Livestock market and auction news Omaha Cattle January 8 Weekly - 51 - Cattle compared with the previous \ eeks close - Closing prices Slaughter steers steady to 25 cents lower, heifers fully steady. Cows steady to 1.00 higher and bulls firm to 1.00 higher. Four Day Receipts 16,900 as compared 14,600 previous holiday period and 21,900 a year ago. Slaughter steers approximately 40 pet, heifers 33 pet, cows 17 pet, and feeders for Friday auction 8 pet. Overall finish Parade of the Profit-Makers i ■ __ These Plus-Proven Sires Are Available Daily For Your Dairy Herd: 15H128 WINTERthur Hector Ivanhoe Van Very Good [BB] & Production Qualified [Sept./75] USDA (Sept./75) - 146 Daus. in 97 Herds Ave. H9OOM 3.90% Predicted Difference (89% rpt.) +1.024M Type; 24 Classified Daus. Ave. 77.9 (act.); 17 Prs. -1.95 PDT Sire: Northmoor Leader Hector - GP & PQ Dam: Winterthur Ivanhoe Jaunty Paca - VG (88) 135 DAIRY SIRES ARE NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH OUR PROFESSIONAL TECHNICIAN SERVICE! -fl'tla.ntlc SERVICES* BREEDERS COOPERATIVE steers supply not attractive with predominance good to average-choice. Fair per centage choice heifers in cluded but most classes included many cattle carrying considerable mud. Fed cattle prices forced downward on opening session in reflection of a depressed carcass trade. Although in need of cattle to meet immediate slaughter requirements, most buying interests cautious and selective. Much of early price downturn regained at mid-week as movement of carcass beef improved and prices again pointed upward. Member—NAL Affiliated Breeders STEERS: Closing at midweek high time, load high-choice 1200 lbs. yield grade 3-4 45.50. Choice 975- 1225 lbs. yield grade 3-4 43.50- 45.25, many 44.00-45.00, load 1418 lbs. yield grade 3-4 44.00 Tuesday. Mixed good and choice 950-1200 lbs. 42.50- 43.75, occasionally to 44.00. Good 900-1200 lbs. 39.0041.50. Standard and low-good 36.50- 38.00. Average of LS-214, detailed quotations, for choice 900-1100 lb steers this week 44.05, choice 1100-1300 lbs 44.50. HEIFERS; Load choice and prime 1040 lbs. yield 581 F +SBF -['slo6 grade 3-4 44.00 at midweek. Choice 850-1050 lbs, yield grade 2-4 42.50 43.50, some quite muddy these weights, and some mostly choice 800- 850 lbs. 41.50-42.00. Mixed good and choice 750-975 lbs. 40.50-42.00. Good 34.tHW9.00, small lots standard and good 29.00-32.00. COWS: Utility and com mercial 23.00-25.50, few to 26.00. Conner and cutter 18.00- Mixed cutter and Utility 23.25-23.50. BULLS: Yield grade 1&2 1400-2000 lbs. 25.00-29.50, individual yield grade 1 30.00- MGI. Lancaster Feeder Cattle Friday, Jan. 2 Feeder Cattle 387 Today Two Weeks Ago 554 TREND: Small supply feeder steers over 700 lb. steady to 50 lower; bulk of supply 400-550 lb. weights with very few of these sold, few sales 1.00-2.00 lower. FEEDER STEERS: Choice 880-1090 lb. 38.25- 41.25, one load 730 lb. 40.85; mixed Good and Choice 650- 950 lb. 32.35-36.25, couple lots 435-550 lb. 31.25-32.25; couple lots Good 450-550 lb. 25.00- 29.00. Lebanon Valley Fredericksburg, Pa. January 6,1976 (Reporter off sick) (Auction not covered) J ~' V ' ? '■: r&f?**-' **•’ **;,' .V -*»»,' r ' v ~ 15H120 Harrisburg GAY Ideal Excellent [92] & Gold Medal; Production Qualified [Sept./75] USDA (Sept./75) - 502 Daus. in 260 Herds Ave. 15.769 M 3.66% Predicted Difference (95% rpt.) -f1,183M +s9l Type; 110 Classified Daus. Ave. 79.4 (act.); 85 Prs. +.03 PDT Sire: Tidy Burke Jerry - EX & PQ Dam; Harrisburg Osborndale Sue - VG (88) 24-Hour Toll-Free Phone Service Lancaster area 569-0411 throughout Pennsylvania 800-732-0391 Delaware & Maryland 800-233-0216 Lancaster Farming. Saturda Dewart Dcwart, PA January 5,1976 CATTLE 156. Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter cows steady to 50 cents higher. Few Good and Choice slaughter steers 40.00- few Standard 36.25-39.25, few Utility 28.00- 33.00. Individual Good slaughter heifer at 39.25, few Standard 31.75-35.50, Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 24.75-27.75, couple to 28.50, Cutters 23.00- 25.50, Canners 21.00-23.00. Couple Good slaughter bullocks 34.00 and 37.00, few Standard 31.00-32.00. Few Yield Grade No. 1, 1200-1500 lbs. slaughter bulls 28.00- 31.50. CALVES 193. Vealers grading Utility steady to $3 lower. Few Choice vealers 62.00- few Good 43.00- 62.00, Standard 35.00-45.00, Utility 90-110 lbs. 24.00-27.00, 70-85 lbs. 22.00-23.50. Farm Calves: Holstein bulls 100- 120 lbs. 27.00-36.00. HOGS 266. Barrows and gilts 50 cents lower. US No. 1- 2 210-230 lbs. barrows and gilts 51.00-51.50, No. 1-3 200- 245 lbs. 50.70-51.20. US No. 1-3 275-600 lbs. sows 38.75-46.00. Boars 29.5058.00. FEEDER PIGS 61. US No. 1-3 35-45 lbs. feeder pigs 35.0044.00 per head, lot No. 1-3 130 lbs. at 47.00 per hundred weight. SHEEP 27. Mixed Good and Choice 80-120 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 45.00-51.00, few Utility 45-70 lbs. 34.50- 39.00. Jan. 10.1976 — USDA Report January 5,1976 Cattle 400. Slaughter steers & heifers fully $1 lower; Cows firm to 50 cents higher; bulls and feeder cattle steady. Supply 30 percent slaughter steers & heifers, 50 percent cows, 15 percent feeder cattle, balance bulls. STEERS: Few Choice yield grade No. 3 1100 lbs. 45.00- couple lots High Good & Choice yield grade 2- 4 1150-1165 lbs. 43.00-43.10, Good 975-1300 lbs. 37.00-42.00, Standard & Low Good 26.50- 35.25. HEIFERS: Good yield grade 2-4 715-1050 lbs. 33.10- 36.25, Standard & Low Good 26.85-30.00. COWS: Utility 24.00- Cutter 20.00-24.25, Conner & Low Cutter 17.00- 20.00, few 550-760 lbs. 13.00- 16.00, BULLS: Yield Grade No. 1 1150-1590 lbs. 28.00- 32.60, yield grade No. 2 22.50- 25.60. FEEDER CATTLE: Few Choice steers 835-997 lbs. 38.00-38.85, Good & Choice 550-850 lbs. 34.00- 36.00, Good 560-750 lbs. 31.50- 33.00, package Choice steer calves 350 lbs. 34.60. Few Good & Choice 385-470 lbs. 30.50-31.00; Choice heifer calves 330490 lbs. 24.50-26.25, few Good 20.50-22.75. HOGS 650. Barrows & Gilts mostly SO cents lower. US No. 1-3 200-240 lbs. 49,00- 49.50. No. 2-3 230-260 lbs. 48.50-49.00 No. 24 250-280 lbs. 47.5048.50. SOWS: Steady. US No. 1-3 300-600 lbs. 36.00- 37.50. 577 F +32F ii V NAAB V*^S?V V A I Setn**n I V Supplier i 5
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