8 —Farming itn. 10,19T8 IHIOLD **, 4 '^lMAHh c M & Mild ilill, but look out, a cold clout Him m.inv New 'll or s resolution** ha\ i you kept 7 jaeklondon born ).m 12 187 b lull moon |.in lb Cir.iv whale’s migrate south olt California mm Average It ngth of davs for the lui k l » hours 21 mmulis Iron first made from co.il in I’d J.in 12 18V) Pentagon Building completed J.in II IIMIl l M1 Nut lit wlw ha* hi hut hi wh 's/i< for mori is poor Old Farmer's Riddle VVh.it do elephants have that no other animal has 7 (Answer below ) Ask the Old Farmer I m a third genera tiem Florida eracker and I wonder why some southerners are called crackers 7 I\i never understood the meaning F ) Orlando Cracker originally described flu poor while Iradt of the South indicating a crook To crack ai nh or burgle isi'tri/ Home Hints Tack an end ot vour tape measure to an empty thread spool Roll it up and attach a snap fastener to close it Hftid/r answrr Babv elephants OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECASTS New England: First part of week clearing and colder, with some light snow in mountains, generally sunnv and cold latter part Greater New York-New Jersey: Turning colder by midweek with light ram and sleet, end of week sunnv and seasonably cold Middle Atlantic Coastal: Early week variably cloudy with scat tered light rain then becoming colder light rain changes to snow by week’s end Piedmont & Southeast Coastal Partly sunny and mild to begin then a little light ram, sunnv and cool latter part then rainy and mild again bv weekend JAN. 12-18, 1976 old English vldiig Today, wherever modernization with Free Stall Housing provides a very satisfactory day-to-day operation, Rigidply Laminated Rafters are the preferred choice. They provide much more space for the money plus fast, economical erection. Proper ventilation is provided without fans, pre venting condensation ana helping reduce odors. Sunlight and ventilation combine to provide a de sirable working environment, heat and light for winter months and a healthy place for animals. Beef breeding winners HARRISBURG - Mar celynn Boron, of Venus, Venango County, showing "RGL Venus Vickie,” won the grand championship in Hereford Junior beef breeding classes at the 60th Farm Show, this week. Honda' I xu-pl for sunn - lip,hi r.nn.il wick send ti mpcr.iluns .in* (.nr and normal in nnlr.il above normal in north and helow nor in a I in south Upstate N Y -Toronto it Montreal Statti red light ram at bigm rung becomes general b) midweek continues throughout rest of week, light snow m north Greater Ohio Valley Still mild v\ ith light to moderate ram to start, then colder clear and cold latter part then scattered light ram and snow hv weekend Deep South Colder and some light ram throughout region bv midweek ram becomes moderate to heavy m central and south snow m northwest Chicago it Southern Great Lakes Week begins rainy heavy m southwest, then sunny and mild, colder m west light ram m central and east latter part Northern Great Lakes- Mostly sunny m west and central cold m north, some ram in cast hy midweek week ends partly sunny with a few flurries Central Great Plains; Ram to start, changing to snow m north and central then clearing and cold in northwest, week ends partly cloudy, seasonable in south and east Texas-Oklahoma: Early week some light ram m central and south, warm in north, then colder latter part rainy in central and south, snowstorm in north Rocky Mountain: Snow ending except in central and much colder, very cold with snow end of week Southwest Desert: Clearing and cool to start then rainy in west, partial clearing in west, light rain in east and continuing cool latter part Pacific Northwest: Weather alternates between ram, cloudiness and cold temperatures throughout week California: Some ram in north and south, heav) snow m moun tains, then cloudy, ram, snow in mountains continues norm (All Rights Reserved Yankee Inc Dublin N H 03444) The reserve grand champion Hereford female was “FLF Victoria,” shown by Carl E. Egolf, Jr., of Schcllsburg, Bedford County. In junior Charolais Judging competition, Janice Kaylor, Waterproofing Tape Evode, Inc. has announced the availability of Special Grey Flashband (R), a heavy-duty peel ’n stick aluminum-faced sealing tape with an additional grey vinyl coating. Like Evode’s bright aluminum-faced Flashband waterproofing tape, it offers a wide range of applications in industrial, farm, automotive, mobile home and conventional home construction and maintenance. Flashband has a thick layer of pliable contact sealing asphalt. Hand pressure is all that is required to press it into place for permanent protection against wind, rain and snow. It can be formed to any contour. According to the manufacturer, Flashband can be used on conventional building materials that are dry and clean. Except for an asphalt primer recom mended for porous surfaces such as cement and brick, no other materials are required to install it. Vinyl-coated Grey Flash band enhances the properties of the flexible metal. It protects the aluminum in salt at mospheres and when used with wet cement. It also has better electrolytic proper ties. Grey Flashband has the unobtrusive appearance of lead, blending naturally into most backgrounds. It can be used as a final finish. However, both the grey vinyl coated and aluminum types can be painted successfully with any good exterior water-based paint. Additional information is available from Evode, Inc. 401 Kennedy Blvd., Somerdale, N.J. 08083 If you think you’re con fused, consider poor Columbus. He didn’t know where he was going. When he got there, he didn’t know where he was. And when he got back he didn’t know where he’d been. of Elizabethtown, showed the grand champion which is unnamed and Carl Gates, of Warriors Mark, exhibited the reserve grand champion, “MB Perfect© Starlet.” The grand champion Angus female was “DS Miss Burgess,” owned by John Holloway, of West Chester, Chester County. The reserve grand champion was “Seldom Seen Blackcap,” exhibited by Clifford Teets, of Freedom, Beaver County. Beverly Ann Short, of New Brighton, Beaver County, showed the grand champion Shorthorn female, “Zeiglers Rothes Rita.” There was no reserve grand champion Shorthorn selected this year. Cjcloae Controlled HOG confinement Systems Cyclone offers you, the professional mls Producer ’ COMPLETE FAC,L - We provide all systems that make up a confinement operation (unlike any of our competitors) therefore we are able to guarantee you reliability, control, cost savings and one-source service. Contact us for personalized in formation and service concerning: * Aluminum Slat Flooring • Farrowing Units • Finishing Systems • Gestation Stalls • Nursery Systems • Feeding Systems HERSHEY EQUIPMENT CO., INC. The Systems Company AUTHORIZED 215 DILLER AVE. NEW HOLLAND, PA Ph. 1717 J 354-4576 Offer fo God a sac rifice of thanksgiving, and pay your vows to the Most High: \ And call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me. Psalms 51: 14, 15 A great many people these days complain that their work is boring. The tendency Is to blame the job for lack of challenge. What usually makes work drudgery, however, is a person’s at titude not the work itself. Gjcloae DISTRIBUTOR I t I
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