Redßosesteers n „ , . Keel show results listed I Continued from Paco 1| champion trio entry. Ernie Lancaster, Joined with Greider and Bonnie Frey for the trio contest, combining efforts and animals to come up with the winning group. Frey’s steer had placed 7th in the light-heavyweight class. Other Lancaster County 4- Hers placing high in the steer contest included Darlene Huyard, Leola, who had the reserve champion middleweight and Jeff Martin who showed the reserve champion heavyweight. In class competition, Lancaster County 4-Hers placed in the following tally: Lightweight under 985 lbs. - Michele Dean - 2nd; Lightweight under 1065 lbs. Steve Long - sth; Mid dleweight under 1150 lbs. - Long - 7th; Mid dleweight under 1185 lbs. - Joanne Shank - sth; Judy Zimmerman - 9th; Light heavyweight under 1210 lbs. Gary Eberly - 3rd; Dora Jo John Deere 750 Grinder-Mixer... big-capacity hay or grain grinder... thorough mixer Whether you want to blend a hog ration or a cattle ration —or both —you can depend on a John Deere Grinder-Mixer to do a near-perfect job of mixing all the ingredients. Unlike all other grinder-mixers, the John Deere has a flat-bottom tank. Bridging is eliminated; you get a ration that is thoroughly blended from top to bottom. Stop in and get the details on the 130- bu. 750 Grinder-Mixer, the machine that will give your stock uniform rations every time. Landis Bros. Inc. Lancaster 717-393-3906 Adamstown Equipment Inc. Mohnton, RD2, Pa. 19540 [near Adamstown] 215-484-4391 M. S. Yeaisley & Sons Westchester 215-696-2990 Agway, Inc. Allentown Equipment Center Chapman, Pa. 215-395-3381 Hermit K. Kistler Lynnport, PA 215-298-3270 Gelb - 6th; Marty Burkins - 11th; Light-heavyweight under 1240 Iba. - Marcie Shank - 4th; Ron Kreider - sth; Cathy Brubaker - Bth; Light-heavyweight under 1280 lbs. Nancy Herr - 3rd; Heavyweight - Susan Herr - 3rd; Tom Good 4th and Heavyweight under 1315 lbs. Tony Eberly Bth; Heavyweight over 1345 lbs. Linda Good-2nd; Tim Good 3rd; Ron Zimmerman 4th. The first three placings in the individual classes went to the following 4-Hers: Lightweight Claices 900-985 lbs - Ist - Donald Stoltzfus - Chester; 2nd - Michele Dean - Lancaster; 3rd-Suzanne Howe, Chester. 985-1025 lbs. Ist - Brian Wetzel - Lehigh; 2nd - Jed Hoffer - Lebanon; 3rd - Todd Sterner - York. 1025-1065 lbs. Ist - Rachel Holloway - Chester; 2nd - David Anderson - Chester; 3rd - Bill Wylie - Chester. Middleweight Classes 1065-110 Q lbs. Ist - Gary Walker - Chester; 2nd - Brenda Werner - York; 3rd - A.B.C. Groff, Inc. New Holland 717-354-4191 Pikevilie Equipment Inc. Oyster Dale Road Oley RD2, PA 215-987-6277 Neuhaus'es, Inc. Glen Rock, Pa. 717-235-1306 Stanley A. Klopp, Inc Bernville, Pa. 215-488-1510 I. G.’s Ag Sales Silverdale, Pa. 18962 215-257-5136 HARRISBURG - South Branch Cattle Co,, of York, exhibited the grand champion in female Angus beef breeding classes at the 60th Farm Show with “D. S. Favorite 484,” a Junior yearling heifer. The same animal also was judged Junior champion. The reserve grand Robert Livingston - York, 1100-1150 lbs. Ist - Stephanie Lehr - York; 2nd - Clifford Teets - Beaver; 3rd - Paul Balmer - Tioga. 1150-1185 lbs. Ist - Cindy Laman - Cumberland; 2nd - Darlene Huyard - Lan caster; 3rd - Barbara Bidder - Chester. Heavyweight 1185-1210 lbs. Ist - John Holloway - Chester; 2nd - Thomas Kane - Cambria; 3rd - Gary Eberly - Lan caster. 1210-1240 lbs. Ist - Jack Barber - Cambria; 2nd - Jamie Kohr - York; 3rd - Karen Keiter - Dauphin. 1240-1280 lbs. 1 st - Bonnie Sue Frey - Lancaster; 2nd - Mark Croyle - Cambria; 3rd - Nancy Herr - Lancaster. 1280-1310 lbs. Ist - James Greider - Lancaster; 2nd - Kristi Kohr - York; 3rd - Susan Herr - Lancaster. 1310-1315 lbs. Ist - Jeff Martin - Lancaster; 2nd - Greg McKean - Mercer; 3rd - Monique Sweigard - Dauphin. 1345-and over lbs. Ist - Rozanne Leib - Cumberland; 2nd - Linda Good - Lan caster; 3rd - Tim Good - Lancaster. _ MTJWIJL *ARC WELDING SUPPLIES* HELMETS CABLE HOLDERS ARC TORCH GROUND CLAMPS ★ ELECTRODES ★ E-6011 1/8” *22.00 Bos so lbs. E-6011 5/32” ’21.00 Box 50 lbs. E-6013 1/8" ’21.00 Box 50 lbs. E-6013 5/32” ’20.00 Box 50 lbs. FOR ALL YOUR WELDING SUPPLIES SEE US AT FARMERSVILLE —— EQUIP., INC. Ephrota, RD2, PA 17522 717-354-4271 STORE HOURS: Mon. thru Fri. 7 ■ 30 to 6:00 Saturday 7:30 to 4:30 championship was won by “Edlyn’s Elegant Ber nadet,” a heifer calf owned by Rishels Ediyn Farm, of York. The same Angus won the calf class championship. Reserve Junior champion, “DS Miss Burgess 134,” a junior yearling heifer, was exhibited by John W. Holloway, of West Chester, Chester County. Devereaux Soldi Farm, of Downingtown, Chester County, showed the reserve calf championship with “DS Favorite 365,” a junior heifer calf. “Stonecroft Isabel 3,” an early summer yearling heifer, won the intermediate calf championship. The animal is owned by Frank Laudenslager, of Boyertown, Berks County. Walter S. Laird, of Dover, York County, showed the reserve intermediate champion, “Miss Ereskay of Lair,” an early summer yearling heifer. Angus Bulls Clifford Teets, of Freedom, Beaver County, captured the grand cham pionship in Angus bull classes with “Seldom Seen Great," an early summer yearling bull. The same animal also was the in termediate champion. Reserve grand champion, “Edlyns Dynamo H 31,” an April junior yearling bull, was exhibited by Rishels Edlyn Farm. The same animal was judged junior champion. Senior champion was Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Jan. 10,1976 shown by William Warren, of Furlong, Bucks County, “Black Marshall 3127,” a 2- year-cld bull. Devereaux Soleil Farm, showed the reserve junior yearling champion, “DS Marshall 224,” a junior yearling Angus bull. Bull calf champion, “DS Marshall 415,” a junior bull calf, was shown by Devereaux Soleil Farm. A bull calf, “Seldom Seen Massive 2," won the reserve bull calf championship. The animal is owned by Clifford Teets of Freedom. Raymond Tait, of Mercer, exlubited the reserve intermediate champion, “Koolspring Great Northern,” early summer yearling bull. Shorthorn (Females) Beverly Ann Short, of New Brighton, Beaver County, captured the grand cham pionship in Shorthorn beef breeding female classes with “Zeiglers Rothes Rita,” an early spring yearling. The same animal also was judged the show’s junior champion. The reserve grand champion and champion female calf was shown by Mooney Acres, of Waynesburg, Greene County. The animal, “Mooneys Island Girl,” is a spring heifer calf. Philip F. Dunn, of Hun tingdon, exhibited “SH Proud Mary,” that won the reserve female calf championship. The animal is a spring heifer calf. Mooney Acres also exhibited the reserve junior champion female, “M A Fawn,” a summer heifer calf. [ TROY-BILT® Roto Tiller-Power Composters | Dept. 64441 I 102nd st. 19th Ave., Troy, N.Y. 12190 . | Please send the whole wonderful story of TROY-1 I BILT® Roto Tillers including prices and OFF-SEA-1 I SON-SAVINGS now in effect for a limited time. | I (Please Print Clearly) j I Mr. ■ I Mrs. j ! Miss I • Address j City Shorthorn (Bulls) Tuscarora Shorthorns, of Neelytown, Huntingdon County, exhibited the grand champion Shorthorn bull. The animal, “Tuscarora Roan Clipper,” is a spring yearling bull. Reserve grand champion Shorthorn bull was “Tuscarora Gold Nuget," a spring bull calf, also shown by ""uscarora Shorthorns. Mooney Acres, exhibited the junior champion Shor thorn bull, “Milbrook Durham,” an early spring yearling bull. Polled Hereford (Females) Five Point Pastures, of Greensburg, Westmoreland County, exhibited the grand champion Polled Hereford female, “FPP Roundup Maid,” a senior yearling heifer. “SWH Miss Murphy,” an early summer yearling heifer, owned by Stanley Hunt, of Portersville, Lawrence County, won the reserve grand cham pionship. Polled Hereford (Bulls) Five Point Pastures, exhibited the grand champion Polled Hereford bull. “FPP Victor 297,” a spring bull calf. Elroy Dalton, of Cochranton, Crawford County, showed the reserve grand champion female, “SC New Trend,” an early summer yearling bull. Charolais (Females) Royal Charolais Co., of Youngwood, Westmoreland County, exhibited the grand [Continued on Page 26] State Zip 9
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