectively. Making the presentation to Yoder is the County’s DHIA vice president, Harold R. Kulp, while Chester County Dairy Princess, Sandra Evans, looks on. J. Harold Bare, Atglen; and Christ Stoltzfus, Honey Brook. The year-end report concluded that feed costs per Fulton Grange meets Fulton Grange 66 met in regular session recently with Master Thomas C. Galbreath presiding. In keeping with a Bicentennial theme, an explanation was given as to how the 36 star flag signifies the strength of the union through the Civil War. The program was con ducted by Mrs. Laura Mc- Sparran, Lecturer. Arba Henry spoke on America as a Nation of Nations, a Land of Plenty, and having Certain Unalienable Rights. Mrs. Mabel Kreider performed a piano solo of American Forever March Song, Several members explained different items they had brought in that were 100-200 years old. The items in cluded tools, books, silver, and furniture. Mrs. McSparran an nounced that the next meeting, January 26, will be entitled “Pennsylvania Farm Show Gleanings and Reflections.” February 9 will be open house at Fulton Grange and Richard Scott, *>• COMPLETE FARM PAINTING We Use Quality PAINT AND IT DOES STAY ON" AERIAL LADDER EQUIPMENT * Modern and Efficient Method * Reasonable Prices * Spray-On and Brush-ln Method * Sandblasting if Necessary FOR FREE ESTIMATES WRITE ESH SPRAY PAINTING (DamelS Esh) (C Ralph Miller) SPRAY-ON AND BRUSH-IN PAINTER BOX 350 A RONKS PA 17572 cow per year dropped from $534 to $516 and that the value of the milk, after feed costs, increased from $598 to $625. Mayor of Lancaster, will be the featured speaker. Anyone having old kerosene lamps should bring them to this meeting. The public is invited to attend this open house which starts at 8:00 p.m. Eby cow recognized Brattleboro, Vt. - Adding to her first yearly production record exceeding a half ton of butterfat is Pequea Apollo Marie 7373100 (GP) owned by Melvin R. Eby, Gordon. With her 305-day lactation over the 1,000 lbs. of but terfat mark, she continued to milk for a 354 day record of 27,890 lbs. of milk and 1,073 lbs. of butterfat. “Marie” started her lactation at the age of 5 years 2 months and was milked twice daily. Pequea Apollo Marie was bred in the Eby. herd and sired by Hilltop v Apollo Ivanhoe 1399824 (VG), a bull that has earned Gold Medal Sire recognition. Pennsylvania State University supervised the weighing and sample testing of her production in cooperation with the Dairy Herd Improvement Registry Program of the Holstein- Friesian Association of America. I believe in an America of fair prices for the farmer, fair profits for the businessman, fair wages for the worker... J. F. Kennedy The farmer of the United States does not need new speeches and new spokesmen. They need a new program and new policies and a new approach to the challenge of our farms ... J. F. Kennedy TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! 15
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